Veia grins.

Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +

say the problem is with new spells I havent the time to train them up , and the new spells keep pouring in

You say in common, 'The problem is with new spells I havent the time to train them up , and the new spells keep pouring in'

> sigh

You sigh.

> say its a rough life...

You say in common, 'Its a rough life...'

> Xi chuckles.

Autosaving character...Ok

Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'

Xi asks in magic, 'You sew for a living, right dorche?'

say sometimes ive been known to sew...

You say in common, 'Sometimes ive been known to sew...'

> Veia says in magic, 'I always work them up with scrolls, usually by the time I'm writing at 300 they're usually novice and I've gotten several sw imps.'

Xi asks in magic, 'What do you do veia?'

Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'

say Veia is a moocher

You say in common, 'Veia is a moocher'

> chuckle

You chuckle.

> Xi chuckles.

Veia says in magic, 'Um I mostly work up spells obscenely fast and make

people jealous.'

Veia grins.

Xi snickers.

emote tries not to look jealous...and fails.

Xi begins to incant a spell.

Dorche tries not to look jealous...and fails.

> Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'

Veia pats you on the head.

Veia grins.

Xi begins to incant a spell.

Veia says (OOC),'lag+'

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'

say what im jealous of is your friends

You say in common, 'What im jealous of is your friends'

> Veia cackles.

say you never introduce me at parties...

Xi begins to incant a spell.

You say in common, 'You never introduce me at parties...'

> Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'

say I dont meet a soul

You say in common, 'I dont meet a soul'

> Veia giggles.


You grin.

> Xi chuckles.

Indigo wanders around the room.

Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'

Veia says in magic, 'Heh I can introduce you to Tsathoggua....'

Retreat lies down for a nap.

Veia grins.

Griffith shouts in common, 'Buffy (come here)'

Xi laughs.


What ?

> emote mumvles

Dorche mumvles

> chuckle

You chuckle.

> Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'

say I didnt know I could mumvle

You say in common, 'I didnt know I could mumvle'

(Don't ask me why this was on here, it was a log. Don't ask me why I decided to post it anyway, I'm suffering from sleep deprivation. I skipped some of the moments that weren't related to anything in particular even more so than the above, if that's possible.)

say can I show you a ne spell Veia? i cant share it but been dying to show it..

You say in common, 'Can I show you a ne spell Veia? i cant share it but been dying to show it..'

> smilef

smile faintly

You smile faintly.

> Veia asks in magic, 'Oh ok, make me drool why don't you?'

Veia pokes you in the ribs.


You chuckle.

> say ready?

You ask in common, 'Ready?'

> grinf

emote grins faintly

Dorche grins faintly

> Veia nods.

cast red_dragon_fire @800

You begin to cast the spell.

> You continue casting.

You fill the room with fire.

Fisk is horribly burned!

Fisk attacks Indigo the dog!

Indigo attacks Fisk the raccoon!

0 is horribly burned!

0 is horribly burned!

Retreat is horribly burned!

Retreat attacks Indigo the dog!

Xi is horribly burned!

Wraith is horribly burned!

Wraith attacks Indigo the dog!

Veia is horribly burned!

The flames vanish.

Xi takes 25 ounces of tallow.

Fisk missed Indigo's left hind leg with his right claw.

Fisk missed Indigo's left foreleg with his teeth.

Fisk missed Indigo's left foreleg with his left claw.

Indigo missed Fisk's left foreleg with his teeth.

Wraith missed Indigo's left hind leg with her teeth.

Fisk missed Indigo's head with his right claw.

Retreat missed Indigo's head with her teeth.

Veia says in magic, 'Ack.'

Fisk missed Indigo's body with his teeth.

Fisk hit Indigo's body barely with his left claw!]

Indigo missed Fisk's body with his teeth.

unlock door

You unlock the door.

> Xi asks in magic, 'Solar flare?'

open door

Wraith hit Indigo's body barely with her teeth!

Fisk hit Indigo's body barely with his right claw!

Retreat missed Indigo's body with her teeth.

You open the door.

> Fisk hit Indigo's right hind leg barely with his right claw!

Fisk missed Indigo's left foreleg with his left claw.

Fisk hit Indigo's right foreleg barely with his teeth!

Indigo hit Fisk's left hind leg glancingly with his teeth!


You are Dorche the gnome.

Age: 49 years

You are not hungry, and not thirsty.

Encumbrance: Wow, you can carry a lot!

Concentration: You're bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Movement: Who needs a teleport spell?

Your aura appears to be yellowish-green.

> lead w

Invalid direction to lead to.

> lead e

Wraith hit Indigo's left hind leg barely with her teeth!

Fisk hit Indigo's head with his teeth!

Retreat missed Indigo's head with her teeth.

Wraith missed Indigo's right foreleg with her teeth.

Indigo leaves east.

Silver Coin Hallway

This is a north/south hallway running from the north end of the Silver Coin Inn to its south end. On either side of you are rooms which are available for rent downstairs in the lobby. There are symbols on each door. It is bright here. There are four exits, south, a closed east door leading east, an open west door leading west, and down.

Indigo the dog.

a trashcan.

> lead w

lead e

Indigo leaves west.

Room 2 of the Silver Coin

This is a simple, yet functional room which offers a person and his or her junk a place to stay for a moderate price. There is a window overlooking the mage's guild. It is well lit here. There is one obvious exit, an open door leading east.

Indigo the dog.

7 apples (not stored).

Veia the elf.

Wraith the dog.

Xi the troll.

Retreat the dog.

a scroll (not stored), a spellbook of [magic] Refresh_other, a peanut (not stored), an extremely small iron curved knife (not stored), a spellbook of [magic] Lirrin's_glow, the corpse of Blacklung the cat surrounded by a yellow aura with a ghostly figure above it, the corpse of Plague the cat surrounded by a yellowish-green aura with a ghostly figure above it, an open human leather scabbard (not stored), 217 ounces of tallow (not stored), a small metal vial with some white jeggarukh in it, an open human leather baldric, 682 ounces of tallow, and a yard of cotton candlewick.

Fisk the raccoon.

an open cotton moneybag, a small metal vial with some white jeggarukh in it, an outstanding pine drop spindle, a storage bin, a storage bin, a storage bin, a needle, an open iron bound pine chest, a pair of four point antlers, a somewhat large tin scissors, and a bed.

> Wraith missed Indigo's body with her teeth.

Retreat hit Indigo's body barely with her teeth!

Fisk missed Indigo's left hind leg with his left claw.

Indigo leaves east.

Silver Coin Hallway

This is a north/south hallway running from the north end of the Silver Coin Inn to its south end. On either side of you are rooms which are available for rent downstairs in the lobby. There are symbols on each door. It is bright here. There are four exits, south, a closed east door leading east, an open west door leading west, and down.

Indigo the dog.

a trashcan.

> Indigo attacks Fisk the raccoon!

Fisk waddles in from the west.

Indigo missed Fisk's body with his teeth.

(Henceforth follows a lot of Dorche hauling ass through town, healing his dog, and hurriedly logging off and back on. Damn and I forgot to look at his password. ;P)

knock on west door

You knock on the west door.

Wait a moment to see if anyone answers.

> Veia strides in from the west.

bow sheepishly

You bow sheepishly.

> A board squeaks on the stairs.

The grey mage arrives silently from the down.

Veia says in magic, 'Wow you knocked on an open door.'

The grey mage flows silently towards the other rooms.

Veia grins.


You grin.

> The grey mage arrives gracefully from the south.

say im so sorry

You say in common, 'Im so sorry'

> Solon smiles.

Veia curtseys.

Solon bows.

say it didnt do that when in my room alone

You say in common, 'It didnt do that when in my room alone'

> Veia says in magic, 'Um yeah next time join the party first.'

bow to solon

You bow to Solon.

> chuckle

You chuckle.

> Veia says in magic, 'It affects everyone who's not in your party.'

say I will

You say in common, 'I will'

> Veia says in magic, 'Baraki uses it quite frequently.'

emote looks contrite.

Dorche looks contrite.

> Martricio shouts in common, 'I must leave your town soon.'

Veia says in magic, 'It was sort of neat except now I can't call Fisk off and he'll be biting your ass.'

say I thought it might do damdage but after in my room no damage...

You say in common, 'I thought it might do damdage but after in my room no damage...'

> Veia grins.

say I quit and came back

You say in common, 'I quit and came back'

> Solon asks in common, 'Discovered a good phenomenon?'

Veia says in magic, 'Oh that should work ok.'


You nod.

> Xi stamps menacingly toward you from the west.

Xi says in magic, 'Well hello Psycho'

say sorry Xi

You say in common, 'Sorry Xi'

> chuckle

Xi laughs.

Veia giggles.

You chuckle.

> say that pyro thank you

You say in common, 'That pyro thank you'

> smile

You smile.

> Xi says in magic, 'Thought it was pretty neat actually'

Veia grins.

Xi says in magic, 'Good thing I was in row two.'

say sorry that happened though

You say in common, 'Sorry that happened though'

> Xi chuckles.

Martricio shouts in common, 'So long! I will return soon.'

Xi says in magic, 'It was really funny'

Xi says in magic, 'Sorry to intrude on the conversation, just wanted to say that'

say please firgive me once I ran out out the room I laughed like hell

You say in common, 'Please firgive me once I ran out out the room I laughed like hell'

> grin

You grin.

> Elzed shouts in common, 'Any one going my way? Get aboard!'

Xi says in magic, 'Back to my studies'

Xi waves.

Xi stomps off, destroying everything that stays in his way as he heads to the west.

Veia says in magic, 'Heh just looked back at that, you burned a 0 too.'

Veia grins.

Solon waves.


You wave.

> The grey mage flows gracefully towards the other rooms.

Veia waves.

say gonna try coming back in

You say in common, 'Gonna try coming back in'

> Veia says in magic, 'Heh Baraki would die laughing if he knew about that one.'

Veia grins.

say no fire this time

You say in common, 'No fire this time'

> grin

You grin.

> Autosaving character...Ok

Veia grins.

Veia purposefully paces off, heading for the west.

lead w

Room 2 of the Silver Coin

This is a simple, yet functional room which offers a person and his or her junk a place to stay for a moderate price. There is a window overlooking the mage's guild. It is well lit here. There is one obvious exit, an open door leading east.

Indigo the dog.

7 apples (not stored).

Veia the elf.

Wraith the dog.

Xi the troll.

Retreat the dog.

a scroll (not stored), a spellbook of [magic] Refresh_other, a peanut (not stored), an extremely small iron curved knife (not stored), a spellbook of [magic] Lirrin's_glow, the corpse of Blacklung the cat surrounded by a yellow aura with a ghostly figure above it, the corpse of Plague the cat surrounded by a yellowish-green aura with a ghostly figure above it, an open human leather scabbard (not stored), 217 ounces of tallow (not stored), a small metal vial with some white jeggarukh in it, an open human leather baldric, 682 ounces of tallow, and a yard of cotton candlewick.

Fisk the raccoon.

an open cotton moneybag, a small metal vial with some white jeggarukh in it, an outstanding pine drop spindle, a storage bin, a storage bin, a storage bin, a needle, an open iron bound pine chest, a pair of four point antlers, a somewhat large tin scissors, and a bed.

> Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'


You sigh.

> Xi smiles.

close door

You close the door.

> lock door

You lock the door.

> Veia says in magic, 'Oh good nothing's beating you up.'


You grin.

> say always a good thing

You say in common, 'Always a good thing'

> Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Elzed shouts in common, 'See you later!'

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'

say though I deserve a good beating

You say in common, 'Though I deserve a good beating'

> Veia says in magic, 'That's another good spell to detect thief types though.'


Veia grins.

emote nods slowly

Dorche nods slowly

> Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'

Veia says in magic, 'If you use it right anyway.'

Xi says in magic, 'In a rather violent manner'

Veia pokes you in the ribs.

say thats what I was wanting it to do

You say in common, 'Thats what I was wanting it to do'

> say not the damdage

You say in common, 'Not the damdage'

> say btw how much damdge did it do?

You ask in common, 'Btw how much damdge did it do?'

> Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Fisk lies down for a nap.


You grin.

> Veia says in magic, 'I only went down to very healthy.'


You nod.

> Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'

say when I saw the room light up like that I couldnt believe it

You say in common, 'When I saw the room light up like that I couldnt believe it'

> smilef

smile faintly

You smile faintly.

> Veia grins.

Xi chuckles softly.

Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

say Noiprocs is gonna keep the deposit on this room for sure...

You say in common, 'Noiprocs is gonna keep the deposit on this room for sure...'

> Xi smiles.

Veia says in magic, 'Heh now I have ammunition for blackmail....'

Xi begins to incant a spell.

Veia smirks.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'


You chuckle.

> say no anything but that!

You exclaim in common, 'No anything but that!'

> Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

The room is full. The tallow can't be stored here.

Xi drops 50 ounces of tallow.

Veia says in magic, 'You know I'm never going to let you forget this little incident though.'

Veia pokes you in the ribs.

Veia grins.

Retreat lies down for a nap.

say ill even let you tie me up and spank me like you wanted , just dont tell anyone!

You exclaim in common, 'Ill even let you tie me up and spank me like you wanted , just dont tell anyone!'

> snicker coftly

Xi takes 100 ounces of tallow.

You snicker.

> Xi snickers.

Veia rolls her eyes.

say er oops

You say in common, 'Er oops'

> Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Veia cackles.

say hi Xi, didnt seee you there hehe

You say in common, 'Hi Xi, didnt seee you there hehe'

> grin

You grin.

> Veia grins.

Xi begins to incant a spell.

Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'

Xi snickers.

Veia pats you on the head.

bow gallantly

You bow gallantly.

> Xi begins to incant a spell.

say I pride myself on a good show

You say in common, 'I pride myself on a good show'

> Xi incants some mystic phrases.

Xi says in magic, 'Lirrin's_glow +'

say thank you thank you

You say in common, 'Thank you thank you'

> Veia says (OOC),'Haha I wish I'd been logging, that woulda been cool to put on my page.

(And so there you have it, random blabberings and all. ;P)
