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My Good Buddies

My family...

Mom... original name, huh? Very cool chick. Gives me money, and lets me drive her car... (5-5-99)

Dad... another original name... Also gives me money... Also lets me drive his vehicle... The two best parents I could ever wish to have... seriously. (5-13-99)

Josh... An interesting kid... He's an 8th grader, and acts like it. Obsessed with Nintendo and can beat any game you throw at him... Okay, now he's a freshman and has everyone (including me) convinced that he's a full-blown genious. Man, he impresses me. (11-4-99)

Brianna... THE BEST SISTER ON THE PLANET... She's like a mixture of the good parts of Hanson, Shania Twain, and about every cool musician ever. She's also got a very talented guitarist... heh heh heh. Her boyfriend is my girlfriend's "little brother" (actually, her neighbor) Ummm... but now they've broken up and she can't stand him... Thus go the prongs of love... (11-4-99)

My Buddies... Sorry if I forgot anybody... Just write me and I'll get ya on here...

Becca... One of my favorite buddies, she's also one of the few who are on my Buddy List as well. I don't get to hang with her as much as I'd like, but... a good friend. Also one of the few people crazy enough to want to go to Prom with me... :-) Too bad she's all the way out in Mississippi... (5-5-99)

David... One of my best buddies right there. Always up for hanging out, always there to talk or email or help out... A really strong Christian and a great guy... I hope to see him again at camp, several times... And since he's the guy taking me to camp, I probably will... And I did, too. Saw him at High School Camp (to which I drove his car), and again at Junior II Camp... Still consider him one of my best buds... I look forward to being his roommate at MCC... (11-4-99)

BJ... An awesome musician, and great friend. Also quite the ladies' man... I don't get to hang much with him or David, but when I do, it's always good times... (5-5-99)

Fred... Big dork. Sorry, couldn't resist. Good guy. Loves sound equiptment more than I do (that's tough). Great vocalist, and awesome sound guy. I wouldn't sound half as good as I usually do without him at the board... He is in the same boat as me about the singing valentines... Okay, and since then, he and me and two Ashleys went to Prom and had a great time! Gonna miss ya, buddy... Good luck in all that you do... Hey, and I can't complain when he lends me an Austin Powers costume for Halloween... (11-4-99)

Aaron... Bigger dork. Oops. Did I say that out loud? Anyway, waaaaaay talented musician. Great guy, and he's on the morning announcements... I tought him how to play guitar... well, some of it, anyhow... I'm gonna miss big A, too... Another round of good luck goes out to ya, A... (6-5-99)

Nick... blows me away every time. Awesome singer, pianist, and just about everything else he tries. Good Christian guy, and a good friend. And quite the co-producer... heh heh heh... Also, I absolutely LOVE doing Praise and Worship with the guy. He is incredibly awesome. (11-4-99)

Ashley... short. Very irritating. Also one of the most fun people to be around that I know. Hopefully she'll forgive me for sending her a singing valentine... She also lives next door to my sister's boyfriend... She's also a lot of fun at DC Talk. For those who care, I am taking this lucky female to PROM... Boy, it seems that the only person I update is Ash... Oh well... I seem to get her in trouble most of the time, as well... Well, I'd just like to say that there is a reason I only update Ash lately... Because now we're going out and I got the girl on the mind, ya know what I'm sayin'? What else can be said about lil ole Ash? Oh well. She rocks. Hmm... Since I last updated Ash's entry, we've broken up, and then gotten back together (both officially and unofficially), so I guess the chick is here to stay. And I don't mind one bit. (11-4-99)

Sharon... also short. Also can be irritating. And also fun to hang with. And also ticked off about those singing valentines... Sorry, ladies... Oh, and Sharon, please forgive me for stealing Ash from ya. I promise I'll try not to take her away TOO much... (5-5-99)

Josh... my drummer. And an awesome one, let me add. One of my most devout Christian friends, probably the one I can relate to most. Also quite humorous as Mr. Giggles... (5-13-99)

Dawg... an old buddy of mine. I still see him once in a while, but not often enough... Good guy, fun to hang with. (5-5-99)

Dustin... short loser. Oh, wait, was that out loud? Tries to be a ladies man. Usually fails... Good guy, though. Just don't start moving in on my women... (5-5-99)

Sandra D... Hands down the strongest female on the planet. Man, this chick can throw heavy metal objects much farther than I can. And she's really not psycho. Really. And the fact that her pet is a plastic flamingo named Steve (who's a girl) does not prove otherwise... (5-13-99)

Carmen... Without Carmen I would have no idea what goes on in my girlfriend's head. I mean, who can REALLY understand a chick besides a chick? I mean, geez... Love ya, Carmen, like a sister. (11-4-99)

Sonya... Yet another insane person to hang with- usually attached to David... She's one of two people I know who can spend hours at a horseshoe pit without playing horseshoes... hehehe... She knows what I'm talking about... (7-22-99)

Jennifer.. AKA "Fer"... Someone who I'd never really thought of as a "bud" before... But I come to find out that she really is... and a good one at that... I really do appreciate her being there for me when I needed her and her allowing me to be there for her when she needed me. (11-4-99)

Shawn... I cannot believe that after all of this time I've never mentioned Shawnie... Well, he may only be a sophomore, but a finer bassist is hard to come by. Shawn is always ready to introduce a crazy new idea or something, although he remains a VERY cool and laid back guy. He is absolutely awesome. (11-4-99)

Casey... Man, I'm just thinking of tons of peeps that I have to add tonight. Casey is a great trombone player, and always there to add a joke or something. Excellent, man, excellent. (11-4-99)

Rob... One of the strongest Christians I've ever had the priveledge of meeting. Shoot, he was a strong Christian even before he accepted Christ. Now this is one hilarious guy. Love ya, Roberino. (11-4-99)

Well, that's all I've got time for right now... Again, I'm sorry cuz I know I've missed A LOT of people, but I'll update this page as often as I can and you will get on here, I promise...

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UPDATED 11-4-99