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“We were sworn to secrecy beforehand, but Emma Restall Orr and I [Greywolf] were approached by the organisers of the 2012 Paralympics closing ceremony with a surprising request. They wanted our permission to use parts of the Gorsedd ritual we wrote in 1997. So, about 20 minutes into the ceremony, these words went out to 750 million people around the world.” (Druid Liturgy in Paralympics Closing Ceremony)

Most interesting is Emma Restall Orr, former joint chief of the British Druid Order, founder of the Druid Network and co-author of the 2012 Paralympics Druid liturgy. In the year 2000, Orr joined with Anglican clergymen for “a Christian-Druid dialogue and reconciliation meeting for the new Millennium.” This Christian-Druid dialogue and reconciliation actually convened at Stonehenge, in Amesbury, Wiltshire, a detail not fully disclosed in the May 2000 Telegraph article:

“SENIOR Church of England clergy are to join Druids and pagans at a controversial conference... The conference, Spirit of the Land 2000, is described as ‘a Christian-Druid dialogue and reconciliation meeting for the new Millennium’. It is being held against a background of growing interest in New Age religion and white magic. Organisers of the event include Emma Restall Orr, the joint chief of the British Druid Order, the Rev Marcus Small, a vicar in Hertfordshire, and the Dean of Guildford, the Very Rev Alexander Wedderspoon...a number of clergy already participated in joint Christian and pagan services, but there was still too much ignorance and hostility. Mark Graham, of the Pagan Federation, which represents Druidry, Wicca and shamanism, said: ‘Some pagans believe in magic, just like some Christians believe in the power of prayer and miracles.’ ‘We celebrate our connectedness to nature and I will sometimes dance naked around a fire. They aren’t doing much dancing around a fire naked at matins or evensong but perhaps they should. Perhaps they will like it.’ ...The day-long conference at Amesbury, Wiltshire, in June, will be chaired by Rosemary Hartill, the former BBC religious affairs correspondent. Speakers include Martin Palmer, a former adviser to Prince Philip, and Ronald Hutton, a professor of history at Bristol University. The event will end with a Christian service and a Druid ceremony in which a green-robed priestess will make offerings of bread and mead...” (“Alarm Over Church Talks With Druids,” Jonathan Petre, Sunday, May 21, 2000; Issue 1822, Electronic Telegraph)”

“Amesbury is a town and civil parish in Wiltshire, England. It is most famous for the prehistoric monument of Stonehenge which is in its parish, and for the discovery of the Amesbury Archer—dubbed the King of Stonehenge in the press—in 2002... The town is linked to the Arthurian legend as it is popularly believed that Guinevere retired to the original convent at Amesbury after leaving Arthur. Legend holds that she is buried in the grounds of the former Abbey.” (Wikipedia)

Lee Penn, the author of False Dawn: The United Religions Organization, Globalism and the Quest for a One World Religion, wrote of this event that the meeting ended with acts of worship from Christian and Druid traditions:

“Formal reconciliation between Anglicans and pagans?  Church of England priests met with Druids and pagans on July 1, 2000 at the ‘Spirit of the Land 2000’ conference to ‘herald a new era of reconciliation and respect’ among the faiths.  The meeting was to ‘end with short acts of worship from each tradition, Christian and Druid songs, and the saying together of the Millennium Pledge.’” (“Strange ‘Diversities,’” The Christian Challenge, March 8, 2001)                                        

Apparently, the ‘Spirit of the Land 2000’ conference was neither the first nor the last of its kind:

“There have been conferences on Druidry and Christianity held at Prinknash abbey in Gloucestershire, and also conferences in Oxford and Lewes where Witches, Christians and Druids have shared their ideas in a spirit of tolerance and understanding.” (Order of Bards & Druids)

Questions now arise:

  •  Is the Druid leader, Emma Restall Orr, related to the late J. Edwin Orr, co-founder of the National Association of Evangelicals who with Charles Fuller commissioned John Stott to revive the World Evangelical Fellowship, which is an NGO of the United Nations, from the “dying embers” of the Evangelical Alliance, which was founded in 1846 at an unprecedented global missionary gathering in London at the United Grand Lodge of England headquarters at Freemason Hall.

  • Was John Stott, who was Honorary Chaplain to Queen Elizabeth (a Druid Bard), a leader in the Anglican Church and a major figure in the Evangelical movement, involved in the Spirit of 2000 Christian-Druid dialogue and reconciliation meeting or prior Christian-Druid gatherings?  As a leader in the Church of England, John Stott was surely aware of the Christian-Druid Reconciliation Conference, and yet he remained silent. Only two lesser known Anglican clergymen in attendance were identified, so it remains a secret who were the other clergymen in attendance.

Few Christians today have heard of either J. Edwin Orr or John Stott, but they were dominant figures in transforming the Christian Church into the global apostate church we see today.  Their influence on the Christian churches was pervasive and deadly, a testimony to the success of the New Age Plan revealed by Theosophist Alice Bailey in her 1922 book, Initiation Human and Solar.

“Very definitely may the assurance be given here that, prior to the coming of the Christ, adjustments will be made so that at the head of all great organizations will be found either a Master, or an initiate who has taken the third initiation. At the head of certain of the great occult groups, of the Freemasons of the world, and of the various great divisions of the church, and resident in many of the great nations will be found initiates or Masters. (Alice Bailey, Initiation: Human & Solar, pp. 61-62)

Whether or not J. Edwin Orr was related to Emma Restall Orr, or John Stott attended at any of the Druid-Anglican dialogue and reconciliation meetings, the life work of these two men made possible the Masonic infiltration of the Christian denominations and churches and the mainstreaming of paganism in the present-day apostate Church.  The Masonic strategy for transforming the Christian Church, undermining its fundamental doctrines and modifying the Great Commissionfrom personal evangelism to “world evangelization—was conceived by the Prieuré de Sion in Paris and implemented in Great Britain, whence it emanated throughout the world. 

We have long past taken care to discredit the priesthood of the Goyim, and thereby to ruin their mission on earth which in these days might still be a great hindrance to us. Day by day its influence on the peoples of the world is falling lower. Freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere, so that now only years divide us from them moment of the complete wrecking of that Christian religion... But, in the meantime, while we are re-educating youth in new traditional religions and afterwards in ours, we shall not overtly lay a finger on existing churches, but we shall fight against them by criticism calculated to produce schism...” (Protocol 17)


Biographical information on J. Edwin Orr from the Billy Graham Archives at Wheaton College states that James Edwin Orr was born January 15, 1912, in Belfast, Ireland, to William Stewart and Rose (Wright) Orr. Thus J. Edwin Orr appears to have belonged to the Stewart Clan of the Merovingian ‘sacred bloodlines’ who according to their own literature descended from the Anunnaki / Nephilim.  J. Edwin Orr used his mother’s maiden name to conceal his Merovingian Jewish paternity and ancestry. The Billy Graham archive profile of J. Edwin Orr states that he received his doctorate from Oxford University where his major field/dissertation was “great awakenings / revivals.”


J. Edwin Orr and Billy Graham were “anointed evangelists” trained for ministry in Henrietta Mears’ Forest Home. James Orr, Charles Fuller, and Harold Ockenga launched Billy Graham and Fuller Seminary, which trained the men who started the Vineyard Movement, US Center for World Mission (not “Missions” plural), the A.D. 2000 United Prayer Track, the Coalition on Revival, and the National Association of Evangelicals—in short, the entire spectrum of Evangelical organizations which transformed the Christian churches into the ecumenical, non-doctrinal, signs and lying wonders revival of the last century. (See: “Filling the Blanks with Fuller”)

According to Grace Community Church elder, Phil Johnson, In the 1940s, Dr. Jack [MacArthur] served as an Extension speaker for the Moody Bible Institute. Later, while pastoring in Southern California, he and Edwin Orr founded an outreach ministry to people in the film and television industry (In Memoriam: Dr. Jack MacArthur, 1914-2005) That outreach ministry was the Hollywood Christian Group which met in Henrietta Mears Forest Home. Roy Rogers, 33° Mason and convert of Jack MacArthur was a member of The Hollywood Christian Group. (See: Jack MacArthur's Involvement at Highest Level of World Ecumenical Movement Forest Home also hosts the Winter Youth Camp attended by children in John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church (See Part 8: John MacArthur’s Druid Festival.

(click to enlarge)

J. Edwin Orr was an advisor to Billy Graham, another “sacred family,” from the outset of Graham’s career, which was funded by William Randolf Hearst among other powerful bloodlines (Vanderbilt, Whitney, Gould, Rockefeller). In 1974, the year John Stott launched the first International Consultation on World Evangelism (ICOWE) and drafted the Lausanne Covenant, J. Edwin Orr founded the Oxford Reading and Research Conference on Evangelical Awakenings. (Billy Graham Archives, Wheaton College)


J. Edwin Orr, Charles Fuller and Harold Ockenga founded the National Association of Evangelicals in 1942. In 1951 the NAE commissioned John Stott (in consultation with Billy Graham) to develop the guiding principles of what would become the World Evangelical Fellowship (WEF). The World Evangelical Fellowship was a revival of what had originally been the Evangelical Alliance (EA). The EA, which continues to be a functioning ecumenical body in the UK, was founded in 1846 at an unprecedented global missionary gathering in London at the United Grand Lodge of England headquarters at Freemason Hall. One hundred years later, John Stott was commissioned by the National Association of Evangelicals to revive the dying embers of the Evangelical Alliance. The NAE now represents North America as a member of the World Evangelical Alliance, which is an NGO in Special Consultative Status of the United Nations. (NGO ECOSOC)

J. Edwin Orr’s connections include Abraham Vereide, founder of the National Prayer Breakfast, and Pat Robertson, whose mother was a blood relative of Sir Winston Churchill:

Besides his writing, teaching, and preaching, Dr. Orr had great impact on evangelicals around the world through his friendship with other leading Christians. He was an advisor of Billy Graham’s from the start of that evangelist’s career, a friend of Abraham Vereide and [Orr] helped shape the prayer breakfast movement that grew out of Vereide’s International Christian Leadership, and he was a important leader in Andrew Gihs Evangelize China Fellowship. (Billy Graham Archives)

Abraham Vereide, who founded the National Prayer Breakfast was mentor to Harald Bredesen who, in turn, mentored Pat Robertson (CNP).  Robertson’s ancestor, Sir Winston Churchill, who was an active Freemason and a member of the Albion Lodge of the Ancient Order of Druids, which founded Oxford University in the year 1245 A.D. (See: Project Megiddo: Dual Pedigrees) Sir Winston Churchill directed the first International Congress of Eugenics in London in 1912 and also maintained a friendship with Billy Graham, a 33º Mason and prominent Merovingian family of medieval Scotland.


In Part 13: History of the Druids, evidence was presented that the Druids were Hebrews of the tribe of Dan. A recent book titled When Scotland Was Jewish proposes that, based on DNA and other evidence, Scotland was and is largely Jewish. The Jewish Campbell Clan branches (septs) include Clan MacArthur and the Orr Clan.

“So why are we proposing that many of Scotland’s people were Jewish? For the simple reason that is true. In the chapters that follow, we present evidence from several empirical sources — DNA, public records, anthropological observations, architecture, archeological excavations, family and clan genealogical records, censuses, cemetery inscriptions, burgess and guild membership rolls, ethnographic reports, and synagogue membership rolls. These document the seemingly incredible claim that Scotland was, and remains, a country populated largely by persons of Jewish descent...

“The Campbell septs include several with an apparent Hebrew connection (italicized)4:

“Septs: Arthur, Bannatyne, Burnes, Burness, Burnett, Burns, Connochie, Conochie, Denoon, Denune, Gibbon, Gibson, Harres, Harris, Hawes, Haws, Hawson, Isaac, Isaacs, Iverson, Kellar, Keller, Kissack, Kissock, Lorne, MacArtair, MacArthur, MacColm, MacColmbe, Mac-Conachie, MacConchie, MacEller, MacElvie, MacGibbon, MacEver, MacGlasrich, MacGubbin, MacGure, MacIsaac, MacIver, MacIvor, MacKellar, MacKelvie, MacKerlie, MacKerlich, MacKessack, MacKessock, MacKissoch, MacLaws, MacLehose, MacNochol, MacNocaird, MacOran, MacOwen, MacPhedran, MacPhun, MacTause, MacTavish, MacThomas, MacUre, Moore, Muir, Ochiltree, Orr, Pinkerton, Taweson, Tawesson, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Thomson, Ure...” (pp. 50, 98, 237) 1.



In 2005, TIME magazine named John Stott among the 100 most influential people in the world. (“The 2005 Time 100”)  Yet many Christians have never heard of this dominant figure in Evangelicalism. John Stott is frequently quoted by John MacArthur, who states that he was greatly influenced by Stotts book, The Preachers Portrait. (Grace To You)


John R.W. Stott was a Cambridge-educated Anglican minister, Rector of All Souls Church, London from 1950-75.  Stott served as Honorary Chaplain to the Queen of England for 32 years and was named in the Queen’s New Years Honours list as Commander of the British Empire (CBE) on December 31, 2005. A leader in the Church of England, John Stott denied the doctrine of eternal punishment in hell and believed in annihilationism. Stott wrote that there would be “a serious disproportion between sins committed in time and torment consciously experienced throughout eternity and that “the ultimate annihilation of the wicked should at least be accepted as a legitimate, biblically founded alternative to their eternal conscious torment.”... Annihilationists do not believe in heaven or hell or their need for an eternal sacrifice on their behalf. ’” (Eternal Christianity, Jim Cronfel, pp. 2, 32, 16)


In 1951, John Stott worked with co-founders of the National Association of Evangelicals, J. Edwin Orr and Charles Fuller, to revive the defunct Evangelical Alliance as the World Evangelical Fellowship, for which he formulated the guiding principles. As previously stated, The Evangelical Alliance, which continues to be a functioning ecumenical body in the UK, was founded in 1846 in the United Grand Lodge of England headquarters, Freemason Hall.

“It was an impressive sight. 800 Christians, who had gathered in Freemason’s Hall, Great Queen Street, London, in August, 1846, were standing to shake hands and sing the Doxology. They had just voted to establish what has been called ‘a new thing in Church history—a definite organization for the expression of unity amongst Christian individuals belonging to different churches… They called it ‘The Evangelical Alliance…’”


Source: David, M. Howard, The Dream That Would Not Die: The Birth and Growth of the World Evangelical Fellowship 1846-1986, Paternoster Press, 1986, p. 7.

The venue of the 1846 conference which founded the Evangelical Alliance is significant. The Grand Lodge of England at Freemason Hall is the mother of all Masonic lodges, the headquarters of International Freemasonry.  The United Grand Lodge of England directed the Masonic Founding Fathers in the American Revolution and establishment of the U.S. government. 3. The original Grand Lodge of England was built in 1717 and the present lodge is the third building on the same site. In 1776, Freemason Hall was dedicated to the purposes of Freemasonry:

“In 1768 the premier Grand Lodge took the momentous decision to build a Hall as its headquarters in London. A site was purchased in Great Queen Street, an architectural competition held, the Foundation Stone laid, and on 23 May 1776 the Hall was formally dedicated to the purposes of Freemasonry.”

W. Harold Fuller is vice-chair of the WEF International Council. Excerpts from Fuller’s article, “From the Evangelical Alliance to the World Evangelical Fellowship: 150 years of unity with a mission” show the close relationship of the Evangelical Alliance/World Evangelical Fellowship to the 1974 Lausanne Consultation on World Evangelism (LCWE) and the A.D. 2000 and Beyond Movement. Footnote #4 states: “Minutes of the Proceedings of the Conference held at Freemasons' Hall, London, 1846.”

As John Stott has stated, “The story of the World Evangelical Fellowship, with its roots in the Evangelical Alliance (which is more than one hundred years older than the World Council of Churches), deserves to be better known.” Billy Graham adds, “WEF has been a major force in uniting evangelicals throughout the world.”(1) The evangelical movement, highlighted by the 150th-anniversary celebrations of Britain's Evangelical Alliance in November 1996, makes a fascinating study in missiology. Its growth has been fueled by its core characteristic - the evangel, the preaching of the Gospel worldwide. WEF itself is, in a sense, the bottom line of mission: churches planted as a result of mission, forming a fellowship to help each other disciple the nations.

In 1843 a meeting in Scotland commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Westminster Assembly issued a plea for closer unity. The same year, Presbyterian William Patton of New York wrote to British Congregationalist John Angell James, recommending an interchurch conference to outline the truths on which churches agreed.(3) A series of discussions and prayer gatherings led to a General Conference held in London August 19 to September 2, 1846. Eight hundred leaders from fifty-two “bodies of Christians” in eight nations decided to form a confederation under the name “The Evangelical Alliance.” The delegates agreed upon a doctrinal statement of basic evangelical views. They pointed out that they were not forming “a new ecclesiastical organization” but expressing the spiritual unity that already existed “among all who, loving the Lord Jesus Christ, are bound to love one another.”(4)...


4. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Conference held at Freemasons’ Hall, London, 1846


In 1951 at Woudschoten, Netherlands, 91 men and women from 21 countries met as the International Convention of Evangelicals. They voted to establish the World Evangelical Fellowship. (8) Two Anglican theologians, A. Jack Dain and John R. W. Stott, (9) provided a biblical outline of the threefold purpose of WEF…


9. John Stott later drafted the historic Lausanne Covenant, 1974. [See Key Leaders of WEF]

Immediately following the Lausanne Consultation on World Evangelization, John Stott delivered a report to the World Evangelical Fellowship on WEF’s Theological Assistance Programme in which he stated that “theological education should be critically reconsidered.” This led to formation of the World Evangelical Fellowship’s Commission on Theological Education. The World Evangelical Fellowship’s role in theological education is comprehensive and global, encompassing the planning and development for all theological curriculum and leadership development through the Rockefeller-funded accreditation agency, the Association of Theological Schools. The transformation of Protestant churches to serve the corporate-run world government has been made possible through Rockefeller funding of Protestant seminaries and establishing new accreditation standards through the FTE-affiliated Association of Theological Schools. 2.


The World Evangelical Fellowship is found in the United Nations’ Database as an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). A 1996 resolution outlining the stipulations for “Consultative relationship between the United Nations and non-governmental organizations” requires that organizations in this category be in agreement with the “spirit, purposes and principles” of the U.N. and “undertake to support the work of the U.N.” Also, such organizations must promote the goals of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 3.


In 1974, John Stott co-directed the International Consultation on World Evangelization in Lausanne Switzerland. He also framed the Lausanne Covenant, the global ecumenical / interfaith pledge which many Christian ministries are required to sign.

“This group, in which Stott and Billy Graham were prime movers, was so filled with apostates that the participants were not even agreed on the content of the Evangel, and the resulting document was a unity-in-diversity statement that owed far more to closed-door negotiations than to Scripture. Stott remained, to his dying day, a cleric of the doctrinally deviant Anglican church, and a friend of its leading heretics such as Bishop N. T. Wright.” (John Stott: A Sad Epitaph)

In 1982, the Lausanne Consultation formed Evangelical Ministries to Cultists (EMTC) which was renamed Evangelical Ministries to New Religions (EMNR) in 1984. EMTC’s original purpose of evangelizing the cults evolved into EMNR’s mission to mainstream the cults as “new religions.” The shape-shifting nature and invisible leadership of EMNR is explained by the author of The New Age Ties of the Apologetics Ministries:

“The facts show that these are interlocking organizations and that, true to the words in EMNR’s manual, ‘the persons involved with it are almost invisible.’ These ministries act in concert for their true leadership extends to higher levels—well hidden. This structure, with the invisible leadership, allows a guiding hand, whose agenda is anti-Christian, to influence well-meaning Christians who trust the lower levels of leadership and financially support their work. The hidden hand which oversees their operation turns out much truth along with much deception—through books, tapes, newsletters, journals, interviews, web sites, travel and numerous conferences...

“As we track... many names and associated organizations cause us to diverge here and there—a most interesting journey. In the end, a very alien landscape emerges.


“In 1984 Evangelical Ministries to Cultists became Evangelical Ministries to New Religions. Now terms such as New Religions and New Spiritualities are commonly used by many in the discernment leadership circles to replace the terms cults and false religions––considered to be insensitive and counter-productive in evangelizing cult members.


“But has this shift achieved the acclaimed results? Are great numbers in these New Religions being evangelized and coming to Jesus Christ? Or is there a hidden agenda to transform Christianity, first, by reimaging the cults as ‘new religions’ and then assimilating them into the mainstream of a new form of Christianity?


“The apologetics organization which are the subject of this series do not defend the Christian faith that was once delivered to the saints, but rather undermine it, and in its place they are subtly and systematically mainstreaming the ancient wisdom of pagan religions. This network with its invisible directorate finds its precedent, and possibly its origin, in the occult societies of another era that were directed by an ‘invisible college with an identical agenda.”

John W. Morehead, who was President of EMNR from 2001-2003, is co-facilitator for the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization issue group on “The Church and the New Spiritualities.” He is co-founder and editor of the electronic publication “Sacred Tribes” e-journal and in 2004 was a contributor to a Lausanne Occasional Paper which argues that New Spiritualities and Neo-Paganism such as Druidry have much to offer Christians who should adopt their rituals and nature worship and participate in environmental activism. To reimage present-day Druids as Christian, Morehead et al must dissociate them from the ancient Celtic Druids whose rituals included human sacrifice:

Neo-Paganism fills a longing to connect with God in the natural world. Neo-Pagans look to ancient religions that were nature-based as a source of inspiration. Some are inspired by the ancient Norse traditions, while others look to ancient Celtic religions. There are those who feel inspired by the shamanic traditions of the North American Indians and Australian Aborigines. Some belong to Druidic groups whose historical links go back to the eighteenth century, but devotees romantically imagine they are linked to ancient Celtic priests. Other seekers, called techno-shamans, can be found participating in the worldwide youth dance cultures (like Rave). These spiritualities use
rituals and liturgies that find the divine spirit in the natural world. Often their ethics involve them in anti-globalisation protests and ecological activism.


Although Neo-Pagans share common commitments to nature and spirit there is a diversity of beliefs and practices. Neo-Pagans generally see masculine and feminine poles within the Deity. Some believe a male god and female goddess really exist as twin deities. Others see the male-female polarity as a metaphor. Others emphasise devotion to a Mother Goddess. Some are atheists, others are polytheists (several gods exist), some are pantheists (all is God) and others are panentheists (all is in God). Neo-Pagan rituals and liturgy concerning their Wheel of the Year festivals present a cyclic redemptive story that clearly imitates key events from the life of Jesus. Christians would do well to reassert creation liturgies, rediscover a creation theology and creation ethic, and become participants in environmental activism. Christians should reassert that God is both transcendent and immanent and find dialogical points of contact about Jesus via the Wheel of the Year myth.

John Morehead received his M.A. at Salt Lake Theological Seminary where his Master’s thesis was a defense of the Burning Man Festival held annually in Black Rock Desert, Nevada. (See also Part 9: The Wicker Man) The following excerpt from Moreheads thesis challenged the Emerging Church to engage alternative spiritualities such as those represented at the Burning Man Festival:

“Far more notice needs to be taken of the culture of re-enchantment which is beginning to shape the Western mind. In particular, new religions and alternative spiritualities should not be dismissed as superficial froth or the dying embers of religion in the West, but are rather the sparks of a new and increasingly influential way of being religious, a way of being religious which is shaping and being shaped by popular culture (Partridge 2002, 250).

“What does this mean for the emerging church? While I appreciate this movement’s attempts to wrestle with important epistemological, theological, and ecclesiological issues, the emerging church simply must attempt to come to a greater awareness of the presence and significance of new spiritualities in post-modernity. For increasing numbers of people, alternative spiritualities, such as those experimented with at Burning Man, represent attractive pathways for experiencing spirituality. Sound theological and missiological engagement of alternative spiritualities are crucial for the emerging church if it is to have not only cultural relevancy, but also theological and missiological integrity.” (Burning Man and the Emerging Church)

The Burning Man Festival

Black Rock Desert, Nevada


John Stott was also Vice President of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) [UK, 1947], which has offices in 140 countries. IFES serves as an umbrella to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of Canada and to the U.S. InterVarsity which sponsors the Urbana conferences. Stott was also a contributing editor at Christianity Today along with two other IFES officers, IFES President Samuel Escobar and Rene Padilla, the Latin American IFES representative, who is also on the World Evangelical Fellowship (WEF) International Council—the same WEF which Stott helped to re-ignite to be the behind-the-scenes directorate for the global, ecumenical Lausanne movement.


The World Evangelical Fellowship, the Lausanne Consultation on World Evangelization and its offshoot, Evangelical Ministries to New Religions are the evil fruit of John Stotts life work. It seems an understatement to say that John Stott’s authority and influence was worldwide and enduring. In 2005, TIME magazine named him among the 100 most influential people in the world. (The 2005 Time 100”) Yet many Christians have never heard of this dominant figure in Evangelicalism.

“An event which tells us much about Stotts theology occurred in October of 2007 when a large number of Muslim clerics signed a letter calling for peace between Muslims and Christians. A Common Word urges the followers of the two faiths to find common ground between Islam and Christianity. A Christian Letter of Response entitled 'Loving God and Neighbor Together drafted by scholars at Yale Divinity School was featured in the New York Times in November of 2007. The Christian Letter of Response was signed by John Stott, Brian McLaren, Robert Schuller, Rick Warren, and about 300 other Christian leaders. It affirmed that what is common between Christians and Muslims lies in something absolutely central to both: the love of God and love of neighbor. In the Muslim tradition, God, The Lord of the Worlds, is the Infinitely Good and Merciful One. And the New Testament states clearly that God is Love. Since Muslims seek to love their Christian neighbors, they are not against them. As Christians we resonate deeply with this sentiment. The Christian letter concluded, ‘The future of the world depends on our ability as Christians and Muslims to live together in peace. The Christian response, which asked forgiveness of the All-Merciful One, and of the Muslim community, was a deeply heretical document, for it suggested the Islam and Christianity worship the same God and it said nothing about the exclusiveness of the Christian faith. It did not declare to the Muslim world that it needs the Gospel of Christ, that there is salvation in Christ alone, for there is no other name under heaven, given among men, by which we must be saved... The fact that Rev Stott signed the Christian letter tells us much about his theology, for he publicly acknowledged Mohammed as a prophet and asked forgiveness of the All-Merciful One, the god of Islam. His assertion that the Lausanne Movement is for the evangelization of the world has a hollow ring, for he has signed a document that seeks peace with Islam. It says nothing about preaching the gospel of Christ to the Muslim world.

Source: The Real John Stott

This video examines the theology and political ideology of Rev John Stott, who has been praised as one of the greatest Christian leaders and thinkers of our day. We see that the real John Stott is very different from the popular image.



A famous descendant of Sir Winston Churchill is Marion Gordon (Pat) Robertson, founder of the 700 Club and the Christian Broadcasting Network and a member and past president of the Council for National Policy, a secretive coalition of liberals and conservatives:

“Observe the Pat Robertson empire. Robertson writes that his familys aristocratic lineage, linking it to the British Churchill family, gave his mother, Gladys Churchill Robertson, confidence that Pat would succeed. His father, Sen. A. Willis Robertson, was London’s and Wall Street’s chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.” (British Subversion of America)

A. Willis Robertson was abbreviated for Absalom Willis Robertson, a Merovingian Jewish Scottish name.



See: Pat Robertsons Bloodline: Living Descendants of Blood Royal in America

Pat Robertson belongs to Scotland’s Clan Robertson which, having descended from Scotland’s Contender and King, Robert the Bruce, is one of the “sacred families of the Merovingian dynasty.

THE MacGregors are not the only Scottish clan entitled to the proud boast My race is royal. Clan MacArthur can produce a vast deal of presumptive evidence to support its claim to a descent from the famous King Arthur of early British history and tradition. And Clan Robertson was placed in a similar position with regard to descent from a later monarch by the researches of the historian Skene, whose own family may or may not be a branch itself of Clan Robertson. It was formerly the habit of genealogists to attribute the origin of the Robertson Clan to the blood of the MacDonalds, but according to the authorities adduced by Skene in his History of the Highlanders, the chiefs of the name appear rather to be descended from Duncan, eldest son of Malcolm III., the great Canmore of the eleventh century. Common tradition, again, previously bore that the name Robertson was derived from the head of the clan in the days of King Robert the Bruce, who, having had certain signal services rewarded by that king with a grant of lands on the upper waters of the Garry, adopted the king’s cognomen as his family name. (Electric Scotland)

“...Robert the Bruce succeeded not only as King, but also as a hereditary priest of the royal line. From the time of King Duncan I, son of Archpriest Crinan MacDonachadh, the concept of the monarch’s dual priest-kingly role (both as sovereign and religious patriarch) had remained at the root of Scottish culture... Conventional history ignores the fact that Bruce was not only the Patriot King of his people, but was also Head of the Columban Kindred of their ancient Church. This inheritance was passed down to his Stewart grandson Robert II when he succeeded in 1371. At that time, others belonging to the sacred family included the McNabs, Rosses, Sinclairs, Robertsons, Dunbars, Dundasses, Wemysses, Abernethys, MacDuffs, Leslies, and Mackenzies, along with the Chiefs of Clan Chattan, the Cummings of Altyre, the Celtic Earls of Atholl, the Mackays of Strathnaver, and the Lindsays of Crawford. (The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland, Prince Michael Stewart, p. 79; also p. 35)

Prior to his career as a televangelist, Pat Robertson worked for two years as financial analyst and management trainee at W.R. Grace Co., which employed émigré Nazis after World War II. Robertson was also godfather of the child of company president J. Peter Grace, who was head of the Knights of Malta in the United States and a key figure in the CIA’s Operation Paperclip to remove classified information from dossiers on Nazi war criminals. Robertson was mentored by Harald Bredesen, “by then a well-established British intelligence operative.”  

“International Christian Leadership was designed specifically to capture wealthy or influential leaders of society, into a network controlled by the group’s patrons. It was initiated during World War II by Col. Sir Vivian Gabriel, a British Air Commission attaché in Washington, and leaders of the Episcopal Church. The Netherlands royal family became the group’s prime sponsor and center of world operations in the 1950s. Bredesen wrote that his personal trainer, Abraham Vereide, claimed to have ‘won Netherlands Prince Bernhard for Christ.’ A strange Christ it must have been, because the former Nazi SS officer Bernhard was just then busy launching the globalist Bilderberg Group’s conferences and creating the World Wildlife Fund, with Britain’s Prince Philip.

“Pat Robertson started off as assistant pastor to Bredesen, the operative of the Anglo-Dutch monarchies’ Leadership group. Then, David du Plessis’s Full Gospel Businessmen raised the money to expand Robertson’s and Bredesen’s Virginia-based Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) toward global power status...” (British Subversion of America)

The alleged conversion of former SS officer and Bilderberg founder, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, by Harald Bredesen’s mentor is describe in Bredesen’s autobiography, Yes Lord:

“[Abraham Vereide] was the founder of International Christian Leadership and the man responsible for the Presidential Prayer Breakfasts, where the President and some 1,600 of the nation’s leaders gather each year to hear the Gospel. I had come to know ‘Abram,’ as we called when I was making contacts in Washington, D.C. ... Through his work, he had met and influenced many world leaders for Christ.  On that night, he sat in the corner of this very ordinary hotel room, a ruggedly built, commanding figure, with chiseled Nordic features, smiling blue eyes, and distinguished gray hair, telling an extraordinary story.  It was how he had gone to the Netherlands when Prince Bernhard was about to divorce Queen Juliana for being a religious fanatic. He led the Prince to Christ, and the royal family was restored.

“He said, ‘When you reach a leader for Christ, you reach not only him, but those who follow him,’ He stood up and walked across the room to me. ‘Harald, this is what you should be doing. The men whose money, names and influence you have been using, you should be leading to Christ. I’m getting on in years, and I believe God would have me hand my mantle over to you. You could start off as my assistant.’” (Harald Bredesen, Yes Lord, Praise Books, 1982, p. 47)


Geoffrey of Monmouth was the famed author of History of the Kings of Britain which catapulted the legendary King Arthur to the status of a British hero. It is not well known that Geoffrey of Monmouth’s surname was Arthur.

If the story of Arthur as a national British hero can be attributed to any one author, it is most certainly Geoffrey of Monmouth. The familiar elements of the Arthurian story are the responsibility of this teacher and clerk in Oxford and the Welsh Marches in the first half of the twelfth century... Since seven different deeds and charters, all coming out of the city of Oxford, refer to Geoffrey as Geoffrey Arthur, most have assumed that he used Arthur, his father's name, as a surname until he could establish his own professional reputation.

Monmouth, Geoffrey of [Galfridus Arturus] (d. 1154/5), bishop of St Asaph and historian. (Oxford Dictionary of National Biography)


When Osney Abbey, near Oxford, was founded in 1129, the list of witnesses to the foundation charter began with the name of the Archdeacon and ended with that of Geoffrey Arthur. At this time, therefore, the writer of the History did not sign himself Geoffrey of Monmouth as he did in later years, but Geoffrey Arthur, the name by which he is known to his contemporary historians, Henry of Huntingdon and Robert of Torigni. This second name, Arthur, has very generally been supposed to indicate that Geoffreys father was named Arthur. No valid ground, however, has been assigned for the assumption, and it is, moreover, directly at variance with the assertion of William of Newburgh, which cannot lightly be set aside. At any rate, patronymic or no patronymic, it is incredible that a writer named Arthur should create a literary hero also named Arthur unless the two circumstances were in some way connected. What the precise connection may have been can only be guessed, but surely the simplest explanation of the facts as they stand is that as early as 1129 Geoffrey had already set hand to a work of which Arthur was or was to be the hero.” (Sebastian Evans, Translator, History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffry of Monmouth) 

From 1136-1138, Geoffrey Arthur, who was a teacher and clerk in Oxford, authored three books based on the oral and written Druid traditions of King Arthur: The Prophecies of Merlin, History of the Kings of Britain and The Life of Merlin.

“Tradition tells us that into this world the last great Celtic court was held by King Arthur. Some of the first writings we have that speak of a person called Arthur appear approximately 643 A.D. and are from The Black Book of Aneirin, a book of ancient Celtic prophecy. ‘The throne of Britain shall become an iniquity to the nation and a reproach to the people, ere Arthur returns. But when Avallon shall rise again in Llyonesse, and the Thamesis reverse its course, then also shall Arthur take up the kingship of his nation once more.’...

“Over the years, stories of Arthur appeared in bits and pieces in both oral and written form. Then from 1136 to 1138, Geoffrey of Monmouth, an Oxford teacher of the early twelfth century, drew from these traditions and limited writings and produced the Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain). Much of this history was devoted to King Arthur.” (The Revelation of King Arthur, Robert Bruce Freuhling, 2009, Winepress Pub., p. 95)

Shortly after its composition, Geoffreys History of the Kings of Britain and Life of Merlin were lambasted as apack of lies:

Newburghs frank onslaught upon Geoffrey is well known. He is shocked at Geoffreys serene indifference to historic truth, and denounces the man as a liar without scruple. Merlin fares no better with him than Geoffrey. Merlin wrote a heap of lies and Geoffrey added to the heap. William is very angry. He himself is eminently sober, honest and judicious, earnestly jealous of the dignity of history. Why should this mountebank pretend to be a historian and publish this pack of lies as if they were eternal verities? (Sebastian Evans, Translator, History of the Kings of Britain

In 1214, Oxford University was officially established after a school of Masters and Scholars was implicated in the murder of a young woman.

The early history of the University shows that it evolved from a group of Masters and students residing in Oxford in the latter part of the twelfth century... In 1214 the body of Masters and Scholars at Oxford was placed under the jurisdiction of a Chancellor, to be appointed by the Bishop of Lincoln. The office was created under the terms of an award of the papal legate, Nicholas Cardinal Bishop of Tusculum, made in settlement of a dispute with the townspeople over the hanging of two students in 1209 for complicity in murder. This incident had resulted in the closure of the schools and the summary departure of the scholars in protest, some of whom went on to establish a studium in Cambridge. Later in the century it became the practice for the Bishop of Lincoln to confirm in office the Chancellor elected by the Oxford Masters themselves.” (Oxford University)

In 1245 A.D., the Ancient Order of Druids was formed at Mount Haemus Grove. Richard Cavendish wrote in Man, Myth and Magic of the Druidic gathering which met at the site now occupied by Oxford University:

“Druid traditions were unwritten until recently and links are widely dispersed in time. It is said that in 1245 a gathering was held with representatives from many parts and the objects of the Order were agreed. A grove or group was founded, the Mount Haemus Grove which still exists. Druids appear, together with Rosicrucians and Freemasons, in the mixture of mystical-occult societies of 18th century London; these were largely influenced by the mystic Jacob Boehme.” (Man, Myth & Magic: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural, Vol. 6, NY: Marshall Cavendish Corp, 1970, p. 722)

The Cambridge Encyclopedia entry for Oxford University verifies the gathering of Druid masters and students in Oxford and founding of Oxford University in 1249 A.D.

“Oxford University. The oldest university in Britain, having its origins in informal groups of masters and students gathered in Oxford in the 12th-c... The closure of the University of Paris to Englishmen in 1167 accelerated Oxford’s development into a universitas... University College 1249.” (pp. 823-24)

A History of Pagan Europe records that the Ancient Order of Druids of Oxford was revived and established in London in 1781. The book also confirms that the Ancient Order of Druids of Oxford descended from the Mount Haemas Grove Order which originally met in Oxford:

“In 1781...the Ancient Order of Druids was set up in London by Henry Hurle, as an esoteric society patterned on Masonic lines. In 1833, a split between the mystics and those who wanted a friendly society led to the majority forming the United Ancient of Druids... The mystical side continued as the Albion Lodge of the Ancient Order of Druids of Oxford, claiming descent from the Mount Haemus Grove.” (Pennick & Jones, p. 211)

The November-December 2013 issue of Archaeology Magazine reveals that under the site of St. John College, one of Oxford University’s oldest colleges, was found a mass grave of human remains dating to around the year 1002 A.D.

“The team first found the previously unknown remains of one of Britain’s largest Neolithic henges, almost 500 feet in diameter. The find immediately changed the perception of prehistoric Oxford from a rather insignificant ford across the Thames to potentially one of the most important ritual sites in southern England. The henge’s eight-foot-deep ditch had become, by the medieval period, a dump for waste, including broken pottery and food scraps. It was there, in the garbage-filled ditch, that the team found the remains of 37 people.


“All the bodies in the grave appear to have been male (though two were too young for their sex to be determined), and most were between 16 and 25 years old. As a group, they were tall, taller than the average Anglo-Saxon at the time, and strong, judging by the large muscle-attachment areas of their bones. Despite their physical advantages, all these men appear to have met violent ends. One had been decapitated, and attempts at decapitation had seemingly been made on five others. Twenty-seven suffered broken or cracked skulls. The back and pelvic bones of 20 bodies bore stab marks, as did the ribs of a dozen others. A number of the skeletons had evidence of charring, indicating that they were burned prior to burial.” (“Vengeance on the Vikings,” p. 48)

There is no mention in the Archaeology article of the Druid history in Oxford and, although there is agreement that the victims, being unarmed, were not killed in battle, no other reason for the slaughter could be ascertained.  Considering the history of Oxford, however, it is not unreasonable to assume the University sits upon an ancient Druid henge, that is, a sacred landscape dedicated to ritual human sacrifice.


Not far from Stonehenge and Oxford, the remains of large numbers of human babies were found in 1921.

A previous excavation of Hambleden in 1921 determined that the site has 97 infant burials, the largest number of such burials for any Roman location in Britain. The excavator at the time suspected infanticide ‘with surreptitious disposal of the bodies.’ (Child Exposure in the Roman Empire, William V. Harris, The Journal of Roman Studies Vol. 84, (1994), pp. 1-22) ...


The invasion of Britain in the first century could have been considered catastrophic enough to trigger the sacrifice of newborns by indigenous people attempting to persuade the gods to lend them assistance in their resistance to the invading Romans.  Researchers at Hambleden were appalled to discover at least one infant skeleton with cut marks indicating it had been possibly ritually dismembered.

Human bones are a very small part of total bone assemblages from Iron Age sacred and occupation sites, but examples [of apparent sacrifice] do turn up with macabre frequency.  Pieces of human skull at Hayling, the limbs and torso from a pit at Danebury, and the pathetic remains of a dismembered child from Wandlebury point to the sacrifice of human beings, perhaps of enemies.  Possibly cannibalism was involved as well.  It is not easy to separate the atrocities attributed for instance to the followers of Boudica from religious activities.  The Romans had no doubt that the Druids were involved, and we are in no position to dismiss this allegation.  Human sacrifice was something that the Romans found repellent... (Religion in Roman Britain, Martin Henig)


Source: Widespread Roman infanticide not substantiated by Hambelden studies,” Roman Times, May 14, 2011.

Lee Penn, the author of False Dawn: The United Religions Initiative, Globalism & Quest for a One World Religion, wrote, In 1997, URI Executive Director Charles Gibbs said that ‘I was just in Oxford and we were talking about indigenous religions. Well, the indigenous religion there is the Druid faith.” (False Dawn, p. 214)


It is therefore no surprise that each year the city of Oxford builds a Wicker Man, and even enlists children in this gruesome project. The Oxford Wicker Man is burnt at the Oxford Round Table Charity Bonfire Display. More than 25,000 people attend this event.

Wicker Man Oxford

“Wicker Man Oxford - Sculpture Project is run by a team of dedicated volunteers, and its purpose is to build a very large Wooden/Wicker Sculpture by including Oxfordshire’s children in the design process. The finished 2011 sculpture toured around Oxfordshire from June - November 2011. Our aim was to create a truly iconic sculpture which was burnt at the Oxford Round Table Charity Bonfire Display, South Parks on 5th November 2011 in front of a crowd of 25,000+. Wicker Man Oxford – Sculpture Project 2012 are very pleased to announce Maggies Cancer Care centres as our 2012 chosen charity to support.”


About the Wickerman Oxford Community Project Group

“Wickerman Oxford runs a competition each year for local children to design the giant metal and wicker sculpture. Our team then build the winning design as an approximately 40 feet tall Wooden / Wicker Sculpture on a metal frame. The finished sculpture is then taken on tour to prestigious events (last year including Cornbury Music Festival, the Royal Berkshire Show, Blenheim Horse Trials, and a base by the side of the M40 Motorway) where it is used to raise funds and awareness for our chosen charity. During its tour the sculpture is seen by well in excess of a million people, and receives local and National press coverage.” 

In pre-Christian Britain, the Ancient Order of Druids were teachers of mystery schools with despotic authority in all matters religious and political. Although it was suppressed by the Romans who introduced Christianity to the British Isles, Druidry was never annihilated. According to Manly P. Hall, the traditions of the Druids were preserved in Freemasonry. 

“Druid traditions were also preserved with Freemasonry, which is thought to have evolved from the Druids or at least alongside of them. This connection is addressed in Gould’s History of Freemasonry... The three part structure of the masons is identical to the three offices of druidic priesthood: Ovates, Bards, and Druids. Also, ‘the secret teachings embodied therein are practically the same as the mysteries concealed under the allegories of Blue Lodge masonry.’ (Manly P. Hall, An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalist and Rosicrucian Symbolic Philosophy).

Druidism was revived in Great Britain during the Rosicrucian Enlightenment.  In 1660, the Rosicrucians formed an Invisible College which became the Royal Society, which is operative today. The first meetings of the Royal Society were held at Oxford University, according to Frances Yates: the year 1648...the meetings at Oxford began which are stated by Thomas Sprat in his official history of the Royal Society... These Oxford meetings...ran from about 1648 to about 1659, when the group moved to London and formed the nucleus of the Royal Society, founded in 1660. (The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, p. 184)

According to the late Isaac Bonewits who edited the introductory booklet of the Druid Order / British Circle of the Universal Bond, The 17th century saw the emergence of the Order into its more modern shape. In the 17th and 18th centuries there was a complex of mystical societies, Hermetes, Rosicrucians, Freemasons and Druids, who often had members in common.” (The Ancient Druid Order)

Oxford University was also the center for the Oxford Movement, the modern Counter-Reformation from within the Church of England. The movement, which was spearheaded in 1833 by John Henry Newman, resulted in the adoption of Roman Catholic liturgy and doctrines by the Anglican Church.

The Oxford Movement was a movement of High Church Anglicans, eventually developing into Anglo-Catholicism. The movement, whose members were often associated with the University of Oxford, argued for the reinstatement of lost Christian traditions of faith and their inclusion into Anglican liturgy and theology...

The movements leaders attacked liberalism in theology. Their interest in Christian origins led them to reconsider the relationship of the Church of England with the Catholic Church... Men in the movement argued for the inclusion of traditional aspects of liturgy from medieval religious practice, as they believed the church had become too ‘plain. ...

The Oxford Movement was attacked for being a mere ‘Romanising tendency, but it began to have an influence on the theory and practice of Anglicanism. It resulted in the establishment of Anglican religious orders, both of men and of women. It incorporated ideas and practices related to the practice of liturgy and ceremony in a move to bring more powerful emotional symbolism and energy to the church. In particular it brought the insights of the Liturgical Movement into the life of the Church. Its effects were so widespread that the Eucharist gradually became more central to worship, vestments became common, and numerous Roman Catholic practices were re-introduced into worship. This led to controversies within churches that ended up in court, as in the dispute about ritualism...

Anglo-Catholicism – as this complex of ideas, styles and organizations became known – had a significant influence on global Anglicanism.” (Oxford Movement)

Conveying the magnitude of the Anglican apostasy, Adolph Saphirs portrayal of the Roman Catholic Church is classic:

Dr. M. Luther describes the Romish harlot in these excellent words: ‘The Church of Rome is not built upon the rock of the divine word, but on the sand of human reasoning. It is a rationalistic church. And Lutheranism, Episcopalianism and other sects are turning back to it and support the Satanic counterfeit of a man made priesthood.

Adolph Saphir, the author of an able exposition of Hebrews has exposed the Romish blasphemy in aping the defunct Judaism in words, which are worthy to be quoted.

‘What a marvellous confusion of Jewish, pagan, and Christian elements do we see here! Jewish things which have waxed old, and vanished away; preparatory and imperfect elements which the apostle does not scruple to call beggarly now that the fulness has come – revived without divine authority, and changed and perverted to suit circumstances for which they were never intended. Pagan things, appealing to the deep-seated and time-confirmed love of idolatry, and of sensuous and mere outward performances; the Babylonian worship of the Queen of Heaven; the intercession of saints and angels, the mechanical repetition of formulas, the superstitious regard of places, seasons, and relics. Buried among these elements are some relics of Christian truth, without which this ingenious fabric could not have existed so long, and influenced so many minds – a truth which in the merciful condescension of God is blessed to sustain the life of His chosen ones in the mystical Babylon.

‘This so-called church, vast and imposing, opens its door wide, except to those who honor the Scriptures, and who magnify the Lord Jesus. It can forgive sins, and grant pardons and indulgences, extending the astounding assumption of jurisdiction even beyond the grave; yet it cannot bring peace to the wounded conscience, and renewal to the aching heart, because it never fully and simply declares the efficacy of the blood of Jesus, by which we obtain perfect remission, and the power of the Holy Ghost, who joins us to Christ. This community speaks of sacrifice, of altars, of priesthood, and stands between the people and the sanctuary above, the only High Priest, who by His sacrifice has entered for us into the holy of holies. And in our day this great apostasy has reached a point which we would fain regard as its culminating point, when it places the Virgin Mary by the side of the Lord Jesus as sinless and pure, and when it arrogates for man infallible authority over the heritage of God....

Verses 24-28. For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us. After His great sacrifice He entered heaven itself, where He now is, appearing in the presence of God for His people. ‘Nor yet that He should offer Himself often, as the high priest enters into the holy place every year with blood of others; for then must He often have suffered since the foundation of the world, but now once in the consummation of the ages hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. The sacrifice He brought needs not to be repeated, it is all-sufficient for all eternity. If He were to offer again it would be necessary also to suffer again. Both are impossible. (The Romish assumption of the Lords Supper being a sacrifice and that the blasphemous mass is an unbloody sacrifice are completely refuted by verse 26, by this entire chapter and by the teaching of the New Testament.) (Arno Gaebelein Commentary)

See also: Mystery Babylon: Catholic or Jewish?

From Roman Catholicism to open witchcraft and Devil worship is but a small step. In 1877, The Dragon School was founded at Oxford ostensibly to educate children (age 8-13) of professors at the University.

The Dragon School is a British coeducational, preparatory school in the English city of Oxford, founded in 1877 as the Oxford Preparatory School, or OPS. It is primarily known as a boarding school, although it also takes day pupils. The Dragon School was founded in 1877, and was originally named the Preparatory School and sometimes called Lynams Preparatory School. The school was started by a committee of Oxford dons. Among the most active of the dons was a Mr George, so the first pupils decided to call themselves ‘Dragons after Saint George and the Dragon.  (Dragon School)

Among the many famous graduates of The Dragon School is Emma Watson who played the part of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies. Ms. Watsons matriculation in The Dragon School happened to coincide with her audition in 1999 for roles in Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (2001) and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002). (Emma Watson)

The Rhodes Scholarship was established in 1902 by Cecil John Rhodes to be an international postgraduate award for selected foreign students to study at the University of Oxford. Today, Rhodes Scholars are trained in the tactics of global takeover and governance and become future leaders of the Rothschild empire. 

Known as an old and prestigious international graduate scholarship, the Rhodes Scholarships are administered and awarded by the Rhodes Trust, which was established in 1902 under the terms and conditions of the will of Cecil John Rhodes, and funded by his estate under the administration of Nathan Rothschild.

James Wardner wrote in his book, Unholy Alliances, In 1937, a meeting of delegates from Europe and America was held at Oxford, England, to establish the World Council of Churches. This Oxford Conference published a book The Universal Church and the World of Nations which expressed the new organizations views on the need for the reordering of the worlds political affairs under a world government.” (p. 146)

And facilitating the Masonic/Druidic takeover of Christianity, the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS)—the Study and Research Centre for the International Fellowship of Evangelical Mission Theologians (INFEMIT)—functions as an international hub for the control of theological education.


There is compelling evidence that John Fullerton MacArthur is a Freemason and a Druid. (See: John MacArthur: Freemason, John MacArthur’s Druid Festival and Clan MacArthur) Like John MacArthur who has established colleges and seminaries all over the world, the Druids were respected religious leaders who established colleges and seminaries in Britain. In ancient times the “Continental Celts sent their neophyte Druid priests to Britain to undergo a special training at the hands of the British Druids, and...this island seems to have been regarded as the headquarters of the cult. (Legends and Romances of Britain”)


In their colleges and seminaries, the Druids taught their secret doctrine and practiced their dark arts unobserved and unregulated by civilized society.  Ex-members of Grace Community Church and former students of The Masters College report that they are more like a destructive cult than a Christian church or institution of higher learning. The following forums present disturbing accounts of mind control, physical abuse, shunning, blackmail, espionage, initiations, suicides/deaths and other cult practices akin to the criminal tactics of the Church of Scientology:


Cult Education Institute: Ex-Members of John MacArthur's Church


Extraordinary Christian Testimonies that Expose

John MacArthur's Church as a Mind Control Cult


John MacArthur Cult Watch Forum


During the Roman occupation, there was a seminary of Druids in northern Briton. With the establishment of Christianity, the Druids went underground and transformed themselves into the Culdees who lived in monastic orders, which they called seminaries, in Britain, Scotland and Ireland.

“From the language of the Triads, and some ancient poems, there is reason to infer, that they carried their prejudices still further: that during the Roman government, there was a seminary of Druids some where in the North of Britain, or in an adjacent island; and probably beyond the limits of the empire, where the doctrine and discipline of heathenism were cultivated without control: that those Druids persisted in sacrificing, even human victims : that certain devotees, from the Southern provinces, repaired to their solemn festivals: that upon the departure of the Romans, some abominable rites were brought back from the North into Mona, and into other parts of Wales; and that the Northern seminary was not finally suppressed till the close of the sixth century. (Edward Davies, Mythology and Rites of the British Druids, p. 462)

John MacArthur’s influence throughout the Christian community is extensive and continues to expand due to the global network of churches, colleges, and seminaries which propagate his teachings. The vast network of MacArthur-dominated churches is to a great extent formerly independent, fundamental churches that have been taken over and reimaged as non-denominational.  Graduates of The Master’s Academy International, the Master’s Seminary and its branches fill the pulpits of these churches which have been renamed using a combination of generic terms such as “Harvest,” “Bible,” “Grace,” “Community,” “Church,” “Chapel,” “Fellowship”—anything but “Christian.”  Not until one attends these churches for a period of time does it become apparent that they are under the influence and idolatry of John MacArthur. One critic of the “Macarthurismcult wrote of its rapid reproduction via church takeovers:

The Masters Seminary, where John MacArthur is the master, is the principal training center for the cult. In the early 1980s TMS sent out trainers throughout the world to host large conferences that introduced the doctrines of MacArthurism. Australasia, in particular, was seen as an important mission ground. The greater organization uses a technique nothing short of hi-jacking to further their doctrinal empire. It has been observed that the cults primary mode of operating is to target the young men from churches with aging congregations and little or no corporate leadership. Over the last twenty years many young men from Australia and New Zealand were persuaded to attend MacArthurs Seminary. Graduates steadily flowed back from the training center and returned to their sending church. Within only a short period MacArthurs graduates took control of the church. They would arrange to be appointed as head pastor and begin paying themselves a salary, even when the church had never needed to do so before. Before long the TMS graduate would have his friends as elders and the power base was completed. Most of the church buildings are too small for idealistic big church MacArthurism. Within time the building will be sold and a large development will be bought or built as a mirror image of the U.S. model. Anyone in the original congregation who refuses to follow the new ways is likely termed divisive and is usually dismissed quickly. MacArthurism has advanced by re-infiltration of an existing bone fide church, altering its structure from within, thus reducing it to a cult group with isolationist ideas. MacArthurism continues to prosper by this divisive technique.

The Masters College and Seminary present a facade of being biblically sound while John MacArthur stealthily promotes heretical modernist and post-modern theology to the students. In 563 AD, Saint Columba established a college on the Scottish Island of Iona, which was the seat of the northern Druids. Columba was a monk who brought to Briton the message of the Syrian arch heretic Nestorius, which denies the two natures of God and man in the person of Jesus Christ. According to the Columbia Encyclopedia: is certain that the whole of northern Scotland was converted by the labours of Columba, and his disciples and the religious instruction of the people provided for by the erection of numerous monasteries. The monastery of Iona was reverenced as the mother house of all these foundations, and its abbots were obeyed as the chief ecclesiastical rulers of the whole nation of the northern Picts. There were then neither dioceses nor parishes in Ireland and Celtic Scotland; and by the Columbite rule the bishops themselves, although they ordained the clergy, were subject to the jurisdiction of the of the abbots of Iona, who, like the founder of the order, were only presbyters.

The Ancient Order of the Culdees of Iona states that “Culdee” means “Chaldea,” as in ancient Babylonia. James Bonwick wrote of the Druidic collegiate society of the Culdees:

“An old statistical work says, ‘the Druids undoubtedly possessed Iona before the introduction of Christianity.’ It must be admitted that the Culdees wore a white dress, as did the Druids, [and the Essenes] and that they occupied places which had a Druidical reputation. They used the Asiatic cross, now called that of St. Andrew’s.’ Notably, in an Irish version of the gospel of St. Matthew, the phrase ‘there came wise men from the east’ is rendered ‘the Druids came from the east.’ [fn. James Bonwick’s Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions] In like manner, in the Old Testament, Exodus vii. II, the ‘magicians of Egypt’ are made ‘Druids of Egypt.’ [fn. Rev. John Williams Ab Ithel, The Traditionary Annals of the Cymri, 1867, p.166.]…

“In Tirechan's Life of St Patrick, Cele-de came from Briton to Ireland in 919; but in 811 some were said to have been miraculously conveyed across the sea. Bede, who opposed them, whether from Ireland or Scotland, was shocked at their holding his religion ‘in no account at all,’ nor communicating with his faithful ‘in anything more than with pagans.’ He banished those who came to his quarter. He found these Irish, Welsh, and Scotch Christians to have, in addition to many heresies, the Jewish and Druidical system of hereditary priesthood. Property of the Church even descended from father to son; and, says Dr. Reeves, ‘was practically entailed to members of certain families.’ He adds that they were understood in the 12th century as ‘a religious order of clerks who lived in Societies, under a Superior, within a common enclosure, but in detached cells; associated in a sort of collegiate rather than œnobical brotherhood.’ Giraldus, as well as Bede, complained of their hereditary priesthood. The same principle prevailed in the Druidical region of Brittany, and only yielded to the force of the Council of Tours in 1127.” (Irish Druids & Old Irish Religions, pp. 280-1, 285)

As previously stated, the Ancient Order of Druids was formed at Mount Haemus Grove which is now Oxford University. The mission of Oxford University today is to train Rhodes Scholars from overseas and return them to positions of power in their own countries. There they facilitate the transition of their respective cultures from national sovereignty to global governance. 


John MacArthurs Masters Seminary draws its ministerial students from all over the world and then sends them all over the world to plant churches and seminaries which partner with foreign governments. “Over 1300 graduates now minister on six continents, with approximately 85% ministering in a full-time capacity and one-eighth of those serving overseas.” (Wikipedia)

In 2013, John MacArthur spoke at a forum sponsored by The Master’s College to announce that TMC was entering into a long-term partnership with the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank which dictates policy to the United States government. The newly-founded Masters Institute on Public Issues was formed in order to educate pastors in free market economics. Due to criticism of this worldly alliance, The Master’s College has removed every trace of this new Master’s Institute on Public Issues from its website and it now appears as a mere one-time forum instead of a long-term partnership with AEI. However, TMC Vice-President for Public Affairs, Jack Cox, disclosed the long-term partnership in the closing remarks of the conference. Christianity, Values & American Public Policy Forum

The Watchman Wakes has published an extensive expose of The Masters Academy International (TMAI) which enters into Communitarian partnerships with foreign governments.  Graduates from The Masters College and The Masters Seminary  plant churches and train pastors and church leaders in Albania, Brazil, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Honduras, India, Italy, Malawi, Mexico, Philippines, New Zealand, Russia Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, USA (Russian Community), USA (Spanish Community).

During the last two decades, training centers have been established on every continent... Working side by side with the national leaders and leaders-in-training to understand the needs and challenges of each culture, our missionary workers, by God’s leading and grace, have shaped TMAI into what it is today. TMAI has become a fellowship of training ministries offering academic, financial, and personnel resources to strengthen its member schools. The number of international church leaders trained in TMAI training centers already numbers in the thousands, and continues to grow each year. New seeds continue to sprout on every continent as these member training ministries begin numerous daughter schools, satellites, and extension schools.” (TMAI: Our History)

John MacArthur inadvertently admitted that the fruit of his worldwide ministry is the fruit of Freemasonry. (John MacArthur: Freemason) TMAI is, in fact, advancing the Masonic agenda when their personnel meet with government leaders, not to evangelize, but to assist in community development projects:

“Regarding the church’s needs in Maputo, Mozambique, the TMAI website states, Her leaders need training, boldness and a vision to reform the church so it may meet the challenges of a city that is rapidly becoming part of a global economy and culture. That TMAI quote sums up TMAI’s goals pretty well: Train leaders by casting them a vision to reform the church so it may meet the challenges of a rapidly changing, global society. Change agents are asking: What is the role of the church in our rapidly changing society? As Communitarian partners? As social workers? As a one-stop welfare distribution center? Is the Church called to “reform and to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing global economy as the TMAI transformational leaders desire? God forbid!” (TMAI Training Centers)

In his book, Fools Gold, John MacArthur critiqued Rick Warrens warped theology in The Purpose Driven Life, but omitted to mention that Warrens P.E.A.C.E. Plan, which is basically community development on a global scale, is the same community development that TMAI engages in with foreign governments. Like TMAI’s church-state partnerships, Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. Plan calls for the church to partner with business and government to take on the global humanitarian problems.

The fourth signature issue we began in 2003. It’s called the P.E.A.C.E. Plan. Some of you have heard about that. Many of you who were at Key West know that I talked about it. It’s a global humanitarian effort to take on the five biggest problems on the planet: poverty, disease, illiteracy, corruption and conflict. P.E.A.C.E. stands for Promote reconciliation, Equip ethical leaders, A is assist the poor, C is care for the sick and E is educate the next generation. We believe that these problems are so big government can’t do it alone; business can’t do it alone; churches can’t do it alone. Some problems are so big you have to team tackle them.

Last year I was speaking at Davos and I kept hearing people talking about how we need public and private partnerships. In other words, we need business and government to team tackle these major global issues. The problem is that’s good but it’s not good enough because you’re leaving out the third leg of the stool and that is there are three sectors of society, not two. There is the public sector, which is government and NGOs. There is the profit sector, which is business. But there is the faith sector, which is the biggest of all.” (Pew Research: A Conversation With Rick Warren on the Future of Evangelicals”)

Notice that in Rick Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. Plan neither letter E is  for Evangelism but for the Church to “equip ethical leaders” and educate the next generation. And so the transition away from preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ is facilitated by ministers like Rick Warren and John MacArthur who are more interested in community development and the future global economy and culture.

Rick Warren’s mandate to educate the next generation is the mandate of Alice Bailey for Christian reeducation. Listen once more to  Bailey’s directive and prediction as well as Protocol 17 of the Learned Elders of Sion and consider whether John MacArthurs vast network of churches, colleges and seminaries is playing a significant role in the Masonic plan:

“The Christian church in its many branches can serve as a St. John the Baptist, as a voice crying in the wilderness, and as a nucleus through which world illumination may be accomplished... Its work is intended to be the holding of a broad platform. The church must show a wide tolerance, and teach no revolutionary doctrines or cling to any reactionary ideas. The church as a teaching factor should take the great basic doctrines and (shattering the old forms in which they are expressed and held) show their true and inner spiritual significance. The prime work of the church is to teach, and teach ceaselessly, preserving the outer appearance in order to reach the many who are accustomed to church usages. Teachers must be trained; Bible knowledge must be spread; the sacraments must be mystically interpreted, and the power of the church to heal must be demonstrated.


“The three main channels through which the preparation for the new age is going on might be regarded as the Church, the Masonic Fraternity and the educational field. All of them are as yet in relatively static condition, and all are as yet failing to meet the need and to respond to the inner pressure. But in all of these three movements, disciples of the Great Ones are to be found and they are steadily gathering momentum and will before long enter upon their designated task.” (Religious Organizations in the New Age,” Externalisation of the Hierarchy)

“Very definitely may the assurance be given here that, prior to the coming of the Christ, adjustments will be made so that at the head of all great organizations will be found either a Master, or an initiate who has taken the third initiation. At the head of certain of the great occult groups, of the Freemasons of the world, and of the various great divisions of the church, and resident in many of the great nations will be found initiates or Masters. (Initiation: Human & Solar, pp. 61-62)


Freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere, so that now only years divide us from them moment of the complete wrecking of that Christian religion... But, in the meantime, while we are re-educating youth in new traditional religions and afterwards in ours, we shall not overtly lay a finger on existing churches, but we shall fight against them by criticism calculated to produce schism...” (Protocol 17)



























1. Hirschman, Elizabeth Caldwell; Yates, Donald N, When Scotland Was Jewish: DNA Evidence, Archeology, Analysis of Migrations, and Public and Family Records Show Twelfth Century Semitic Roots), McFarland Publishing, 2007.  

“Material gathered from Melungeon genealogies illustrates that several Campbell lines in the American colonies had Hebrew naming patterns, for example, using Israel, Orra, and Tabitha as given names...


“ western Scotland...Symington Cemetery... This graveyard contains some names that are strikingly Jewish or Sephardic: for example, Arbell, Pirie (Hebrew ‘pear tree’; cf. Perry, Perez), Yuille (Hebrew Jehuqiel), Samson, Cown (Cohen), Gemmell (Gamiel, or Gammel, the Hebrew letter), Corseina, Rose, Wharrie, Orr (= gold),


“4. The names Isaac, Isaacs, Kissack, Kissock, and McKessack are all derivatives of the Hebrew surname Isaac. Barnett / Burnett and Harris are leading surnames in Jacobs’ list of Jewish philanthropists in 19th century England, mentioned above. Orr and Ure mean ‘gold,’ and Tawes, McTause, McTavish and Taweson are taken from the Hebrew/Greek letter Taw. As will be demonstrated in chapter 7, the Tau/ Thow/ Tough symbol is an X, not a Christian cross. It has Cabalistic links and is found in the Templar effigies showing knights with crossed legs, in the Scottish Saltire flag and in the Freemasons’ skull and crossed shin bones image. (Caldwell, Yates, When Scotland Was Jewish, p. 237)

2.  The Fund for Theological Education – History (prior to removal from the internet)

“The Fund for Theological Education was established in the early 1950s as a response to a perceived crisis in Protestant theological education. At that time, a group of influential seminary educators, clergy, and interested lay persons had become convinced that the quality of those entering the ministry had declined and that many of the best and brightest students were choosing professional careers outside the ministry. In order to encourage talented college graduates to consider the ministry, an unprecedented initiative was launched in 1954 to attract promising but otherwise undecided candidates to seminary education. Begun in close affiliation with the American Association of Theological Schools, the Fund for Theological Education grew both in scope and size over the next forty years and became a leading force in support of excellence in theological study…

“A new kind of scholarship program for theological education was envisioned in 1953 by two nationally known educators, Nathan Pusey, President of Harvard University, and Henry Pitney Van Dusen, President of Union Theological Seminary, New York…Pusey and Van Dusen were not alone, and they were able to convince the Rockefeller Brothers Fund to support a new initiative that would enable highly qualified college graduates considering but undecided on a ministerial career to enroll in an exploratory year of theological studies. In 1954 an eminent board of directors was established under Pusey’s leadership in close cooperation with the American Association of Theological Schools to guide the new program…”  

3. U.N Resolution 1996/31

Principles applied in establishing consultative relations with non-governmental organizations:


2. The aims and purposes of the organization shall be in conformity with the spirit, purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

3. The organization shall undertake to support the work of the United Nations and to promote knowledge of its principles and activities, in accordance with its own aims and purposes and the nature and scope of its competence and activities.

25. Organizations to be accorded special consultative status because of their interest in the field of human rights should pursue the goals of promotion and protection of human rights in accordance with the spirit of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action.


4. Adding to the vast network of MacArthur-friendly churches, the Reformed Calvinist churches and the Southern Baptist Convention fall into the category of whole denominations which promote John MacArthur’s teachings and institutions. Despite his reputation as an uncompromising defender of sound doctrine, John MacArthur is strangely able to cross all denominational barriers and bridge all doctrinal differences and to fellowship with incompatible and even warring factions of the Christian community... not as a peacemaker, for he agitates one against the other, but rather as a hypocrite. MacArthur is even a popular guest in the secular media, which he privately disparages, making appearances in programs like Larry King Live where he is never persecuted, but treated with utmost respect.  MacArthur was even praised by the Mayor and City Council of Los Angeles in a 1996 Resolution congratulating him on his ministry which has advanced the causes of Jesus Christ worldwide...and wishes him continued fruitfulness in all of his future endeavors for the glory of God.  The Mayor of Los Angeles was Richard J. Riordan, a Knight of Malta.