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Color Codes

Below is a small list of 38 color codes to use in your HTML documents. We have provided
an image of the actual color, the code, and a sample of what the color looks like as text.
You can save this page by choosing SAVE AS from the file menu. We did not include white or
black below. The codes for them are: "#FFFFFF" for white and "#000000" for black.

Color "#000066" COLOR
Color "#003399" COLOR
Color "#006666" COLOR
Color "#00cc66" COLOR
Color "#336600" COLOR
Color "#336666" COLOR
Color "#660099" COLOR
Color "#663333" COLOR
Color "#666666" COLOR
Color "#6666ff" COLOR
Color "#669999" COLOR
Color "#66cccc" COLOR
Color "#990000" COLOR
Color "#993399" COLOR
Color "#996600" COLOR
Color "#996699" COLOR
Color "#999900" COLOR
Color "#999966" COLOR
Color "#999999" COLOR
Color "#9999cc" COLOR
Color "#9999ff" COLOR
Color "#cc3300" COLOR
Color "#cc33cc" COLOR
Color "#cc9900" COLOR
Color "#cc9966" COLOR
Color "#cc9999" COLOR
Color "#ccff99" COLOR
Color "#ccffcc" COLOR
Color "#ff0000" COLOR
Color "#ff0066" COLOR
Color "#ff6600" COLOR
Color "#ff6699" COLOR
Color "#ff8080" COLOR
Color "#ff9933" COLOR
Color "#ffcccc" COLOR
Color "#ffff00" COLOR
Color "#ffff99" COLOR
Color "#ffffcc" COLOR

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