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Charter Schools, Character Education & the Eugenics Internationale
Behind the Conservative Curtain:
Pseudo Grassroots Organizations Front
for Corporate/Government Takeover

Surely…men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity. Psalm 62:9




MORE Strategists for School Choice / Charter Schools



Ø        The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace


Hoover Overseers & Fellows:

Herbert Hoover III, William H. Draper III, Jeremiah Milbank III, & Edwin Meese III


Located on the Stanford University campus, the Hoover Institution has been a source of student controversy over the years due to the institution's so-called conservative leanings. Hoover Institution was founded in 1919 by Herbert Hoover, who would later become the 31st U.S. President.


The Hoover Institution

“In 1919 the Hoover Institution was founded at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California with a donation of $50,000 from Herbert Hoover… Herbert Hoover founded the Hoover Institution at the suggestion of three men, Andrew Dickson White, (S&B 1853), Daniel Coit Gilman, (S&B 1852) and Ray Lyman Wilbur, president of Stanford…

“In 1921 the Second International Congress of Eugenics is held in New York City. The sponsoring committee includes Herbert Hoover and the presidents of Clark University, Smith College and the Carnegie Institute of Washington (Rockefeller)… Madison Grant is the treasurer. The event was held at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. More than 300 delegates came from Europe, Latin America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Among the notables in attendance were future President Herbert Hoover, Alexander Graham Bell, (the Congress’s honorary president), conservationist and future Governor of Pennsylvania, Gifford Pinchot, (S&B 1889) and Leonard Darwin, son of Charles Darwin. Henry Fairfield Osborn, director of the museum, was president [of the congress] and Harry Laughlin was in charge of exhibits, and Lothrop Stoddard handled publicity. One hundred eight papers were presented on topics ranging from plant and animal genetics to anthropology and political science… Averell Harriman (S&B 1913), a member of the Museum’s board since 1910-1919, gave $1,000 of his own money and served on the Museum Executive Committee hosting the conference; his mother, [Mary A. Harriman] and sister, [Mary Rumsey Harriman] were the primary hostesses. Members of a congressional Committee on Immigration were transported from Washington to view the racialist eugenics exhibits, and to hear tirades against allowing continued immigration of ‘inferior’ ethnic groups such as Italians and Jews. … Mrs. Harriman paid for a good deal of the Congress with money delivered to the chairman of the finance committee, Madison Grant…

 “In 1929 Herbert Hoover appointed Henry L. Stimson (S&B 1888) Secretary of State. 1.


The Great Depression

  “In the United States, the deliberate British default of September 1931 led, given the do-nothing Hoover Administration policies, directly to the banking crisis of 1932-33, which closed down or severely restricted virtually every bank in the country by the morning of Franklin D. Roosevelt's inauguration. If Roosevelt had not broken decisively with Hoover's impotent refusal to fight the depression, constitutional government might have collapsed. As it was, FDR was able to roll back the disintegration, but economic depression and mass unemployment were not overcome until 1940 and the passage of Lend-Lease. 

“We have also drawn on the memoirs of US President Herbert Hoover, who had moments of surprising lucidity even as he, for the sake of absurd free-market, laissez-faire ideology, allowed his country to drift into the abyss. As we will see, Hoover had everything he needed to base his 1932 campaign for re-election on blaming the Federal Reserve, especially its New York branch, for the 1929 calamity. Hoover could have assailed the British for their September 1931 stab in the back. Hoover would have been doing the country a permanent service, and he might have done somewhat better in the electoral college. But Hoover was not capable of seriously attacking the New York Fed and its master, Lord Montagu Norman.” 2.



Note: Hoover Institution is the recipient of grants totaling $12,748,094 between 1986-1999: Olin Foundation, Bradley Foundation, Sarah Scaife Foundation, Castle Rock Foundation [Coors brewing family], Carthage Foundation [Scaife], Earhardt Foundation. [Source: Media Transparency]


Hoover Board of Overseers includes:


Shelby M.C. Davis · New York, New York [CFR]

William H. Draper III · San Francisco, California [S&B]

Herbert Hoover III · San Marino, California [CFR]

Richard Mallery · Phoenix, Arizona [CFR]

Edward C. Meyer · Arlington, Virginia  [CFR]

Jeremiah Milbank · New York, New York – [father, Jeremiah Milbank, Sr., Dir., Chase Manhattan Bank, member, Pilgrim Society of the United States]

Jeremiah Milbank III · New York, New York

Donald H. Rumsfeld · Chicago, Illinois

Richard M. Scaife · Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


William H. Draper III

“Gen. William H. Draper, Jr. was founder and chairman of the Population Crisis Committee and Draper Fund to promote eugenics as ‘population control.’ Vice chairman of Planned Parenthood Federation, VP and Asst. Treas. of the German Credit and Investment Corp. [front for Dillon Reed, New York investment bankers] which in partnership with Prescott Bush handled the account of Fritz Thyssen who financed Hitler.

“After several years of government service (often working directly for Averell Harriman in the North Atlantic Alliance), Draper was appointed in 1958 chairman of a committee which was to advise President Dwight Eisenhower on the proper course for U.S. military aid to other countries. At that time, Prescott Bush was a U.S. senator from Connecticut, a confidential friend and golf partner with National Security Director Gordon Gray, and an important golf partner with Dwight Eisenhower as well. Prescott's old lawyer from the Nazi days, John Foster Dulles, was Secretary of State, and his brother Allen Dulles, formerly of the Schroder bank, was head of the CIA.

“This friendly environment emboldened our General Draper to pull off a stunt with his military aid advisery committee. He changed the subject under study. The following year, the Draper committee recommended that the U.S. government react to the supposed threat of the ‘population explosion’ by formulating plans to depopulate the poorer countries. The growth of the world's non-white population, he proposed, should be regarded as dangerous to the national security of the United States!...

“President Eisenhower rejected the recommendation. But in the next decade, General Draper founded the ‘Population Crisis Committee’ and the ‘Draper Fund,’ joining with the Rockefeller and DuPont families to promote eugenics as ‘population control.’ The administration of President Lyndon Johnson, advised by Draper on the subject, began financing birth control in the tropical countries through the Agency for International Development.

“General William Draper was George Bush's guru on the population question. But there was also Draper's money -- from that uniquely horrible source -- and Draper's connections on Wall Street and abroad. Draper's son and heir, William H. Draper III, was co-chairman for finance (chief of fundraising) of the Bush-for-President national campaign organization in 1980. With George Bush in the White House, the younger Draper heads up the depopulation activities of the United Nations throughout the world...

“The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) says that surgical sterilization is the Bush administration's ‘first choice’ method of population reduction in the Third World. The United Nations Population Fund claims that 37 percent of contraception users in Ibero-America and the Caribbean have already been surgically sterilized. In a 1991 report, William H. Draper III's U.N. agency asserts that 254 million couples will be surgically sterilized over the course of the 1990s; and that if present trends continue, 80 percent of the women in Puerto Rico and Panama will be surgically sterilized.” 3.


“In Africa, according to the American government in 1976 and ever since, there is a threat to American national security interests: population growth. The Agency for International Development (USAID) was given the responsibility of defending America from this grave threat….

“In 1991 Robert Retherford, (East-West Institute, Hawaii; funded by USAID) became president of the American Eugenics Society, (from 1973 called the Society for the Study of Social Biology) until 1994.

“In 1991 a report by William H. Draper III's (S&B 1950) agency, U.S. Agency for International Development, (USAID) asserts that 254 million couples will be surgically sterilized over the course of the 1990s; and that if present trends continue, 80 percent of the women in Puerto Rico and Panama will be surgically sterilized. The United Nations Population Fund claims that 37 percent of contraception users in Ibero-America and the Caribbean have already been surgically sterilized [by 1991]. Spokespersons for USAID also said that surgical sterilization is the Bush administration's ‘first choice’ method of population reduction in the Third World.

“In 1992, according to officials at the U.S. Agency for International Development, (USAID), its Population Account received $300 million, a 20 percent increase over the previous year. Within this project, a significant sum is spent on political and psychological manipulations of target nations, and rather blatant subversion of their religions and governments.”  4.



Hoover Scholars [partial listing]:


Here we find many of the GOALS 2000 strategists--Finn, Ravitch and their associates at Brookings Institution--along with others involved in school choice/ charter schools.


Hoover Fellows



He was a member of the President’s Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force and the President’s Commission on White House Fellows. He was a member of President Ronald Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board (a group of experts from outside the government named in 1981 by President Reagan). He has also been active in public affairs, serving as an informal economic adviser to Senator Barry Goldwater in his unsuccessful campaign for the presidency in 1964, to Richard Nixon in his successful 1968 campaign, to President Nixon subsequently, and to Ronald Reagan in his 1980 campaign...

He is a past president of the American Economic Association, the Western Economic Association, and the Mont Pelerin Society and is a member of the American Philosophical Society and the National Academy of Sciences. He also has been awarded honorary degrees by universities in the United States, Japan, Israel, and Guatemala, as well as the Grand Cordon of the First Class Order of the Sacred Treasure by the Japanese government in 1986.


“In the decades following World War II, conservative economics was in a sorry state. Keynesianism had conquered everything -- even Richard Nixon said, ‘We are all Keynesians now.’ Much of the reason was because Keynesianism seemed to work. Under Keynesian policies, nations were no longer suffering depressions; and when recessions hit, these policies seemed to reduce them. In those postwar years, the only real torchbearer for conservative economics was Milton Friedman. Although he accepted Keynes’ definition of recessions, he rejected the cure. Government should butt out of the business of changing the money supply, he argued. It should keep the money supply steady, expanding it slightly each year only to allow for the natural growth of the economy and a few other basic factors. Market forces would cause inflation, unemployment and production to adjust themselves automatically and efficiently around this fixed amount of money. This policy he named monetarism.” 5.


The Conservative Revolution

…[Friedrich] von Hayek had posed “strict monetarism, near-total deregulation, and Pan-European federalism…all expressions of the same feudalist outlook that produced Hitler's National Socialism and the thousands of other varieties of Conservative Revolutionism after World War I…

“In 1931, [Friedrich] von Hayek accepted an invitation to visit London to deliver a series of lectures at the London School of Economics. During this period, he became formally affiliated with the British Fabian Society. He eventually accepted a full-time teaching chair at LSE. And in 1939, he initiated an organization that would evolve into the Mont Pelerin Society. The earlier group, the Society for the Renovation of Liberalism, included Frank Knight and Henry Simons, both of whom would train [Milton] Friedman at the University of Chicago; the American Fabian socialist Walter Lippman (CFR); Viennese Aristotelian Society leader Karl Popper; fellow Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises; and Sir John Clapham, a senior official of the Bank of England who from 1940-46 was the president of the British Royal Society… 6.


 “Following the Thatcher election in Britain, [Antony] Fisher also contacted von Hayek, Milton Friedman, and other leading Mont Pelerin figures and spelled out an ambitious expansion effort; in effect, the launching of a new fascist (ie. Conservative Revolution) international.

“On New Years Day 1980, von Hayek wrote back to [Antony] Fisher: ‘I entirely agree with you that the time has come when it has become desirable and almost a duty to extend the network of institutes of the kind of the London Institute of Economic Affairs. Though it took some time for its influence to become noticeable, it has by now far exceeded my most optimistic hopes.... The future of civilization may really depend on whether we can catch the ear of a large enough part of the upcoming generation of intellectuals all over the world fast enough. And I am more convinced than ever that the method practiced by the IEA is the only one which promises any real results.... This ought to be used to create similar institutes all over the world and you have now acquired the special skill of doing it. It would be money well spent if large sums could be made available for such a concerted effort.’

“On Feb. 20, 1980, Margaret Thatcher added her endorsement to the project in a letter to Fisher; and May 8, Milton Friedman threw his support behind the international effort: ‘Any extension of institutes of this kind around the world is certainly something ardently to be desired.’

“To carry out this global effort, Fisher launched the Atlas Economic Research Foundation in 1981. Originally based in San Francisco, Atlas is now headquartered on the campus of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia near Washington, D.C. In a strategy paper written in February 1985, Fisher wrote of the need to transform the ‘extremist’ anti-government, radical free market policies of the von Hayek Mont Pelerin Society apparatus into the ‘new orthodoxy’ through the launching of hundreds of small think tanks on every continent. ‘To inform the public, it is necessary to avoid any suggestion of vested interest, or intent to indoctrinate.... Furthermore, increasing numbers of academic experts feel free to criticize government when their research is not sponsored by government.’

“The lesson in all this? Don’t be fooled by cheap Madison Avenue propaganda. There is nothing ‘American’ about Newt Gingrich’s ‘new American civilization,’ and there is no truth in Dick Armey’s ‘true Hayekian agenda.’ And, as morning's panel amply demonstrated, there is no ‘free market.’ Remove sovereign nation-states from a role in economic development and all you have is the oligarchy's cartels. The so-called Gingrich Revolution is just the latest effort by the House of Windsor's agents and useful fools to repackage the same Conservative Revolution that has brought death and destruction to civilization throughout much of the past century.” 7.




Note: The Koret Task Force on K–12 Education


Appears to be a Hoover Institution in-house Public Education Initiative which works under the supervision of Milton and Rose Friedman.


The International Academy of Education [IAE] functions as a hub for globalizing education. IAE explains:


The International Academy of Education is a not-for-profit scientific association that promotes educational research, its dissemination and the implementation of its implications.  Founded in 1986, the Academy is dedicated to strengthening the contributions of research, solving critical educational problems throughout the world, and providing better communication among policy makers, researchers and practitioners.  The seat of the Academy is at the Royal Academy of Science, Literature and Arts in Brussels, Belgium, and its coordinating centre is at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia. [emphasis added]


IAE Aim and Goals:

…create an international network of scholars to write state-of-the-art reports on major educational issues, to establish permanent relations among relevant disciplines of education, and to identify excellent practices wherever they might be found.

One of the main activities of the Academy has been the organization of international task forces to produce reviews that synthesize research on effective educational practices and policies.  The resulting reports are intended to represent the best thinking and critical review that can be brought together from several countries.  In addition, advanced seminars are conducted for educational personnel to facilitate the implementation of further research and the improvement of practice. [emphasis added]


IAE Fellows include Fellows from the Hoover Institution:


• Eric Hanushek

Chester Finn

• E.D. Hirsch

• Herbert Walberg


[Also listed as an IAE Fellow is Lauren Resnick, a GOALS 2000 strategist, member of the GOALS 2000 oversight board-- National Assessment Governing Board - and partner in the Marc Tucker NARE [National Association for Restructuring Education] design team-- Carnegie Foundation -related.]



Moe has written extensively on educational issues. His book (with John E. Chubb), Politics, Markets, and America's Schools, is among the most influential and controversial works on education to be published during the last decade, and has been a major force in the movement for school choice in America and abroad.

He is also editor of A Primer on America’s Schools (forthcoming from Hoover Institution Press, 2001), which provides a critical assessment of the current state

of American education, and Private Vouchers (Hoover Institution Press, 1995), the first book to be published on the growing movement among private-sector foundations to provide vouchers for low-income children… a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute in Washington D.C. [emphasis added]




… associated with three other research centers, in addition to the Hoover Institution. He was project director at the Urban Institute from 1972 to 1974, a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University in 1976–77, and was an adjunct scholar of the American Enterprise Institute in 1975-76. [emphasis added]


Teller is most widely known for his significant contributions to the first demonstration of thermonuclear energy; in addition he has added to the knowledge of quantum theory, molecular physics, and astrophysics. He served as a member of the General Advisory Committee of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission from 1956 to 1958 and was chairman of the first Nuclear Reaction Safeguard Committee. He has been concerned with civil defense since the early 1950s. He was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the U.S. Air Force, a member of the Advisory Board of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and on the White House Science Council.

Teller has received numerous honors, among them the Albert Einstein Award, the Enrico Fermi Award, the Harvey Prize from the Technion-Israel Institute, and the National Medal of Science. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Nuclear Society and is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Science… In 1946, he became a professor of physics at the University of Chicago but returned to Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in 1949.

In 1942, having served as a consultant to the Briggs committee, Teller joined the Manhattan Project. His efforts during the war years included work on the first nuclear reactor, theoretical calculations of the far-reaching effects of a fission explosion, and research on a potential fusion reaction.

In 1935, Teller and his wife came to the United States, where he held, until 1941, a professorship at George Washington University. The Tellers became U.S. citizens in 1941. In 1934, under the auspices of the Jewish Rescue Committee, Teller served as a lecturer at the University of London. He spent two years as a research associate at the University of Goettingen, followed by a year as a Rockefeller fellow with Niels Bohr in Copenhagen. Born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1908, he received his university training in Germany and completed his Ph.D. in physics under Werner Heisenberg in 1930 at the University of Leipzig. [Werner Heisenberg was the head of Germany's nuclear research program; known for work toward developing atomic bomb for Germany.]


Dr. Edward Teller: Father of the Hydrogen Bomb

Hungarian-born American physicist known for his work on the hydrogen bomb. During World War II he was a member of the MANHATTAN PROJECT for the development of the atomic bomb. At that time he also began formulating the theoretical foundations for a hydrogen fusion bomb and was a major proponent of its development. 8.

“1981 Board of Governors of the Council for National Policy… a member of the Citizens Legal Defense Fund for the FBI, Ad Hoc, and advisor to Congressman McDonald's [John Birch Society intelligence gathering] Western Goals Foundation, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)… 9.

“As of 1983, Edward Teller was a member of the board of directors of the Committee on the Present Danger, an anticommunist organization which advocated strict containment policies vis-a-vis the Soviet Union. Other prominent members of the committee included Ronald Reagan, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, and a number of individuals chosen for Reagan's arms control negotiating teams. Altogether some 50 members of the Committee were appointed to positions in the Reagan administration during his first term.” 10.

“Nelson [Rockefeller] commissioned Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb, to report on the oil potential in the West, especially in its shale rock. Teller’s background in nuclear physics would have inclined him to look into potential sources of uranium as well. He played an important role in shaping the commission’s interest in nuclear power and coal as supplements to increased oil development in the Southwest. Like Herman Kahn had prescribed for the Amazon, Teller initially advocated excavation by nuclear explosion…

“Teller’s report [to the Commission on Critical Choices] left little doubt that the vice president’s concerns over domestic issues went beyond the concerns of a political officeholder. As he did in South America, Nelson was carefully monitoring the development of North American energy policies covering oil, gas, uranium, and such hydroelectric projects as the James Bay dams on Cree Indian land in Quebec. And as with Latin America, Nelson’s vision of an energy policy ran smack into opposition from indigenous forces.

Teller’s report was really a blueprint for Nelson’s energy program. Teller compared the threat OPEC posed to American business’s access to oil with that posed by the Axis powers. Teller’s proposals, which were adopted by Ford, replaced Nixon’s voluntary conservation and price controls with deregulation of prices for natural gas moving interstate. The objective was to stimulate gas and oil production, increase nuclear power, and promote the strip-mining of coal. It also had the taxpayer share the oil companies’ financial expenses for exploration and research.” 11.



Distinguished Visiting Fellows



Chubb is a founding partner, executive vice president, and chief education officer of Edison Schools [Paul Allen, Microsoft Billionaire is a partner in this for-profit schools venture, as is Chester Finn], a private sector organization aimed at creating innovative public schools. He is responsible for oversight in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

Since 1984, Chubb has been a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, where he has authored numerous studies on school choice and student achievement.

Chubb is the author of several books, including A Lesson in School Reform From Great Britain and Politics, Markets, and America's Schools, both authored with Hoover Institution Senior Fellow and fellow Koret Task Force member Terry M. Moe. Politics, Markets, and America's Schools is an analysis of 500 public and private high schools based on data gathered from more than 20,000 students, teachers, and principals. It argues for the introduction of free market principals to the American education system. [emphasis added]



He is the John M. Olin Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and president and trustee of the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation [formerly located at Hudson Institute funded by Pew Charitable Trusts and now at the Manhattan Institute]. He is on leave from Vanderbilt University, where he has been Professor of Education and Public Policy since 1981.

Finn serves on the Center for Education Reform [Jeane Allen and Denis Doyle, affiliated with the Heritage Foundation], the Foundation for Teaching Economics and the Colorado League of Charter Schools, and on boards of the National Association of Scholars and the Center of the American Experiment. From 1988 to 1996, he was a member and two-year chairman of the National Assessment Governing Board [overseeing GOALS 2000].

From 1995 through 1998, he was a senior fellow of the Hudson Institute. From 1992 through 1994, he served as founding partner and senior scholar with the Edison Project [for-profit schools]. He served as Assistant Secretary for Research and Improvement and Counselor to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education from 1985 to 1988. Earlier positions include Staff Assistant to the President of the United States; Special Assistant to the Governor of Massachusetts; Counsel to the American Ambassador to India; and Research Associate in Governmental Studies at the Brookings Institution.

His latest book is The Educated Child, co-written with William J. Bennett and John Cribb, (Free Press). Charter Schools in Action:Renewing Public Education, with Bruno V. Manno and Gregg Vanourek, will be published in 2000 (Princeton University Press). Other titles include The New Promise of American Life, co-edited with Lamar Alexander (Hudson Institute); Radical Education Reforms, co-edited with Herbert J. Walberg (McCutchan; Education Reform in the ‘90’s, co-edited with Theodor Rebarber (Macmillan; We Must Take Charge: Our Schools and Our Future (Free Press), and What Do Our 17-Year-Olds Know? (Harper & Row), written with Hoover Institution Distinguished Visiting Fellow and fellow Koret Task Force member Diane Ravitch. [emphasis added]



He leads the Gingrich Group, which was established to develop strategic initiatives with national and global employers on a broad range of economic issues, including issues related to health and health care, the environment, information systems, international finance, international relations, and trade. It is part of a strategic alliance with PricewaterhouseCoopers. Gingrich also is a member of the congressionally chartered National Strategic Study Group


Newt Gingrich


o       Former Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives

o       Sponsored Contract With America (1994) which gained 52 Republican seats for a 26-seat majority, the first time Republicans controlled the House in a generation.

o       Pushed the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) through the House of Representatives.

o       Promoted a $40 billion Mexico bill which was a bonanza for Anglo-American bankers otherwise at risk due to the collapse of the Mexican peso

o       Helped set up the new World Trade Organization by pushing through the GATT legislation.

o       Collaborated with President Clinton and Rockefeller-Rothschild forces to insure the setting up of the World Trade Organization (WTO), based in Geneva, Switzerland

o       Member of Council on Foreign Relations / 33º Mason

o       Member of World Future Society

o       Wrote the Forward to Alvin and Heidi Toffler’s book, Creating a New Civilization


Creating a New Civilization by Alvin and Heidi Toffler

 “The time has come for the next great step forward in American politics. It is not a matter of Democrats versus Republicans, or of left and right… but something more significant… a clear distinction between rear-guard politicians who wish to preserve or restore an unworkable past and those who are ready to transition to what we call a ‘Third Wave’ information-age society…

“A new civilization is emerging in our lives, and blind men everywhere are trying to suppress it. This new civilization brings with it new family styles, changed ways… a new economy, new political conflicts, and… an altered consciousness… Humanity faces a quantum leap forward. This is the meaning of the Third Wave…

“Our argument is based on what we call the ‘revolutionary premise’… The revolutionary premise liberates our intellect and will.

“Nationalism is… First wave. The globalization of business and finance required by advancing Third Wave economics routinely punctures the national ‘sovereignty’ the nationalists hold so dear…

“As economies are transformed by the Third Wave, they are compelled to surrender part of their sovereignty… Poets and intellectuals of Third Wave sigh the virtues of a ‘borderless’ world and 'planetary consciousness.’” 12.


“There is nothing ‘American’ about Newt Gingrich's ‘new American civilization,’…

“Remove sovereign nation-states from a role in economic development and all you have is the oligarchy's cartels. The so-called Gingrich Revolution is just the latest effort by the House of Windsor's agents and useful fools to repackage the same Conservative Revolution that has brought death and destruction to civilization throughout much of the past century.” 13.



Hill is a research professor in the University of Washington's Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs. He also directs the Center on Reinventing Public Education [based at the UW]. The center, which is funded by foundations and businesses, develops, tests, and helps communities adopt alternative governance systems for public K-12 education.

Hill is also a nonresident senior fellow in the Brookings Institution’s Economic Studies Program. His work focuses on reform of public elementary and secondary education. He is currently leading studies of school choice plans, charter schools and school accountability.

His most recent book, Fixing Urban Schools (Brookings Institution) is a primer for city leaders and foundations on strategies for transforming failing urban public school systems. He is also the author (with Lawrence Pierce and James Guthrie) of Reinventing Public Education: How Contracting Can Transform America’s Schools, and he contributed a chapter to Private Vouchers, edited by Hoover Institution senior fellow and Koret Task Force member Terry M. Moe.

    Before joining the University of Washington Hill worked for 17 years as a senior social scientist in RAND's Washington Office. He conducted studies of site based management, governance of decentralized school systems, effective high schools, business-led education reforms, and immigrant education. He also contributed to RAND studies of defense research, development and acquisition policy. While at RAND he served as Director of Washington Operations (1981-1987) and Director of the Education and Human Resources program (1979-1980)… [emphasis added]



Hirsch is the founder and chairman of the non-profit Core Knowledge Foundation* [based at the University of Virginia] and University Professor of Education and Humanities at the University of Virginia. He is the author of several acclaimed books on education issues… [emphasis added]


Note: Paul Hill identifies GOALS 2000-related curriculum/design programs as “distinctive approaches to education,” including Hirsch's Core Knowledge curriculum: Paedeia, the School Excellence Network [Finn, Ravitch, Manno], the International Baccalaureate, the Coalition of Essential Schools, Stanford University's Accelerated Schools, and the University of Virginia's Core Knowledge [E.D. Hirsch]. [Paul Hill, ‘Supplying Effective Public Schools in Big Cities,’ The Brookings Institution and University of Washington, 1998]



Meese is also a distinguished fellow and holder of the Ronald Reagan Chair in Public Policy at the Heritage Foundation; a member of the Board of Regents of the National College of District Attorney; distinguished senior fellow, Institute for United States Studies, University of London; and a member of the boards of directors of both the Capital Research Center [Heritage Foundation- related] and the Landmark Legal Foundation [Heritage Foundation- related/ litigating orgs.] …[emphasis added] See CNP Profile - Ed Meese III.


Meese serves on the Young America's Foundation Presidential Leadership Program Board of Governors at the Reagan Ranch.

Young America's Foundation is a spin-off org. of William F. Buckley's [CFR] Young Americans for Freedom [1960].

Another member of the Young America's Foundation/ Presidential Leadership Program governing board is Casper Weinberger [CFR].


Meese holds board positions on numerous Heritage Foundation-related think tanks.  See: Heritage's Litigating Organizations



Ravitch is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, where she holds the Brown Chair in Education Policy. Additionally, she is a research professor at New York University and a member of the board of the New America Foundation.

Since 1997, Ravitch has been a member of the National Assessment Governing Board [GOALS 2000 oversight]

During the Bush administration, Ravitch served as an assistant secretary for educational research and improvement and as a counselor to the U.S. Department of Education. She is a former professor of history and education at Columbia University’s Teachers College [CUTC plays a role in the development of teaching strategies for GOALS 2000] and a former adviser to Poland’s Ministry of Education.

Ravitch is the editor of many publications, including the annual Brookings Papers on Education Policy

She has many books to her credit including Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms; National Standards in American Education: A Citizen’s Guide; What Do Our 17-Year Olds Know? (with Hoover Distinguished Visiting Fellow and Koret Task Force member Chester Finn Jr.)… [emphasis added]



Walberg is a research professor of education and psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His research focuses on educational productivity and human accomplishments.

He is also chairman of the board of directors of the Heartland Institute [Heritage Foundation-related], an independent, nonprofit research center headquartered in Chicago. The Heartland Institute provides policy analysis to national and state governments and journalists. Walberg joined the board of directors in 1993 and has served as its chairman since 1995.        

Walberg has written or edited more than 60 books, including Radical Education Reforms with Hoover Institution Distinguished Visiting Fellow and Koret Task Force member Chester Finn

Walberg was elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Royal Statistical Society (London), the American Psychological Association, and the Australian Association for Educational Research. Additionally, he is one of about a dozen U.S. members of the International Academy of Education and currently serves as its vice president.

Walberg has held research posts at Educational Testing Service [involved in the new assessments for GOALS 2000] and the University of Wisconsin, and has taught at Harvard University. He was an advisor to former U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennett… [emphasis added]


Note: Heartland Institute, which promotes charter schools/vouchers/tax credits is recommended by the New Group of World Servers:


Heartland operates PolicyFax, a fax-on-demand information service featuring research from over two hundred think tanks and advocacy groups. It publishes Intellectual Ammunition, a bimonthly public policy magazine; School Reform News, a monthly newspaper reporting on market-based school reforms, such as charter schools, voucher and tax credit initiatives, and contracting out; and Environment News, reporting on such environment issues as global climate change, toxic chemicals, public health, and regulatory reform. Heartland also produces a membership newsletter, The Heartlander, and publishes occasional books, videos, brochures, and other educational products; and hosts conferences and seminars for elected officials and its members.


In 1994, Heartland received the prestigious SPN Roe Award for outstanding leadership on state public policy, and in 1996 it received the Sir Antony Fisher International Memorial Award for its book Eco-Sanity: A Common-Sense Guide to Environmentalism. [Sir Antony Fisher of the Mont Pelerin Society [founded by Fabian Frederich von Hayek) established the Manhattan Institute.]


Hoover Honorary Fellows

• Ronald Reagan

• Alexander Solzhenitsyn

• Margaret Thatcher  


Director Emeritus


… he attended Harvard University as a graduate student in economics. …he taught economics at Harvard from 1946 to 1951. He was a research economist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce from 1951 to 1954. He joined the Hoover Institution after being the research director of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research from 1954 to 1960.

Campbell has held seven appointments under five U.S. Presidents. He has served as an adviser to the president, to the Defense Department, the State Department, the Treasury Department, and the Justice Department. He was appointed special adviser on the U.S. delegation to the forty-third Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

He also served as chairman of the president's Intelligence Oversight Board, as a member of the president's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board...

He received…the Order of the Sacred Treasure… [“…for long and meritorious service both to Japanese and foreign people… While many people today are aware of the modern awards and medals conferred by the Japanese Prime Minister's Office each spring and autumn, most people are unaware of the many decorations that were discontinued at the end of World War II.”]

Other activities include member of UNESCO Monitoring Panel (1984); consultant, National Security Council (1981); member, Committee for a Free World; member, Advisory Panel for Pacific Legal Foundation Fellowship Program [Heritage Foundation-related]; member, Board of Directors, Mont Pelerin Society; member, Board of Trustees, Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association; member, Board of Directors, Committee on the Present Danger (1976-95); and member of the Board of the National Science Foundation (1972-78). Campbell is also a member of the American Economic Association, the Royal Economic Society, and the Mont Pelerin Society [Milton Friedman and Ed Feulner (CNP), President of the Heritage Foundation, have been past presidents] and was the founding president of the Philadelphia Society



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  1. The Timeline:
  2. “How the City of London Created the Great Depression: The Crash of 1929,” Webster G. Tarpley,
  3. Webster G. Tarpley & Anton ChaitkinGeorge Bush: The Unauthorized Biography”, Chapter III,Race Hygiene: Three Bush Family Alliances.”
  4. The Timeline:
  5. “A Critique of the Chicago School of Economics: Milton Friedman and Monetarism,” Steve Kangas,
  6.  “The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek: Fascism Didn't Die With Hitler," Jeffrey Steinberg, The American Almanac, September 23, 1995,
  7. Ibid.
  8. Grolier’s Encyclopedia,

9.     "Thinking Globally and Acting Locally, Part III: The Politics of TRANSFORMATION," Ronald Miller, Distant Drums Vol. 5. No.2, May 1983.

  1. Interhemispheric Resource Center,
  2. Gerard Colby with Charlotte Dennet, Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil, HarperCollinsPublisher, 1945, pp. 717, 762-63.
  3. Alvin and Heidi Toffler, Creating a New Civilization, Atlanta, Georgia: Turner Publishing, Inc., 1995, pp. 18-21, 33.
  4. Steinberg, Jeffrey, op.cit.