If I could take a single song
And knock on heavens door.
The song would tell the story
Of those who went to war.
A song of sadness would I bear
For him to hear me sing.
I know that when he heard my song
His heart would feel the sting.
A hero's welcome all received
In World War one & two.
Korean vets when they returned
Were treated right and true.
And you all gently took them in
To heal their hurts and woes.
When we returned from Vietnam
You crushed our very souls
The signs you carried told your side.
But what gave you the right?
The ones left dead or missing,
That fight this countries fights?
The young men not yet 20
Who fought until their deaths?
The whispered names of loved ones
That were their dying breath?
The father of three children.
A war so far away.
The children are all grown now.
But he's an M.I.A.
Our wounded, dead or missing,
Were not honored like before
And when we needed welcome
You simply shut the door.
Vietnam we left behind
For what we knew before.
What we found in you my friends
Was just another war.
A war with different weapons.
A war we could not win.
And loving God and Country
Had been our only sin.
The casualities you've caused us,
In suicides and insanes
Has added to the coldness
We all have now ingrained
And now you offer me your hand.
A friend? A friend indeed .
Where were you my cherished friend
When my soul had the need.
So when you need forgiving
From me for bygone days.
Then take away the suffering
From 10,000 pain filled days.
The kind of pain that gets inside
And tears your soul apart.
The kind of pain you only feel
From deep inside the heart.
For those of you who judged us
And watched us like some show.
Our freedom has a flavor friend
That you will never know.
~~compliments of RNnAL

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