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Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles



Anthony Harrigan- CNP Board of Governors (1982). President of the United States Industrial Council and director of its "Educational Foundation" (USIC) of Nashville, Tennessee, and closely allied with the American Conservative Caucus and Young America's Foundation. [Miller 5]

Preston Hawkins - CNP Executive Committee (1994); Board of Governors (1996).

Jesse Helms - [33º Freemason; (quasi-Masonic, United Nations NGO) Rotary Club] CNP Board of Governors (1982); CNP Membership Directory (1984-84, 1988, 1996, 1998, 1999). With oil billionaires Herbert William and Nelson Bunker Hunt, Helms is a member of the American branch of a racial eugenics group headquartered in Scotland and headed by Robert Gayre, who published the racialist Mankind Quarterly until Roger Pearson took it over in 1978. [Bellant ON 46]

"For an overview on 'race and intelligence,' Murray and Herrnstein recommend two books by three Pioneer Fund recipients: Audrey Shuey, Frank C. J. McGurk, and R. Travis Osborne. McGurk is the main authority they cite to 'prove' that IQ tests are not racially biased. He was one of the 'scientific' mainstays of the segregationist movement in the southern US. In 1959 McGurk and Shuey became leading members of the International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics, first publisher of Mankind Quarterly. Other members included Senator Jesse Helms and the oil billionaire Hunt brothers. Arch-racists in the South introduced Shuey's book in court during the 1960s to argue for continuing school segregation and denying the vote to black people. University of Georgia professor Osborne also testified in court against school integration. Osborne was still, in 1992, trying to prove the long-discarded theory that brain size is somehow related to intelligence." [Racism, Intelligence and the Working Class]

"Henry Garrett, Chair of Psychology at Columbia University from 1941 to 1955. A Virginia born segregationist, Garrett was a key witness defending segregation in the landmark case Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. During the 1950s and 1960s, Garrett helped to distribute grants for the Pioneer Fund and was one of the founders of the International Association for the Advancement of Eugenics and Ethnology (IAAEE) in 1959. The IAAEE brought together academic defenders of segregation in the USA and apartheid in South Africa. The Pioneer Fund supported the IAAEE and other institutions working to legitimise race-science, including the IAAEE's journal, The Mankind Quarterly." [Searchlight July 1998]

Senator Helms has been chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, Chairman, Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Chairman of the Senate Steering Committee, a member of the Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable, a member of the Executive Committee of America Cause, in 1975, along with Spruille Braden and Dr. Edward Teller - both members of the CFR, a member of the Committee on Conservative Alternatives - discussed earlier, Director of the American Conservative Union in 1978-1979, a member of the Organizing Committee of the Citizen's Legal Defense fund for the FBI Ad Hoc - discussed previously, a Trustee of America's Future - a network of the "Establishment", associated with the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress, an "endorser" of the Unification Church spawned Washington Times, and according to high placed sources, a member of the CFR in 1972! 84. [Miller 6]

The National Congressional Club is Jesse Helms' PAC based in Raleigh and was directed by Helms' senior advisor, attorney Tom Ellis. Ellis was the second president of the CNP and former director of the Pioneer Fund, a foundation which finances efforts to prove that African-Americans are genetically inferior to whites. The Congressional Club began after the 1972 Senate campaign, when Ellis retained Richard Viguerie to help pay off the Helms campaign debt. Ellis and Viguerie built the Congressional Club mailing list to more than 300,000 regular contributors -- a constituency for Helms and a major financial resource within the conservative movement...Helms has used his political organization to build connections with New Right and conservative political activists. Besides Viguerie, Phillips, and Dolan connections, Helms is actively represented in Paul Weyrich's coordinating groups. [Saloma 90-92]

In May of 1998, HR 2431 was passed in the House of Representatives and introduced to the Senate as S772 by Senator Arlen Specter (a Mason). There it was stalled in committee until the Republican leadership led by (Mason) Trent Lott maneuvered a compromise version of the bill through (33º Mason) Jesse Helms' Foreign Services Committee. On October 9, the U.S. Senate passed the International Religious Freedom Act (S-1868) sponsored by Senators Don Nickles, Joseph Lieberman and others by a vote of 98-0. S-1868 was referred immediately back to the House of Representatives where it was passed into law the next day.

On January 20, 2000, North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms became the first sitting U.S. Senator in history to address the United Nations Security Council. Click here for the text of that speech as reported in the The Asheville Tribune.

Thomas Hess - CNP Board of Governors (1996). Director of Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations.  At Israel's Jubilee Celebration, sponsored by the Christian Alliance for Israel, Hess shares platforms with heretical and ecumenical leaders such as of Benny Hinn, Jay Sekulow (CNP), Mike Bickle; George Otis, Sid Roth and Stephan Strang. Author of many books soliciting Christian to support the Judeo-Masonic agenda for Israel.  Hess disparages America as “Babylon” but doesn’t mention that the Jewish-owned entertainment media is responsible in large part for its present decadence. Nor is there any mention of the Zionists in the U.S. government who are executing America’s planned destruction. Promos for his books, such as the following, appear on Zionist websites:

“Tom Hess matches up biblical prophecy with events of our time and the immediate future. In the return of the Jews to Israel he sees the prophetically promised turning point in history. His book LET MY PEOPLE GO! is an impassioned appeal to U.S Jewery to leave the ‘flesh pots’ of America, return to Israel, and resume their God-given role as a ‘light to the nations’
“His urgency is inspired by the view that disaster is about to overwhelm America as God’s judgement upon a sinful nation. None can fail to be moved by Tom Hess’ passionate concern and love for the Jewish People. ’Therefore behold, the days are coming,’ says the LORD, ‘that it shall no more be said, 'The LORD lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of Egypt,' 15 "but, 'The LORD lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north and from all the lands where He had driven them.' For I will bring them back into their land which I gave to their fathers. (Jer 16:14-15)” (
Nefesh B'nefesh Tehilla Jewish Agency)

Reverend E.V. Hill- CNP Board of Governors (1982). Pastor of Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in the Watts area of Los Angeles, a founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Foundation, long-time associate of Martin Luther King, and also a member of the Religious Roundtable Council of 56. [Miller 5]

Jimmy Hill - CNP Board of Governors (1996).

Joe Hilyard - CNP Board of Governors (1996).

Roland Hinz - CNP Board of Governors (1996).

Donald P. Hodel - CNP Executive Committee (1996). Co-director with Randy Tate for the National Christian Coalition. Formerly on Focus on the Family Executive Board [until early 1998]. Reagan Administration Under Secretary of the Interior from 1981-1982, and Cabinet level service as Secretary of Energy from 1982-1985 and Secretary of the Interior from 1985-1989.

Reverend Melvin Hodges - CNP Board of Governors (1982). President of the Foundation for Black Christian Education [Miller 6]

Robert Holding - CNP Board of Governors (1982). [Miller 6]

George Holland - CNP Board of Governors (1982). [Miller 6]

Donald R. Howard, Ph.D.- CNP Membership Directory (1984-85, 1988). Founder/President, Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.); Pastor, Grace Fundamental Church; President, International Institute: has assisted more than 5,500 pastors in opening schools in their church facilities in 58 countries and held 4,000 public rallies around the world to promote the Christian school movement; inspires pastors to become involved in the legal and political arenas.

Dr. John A. Howard - CNP Membership Directory (1984-85). President, The Rockford Institute; former President, Rockford College; former President, Palos Verdes College; former President, American Association of Presidents of Colleges and Universities; former President, The Philadelphia Society; Member, Bohemian Club and the Mont Pelerin Society; Executive Vice Chairman, President Eisenhower's Committee on Government Contracts; former Member, National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse; author or co-author, Who Should Run the University, Dilemmas Facing the Nation, Capitalism and Culture, The Family: America's Hope and others; served in U.S. Army during World War II; battlefield commission; two Silver Stars and two Purple Hearts; honorary degrees from Grove City College, Brigham Young University and Rockford College.

John Holt - CNP Board of Governors (1982). Educator, Home School Author, Homosexual, died of AIDS-related cancer 9-14-89 [Harris] A founding sponsor of Anarchist Mark Satin's RENEWAL, and whose association with the EVI-CIE-CATO Institute nexus we discussed at some length in our November 1982 issue. [Miller 6] Speakers Bureau of CIE --Center for Independent Education-- an arm of the CATO Institute.

John Holt, disciple of the apostate Roman Catholic priest, Ivan Illich, [has] taken part in the work of the Center for Intercultural Documentation (CIDOC), headquartered in Cuernavaca and Oaxaca, Mexico. The 'Center,' described as a place...devoted to the spiritual path, raising one's consciousness, transmitting higher knowledge or promoting universal love and unity....! [Rex Myles, Brotherhood of Darkness, P 492] was the scene of meetings during the summer of 1972 between a large group of Chilean socialists and other Latin Americans, resulting in the publication of Illich's work "Tools for Conviviality". The latter was initially published as Volume 47 of the World Perspectives Series -- edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen, a prime contributor to the New Consciousness Education proposal of the International Cooperation Council (ICC). The ICC proposal was presented to the state of California in 1971. And lest we forget, the ICC was called the Unity -In - diversity Council-- our Famous Aquarian Cabal! And further, the Editorial Board of World Perspectives, includes: Illich; Lord Kenneth Clark; Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan of the Temple of Understanding and WORLD BROTHERHOOD; and Jesuit, Karl Rahner.... [Ibid] But , the story does not end there. Illich was also the author of "De-Schooling Society", which philosophy John Holt wholeheartedly endorsed and means literally the abolishment of ALL schools as they now exist! [Miller 11/82]

Max Hugel - CNP Membership Roster (1984-85; 1988). Chairman, PCC Corporation; Chairman, Rockingham Ventures, Inc.; Chairman U.S. Switch; President, Max Hugel Enterprises, Inc.; President, International Syndications, Inc., President, MH Industries and Defense & Security Systems Management, Inc,; former Special Assistant, CIA Deputy Director for Administration and Deputy Director for Operations; chairman, Project '88; former member, President Reagan's campaign staff. City of Hope's 1982 Man of the Year. After Reagan's victory Hugel was appointed Director of Operations of the CIA but was later forced to resign after the Washington Post revealed that he had been engaged in illegal stock market dealings. Hugel was also a staunch supporter of the contras. Shortly after the death of William Casey (CFR), Hugel worked with Casey's wife, Sofia, in organizing a fund raising dinner in which 50 percent of the monies went to cancer research, and the other 50 percent, to the "Freedom Fighters Fund" set up by Casey's widow to continue "private" support to counterrevolutionary groups around the world.

In a 1990 article in the Washington Post, exposed dealings between Max Hugel and Jonathan Park, the son of Bo Hi Pak who is President of Moon-owned The Washington Times Foundation and who as a colonel was an attaché to the Korean embassy. Max Hugel and Col. Bo Hi Pak's son using Unification money were pursuing forming a conglomerate of all the independent broadcasting facilities in the whole Washington D.C. region. As of 1990, closing on a deal to purchase a majority stake in Potomac Television communications, the largest independent broadcast news service in Washington, the company's operations were combined with two video news firms already owned by Park and Hugel. Park and Hugel then controlled all but one independent broadcasting facility, including the satellite and the independent broadcasting facility in the National Press Building, and supplying as many as 200 television stations around the nation, including CNN, with raw footage or finished film reports on newsworthy events or interviews with prominent officials in Washington.

Herbert William Hunt- CNP Board of Governors (1982). Multimillionaire and brother to Nelson Bunker Hunt. In 1981, William Herbert and Nelson Bunker Hunt provided the start-up money for the Council for National Policy.

A subsidiary of the pro-Nazi German American National Congress [DANK], the council is headed by Karol Sitko...Sitko was also the organizer for the West German branch of the Western Goals Foundation, a far-right political organizing and research group which, until the death of its founder, Congressman Larry MacDonald, was essentially a front for the John Birch Society's private intelligence network. In Germany, Sitko organized rallies in Nuremberg and Hanover drawing 240,000 people. He was supported by billionaire H.L. Hunt and General John Singlaub. His activities were conducted in concert with the Anti-Bolshevik Block of Nations.

Renamed Conservative Alliance (CALL), this group was organized by the late Terry Dolan's National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC is Laos in the Coalition for Peace Through Strength). CALL has received major funding through groups affiliated with Rev. Sun Myung Moon, according to the Wall Street Journal and other reports. CALL started the National Coalition for America's Survival, which includes the newly-reincarnated America First Committee...One of the three groups in the Coalition headed by Lady Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton, who is also on the board of the American Security Council Foundation. Her deceased husband, part of the British aristocracy, was the brother of Rudolph Hess when, in 1940, Hess made his secret flight to England. Hess, a top aide to Hitler and Nazi Party official, sought to meet with the British aristocratic circles known as the Cliveden Set. Sympathetic to Hitler's war aims, the Cliveden Set tried to get England out of the war it had declared against Germany in September 1939, after Germany invaded Poland. Hess was arrested and imprisoned. After Lord Douglas came to the U.S., he established an American branch of a racial eugenics group headquartered in Scotland. The oil billionaire Hunt brothers and Jesse Helms are members of this group. It was headed by Robert Gayre, who published the racialist Mankind Quarterly until Roger Pearson took it over in 1978. [Bellant, ON 45-6]

Mary Reilly Hunt - CNP Board of Governors (1996). Order of Malta, Education Committee; President, Mary Reilly Hunt and Associates, Inc., a development consulting organization; clients include National Right to Life Committee, NRL Political Action Committee, and the NRL Educational Trust Fund, also Birthright, the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (Great Britain), and the Right to Life of Queensland (Australia); partner, [Mormon] Charles S. Carriker Associates; vice president/development, National Right to Life Committee; member, National Association of Female Executives; listed in Who's Who of American Women, Who's Who of the World, and Who's Who of Women Executives; active in the Republican Party at the local, state, and national levels; delegate to state and national Republican conventions. South Bend, Indiana.

Nelson Bunker Hunt - CNP President Executive Committee (1983); CNP Senior Executive Committee (1983-84); CNP Executive Committee (1988). Heir of the Hunt Oil Company fortune. Financial backer of CNP, CBN, JBS & ?. In 1951, Nelson Bunker Hunt and Wallace Johnson, founder of Holiday Inns, worked with and funded Bill Bright's Campus Crusade for Christ to the tune of $15.5 million. In 1967, formed Christian World Liberation Front (CWLF) as a covert front for Campus Crusade, which split off and became a leading ministry in the Jesus People movement. Bunker Hunt arranged a retreat for more than 500 millionaires who pledged $20 to Campus Crusade. Once organized a paramilitary force called "Americans Volunteer Group" which he intended to use as death squad against political opponents. [Hougan 55-56; Saloma 53; Diamond 51-56, 250]

In 1967, Nelson Bunker Hunt provided Cameron Townsend, founder of the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) and the Wycliffe Bible Translators, property in Dallas for a new international translation center. Thy Will Be Done, by Colby and Dennett, documents the connections between Wycliffe Bible Translators, the Rockefeller family, and the CIA and who carried out the genocide of indigenous tribes in the Amazon basin. Also funded Ed McAteer, "the Colgate-Palmolive salesman who was the organizing force behind the politicized Fundamentalist movement... The sheer human energy amassed by wealthy SIL backers like North Carolina's James A. Jones, one of the largest contractors for military bases in Vietnam, and oilman Nelson Bunker Hunt of Texas. 'Bunker Hunt had helped me considerable,' McAteer freely offered...Wycliffe Associates' '500 Club' was designed to offer the richer members a way out of service through cash; $500 or more each year was all it took to get a special certificate of membership. Some gave much more. Texas's corporate leaders were prominent in helping Cam build SIL's International Linguistics Center near Dallas; the Linguistics Center's board meeting was one of those special occasions where a Rockefeller business partner like Trammel Crow could rub shoulders with an ultra rightist like Nelson Bunker Hunt. But they were the old core of supporters." [Colby & Dennett 570, 805]

[Nelson Bunker Hunt] funded the "STEP Program and Foundation"... the result of a meeting of some 200 ...wealthy and powerful evangelical, religious, political and business leaders... 76. held on Dallas, Texas April 21st and 22nd 1982, at the behest of multimillionaires Clint Murchison, Jr. and Nelson Bunker Hunt! STEP, an acronym for "Strategies to Eliminate Poverty" was ...formed to alleviate poverty through private sector funding and volunteerism...! 77. According to the Christian Inquirer, Nelson Bunker Hunt "kicked off" the STEP Program in November of 1981, with a $1 million contribution. It is most interesting to note that among those attending the April 1982 meeting in Dallas, besides the previously mentioned Dr. William R. Bright, Murchison, and Hunt, were: Dallas Cowboy Coach Tom Landry, Television evangelists Jim Baker, James Robison and Pat Robertson, Holly Coors, Dallas businesswoman Mary C. Crowley, and the Reverend E.V. Hill - keynote speaker at the meeting and president of STEP. [Miller 4]

Reed Irvine - CNP Board of Governors (1982). Chairman of Accuracy in Media (AIM), Editor of the AIM Report, and a member of University Professors for Academic Order (UPAO). It is most interesting to note that other members of the UPAO include such other prominent figures as: Dr. George C. Roche III, Dr. Howard Hurwitz of the UPAO Board, and Carl W. Salser - all of the National Council on Educational Research, governing body of NIE; Russell Kirk; Donald Senese - Assistant Secretary of Education; Dr. Robert L. Schuettinger, co-author of Scholars, Dollars and Public Policy; New Frontiers in Corporate Giving, along with Ernest W. Lefever and Raymond English of the Lefever run Ethics and Public Policy Center; Frank Gable-a long-time activist in the AQUARIAN CABAL; and, lastly, United States Senator John East. [Miller 6]

"Then there are 'media watchdog' organizations such as Accuracy in Media (AIM). Many persons assume such groups are watching out for the public's interests. Not according to writer Michael Collins Piper, who in 1990 made public that AIM founder Reed Irvine was paid $37,000 a year as an 'advisor for the division of international finance' of the Federal Reserve System. Noting that many Fed members also belong to the secret societies, Piper wrote, 'To this day, Irvine and AIM never touch on any subject which is sensitive to the interests of the international Establishment: whether it be the Bilderberger group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations or the truth about the privately owned Federal Reserve." [Marrs 106]

    Several of AIM's board members have intelligence backgrounds. During WWII Reed Irvine worked in Marine Intelligence; John McLean was employed by the CIA; and Abraham Kalish taught communications at the Defense Intelligence School. Bernard Yoh also has a history of intelligence and military work. He is/was a professor of psychological warfare at the Air Force University in Montgomery, Alabama. He was a hitman for the Shanghai police during the Sino-Japanese war and organized the South Vietnamese counterinsurgency forces during the Vietnam War. In the 1964 Brazilian coup, Yoh advised the Brazilian generals.(2,6)... Bernard Yoh contributes regularly to the Unification Church publication Rising Tide and is a strong supporter of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the South Korean government.(11)
    Elbridge Dubrow was a former ambassador to Vietnam. David Lichtenstein was a senior attorney with the Federal Communications Commission.(2,7) Adm. Thomas H. Moorer was the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under president Richard Nixon. In that position he had Naval Intelligence agents tap Henry Kissinger's phone and remove documents from Nixon's desk.(20) He was also on the national advisory board of the now-defunct Western Goals Foundation, a private domestic intelligence agency founded by former Congressman Larry MacDonald in 1979.(20) Moorer is the vice president of the American Security Council.(22)
    Clare Booth Luce was a former ambassador to Switzerland and former member of Congress.(2,7) She was also a member of Ronald Reagan's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.(23)...Clare Booth Luce is a Dame of the Knights of Malta.(15) She was a director of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund, a fundraising group set up in 1985 by the Washington Times, a paper owned by Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, to provide funds to the contras.(12,15,17,18) Luce was on the Board of the Washington Times. [Henry R. Luce was initiated into the Order of Skull & Bones in 1920. (Sutton)]
    William Simon (CFR) is on the advisory committee of AmeriCares and was on the national council of the Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America (PRODEMCA). Simon was also the chair of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund and is a member of the Knights of Malta.(12,15,18) Dr. Edward Teller (CFR) was a member of the Committee on the Present Danger as of 1983. The Committee is an anticommunist organization which has advocated strict containment policies towards the Soviet Union.(21) Teller also created the H-Bomb.(20) Teller was also on the advisory board of the Western Goals Foundation and served with the CPTS.(20) [Interhemispheric Resource Center:AIM]

Hon. Ernest J. Istook, Jr. - CNP Membership Directory (1996, 1999) U.S. House of Representatives (R-OK). Sponsored the Religious Freedom Amendment (H.J. Res. 78), sponsored by Rep. Ernest Istook (R-OK), was defeated in the House of Representatives by a vote of 224 to 203 - a majority but 61 votes short of the two-thirds necessary to pass a constitutional amendment. H.J. Res. 78 would have permitted, not only school prayer, but religious symbols on public property and the use of tax money for religious activities. The Christian Legal Society withheld its support for Istook’s proposal and expressed concern that the language would permit government preference of a specific religion:

"CLS differs with Mr. Istook on the issue of government 'recognition' of religion. CLS opposes conferring on government the constitutional authority 'to pray and to recognize [the people's] religious beliefs, heritabe of traditions on public property.' at the July 22 hearing before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Mr. Istook conceded that the first sentence of his proposed Religious Freedom Amendment is intended to confer on government, not just individuals and groups, this power to pray and to recognize religion...Mr. Istook's March 24, 1997, press release cites examples of the kinds of court decisions he wants to reverse; Most are cases where governments (not private citizens or churches) were endorsing one religion over another. (e.g., city-owned cross in a park). Under this interpretation, intended by its framers, the RFA would effectively rescind much of the protections of the First Amendment by permitting the state and federal governments to use their power and purse to propagate religious messages on a preferential basis."

Lorena Jaeb - CNP Board of Governors (1996, 1997, 1998). Former owner, Shop & Go, Inc.; board member, Child Abuse Council of Hilisborough County, University Community Hospital, Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center, and the Florida Business and Industries Recycling Board; member, Retail Grocers Association Political Committee; vice president, public/political relations, Pick Kwik Food Stores; member, Hillsborough County Republican executive board and chairperson of special events; member, political advisory boards, Congressmen Michael Bilirakis and Andy Ireland. Spouse – Robert. Mango, Florida. (IFAS)  Robert Jaeb was also a member of the Leadership Council of The Conservative Caucus chaired by Howard Phillips.

According to the February 2006 newsletter of John Macarthur’s organization, The Master’s Academy International (TMAI), “In 1987, the Jaeb family set up The Believers Foundation…to help spread God’s word around the world.”  Through The Believers Foundation, Robert and Lorena. Jaeb established a special program in partnership with The Master’s Seminary (TMS) and Macarthur's Grace Community Church to fund TMS graduates who went out as missionaries.  “It was the seed for what has grown into The Master’s Academy International.”  Macarthur's TMAI is a “church growth” organization based on Rick Warren's Purpose-Driven model. Besides underwriting TMAI, The Believers Foundation funds numerous other church growth orgs, including ministries that hold membership in the Southern Baptist Convention (UN-NGO) and the World Baptist Alliance (UN-NGO). (See: John Macarthur Exposed and The Watchman Wakes in Vain)

Kay Cole James - CNP Membership Directory (1996, 1998, 1999), Vice President, Policy, Family Research Council.

Gary Jarmin -CNP Membership Directory (1984-85, 1988, 1996, 1999). Legislative Director, Christian Voice, a front for the Unification Church; Lobbyist and political consultant in Washington, D.C.; President of Jar-Mon Consultants, Inc., a firm specializing in political activism, election campaigns and foreign policy matters in East Asia; designed and directed registration drive in 1884 for American Coalition for Traditional Values; Chaired Christians for Reagan campaign in 1980 and 1984; former legislative director, Freedom Leadership Foundation.

"Christian Voice pioneered the use of 'moral report cards' to rate Congressional and presidential candidates on issues from abortion to sanctions against Rhodesia. The organization was started in California in 1976 under the name Citizens United. In August 1978, the group changed its name to American Christians United and in October 1978 to Christian Voice, Inc. The original Christian Voice directorate consisted of Rev. Robert Grant, a graduate of Rev. Steuart McBirnie's California Institute of Theology, Gary Jarmin, a long time right-wing lobbyist and former disciple of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and Colonel Donor (Colonel is his first name, not a military title)...In 1988, an investigative news feature on CBS' 'West 57th" documented McBirnie's history of fraudulent financial dealings and featured elderly followers whom he has allegedly swindled by refusing to pay thousands of dollars of loans.

"In 1987, leaders of the Christian Right formed the American Freedom Coalition (AFC)...Robert Grant [was] an AFC founder and president of Christian Voice. With initial funding from the Unification Church, the AFC signified a merger between about 30 Christian Voice field organizers and the state representatives of Moon's American Constitution Committee. At the August 1987 kick-off rally for the American Freedom Coalition in Washington, D.C., Moon's top aide Bo Hi Pak praised the 'marriage' between Christian Voice and the American Constitution Committee and said it 'shows what a great sense of humor God has.'

"As with other Moonie-influenced New Right projects, the AFC was organized in such a way as to obscure Moonie domination. The original officers included Christian Voice President, Robert Grant, black civil rights leader Ralph Abernathy, Richard Viguerie, and Richard Ichord (D-MO) and Bob Wilson (R-CA). After their poor results in the 1986 Congressional elections, Christian Voice leaders, Robert Grant and Gary Jarmin had concluded that Christians alone could not steer the country rightward. To be politically effective, they argued, Christians would have to be 'unequally yoked' with non-believers and even enemies of Christianity...

"In May 1988, Grant was invited as the keynote speaker for the annual conference of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), which included many of the same anti-Semitic East European émigré groups recruited by (CNP member) David Balsiger's RAMBO Coalition . With headquarters in Munich and chapters throughout Europe and the United States, the ABN is nostalgic for the days when the Nazis occupied Eastern Europe. Scott Anderson and John Lee Anderson, authors of Inside the League, describe the ABN as: 'the largest and most important umbrella for Nazi collaborators in the world...A prime criterion for membership appears to be fealty to the cause of National Socialism; ABN officers constitute a virtual Who's Who of those responsible for the massacre of millions of civilians in the bloodiest war in history.'

Grant's public association with Nazi sympathizers drew no storm of criticism from fellow evangelicals." [Diamond 62, 78-9]

Terry J. Jeffers- CNP Board of Governors (1982). Chairman of Financial Planning Services and vice-chairman of TARGET, Inc., Publisher of Ruff Times, and chairman of the RUFF Foundation. [Miller 6] Howard Ruff is the Mormon investment counselor who was advising people to buy silver when the Hunt Brothers had upped the price per ounce to about $16 in the 70s.

Dr. Mildred Faye Jefferson - CNP Board of Governors (1982). Physician; President, Right to Life Crusade, National Right to Life Foundation: Trustee, St. Louis University; Diplomat, American Board of Surgery; Father Flanagan Award, Boys Town, Nebraska; graduate Harvard Medical School; honorary degrees from 26 institutions. Member of Religious Roundtable Council of 56.

John Singlaub, Daniel Graham, and Mildred Jefferson, are members of the national policy board of the American Freedom Coalition, a political organization with extensive ties to the Unification Church... [Interhemispheric Resource Center:WGF] Mildred Faye Jefferson is or was on the board of the American Freedom Coalition (AFC), a rightwing political education and lobbying group formed in 1987 to promote what it calls "traditional values."(35,36) Initial funding for the AFC came from the Unification Church of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the Christian Voice and leadership positions in the AFC are filled by members of the Unification Church and Christian Voice.(7,48). [IRC: Religious Roundtable]

Louis (Woody) Jenkins - First Executive Director of the CNP; CNP Executive Committee (1994); Board of Governors (1996). LA State Representative, a member of the Louisiana House since 1972. Former National Chairman of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). [Miller 4] Member of the Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable. Founder and Chairman of Friends of the Americas.

There have been allegations that FOA has assisted the Nicaraguan Contra forces...directly. Key contra leaders identified CAUSA (associated with the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church) and FOA as the principal sources of their supplies in 1984.(28)... Lewis Tambs--later implicated in the Iran-Contra scandal--was U.S. Ambassador to this country, he acted as FOA's Christmas Box country chairman...In 1985, an associate of investigative journalist Jack Anderson accompanied FOA's Woody Jenkins on a plane full of supplies to La Mosquitia [Texas]. Anderson reported, "It became clear that the Friends of the Americas contingent, which included an assistant to [Sen. Jeremiah] Denton, was involved with more than simple refugee relief. Uniformed MISURA guerrillas with rifles slung on their backs stood guard at the airstrip as the DC-3's cargo was unloaded. Rebel jeeps shuttled the supplies to refugee camps located in the vicinity of the MISURA military camps."(15) MISURA has also used FOA's radios and airplanes.(12) [IRC: Friends of the Americas]

Bob Jones III - President, Bob Jones University.

James F. Justiss- CNP Executive Committee (1984-85).

Rep. Jack Kemp (R-NY) - 33º Freemason; CNP Membership Roster (1984-85, 1988, 1996, 1998); U.S. House of Representatives since 1970. Co-director of Empower America with William Bennett, Jeanne Kirkpatrick [CFR] and Vin Weber, who is co-director of the Aspen Institute’s Domestic Strategy Group. The President and CEO of Empower America until March, 2000 was Josette Shiner, a high-ranking Unification Church member and former editor at the Moon-owned Washington Times newspaper. William Bennett is a Fellow on the staff of Hudson Institute where he served on the GOALS 2000 Modern Red Schoolhouse Design Team with Dennis Doyle, Chester Finn, Jr., Pierre du Pont IV and Lamar Alexander (former Education Secretary under George Bush). The board of Empower America is composed almost entirely of CFR members and/or high ranking Freemasons, including Jack Kemp [33º Mason], Jeane Kirkpatrick [CFR], Michael Novak [CFR], Trent Lott [33º Mason], Ward Wood [CFR], Theodore Forstmann [CFR] and past board member Newt Gingrich [CFR, 33º Mason].

Jack Kemp's speech of March 10, 2000 to Cato Institute: "Solving the Global Public Pensions Crisis II: The Privatization Revolution."]

From the BUFFALO NEWS, Buffalo, New York, Thursday, October 16, 1986:


"Rep. Jack F. Kemp, R-Hamburg; the Rev. Don C. Markham and Howard D. Butler have been elected to receive the Scottish Rite 33rd Degree and become honorary members of the Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Kemp, a member of Fraternal Lodge, F&AM, in Hamburg, is a member of Palmoni Lodge of Perfection, 14th Degree; Palmoni Council, Princes of Jerusalem, 16th Degree; Buffalo Chapter of Rose Croix, 18th Degree, and Buffalo Consistory, 32nd Degree...The degree is to be conferred at the next annual session of the Supreme Council in September 1987, in Boston."

Dr. D. James Kennedy - CNP Membership Directory (1984-85, 1988, 1996, 1998). Senior Pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, CNP Membership Directory (1996, 1998); founder and president, Evangelism Explosion International, 1971, 1976 and 1980 recipient George Washington Honor Medal Award, Freedoms Foundation; Religious Heritage of America 1984 "Clergyman of the Year" award; Civitan International 1986 "International Clergyman of the Year"; author 10 books. D. James Kennedy promotes the False Gospel in the Stars teaching, i.e. astrology, in his book, The Real Meaning of the Zodiac.

Alan Keyes - CNP Membership Directory (1996, 1998, 1999). Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Alan Keyes was William Kristol's (Bilderberger) roommate at Harvard, whose father, Irving Kristol, joined the Young People's Socialist League in the 30s. In 1953 Irving Kristol founded the magazine "Encounter" in England that was secretly being supported by the CIA. It, for example, ran puff pieces for Fabian Socialist and Bilderberger Hugh Gaitskell, head of the Labor Party. In 1965, together with Daniel Bell, Kristol founded the "Public Interest. This was a publication of "Freedom House." Bell belonged to the Young Socialist League and the League for Industrial Democracy which had been named the Intercollegiate Socialist Society. Like Kristol, Bell was subsidized by the CIA through an organization called the Congress for Cultural Freedom of which Bell was a leader. Irving Kristol's partner Daniel Bell has suggested that we do away with state boundaries and most local government. That is not surprising since he was a member of the Institute for American Democracy, an offshoot of the ADL. Daniel Bell is a CFR member.

For ten years Bell had worked for Brotherhood of Death member (Skull and Bones & CFR) Henry C. Luce at one of his magazines, Fortune. In 1969, Irving Kristol was made the Henry R. Luce professor at New York University. George Field ran the Freedom House which published Kristol and Bell's, The Public Interest. Field was chairman of the Rand School for Social Science which was owned by the American Socialist Society. It was financed by the Garland Fund which keep many Communist projects going. Freedom House's Bookshelf Program was run by Rex Stout who previously published New Masses, a Communist Weekly. Nelson Rockefeller directly gave Irving Kristol $100,000 through his Commission on Critical Choices for just 15 short essays. Irving's son, William Kristol did make it big time, he is a member of the Bilderberger group. William Kristol is being promoted by Newsweek as one of the top three strategists of the GOP. He launched a weekly magazine called the Standard and is backed financially by Ruppert Murdock. Kristol is assembling the next generation of socialists on behalf of the NWO. The Kristol's have plotted for two decades under the disarming word, "neoconservative."

William Kristol ran Alan Keyes' 1988 Senate Campaign in Maryland. Keyes was part of Reagan's National Security Team! Reagan's National Security was made up of CFR George P. Schultz, CFR/T Henry Kissinger, CFR William Case, CFR/T Casper Weinberger, and CFR Gen. David Jones with David Rockefeller (Chairman of CFR/T) being an unofficial advisor. Keyes was promoted by Jeanne Kirkpatrick. Jeanne Kirkpatrick is a member of the Trilateral Commission and the CFR. In fact, as recently as the 80s, Kirkpatrick was still on the letterhead of the League for Industrial Democracy. She believes in abortion, East-West trade, business with China and that the Monroe Doctrine is no longer valid. Her American Enterprise Institute is supported by NY Banks and big Oil, CFR and CIA assets. Her husband for many years... Evron, was with the OSS, State Dept and was Director of the Office of Intelligence Research. His specialty was behavioral science. He since 1954, had been the executive director of the American Political Science Assoc. Hubert Humphrey was the direct product of Evron Kirkpatrick. The Kirkpatricks have fashioned candidates scientifically. Keyes is the product of his handlers (those with global fish to fry).

Saying all the right things to sop up and drain support of gullible traditionalists. Keyes was president of Citizens Against Waste founded by J. Peter Grace, CFR. J. P. Grace is no more conservative than McGeorge Bundy, Henry Kissinger, or W. Averell Harriman. See Esquire Sept. issue 1977, The Latest Secrets of Skull and Bones by Ron Rosenbaum. William Grace is J. Peter Grace's father and was the signer of incorporation papers of the CFR in NY City the 25th of July, 1921. Also signing on that document was Paul Warburg, who was a key personality in the founding of the Federal Reserve in 1913. The W.R. of W.R. Grace stands for William Russell, William Russell was a co-founder of the Brotherhood of Death. It is considered by some students of history that J. Peter Grace has been born into the American Illuminati. Also see Soviet expert Dr. Antony C. Sutton's book, America's Secret Establishment on page 5. [Kelleigh Nelson]

Brig. General Albion W. Knight - CNP Board of Governors (1982). Chairman of the CNP National Defense Committee, contributor to Front Line, Inc. of Missouri, and a member of the Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable. [Miller 6] "A...son of Poseidon (Neptune) was Albion who according to Greek tradition founded a kingdom in Britain. The hinterland of Phoenicia is known as Lebanon. 'Albion' (i.e. Britain in Classical terms) is synonymous in meaning with 'Lebanon' ...Both words indicate 'whiteness' and both derive from the same root." [Yair Davidy, Brit-Am Israel, 9.20.99]

Rt. Rev. Albion W. Knight, Jr, missionary bishop, United Episcopal Church of America and member of the American Security Council. Advisory Board of United States Council for World Freedom (1986) which is the U.S. branch of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), home for many fascists and neo-Nazis. The U.S. branch brought these elements to the U.S. for WACL's annual meetings in 1984 and 1985. Included was a delegate [Yves Gignac] who served five years in prison for attempting to assassinate Charles DeGaulle, persons who led Nazi SS units or corraborationist puppet governments during World War II, and architects of mass murder in Latin America. Those meetings served to build support for the FDN Contras as well as UNITA and RENAMO, both allies of South Africa. The U.S. branch, led by Major General John Singlaub, also has had racists, anti-Semites and at least one member of a Nazi collaborationist organization on its board. [Bellant (CC); Anderson 256-7, 270; Interhemispheric Resource Center:USCWF]

The U.S. military is allegedly now combined, under the Federal Emergency Management Agency, with other departments of the Federal government and with local governments. When the President tries to use this overreaching military against the people, [Jim] Ammerman maintains, the "good" military officers will side with armed citizens against the President. Curiously, Ammerman's own organization was created at the request of an Army officer, Gen. Ralph E. Haines, Jr., who personally supervised the military policing of the population, against which Ammerman directs his rhetoric... General Haines went public in an April 11, 1968 press conference, describing his "Operation Garden Plot." He had planned and directed the military arrangements for the takeover of every single American city, and arranged the linkages between the military and Justice Department, local police, and state governments... It was this General Haines who asked Ammerman to create his Full Gospel Chaplaincy... The Haines-Ammerman project was a component of Britain's Pentecostalist political initiative, set in motion within the United States following World War II.

In 1978, Haines led a group of American Episcopalian speakers-in-tongues, to Canterbury, England, for a global meeting of the Anglican Church under Queen Elizabeth's Archbishop Donald Coggan. Haines and others, colonials and Brits alike, launched a world crusade to spread Pentecostalism under Anglican guidance. An Episcopal colleague of Haines, Gen. Albion Knight, U.S. Army (ret.), in a discussion with this reporter on June 5, 1997, lavishly praised the Haines-Ammerman project. A nuclear weapons and logistics specialist, Knight is now a Conservative Revolution leader in Howard Phillips's Taxpayers Party. He explained the strategy put in gear at the 1978 Canterbury meeting: Get away from stuffy high churchism. Get with the people. This hard-charging Anglicanism is "exploding in the Third World"; Africa is especially targetted. Intimately identified with the British authorities and the Church of England, General Knight manages the Church Information Center, which, he says, "feeds information to around 125 leaders, an intelligence network in the Anglican world." [Chaitkin]

Dr. Robert H. Krieble - CNP Executive Committee (1988); CNP Board of Governors (1996).

Beverly LaHaye- CNP Board of Governors (1982); CNP Board of Governors (1996). Wife of Timothy LaHaye and member of the Editorial Board of the Christian Inquirer. Founder and Chairman of Concerned Women for America (CWA). [Miller 6] Member of Religious Roundtable Council of 56.

In July/August of 1996, the Rev. Sun Myung Moonhosted a convention in Washington, D.C., which was also attended by several prominent evangelical leaders. The full text of Rev. Moon's speech of August 1, 1996, titled "In Search of the Origin of the Universe," which is replete with phallic references, is available on the Unification Home Page.

"Sun Myung Moon's front organizations (Family Federation for World Peace, Women's Federation for World Peace, Summit Council for World Peace, etc.) promote 'morals and family values.' It is amazing to see who will join this self-professed 'Messiah' in working for these 'religiously correct' goals. Moon just hosted (7/31-8/2/96) another convention in Washington, D.C. The highly paid speakers (reportedly $80-150,000 each) included former presidents Ford and Bush, Robert Schuller, Ralph Reed, Gary Bauer (president of Family Research Council, 'the lobbying/research arm of Focus on the Family') and Beverly LaHaye. Entertainment was by Pat Boone and family. Moon says that mankind fell from grace because Eve had sex with Satan, Christ failed in His mission and Moon is the true Messiah. While evangelical speakers were careful not to offend their high-paying host with the true gospel, Moon and his wife, Hak Ja Han, boldly proclaimed their gospel. What a denial of Christ for Pat Boone to entertain, and evangelical leaders to speak, on the same platform where the host declared that he is perfecting the work 'left uncompleted by Jesus!'" [Dave Hunt, The Berean Call, Sept.,1996]

Timothy LaHaye- CNP President (1981); CNP Board of Governors (1982; 1996); CNP Executive Committee (1984-85). President of the Council for National Policy (CNP), president of the internationally known Family Life Seminars, Founder of Christian Heritage College, member of the Executive Board of Moral Majority, a member of the Editorial Board of Christian Inquirer, and a member of the Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable. [Miller 6]

"LaHaye held the position of paid chairman with Sun Myung Moon's now defunct Coalition for Religious Freedom (CRF). (Moon is the founder of the Unification Church, and is the self-proclaimed Messiah to the world. He teaches the particularly vile heresy that not only did Jesus fail in His earthly ministry, but that He had sex with the women who followed Him.) (Reported in the November 1990 Omega-Letter and the 1Q96, Religion in Politics.)

"In June, 1985, CRF held several rallies, one of which was in Washington, D.C. There LaHaye urged the over 300 men and women present to support Moon by voluntarily going to jail with him for a week if allowed to do so by authorities. "Not that I agree with his doctrine," said LaHaye. "Not that I agree with what he teaches, because many of us don't know what he teaches. We have only read about it in the paper and you know how much we can trust the papers." (Evidently LaHaye is unaware of the many books and research papers made available by Christian cult investigators. Certainly the newspapers aren't the only source of information.) Other so-called evangelicals that served with LaHaye at CRF as executive committee and/or advisory board members were Don Wildmon (founder and president of the social activist American Family Association), Marlin Maddoux (Point Of View nationwide radio talk show host), Paul Crouch (TBN Network's infamous founder), Hal Lindsey, James Robison, Jimmy Swaggart, and D. James Kennedy (author and pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida) -- an agenda of social activism certainly makes for strange ecumenical bedfellows. [In a personal letter dated 6/3/93, LaHaye claims to have never received any pay for his stint as CRF's "temporary chairman for a month and a half." LaHaye seems to be saying, "It's okay to serve on the Board of an apostate organization as long as you don't accept pay for it."]

"LaHaye's involvement with Moon is particularly vile. In 1985, Carolyn Weaver, writing for Mother Jones Magazine, exposed the fact that LaHaye had received substantial funds from Moon's aid Bo Hi Park. This was discovered in a tape of a dictated thank you letter from LaHaye, thanking Park for a contribution in excess of $500,000. LaHaye would not admit or deny the receipt of the contribution, instead he attacked the source of the information. (Reported in the 1Q96, Religion in Politics.)" [Biblical Discernment Ministries]

Reed Larson- CNP Board of Governors (1982); CNP Executive Committee (1994); CNP Secretary-Treasurer (1996). President of the National Right To Work Committee, which is funded by the Coors family, foundation and corporation. [Miller 6] Member of the Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable.

Dr. Ernest Lefever - CNP Board of Governors (1982). Long active in Maryland Values Education Commission, former Associate Director of the National Association of Churches, attended the founding Assembly of the World Council of Churches in 1948, a lengthy history of activity in Leftist causes - including that of consultant to the Council on Religion and International Affairs and a research analyst for the Brookings Institution, and who is presently the Director of Ethics and Public Policy Center at Georgetown University. [Miller 6]

John Lenczowski - CNP Membership Roster (1984-85). Consultant to the Council for Inter-American Security...[which] played a pivotal role formulating Washington's program for counter-revolutionary war and mass murder in Central America during the 1980s... The group functioned in a dual-capacity; as an alarmist "public policy institute" and as a domestic spy ring, a "privatized" version of the FBI's infamous COINTELPRO operations. Having staked-out Latin America as their geopolitical niche, CIS targeted Central America solidarity activists, progressive clergy, and the Salvadoran exile community. The group gathered intelligence and disseminated disinformation, funneling data on foreign policy opponents to the FBI and the intelligence service of the Salvadoran death squad state...In 1980, they published the influential A New Inter-American Policy for the Eighties, generally known as the "Santa Fe Document." [A Small Circle of Friends]

John Lofton - CNP Board of Governors (1982). Editor of the Conservative Digest and a contributor to the Unification Church sponsored Washington Times. [Miller 6]

Edward Lozick - CNP Board of Governors (1996). CNP Membership Directory (1984-85, 1988, 1996, 1999). President, Nerts, Inc., Finance chairman, Reagan for President, 1980/1984; Member, 1981 Presidential Inaugural Committee; chairman, The Kennedy Center Ball; Fellow, The Presidential Transition Foundation; Republican National Committee Eagle. Son-in-law of Republican benefactor, Fred Lennon.

"After stepping from obscurity to top last year's 400, Cleveland billionaire Fred Lennon... is already notoriously secretive -- he shuns the media, and his Crawford Fitting Company even conceals its production volume by operating many small factories without signs on them...In addition to his political contributions to Bob Dole and other Republicans over the last two years, Lennon was one of the top donors to Cleveland's Operation Save-A-Life, a program to reduce house fire fatalities by equipping low-income homes with smoke alarms. He recently came into a little extra cash -- Midwestern National Life Insurance Co. of Ohio, of which he owned 79 percent, was merged into a New York holding company for $14 million.

"... his son-in-law Edward Lozick, CEO of pipe fittings manufacturer Nerts Inc., seems to be following in his footsteps, both politically and personally. Although Lozick's yacht ferried special guests Bob and Dolores Hope while leading the Cuyahoga River's "Parade of Lights" last year, he generally follows his father-in-law's motto: "Secrecy is success. Success is secrecy." He is wary of the media -- when Mother Jones called Nerts, receptionists answered with their own names, not the company's and were even reluctant to say what kind of manufacturing they did. The $63,050 that Lozick gave to Republicans in the last election cycle was nearly enough to make the Mother Jones 400 this year. Imagine what he'll do with his inheritance." [Mother Jones: The 400 List]

Hon. Trent Lott - 33º Freemason, U.S. Senate. CNP Membership Directory (1996, 1998). In May of 1998, HR 2431 was passed in the House of Representatives and introduced to the Senate as S772 by Senator Arlen Specter (a Mason). There it was stalled in committee until the Republican leadership led by Trent Lott maneuvered a compromise version of the bill through (33º Mason) Jesse Helms' Foreign Services Committee. On October 9, the U.S. Senate passed the International Religious Freedom Act (S-1868) sponsored by Senators Don Nickles, Joseph Lieberman and others by a vote of 98-0. S-1868 was referred immediately back to the House of Representatives where it was passed into law the next day.

Earl Little- CNP Board of Governors (1982). President of the Christian Law Association. [Miller 6]

Marlin Maddoux - CNP Membership Roster (1988, 1996, 1999). Founder and president, International Christian Media and USA Radio Network; author, A Christian Agenda: Game Plan For a New Era, America Betrayed, What Worries Parents Most, and others; journalist; host of national radio broadcast, "Point of View," a live 90-minute issues oriented Christian talk show heard daily on over 270 radio nationwide and around the world on several shortwave stations; frequent guest on numerous national Christian and general television and radio broadcasts, CBS Morning News, Nightime, The 700 Club, Concerned Women Live, The Art of Family Living, and many others.

Marion (Mac) Magruder - CNP Executive Committee; Board of Governors (1996). Owner/operator, McDonald's Restaurants; chairman, Arizona Family Research; board member, Free Congress Research & Education Foundation, National Family Foundation, Abundant Life, Summit Ministries; advisory board, Conservative Caucus.

Peter Marshall, Jr.- CNP Membership Roster (1988, 1996, 1999). Son of late Chaplain of the U.S. Senate, Peter Marshall and Catherine Marshall, author and founder of Breakthrough, Inc. Founder and director of Peter Marshall Ministries; author and speaker on restoring Christian heritage of America; author, The Light & The Glory and From Sea to Shining Sea, [See also: Masonic Foundations of the U.S.]; ordained Presbyterian minister (Princeton Theological Seminary).

Connaught (Connie) Marshner - CNP Board of Governors (1982); CNP Executive Committee (1988). Roman Catholic who worked for Young Americans for Freedom, the youth organization of the John Birch Society. In 1960, the founding document of YAF was drawn up at the estate of CFR member William F. Buckley. Marshner moved to the Heritage Foundation and the Free Congress Foundation, where she represented FCF at shepherding-discipleship groups such as the Word of God Community and the Coalition on Revival. Marshner served on the Steering Committee of COR and the Executive Committee of Anatole Fellowship, founded by Dennis Peacocke, who "shepherded" Colonel Doner, founder and director of Moon-controlled and financed Christi an Voice. Marshner was Director of the Family Policy Division of the Free Congress Research and Education Foundation, and Editor of its organ Family Protection Report; member of the Board of Governors of the CNP.[Bellant (CC) 18-19, Young 130]

Marshner authored the failed omnibus Family Protection Act of 1981. Strange as it may seem, when Connaught Marshner's "Family Policy Division" was asked about their policy on "sex education", the reply was that there was NO POLICY! Even more revealing was a Marshner "Memo" to pro-family groups, dated January 22, 1982. The "Memo" concerned the pending introduction of legislation to empower the IRS to "investigate" and "influence" the "policies", "programs", "rights", "privileges", and "activities" of religious schools! 74. In the "Memo", Marshner wrote: "In case you're wondering why I don't say "ask your Senators to kill the bill", here's why. It's a Republican Senate. Republican Senators will not oppose something their Republican President's ask for -- the "club" mentality is stronger than principle in this town. If you ask for the bill to be killed, your letter would be discounted as "kooky" or "impractical." However, I am advised that a few simple amendments would make the bill SOMETHING WE CAN LIVE WITH...!?! (Emphasis added.) [Miller 4]

James Mather- CNP Board of Governors (1982). Founder and Chairman of the Board of Denver-based Mr. Steak, Inc.[Miller 6] Former international president SWAP (Salesmen With a Purpose) Club; former director, International Franchise Assoc.; Lieutenant AUSNI; former trustee, Youth for Christ Foundation.

Pat Matrisciana -CNP Membership Roster (1999). Owner and president, Jeremiah Films which has produced over 60 documentaries including Pagan Invasion and No Second Chance; chairman, Citizens for Honest Government which produced The Clinton Chronicles, The Death of Vince Foster: What Really Happened? and Obstruction of Justice; Academy Award nominee. Citizens for Honest Government Board Member, Carol Steinke, also sits on the board of a Scientology front, Citizens Commission for Human Rights (CCHR). Pat Matrisciana produced a video against 60 Minutes after the latter's expose of Scientology.

"Citizens for Honest Government publishes a newsletter, Citizens' Intelligence Digest . It is edited by John Wheeler, Jr., a former editor of The Christian American published by the Christian Coalition. A number of California Religious Political Extremist activists or people with strong California ties are contributors to Citizens Intelligence Digest. Among them are:

The other interesting California link to the "vast . . conspiracy" is the Rutherford Institute headed by John Whitehead, Esq., a member of the Council for National Policy, who is now the lead attorney representing Paula Jones. The Rutherford Institute was founded at the behest of the Reverend R. J. Rushdoony of Chalcedon, Inc., located in Vallecito CA. He also served on the board of directors along with multimillionaire Howard Ahmanson, Jr. co-founder of the Allied Business PAC. Both men are members of the Council for National Policy. [Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy]

Found on the Mad Cow website: Inside Richard Mellon Scaife's Conspiracy

Daniel Hopsiker interview of Pat Matrisciana, December, 1998.

......I shot it at him [Matrisciana]: "Are you Agency?"

I meant, of course, was he from the Company. The good Ool bad Ool CIA. But this is, apparently, not considered a polite question, though god knows why not because before he answered he coughed, and looked surprised. Maybe he¹s just not all that used to direct address. But at the end of the meal he said to me that for some reason he¹d told me a lot more than he was planning to, so I guess it was a successful tactic.

"I¹ve been to Berkeley, too," his reply began.
"I was 'detailed' to Berkeley in 1965, to establish a countervailing force to Mario Savio's Free Speech Movement. While there I founded the Campus Crusade for Christ."
And then it was his turn to grin: "I invented," he told me proudly, "Jesus freaks.".....

"I was detailed to Berkeley"

For anyone who has ever suspected, in a dark paranoid moment, that our culture--especially in the 60's--was somehow psycho-managed by the CIA, Matriciana' s offhand admission is enlightening, because it was clear he was in earnest, and I had no reason to doubt that he was telling me the truth. To me, its implications for the current scandal are staggering. Because Matriciana, when he made the Clinton Chronicles, wasn¹t an independent producer toiling in anonymity. He was an intelligence operative for Richard Mellon Scaife, himself an intelligence operative, with longstanding ties to the Central Intelligence Agency.

Donald S. McAlvany - CNP Membership Roster (1988, 1996, 1999). President, International Collectors Associates: Bringing Intelligence Information and Serving Precious Metals Investors Since 1972; editor of The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, a monthly geopolitical/financial intelligence newsletter; past editor, The African Intelligence Digest; Director, Council on Southern Africa, a non-profit educational foundation designed to educate Americans on the strategic importance of Southern Africa; took large delegations of Americans on political/financial tours of South Africa every February.

Ed McAteer - CNP Board of Governors (1982). Founder of the Religious Roundtable Council of 56, former executive for Colgate-Palmolive, member of the Boards of Kim Wickes Ministries, Wycliffe Bible Associates, Bill Glass Evangelism, and All India Prayer Fellowship, National Field Director of the Conservative Caucus, a member of the Editorial board of Christian Inquirer. [Miller 5; Thy Will Be Done, by Gerard Colby with Charlotte Dennett, documents the connections between Wycliffe Bible Translators, the Rockefeller family, and the CIA and who carried out the genocide of indigenous tribes in the Amazon basin. (HarperCollins, 1945)]

Ed McAteer was sales marketing manager for Colgate-Palmolive Company when he retired to become the national field director of the Christian Freedom Foundation (CFF), and organization devoted to training evangelicals for places of leadership in government. From there McAteer moved to the rightwing Conservative Caucus where he served as national field director until founding the Religious Roundtable.(1) He is or was a member of the board of the evangelical Wycliffe Bible Associates, and has traveled to Mexico on behalf of Wycliffe to present a native language translation of the Bible to a tribal group.(1) In 1975 McAteer served as an official delegate to the Global Congress on World Evangelism in Lausanne, Switzerland. In 1983 he was on the boards of the Gideons, Teen Challenge, Bill Glass Evangelistic Association, the All-Indian Prayer Fellowship, and the Asian Evangelistic Fellowship.(1) McAteer, along with Howard Phillips, Richard Viguerie, and Paul Weyrich, helped Jerry Falwell start the Moral Majority.(7) McAteer was a press contact for the Moral Majority. [IRC: Religious Roundtable]

"Yet, of all the principles building the Religious Right into a cohesive political force, the most important was perhaps least known. Ed McAteer was the Colgate-Palmolive salesman who was the organizing force behind the politicized Fundamentalist movement. McAteer had the glib tongue of his profession, substituting Christ for soap in his market analysis. He was more than a friend of Cam Townsend; he was a major figure on the board of Wycliffe Associates, which was now a powerhouse of resources for SIL, providing it and JAARS (Jungle Aviation & Radio Service founded by Townsend in 1963) with construction skills, money, promotion and overnight stays for furloughed translators on fund-raising tours. In return, testimonies from returned translators, films, books, and slide shows parlayed surrogate travels around the world for suburban believers. Special trips to the jungle bases allowed the more affluent faithful actually to partake in adventure for God. The sheer human energy amassed by wealthy SIL backers like North Carolina's James A. Jones, one of the largest contractors for military bases in Vietnam, and oilman Nelson Bunker Hunt of Texas. 'Bunker Hunt had helped me considerable,' McAteer freely offered.

"Wycliffe Associates' '500 Club' was designed to offer the richer members a way out of service through cash; $500 or more each year was all it took to get a special certificate of membership. Some gave much more. Texas's corporate leaders were prominent in helping Cam build SIL's International Linguistics Center near Dallas; the Linguistics Center's board meeting was one of those special occasions where a Rockefeller business partner like Trammel Crow could rub shoulders with an ultrarightist like Nelson Bunker Hunt. But they were the old core of supporters. The real power in the Wycliffe Associates was its thousands of newer members, spreading the influence of SIL across the country, and the influence of Wycliffe Associates in Cam's organization.

"Promoting and leading this base of support into politics was McAteer's forte. During the Carter administration, his name began to appear among New Right circles in Washington, D.C., connected with North Carolina's Senator Jesse Helms. It was McAteer who brought [Jerry] Falwell into this crowd, helping Falwell build the Moral Majority. Then, in 1979, McAteer organized the Religious Roundtable. Well-funded [through direct mail fundraising by Richard Vigurie], McAteer pulled together many of the Fundamentalist leaders of the nation to back the candidacy of Ronald Reagan." [Colby & Dennett 804-5]

Norm McClelland - CNP Board of Governors (1996).

James McClure - U.S. Senator. CNP Board of Governors (1982). Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, and a member of the Congressional Board of Christian Voice. [Miller 6]

Jim McCotter - CNP Board of Governors (1996). CEO of Maverick Jets and controversial founder of the "Blitz Movement" which became the Great Commission Association of Churches.

“Great Commission International” (GCI) is the best known among a plethora of names designating entities associated with James Douglas McCotter. For purposes of this report, “GCI” or “GCI/McCotter” will be used as generic designations for these entities. GCI activities have been a mixture of religious, political, and business undertakings, often without clear distinctions among these categories. GCI has been designated as a non-profit organization with church status. To an objective observer, however, the activities of its founders and members may often seem oriented more toward the pursuit of money or political power than toward spiritual growth. For example, although the business ventures of GCI/McCotter have involved million dollar transactions and apparently large profits, and although McCotter and other leaders of the group have led luxurious lifestyles, GCI to date has built not a single religious facility. Promises to build churches have not been kept: GCI’s religious services are held in high school gymnasiums.

Published reports and statements by former members have suggested that GCI shows characteristics identified with “destructive cults.” These attributed characteristics include deceptive recruiting practices, a hidden agenda in group activities, secrecy, and practices identified with mind control or “brainwashing.” GCI has been identified as a “shepherding” movement which actively promotes dependence on and unquestioning obedience of strong leaders. Former members have reported that GCI members are taught to inculcate obedience early, disciplining their children by striking them with wooden spoons until the children gasp. This technique, which is illustrative of GCI’s notions of authority and obedience, is overtly intended to break the spirit and inhibit independent thinking. Members who leave the group are shunned, sometimes by members of the their own families who remain in GCI, and if they speak out are attacked for “slander.”" [The Kane Report]

An open letter to Jim McCotter



My wife and I are sitting at home, worried, sad and with our future in serious tatters – because of one man’s greed.

We have just been made unemployed by a messenger. I am 57 and a damn good journalist who no longer has a job - because of one man’s greed.

Now Jim, you are a Christian, so God will give you the courage to read on. Mind you, God says that greed is a sin – but don’t worry Jim, he’ll give you the courage to read on.

Since I was employed, in good faith, by The Citizen, I have worked as many as seventy hours a week for that newspaper, giving it my very best because I am a professional journalist with a huge pride about the standard of work I put out. I was underpaid because of the meanness of my employer, who though that, as an American, they were somehow smarter than we dumb Kiwis.

But don’t worry Jim, you’re a Christian and you do no wrong. And God will give you strength to read on.

About seven months ago, good journalists and good friends of mine lost their jobs because of your ambition to be richer. Actually they call that greed – and greed is a sin. Not content with being filthy rich, you wanted to be richer. Mind you, God was watching over you.

But read on Jim, because God will give you the courage to do so.

You sit back in your little castle somewhere in Colorado or Florida, lauding your pleasures. But, of course, that is fine, while other good people you have trodden upon and spat out without any feeling what-so-ever, are now unemployed. Sam Cooper – remember Sam ? His youngest son was diagnosed with leukemia two months ago and is dying.

I was with Sam tonight. He was absolutely distraught. Sam didn’t know how to go back to tell his wife he had lost his job, with his son lying in hospital – all because of one man’s greed and the total lack of understanding he (you, Jim) have for people.

Mind you Jim, you’re a Christian and God is looking after you, isn’t he ! He’ll give you courage to read on.

Chris Mealing is trying to pick up her life, to look after her eight year-old daughter. Her husband committed suicide because of the trauma he had put his fellow workers through because of your lack of feeling for your fellow man. A week before he died, Grant Mealing told me he couldn’t face what he had done to others, like Coen and Bryn, who had lost their jobs after they had trusted you as an employer.

But don’t worry Jim, because you are a Christian, remember.

And God will give you the strength to read on.

Grant Mealing took his own life, because of you. YOU are responsible – no-one else ! But don’t worry Jim, because you are a Christian. Chris doesn’t have a husband any more – and lovely wee Fleur doesn’t have a father.

Why do you want to make more money Jim ? Haven’t you got enough already. You are a Christian remember, and greed is a sin. But don’t feel bad, Jim, God will look after you, because you are a Christian.

Unfortunately, you haven’t got the courage to face your workers. You left New Zealand like the coward you are, but don’t worry Jim, you are a Christian and God will give you courage to read on.

But, of course, you left your daughter here, dripping in her diamonds and fancy designer clothes, belittling New Zealanders because of her wealth. And she had her gold digging husband to help us out – unfortunately, he wasn’t as journalist’s arsehole, as his journalistic judgement has since proved. I have done a bit of background work on Jonathon and, from people he worked with in Europe, he is a journalistic lightweight of little consequence. Otherwise, I suppose, The Citizen would still be operating.

But, while we all worked our guts out, hour after hour, every day, Jonathon and Shannon ponced around Christchurch, wining and dining during their three-hour lunches, laughing off any problems as though they didn’t exist. He cost you a lot of money but, don’t worry Jim, because he’s got his eyes on a lot more when you’re gone.  

Unfortunately, what Americans don’t realise – and I have experienced many in my home in the last three or four years - is that they are the dumbest people on earth.  They think that life is all about materialistic things and wealth. As I tried to impress upon Jonathon at one stage, “class” not about where you eat, what wines you drink and how well your fancy suit is cut. “Class” is from within.

I’m pleased God gave you the courage to read on Jim….. because it means I can finally write of my absolute contempt for you – and everything you stand for.

The only justice, in this whole exercise, is that hopefully, you have lost a few million dollars. Thank you God – you see, strangely, I am a believer too – a real one.

Ken Nicholson [] [Jim’s BAD deeds after 1986 when he left the Great Commission church]

Larry P. McDonald- U.S. Congressman. CNP Board of Governors (1982). Author, Chairman of the John Birch Society, member Citizen's Legal Defense Fund for the FBI, Ad Hoc, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Western Goals Foundation, and a member of the Congressional Board of [Moon-owned] Christian Voice. [Miller 6] Mrs. Larry McDonald is currently a member of the CNP.

John Birch Society founder, Robert Welch, was succeeded upon his death in 1983 by the former Congressman Larry McDonald. Lawrence Patton McDonald was a cousin of George S. Patton, Jr., the famous general who was killed in an automobile accident at the conclusion of World War II. In 1979, Congressman Lawrence McDonald founded the Western Goals Foundation as a front for the JBS intelligence network. McDonald directed the organization until his untimely death in the downing of the Korean airliner, KAL 007 in 1983. Western Goals drew on both private and official government files to become one of the largest and most influential private intelligence operations in the U.S.; WGF was able to bypass legal restraints placed on government intelligence agencies.

According to the Interhemispheric Resource Center GroupWatch, files of which are available on the Public Information Research database, Western Goals had worked with Reinhard Gehlen, Adolf Hitler's chief intelligence officer in charge of espionage against the Soviet Union: "McDonald formed a foundation branch in West Germany in 1981. The organization, called the American-European Strategy Research Institute, was set up with a $131,982 injection from the U.S. office. That figure represented more than a third of Western Goals' operating budget at the time..." [John Birch Society & The CNP]

Hon. Edwin Meese III - CNP Executive Committee (1994); CNP President (1996).

Distinguished fellow and holder of the Ronald Reagan Chair in Public Policy, the Heritage Foundation.; former Attorney General of the U.S.; Counselor to the President, 1981-1985; former Chief of Staff and Senior Issues Advisor for the Reagan-Bush Committee; former president, Council for National Policy; former professor of law, University of San Diego; former vice president for administration, Rohr Industries. As Chairman of the Domestic Policy Council and the National Drug Policy Board, and as a member of the National Security Council, he played a key role in the development and execution of domestic and foreign policy. During the 1970s, Mr. Meese was Director of the Center for Criminal Justice Policy and Management and Professor of Law at the University of San Diego. He earlier served as Chief of Staff for then-Governor Reagan and was a local prosecutor in California. Mr. Meese is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Institute of United States Studies, University of London. He earned his B.A. from Yale University and his J.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.

During the Reagan Kitchen Cabinet, Joseph Coors and others from the Heritage Foundation received a letter of endorsement from White House Chief of Staff Ed Meese in which Meese promised Ed Feulner, the president of Heritage, that "this Administration will cooperate fully with your efforts." After leaving the Reagan Administration, Meese joined the staff of the Heritage Foundation.

Major F. Andy Messing, Jr. - CNP Membership Roster (1984-85; 1988; 1996). USAR (Ret.), former chair of the Conservative Caucus, is on the USWCF board, on the board of the Council for National Policy and was the head of the National Defense Council Foundation. [Interhemispheric Resource Center:WACL]

[(Linda) Guell worked with CAUSA (a political arm of the Unification Church) and its head, Bo Hi Pak, and made trips to Germany and South Korea. The word "money" was written over Guell's name, with an arrow pointing to Rob Owen, North's courier to the contras. Arrows were also drawn from Owen's name to Guell's and from Andy Messing--a private contra supporter and head of the National Defense Council Foundation--to Western Goals.] [Interhemispheric Resource Center: WGF] A key figure within WACL's American branch. Council for Inter-American Security board member, close personal friend of Lt. Col. (Oliver) North and the president of the National Defense Council (Messing) said..."going to war is [my] favorite pastime." [Sklar 238-39; A Small Circle of Friends]

Charles W. Missler - CNP Membership Directory (1999). Executive Director, Koinonia House; author, The Magog Invasion; editor, Personal UPDATE, a monthly news journal; host, a daily news and commentary radio program; served on the board of directors of over a dozen public companies and was chairman and CEO of six of them; specialized in rescuing troubled technology companies; honors graduate, U.S. Naval Academy; pioneer in computer technologies and participated in the development of some of the most exotic, top-secret military systems, including the Stealth bomber and anti-submarine warfare; served on projects for the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, former chief of naval operations and former Secretary of the Treasury.

Clarification: Missler's Curriculum Vitae reveals a career track in high level intelligence and top-secret global government projects such as serving with William E. Simon (CFR) and Edward Teller (CFR/CNP) on the Board of Directors of SWANsat on highly sensitive advanced technology projects, including developing technology for positioning/tracking of the global populace via satellite and developing a global currency for establishing an African Union; System Engineer, Subsystem I of the SAMOS Program (highly classified reconnaissance satellite program); principal contributor to major developments in the gathering of ELINT (electronic intelligence) information via satellite. [Chuck Missler & CNP Warning]

“Nancy Missler attended UCLA where she studied art. She met Chuck on a blind date in 1956 and they married the following year. Through Christian author and speaker Henrietta Mears, Nancy became a Christian, and she devoted herself to her family, raising the Misslers' four children, Chip, Mark, Lisa and Michelle.. Nancy also established a company, Missler Aerial Photography Service, that specialized in aerial and architectural photography.” 

[Note: Described by Christianity Today as the “grandmother of modern evangelicalism”, Henrietta Mears worked closely with Charles Fuller and Harold Ockenga, founders of Fuller Theological Seminary, base of C. Peter Wagner and the late John Wimber, and the National Association of Evangelicals, the American branch of the World Evangelical Fellowship. For information on Henrietta Mears, see: The World Christian Movement]


On TBN's 12/29/99 'Praise the Lord' program, Hal Lindsey and his sidekick, Cliff Ford, hosted. One of their guests was Chuck Missler. Missler said he was there for the purpose of endorsing TBN's movie, The Omega Code, and promoting his own new book on the Code. The three of them carried on and on about how great TBN is and how everyone needs to continue to support the network to spread the gospel around the world. 

What they didn't say is that the new gospel of the hidden messages in the Bible (Omega Code) and the prosperity gospel are two different gospels, not the Gospel that was preached in the New Testament. The Omega Code movie did NOT promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but rather gave credence to the latest big lie -- that there are hidden messages in the Bible when one uses the letters as an acrostic puzzle. This is the latest blasphemy sweeping through the professing church -- using the Bible as a tool for divination.”  [Biblical Discernment Ministries]


Pat Matrisciana is a director of Chuck Missler's Koinonia House as documented on page 5 of Koinonia House Inc. 2007 IRS Form 990-PF.  Pat Matrisciana is president of Jeremiah Films, chairman of Citizens for Honest Government, and an admitted agent for the CIA which masterminded the Jesus Revolution in which Matrisciana played a major role. As a CIA operative, Matrisciana also founded Campus Crusade for Christ with Bill Bright. Chuck Missler also has close ties with Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel (where he preached) which was founded by The Jesus People. Koinonia House's highest paid employee/director is Missler's son-in law, Mark Bright (grandson of Bill Bright?).

See also the following exposes:

Missler's House Salad Should be Tossed [Chuck Missler's New Age teachings]

Missler's Malta Expedition [Cruise sponsored by Koinonia House toured, among other pagan sites, the Isle of Malta and Palace of Grand Master of Knights of Malta]

Lambert Dolphin & The Great Sphinx [Koinonia House features numerous articles by Missler's colleague, Lambert Dolphin, a Stanford research scientist employed by the Edgar Cayce Foundation to excavate the Great Sphinx of Egypt] 

Barbara Monteith - CNP Membership Directory (1996, 1999). Eagle Forum of Ohio. Monteiths of the United States. Descendant of Merovingian bloodline and a signatory of the Declaration of Arbroath, the Scottish Declaration of Independence of 1320. [See: British-Israelism]

Dr. Stanley Monteith - CNP Membership Directory (1996, 1999). Author, AIDS: The Unnecessary Epidemic; publishes, HIV-Watch, a nationally circulated newsletter covering the HIV epidemic; spends three hours daily on talk radio in California. Host of Radio Liberty. 

On August 17, 2009, Stan Monteith went public with his personal belief that Christians have been deceived through the New Covenant/New Testament. Also that Christianity has been teaching the lie that the Lord Jesus is God, that there is no Trinity, that there is no Holy Spirit, but a 'Hailey Spirit' which is the feminine part of God who comforts us and is calling us back to her bosom. Agreeing with his guest, Craig Winn, "we have been deceived by the writings and agenda of  that imposter of the true assembly, the man Paul who poisoned and corrupted the Scriptures by corrupting the Hebrew and Greek, especially through the book of Galatians."  Stan's commented, "I've always questioned Paul's writings. and so did Thomas Jefferson."

Stan Monteith told his audience that he and his guest believe that only the Jews have Yahweh's plan of salvation, that there is NO GOSPEL and that according to Yahweh, the ONLY Scripture is, "Torah, Prophet and Psalms;" also that Christians must be adopted by Yahweh and become Yuda.  Stan Monteith agreed with his guest, Craig Winn, that the entire New Testament has been a fake and that the Lord Jesus is not THE Savior but was "SET APART for the use of Yahweh." Also, that the only good New Covenant writings are John's.  They say that Christians MUST accept this, and "give us feedback right away." (Radio Liberty, Craig Winn, The Original Bible, 8-17-09, Standard Player / 2nd half of program)

Radio Liberty is the name of a former Knights of Malta front for Nazi émigrés. According to The Messianic Legacy, published in 1986: "The present head of the Order in the United States is a prominent businessman, J. Peter Grace. Prior to 1971, Grace was associated with Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe, both of which had been established by Hitler’s spy, Reinhard Gehlen, and funded by the CIA.” The Covert Action Information Bulletin also states that Radio Liberty was a front for ex-Nazis: “In 1950, the American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism was created. Trustees included J. Peter Grace, Charles Edison, William Henry Chamberlain, H.J. Heinz II, Isaac Don Levine, and Eugene Lyons. The Committee (now known as Radio Liberty), under the guiding hand of the CIA’s Frank Wisner, funded numerous émigré ‘research institutes’ which, according to John Loftus [Unholy Trinity], were ‘little more than front groups for ex-Nazi intelligence officers’.” [See: The John Birch Society: The Knights of Malta]  Descendant of Merovingian bloodline and a signatory of the Declaration of Arbroath, the Scottish Declaration of Independence of 1320. [See: British-Israelism] These signatories claim descent from the Israelites:

"Written in fluent Latin, the Declaration of Arbroath reads in English as follows: To the Most Holy Father in Christ and Lord, the Lord John, by divine providence Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Roman and Universal Church, his humble and devout sons Duncan, Earl of Fife, Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray, Lord of Man and of Annandale, Patrick Dunbar, Earl of March, Malise, Earl of Strathearn, Macolm, Earl of Lennos, William, Earl of Ross, Magnus, Earl of Caithness and Orkney, and William, Earl of Sutherland; Walter, Stewart of Scotland, William Soules, Butler of Scotland, James, Lord of Douglas, Roger Mowbray, David, Lord of Brechin, David Graham, Ingram Umfraville, John Menteith, guardian of the earldom of Menteith, Alexander Fraser, Gilbert Hay, Constable of Scotland, Robert Keith, Marischal of Scotland, Henry St. Clair, John Graham, David Lindsay, William Oliphant, Patrick Graham, John Fenton, William Abernathy, David Wemyss, William Mushet, Fergus of Ardrossan, Eustace Maxwell, William Ramsay, William Mowat, Alan Murray, Donald Campbell, John Cameron, Reginald Cheyne, Alexander Seton, Andrew Leslie, and Alexander Straiton, and the other barons and freeholders and the whole community of the realm of Scotland send all manner of filial reverence, with devout kisses of his blessed feet.

"Most Holy Father and Lord, we know and from the chronicles and books of the ancients we find that among other famous nations our own, the Scots, has been graced with widespread renown. They journeyed from Greater Scythia by way of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Pillars of Hercules, and dwelt for a long course of time in Spain among the most savage tribes, but nowhere could they be subdued by any race, however barbarous. Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea, to their home in the west where they still live today..."


See: The Merovingian Dynasty: Satanic Bloodline of the Antichrist

Dr. Raymond Moore - CNP Board of Governors (1982). Hewitt Research Foundation, awarded a grant $250,000 by the National Institute of Education (NIE) to do "A Study Which Compares the Academic and Behavioral Measures of the Home-taught Child with National Norms." Dr. Moore was an Adjunct Professor of "Early Childhood Education" (ECE) at NOVA University located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. NOVA University is part of the South Florida Education Center - a "master plane" for an "Education Park" of four elementary schools, a junior high school, a high school, a junior college, and a full university. It is part of the public school system of Broward County (Fort Lauderdale), Florida, operated and financed in cooperation with various educational institutions and foundations... NOVA University is an INSTITUTIONAL MEMBER OF THE WORLD FUTURE SOCIETY! 63 [The Futurist, World Future Society, Dec. 1982, p. 66, as cited by Ron Miller in The Politics of Transformation]

Sam Moore - CNP President, Executive Committee (1984-85, 1988, 1996, 1998, 1999); Board of Governors (1996). CEO/President, Thomas Nelson Publishers, the largest and one of the oldest Bible publishers in the world and also a leading publisher of religious books. In 1982, they acquired Dodd Mead Co. of New York and Everest House.

In 1906, John Buchan of the Rhodes-Milner Round Table became a partner in the publishing firm of his old classmate Thomas A. Nelson which was located in Edinburgh, Scotland.

"Buchan was not a member of the inner core of the Milner Group, but was close to it and was rewarded in 1935 by being raised to a barony as Lord Tweedsmuir and sent to Canada as Governor-General. He is important because he is (with Lionel Curtis) one of the few members of the inner circles of the Milner Group who have written about it in a published work. In his autobiography, Pilgrim's Way, (Boston, 1940) he gives a brief outline of the personnel of the Kindergarten and their subsequent achievements, and a brilliant analysis of Milner himself...Buchan went to Brasenose College, but, as he says of himself, 'I lived a good deal at Balliol and my closest friends were of that college.' He mentions as his closest friends Hillaire Belloc,... T.A. Nelson,... Edward Wood (the future Lord Halifax)..."

"Buchan went to South Africa in 1901 on Milner's personal invitation, to be his private secretary, but stayed only two years... he left in 1903 to take an important position in Egypt. This appointment was mysteriously is...likely that Milner changed his mind because of Buchan's rapidly declining enthusiasm for federation. This was a subject on which Milner and other members of his Group were adamant for many years. By 1915 most members of the Group began to believe that federation was impossible, and, as a compromise took what we know now as the Commonwealth of Nations -- that is, a group of nations joined together by common ideals and allegiances rather than a fixed political organization...The present Commonwealth is in reality the compromises worked out when the details of the Milner Group clashed with the reality of political forces.As a result of Buchan's failure to obtain the appointment of Egypt, he continued to practice law in London for three years, finally abandoning it to become a partner in the publishing firm of classmate Thomas A. Nelson (1906-1916)." [Quigley: 56-8]

Thomas Nelson debut the New Testament of the Revised Standard Version (RSV) in 1946. In 1976, Nelson Publisher initiated the New King James Version. Two meetings of the North American Overview Committee met at Nashville and Chicago in 1975 to assist in preparing guidelines for the NKJV. Members of that committee and a Nashville Convocation of 1984 included the following CNP/Religious Roundtable members: Tim LaHaye, D. James Kennedy, Jerry Falwell, Ben Hayden, Mary Crowley, W.A. Criswell, E.V. Hill, Henry Morris, Bill Bright and Charles Stanley.

Charles Moore - CNP Membership Directory (1984-85]. Vice President of Thomas Nelson. Brother of Sam Moore, President of Thomas Nelson Publishers. [Rhodes-Milner Round Table: Thomas Nelson]

Dr. Henry M. Morris- CNP Board of Governors (1982). Director for the Institute of Creation Research and closely associated with the Creation Research Society. [Miller 6]  Member of the New King James Version Translation Committee. Promotes the False Gospel in the Stars theory in his book, The Long War Against God (pp. 265-269).

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The Council for National Policy
