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The Occult Calendar



Tribulation Timeline

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:28
August 11, 1999 began with a solar eclipse which heralded for New Agers a period called the Dawn of the New Light. The Occult Character of the United Nations described a live channeling session that was held in May, 1999 at The United Nations in Vienna, Austria. "The Group" -- probably the Ascended Masters (Nephilim) -- announced at that time there would be no further delay for the Dawning of the New Light, according to the The Lightworker website of the channeler.  A subsequent channeled message presents the imminent time frame for this prophecy:
"It was only a short time ago that humanity began to awaken and turn toward the Light. In that short time, you have done much to alter the outcome of the Game, as many have chosen the path of advancement while still in biology. The original scripting of the Game set a target date of 2012 for the final shifting of mass consciousness and the next level of the Game. The collective vibratory level on the Gameboard of Free Choice has now made it possible to begin opening some of the portals early. As a direct result of the advancement of humanity and the work you have done, the gradual introduction of the higher levels of Light through these portals will now begin. You have shifted the collective consciousness on the Gameboard once again, and now the new Light will dawn.

"The twenty nine days beginning with the event you know to be the solar eclipse will mark the introduction of the new Light to the planet. The alignment of the planets, and the recent alignment of the grids on Earth, mark the introduction of the new Light to the rest of the Universe. This twenty nine days will mark the next shift of humanity, as seen from the highest perspective. As the sun is blocked from view, prepare to release the attachments that have kept you bound. In the momentary darkness of the eclipse, feel the sadness and grief of releasing the familiar.--TheGroup"

The channeler defined the period which is designated the Dawn of the New Light:  "The twenty nine days between August 11th and September 9th 1999 mark the period that the Group has called the 'Dawn of the New Light'. It will be a time for change to be set into motion." This is not an isolated prophecy, but correlates with other New Age sources. According to a recent e-mail from another New Age website, CALENdeRsign, the occasion for this change would be the August 11 solar eclipse:
"The solar eclipse on Aug. 11th, 1999 is taking place right in front of the mouth of LEO (Leumund), on the 222nd day of the year and 144 days before year 2000. One pregnancy period after the eclipse will be in May 2000 a recoming of the star of Bethlehem with the pearl necklace like string of planets."
Celestial events occurring between the August 11-September 9 "Dawn of the New Light" will, after a nine month gestation period, give birth to a global day of judgment on May 5, 2000. We have identified the following dates during this period as hosting important events on the New Age calendar. Certain names of planets, gods and events are highlighted which will be seen at the conclusion of the report to correspond to the elements of an ancient Middle Eastern festival that celebrated the return of the heathen god, Adonis, who was considered to be the Sun.

This calendar of events which will figure significantly in the dawning of the anticipated New Age is not exhaustive but presents highlights of the ominous events that will propel mankind toward a New Age "day of judgment" -- May 5, 2000 -- which must precede the purported transformation.  This day of judgment, however, is not to be confused with another Day of Judgment, although it may be represented as such.  God's judgment of the world will follow without fail, after which the stars and planets which men worship as gods shall utterly fail them:

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken." Mt 24:29


AUGUST, 7-14, 1999 - The Matrix Project Worldwide

August 7, 1999 was the date New Agers began the Matrix Project Worldwide, in preparation for the August 11 Solar Eclipse which inaugurates the anticipated Dawn of the New Light.  Matrix is a word in Crystal Magick that refers to the base of a crystal cluster, the main "lump" part. [Glossary; DenElder] The Matrix Project, which depicts a large crystalline six-pointed star on its homepage, is calling for a critical mass of people who will focus on the Star of David in preparation for the worldwide transformation which will occur in approximately nine months. Note the clever ruse of claiming that this activity will protect us against the occult agenda of the "illuminati" when, in very fact, the Matrix Project is promoting the same agenda.

This is a Worldwide notice requesting the assistance of every Spiritual, Religious, Healing and Alternative World Healing Organizations to open to all their respective members.

On the 11th of August, 1999 in Egypt, The organization called the "illuminati" will be invoking a ceremony called: THE DARK MOTHER. The intention of this ceremony is to seal the doorway to our collective consciousness as it begins to open. The reason they wish to have this outcome, is that this organization represents the power brokers of our planet, who would prefer to maintain their control of the knowledge, finances and spiritual/political future of our societies. This control is through FEAR and misinformation.

Medicine people and tribal people around the world are asking for your help to focus our collective intention to keep this doorway to change opened. The porthole to our changing consciousness is about to open. This is the time that the WISDOM ELDERS have spoken of. We are in the threshold of the forces of CREATION. WE have the ability to exercise a CHOICE AT THIS TIME. We are focusing the symbol identified in this Web Site:

All people are asked to start focusing this symbol from your location with the following intention:: ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR ENTIRE EARTH COMMUNITY - OR LOSE IT!  It is through the acceptance of our DIFFERENCES, spiritual, religious, political, ethnic, geographic, and economic, that we will be able to overcome and change the chaos that surrounds us.     Our focus will begin: AUG. 7th, 1999 until 14th Aug. 1999. Please consider the content of this message and the Website identified above to be EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, and please ask every person and organization around the world to participate now!

Ta Chanka Luta ( His Road is Red )

"The purpose of the Matrix Projectis to activate the symbol world wide. This will be conducted over an extended period of time and will require the assistance of hundreds if not thousands of people. The activation of the symbol will trigger specific events here on the planet which will bring our world into a moment of critical focus...

"The Sacred Symbol originates from the same Source of all spiritual and religious practices worldwide. The Matrix Project is based upon the Symbol also known by these names: the Star of David, the Morning Star, the Star of Bethlehem, Sirius, the Symbol of the Divine, the Symbol of the Magus, the Tree of Life, the Lakota Star, the Merkaba, the Flower of Life, the Heart of Hearts, the Nexus between the Manifest and Unmanifest, the Symbol of Creation, the 22 fold path (12 Signs of the Zodiac, the 7 Celestial Bodies, and the 3 Sacred Motions.)
AUGUST 11, 1999 - New Moon and Eclipse of the Sun.

According to the Farmer's Almanac: New Moon, Solar Eclipse and Feast of St. Clare. [Sinclair = sacred Merovingian family; "clare" means "light"] The Farmer's Almanac states: "Only the partial phase will be visible in No. America, and this only from the northeastern United States and Eastern Canada. There the sun will rise partially eclipsed. The eclipse will end between 6:15 and 6:45 a.m. EDT, depending on your location within the area where the eclipse is visible."

AUGUST 11-13, 1999 - Persid meteor shower from Swift-Tuttle comet

AUGUST 12, 1999 - New Moon according to Jewish calendar

AUGUST 18, 1999 - Cassini/Saturn Mission flyby (10:30 p.m.)

The spacecraft Cassini was launched by NASA toward Venusin October 1997.  Cassini flew by Venus twice and will fly by the Earth in August 1999 and then be on its way to Saturn, flying by Jupiter in December 2000. Passing by these planets provides a "gravity assist." Prior to launching, anti-nuclear organizations demonstrated against Cassini, alarmed that the craft will enter the Earth's atmosphere in 1999 spreading deadly plutonium. [See Cosmic Christmas for more information]

AUGUST 21, 1999 - Venus changes to Morning Star (New Age type of Christ)


SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 - Conjunction of the New Moon and Venus. Dawning of the New Light.

SEPTEMBER 11/12, 1999 - Rosh Hashanah (begins evening of Sept. 10)

In Exodus 12:2, God changed the New Year to Abib [postexilic Nisan], the month of the Passover. However, Israel has kept the September (Tishri) date.  In the messianic movement, there is much interest in rediscovering the actual birth date of Christ, ostensibly to discern His second coming, but perhaps to validate the coming of another christ. Messianics agree that Christ was born at Rosh Hashanah:

SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 - Day of Atonement

SEPTEMBER 21, 1999 - United Nations opening date

SEPTEMBER 25, 1999 - Feast of Tabernacles

SEPTEMBER 29, 1999 - Michael's Day or Scottish Festival in honor of St Michael

There is an allusion in the aforementioned U.N. channeling session to the close proximity of a familiar prophetic character -- Michael.  Michael the Archangel, of course, is (1) the warrior and protector of Israel in Daniel 12:1, (2) the Vanquisher of the Roman Dragon of Rev. 12 [which in Merovingian mythology symbolozes the Roman Pope] and (3) the Restrainer of the Antichrist in the Pre-Wrath Rapture deception. Part II of The Rosicrucian Connection, which explains how this deception will be carried off, is recommended reading for those who subscribe to the pre-wrath teaching.


OCTOBER 1-3, 1999 - World Core Curriculum Conference

"Education for all remains... a first priority on this planet...This is why UNESCO has rightly adopted a world literacy plan for the Year 2000." [World Core Curriculum Manual, p. 9]

OCTOBER 12, 1999 - Day of Six Billion (world population reaches 6 billion)

OCTOBER 24, 1999 - First inter-faith service for United Nations Day

OCTOBER 23-29, 1999 - Bacchanalia

"Bacchanalian orgies featured sumptuous banquets and wine. It was the sport of kings and nobles to hunt boar throughout Europe and the Balkans. But the boar represented more than wild game, at a king's table. Pagan mythology says "Adonis" was killed by an attack of a wild boar. Therefore, boars were sacrificed to Adonis in many countries. How the boar's head came to "grace" many a medieval (and modern) English table is another of those mystical, pagan stories of pure myth. Hislop says, "According to one version of the story of the death of Adonis, or Tammuz [the sun god], it was, as we have seen, in consequence of a wound from the tusk of a boar that he died...

"The same authority describes how the Saxons in Europe (sons of 'Saac,' or 'Saccae,' the sons of Isaac, and thus part of the so-called 'Lost Ten Tribes') offered a boar in sacrifice "on Christmas day" to Venus for the 'loss of her beloved Adonis.' Hislop wrote, 'In Rome a similar observance had evidently existed; for a boar formed the great article at the feast of Saturn, as appears from the following words of Martial: `That boar will make you a good Saturnalia.' Hence the boar's head is still a standing dish in England at the Christmas dinner, when the reason of it is long since forgotten."

OCTOBER 27, 1999 - Anniversary date of Noah's Flood

OCTOBER 31, 1999 - Halloween. Reversal of Reformation Day


NOVEMBER 1, 1999 - Samhain (Celtic New Year)

NOVEMBER 17, 1999 World Peace Day

NOVEMBER 30, 1999 -  St. Andrew's Day, Patron Saint of Scotland

NOVEMBER 30, 1999 - FEBRUARY 2, 2000 - Christmas Season: Advent to Candlemas Day [Corresponds with St. Andrews to Celtic Imbolic Feast Day]


DECEMBER 1 -10, 1999 - Parliament of World Religions

United Religion Iniative leadership from various countries will offer workshops at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Cape Town, South Africa [URI Update, Fall 1999] The Parliament of World Religions has scheduled a Millennium World Peace Summit for August 28-31, 2000. This event, which will be organized by the United Nations, will bring together 1000 of the world's religious and spiritual leaders in order to give theological justification to the agenda of the U.N. Millennium Heads of State Summit a few days later:

     A "spiritual summit" bringing together 1000 of the world's religious and spiritual leaders is being organised by the United Nations next August - the first such gathering in the UN's 54-year history. The Millennium World Peace Summit, as the gathering is known, will take place from 28 to 31 August, just days before the world's political leaders gather for the UN Millennium Heads of State Summit.
    "Our dream is to get the pre-eminent religious leaders to the UN so they can support the peace process, in concert with the political bodies there," Bawa Jain, the executive co-ordinator of the world peace summit, said today 3 December in Cape Town. "I definitely feel that the religious and spiritual communities can play a substantial role in easing tensions in the world zones of conflict," he added.
    UN secretary-general Kofi Annan will give the welcoming address at the religious summit.
    "Ultimately, this first-ever council of senior religious and spiritual advisers will be established as a resource to the UN secretary-general, and its members could be 'parachuted' into trouble spots," Jain said. Jain was speaking at a media briefing held during the 1999 Parliament of World Religions, which opened in Cape Town on 1 December. Much of the work and discussions of the 10-day parliament will be channelled into next August's gathering of religious leaders. [Ecumenical News International, 12/3/99]
DECEMBER 4, 1999 - Opening Ecumenical Celebrations of Bethlehem 2000
In an historic display of unity, the heads of the 13 traditional churches of Jerusalem gathered together in Bethlehem's Manger Square at the weekend to pray for a joyful Christmas and to launch the millennium celebrations for Christianity's 2000th anniversary. At the official launch patriarchs, archbishops and other church heads and officials from the Holy Land were joined by church representatives - Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox  - from around the world and by thousands of pilgrims. Palestinians, some of them dressed in biblical costumes, danced behind marching bands in the shadow of the Church of the Nativity, built over the spot where Jesus is believed to have been born...
    But one of the principal participants, Pope John Paul II's envoy to the Holy Land, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, told ENI the start of the new millennium was an appropriate moment for Christianity and Islam to show greater respect for one another. "Bethlehem has been totally renovated for the year 2000 and the work has been done by Muslims and Christians together," he said. "The message at the beginning of the new millennium is that we have to recover this capacity - the Muslims to rejoice with the Christians when the Christians rejoice, and the Christians to be capable of rejoicing with the Muslims when the Muslims rejoice."
    Bethlehem, a Palestinian-controlled area in the West Bank about ten minutes' drive from Jerusalem, has undergone a US$180-million facelift financed by foreign donations and private funds. Two million tourists are expected to visit Bethlehem next year for the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ. Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, signalled the climax of the festivities by switching on the lights of a gigantic Christmas tree to launch a year of activities that he hopes will boost tourism and improve the local economy...
     John L. Peterson, secretary general of the Anglican Communion, told ENI it was unlikely there had been a greater show of Christian unity in a long time. "The 13 church heads [of Jerusalem] walking together - indeed that is a sign of unity. And to come here and to be able to see this Manger Square absolutely packed with people and most importantly with indigenous Christians; to celebrate and look forward to this new millennium, certainly it is sign of tremendous hope for the church," he said. "And not only hope for the church in this land, but hope for the church around the world."
    The Bethlehem event came three weeks before Christmas Eve, when the town is expected to become the focus of attention for many of the world's Christians as they celebrate the coming of the new millennium in the place where many believe Christianity began, with the birth of Jesus Christ. However, the biggest crowds are expected in March, when Pope John Paul is due to arrive in Bethlehem as part of a visit to the Holy Land. He is also expected to visit Jerusalem and Nazareth, the two other places most closely associated with the life of Jesus. [Ecumenical News International, 12/6/99]
[See also: Bethlehem 2000]

DECEMBER 4-11, 1999 - Hannukah [Festival of Lights]

DECEMBER 6, 1999 - Ramadan; St. Nicholas Feast Day

"Saudi Arabia, home to two of  Islam's holiest shrines, has asked Moslems to scan the sky from  next Monday in search of the new moon to determine the start of  the holy fasting month of Ramadan.  Saudi newspapers on Wednesday quoted religious authorities as saying Moslems should look out for the new moon on the night of December 6. If not sighted then they must scan the skies the following night. Ramadan is Islam's holiest month. In most Islamic countries,  believers fast from dawn to dusk for one month starting one day after the sighting of the new moon in their country." [Reuters, 12/1/99]

DECEMBER 7, 1999 - New Moon (according to The Farmer's Almanac)

DECEMBER 10, 1999 - New Moon (according to the Jewish Calendar)

The advisory to Moslems to watch the skies may have something to do with a potential nuclear explosion on the planet Jupiter should the spaceship Galileo impact it carrying 48 pounds of plutonium. There are conflicting opinions as to whether Jupiter will ignite causing a nuclear explosion.  Evidence supporting this possibility include the following factors: (1) NASA has stated that the demise of Galileo may be its impact upon Jupiter, although the most likely eventuality is that Galileo will impact one of Jupiter's satellites, (2) Galileo is carrying far more plutonium than required for its mission, which would seem to indicate another use for it, (3) Certain high-ranking Freemasons have occupied top NASA positions, (4) NASA's planetary exploration seems to correspond with and may provide the practical means of implementing the Masonic "Plan" for a New Age. (5) Scripture states clearly that power to perform signs will be given to the Antichrist, the False Prophet and their minions in this world. (6) The following perceptive observation which appeared on the Millennium Weekend forum:

Let's make a list...

Jews - Hannukah (Festival of Lights 12/4-12/11)
Muslim - Ramaddan begins 12/6 for one month
Christian - Advent (started last Sunday and every Sunday until Christmas). Also 12/25...

And now this...The Parliament of the World's Religions begins eight-day gathering

Weekend News Today
By Weekend Staff
Source: Washington Times

Thu Dec 2,1999 -- The Parliament of the World's Religions began an eight-day gathering yesterday in Cape Town, South Africa, AFP reported. Participants represented virtually every spiritual and religious tradition on the planet. The body has drawn members of traditional African religions, Bahais, Buddhists, Christians, Confucianists, Jains, Jews, Mormons, Muslims, American Indians, Sikhs, Taoists, Unitarians and Zoroastrians from at least 70 countries. The plenary session was called to order by drummers from the Japan-based Shinji Shumeimkai Taiko group beating elephant-sized Taiko drums with large wooden clubs. Radical Muslims in the heart of the city, in protests, held posters reading "Go to hell Parliament of World Religions."


DECEMBER 6-7, 1999 - Drumming in the New Millennium

A two day outdoor multicultural music festival at the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Drumming in the New Millennium will be broadcast over the internet on December 7.

DECEMBER 8-12, 1999 - World NGO Conference

NGOs accredited by the U.N. have been preparing to create a "People's Assembly." To prepare for the home stretch, a World NGO Conference is scheduled for December 8-12, 1999 in Montreal, Canada. The NGO process began at the U.N. University in Tokyo in 1996, shortly after the publication of Our Global Neighborhood. The process is moving toward the Millennium Forum, scheduled for May 22-26, 2000, in New York, which will be the first meeting of the People's Assembly.

DECEMBER 17-23, 1999 - Feast of Saturn (Saturnalia).

Winter Solstice (Dec. 22-23). In pagan Rome, the celebration of the Winter Solstice began on December 17 with the feast of Saturn, also called the Saturnalia. Through December 23rd, the Roman world engaged in merrymaking and the exchanging of gifts in honor of Saturn, the god of sowing and husbandry and to commemorate a future Golden Age of Saturn:

"Here is the general reformation of the world announced in the Rosicrucian manifestos described as a world reformation... Whilst involving definite reforms in education, church, and law, this general reformation has millenarian overtones; it will bring the world back to the state in which Adam found it, which was also Saturn's golden age. So, in the Confessio, the second Rosicrucian manifesto, the general reformation is said to presage 'a great influx of truth and light' such as surrounded Adam in Paradise, and which God will allow before the end of the world...this millennium, this return to the golden age of Adam and Saturn, is said to be assisted by 'the high society of the Rosicrucians...'" [Frances Yates, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, Routeledge, 1972, p. 57]
DECEMBER 22, 1999 - Moon will be closest earth in 132 years.

Farmer's Almanac: "The astonishing lunar illumination of December 22, 1999. Mark your calendar for the final full moon of the millennium - a last hurrah of unusual brightness... We have to go back 133 years to 1866, to match this year's rare gathering of Winter Solstice, full Moon, and lunar perigee (the point in the moon's orbit that is closest to earth)."

DECEMBER 24-25 - Optimal time for initiation [See Cosmic Christmas]

"The night between the 24th and 25th of December is the holy night, par excellence, of the entire year. The zodiacal sign of the Immaculate Celestial Virgin stands upon the eastern horizon near midnight. The sun of the new year is then born and starts upon his journey from the southernmost point toward the northern hemisphere, to save that part of humanity (physically) from the darkness and famine which would inevitably result if he were to remain permanently south of the equator... The spiritual influences are strongest, in the north, at midnight of the 24th of December... It would then be easiest for those who wish to take a definite step toward initiation to get in conscious touch with the spiritual time... The blazing star is ever there to guide him." [Max Heindels, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception: Mystic Christianity, CA:Rosicrucian Fellowship, 1988, p. 390]

DECEMBER 25, 1999 - Bethlehem 2000.

A Palestinian project which will coordinate many Bimillennial celebrations over a 16 month period. President Arafat has invited all of Christendom to Bethlehem to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ starting at Christmas 1999 through Easter 2001.

Papal A.D. 2000 Jubilee - Opening of Holy Doors in Vatican

"The Vatican plans a series of Masses and other celebrations to mark Christianity's third millennium, and 20 million people are expected to flock to Rome. John Paul has declared 2000 a Jubilee year, a time of pilgrimage and celebration. 'This road (of preparation) will take us to the threshold of the Holy Doors, which will be opened, at God's pleasure, the night of Christmas 1999, thus giving a start to the Grand Jubilee,' John Paul declared."

DECEMBER 31, 1999 - The Millennium Group celebration of 1999.

Egypt bash at the Great Pyramid.  Hall of Records to be opened. Pyramid capstone placed.

Celebration at Egypt's Great Pyramid of Cheops - In a symbol of the renewal of life through the ages, Egypt's Great Pyramid of Cheops will be rigged to emit golden rays of light at the birth of the new millennium after an all-night electronic opera...A modern nine-meter (29.5-foot) high golden capstone will be placed atop the pyramid's missing peak to transmit the rays of light for the dawn culmination...In a three-act performance with the two other focal points at sunset and midnight, French composer Jean-Michel Jarre revealed he will follow the theme of "Twelve Dreams of the Sun," central to ancient Egyptian mythology... In ancient Egypt, the sun travelled through the night passing through 12 doors, each one representing a dream, to be reborn young and perfect...Its 9.5-million-dollar much lower than the artistic value" of the show, he said...a consortium involving 60 countries will broadcast 20 minutes of the extravaganza on 300 television channels in a "promotion blitz for Egypt in which every minute is worth a publicity campaign.

Skull & Bones member, former Pres. George Bush, Sr., plans to attend this celebration.

"Already The Millennium Society has reserved the Great Pyramid of Cheops near Cairo, Egypt, on December 31, 1999." [Jay Gary, The Star of 2000, p. 86]

The Star of 2000 by Jay Gary predicts that a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will be viewed as the next Star of Bethlehem. According to this pseudo-Christian book's "Parable of the Fourth Wise Man," a continuous vigil of the world's stargazers (astrologers) will commence on New Year's Eve 1999 and will be rewarded at a future date:

"On the eve of the bimillennial, Zalshar, the fourth wise man, found himself gazing more each night into the heavens. Then one evening it suddenly appeared. Morning was just about to break when Jupiter and Saturn strolled together like two saffron flames merging into one. As Zalshar watched, a royal blue spark burst out of the darkness beneath. Jupiter emerged wearing a magnificent mantle of light. ‘This is the heavenly sign,’ Zalshar cried. ‘The morning Star is soon to arise in every heart. Another journey of the Magi must surely begin.’ Before embarking Zalshar lifted up his eyes to heaven and prayed, ‘Oh sovereign Lord, Father of Lights. . .’" [The Star of 2000, p. 150]
DECEMBER 31, 1999 - JANUARY 2, 2000 - Participate in the Birth of the United Religions

1. June 1998 - June 1999 Charter Circulation - People around the world reflect upon and live with the Draft Charter and offer feedback.

2. December 31, 1999 - January 2, 2000 - 72 Hours of Peacemaking. People in communities everywhere practice cooperation and peacemaking as a sign of hope for the new millennium.

3. June 2000 Walking - Pilgrimages - Signing the UR Charter - People from all walks of life and all faith traditions walk in pilgrimage and sign the Charter, giving birth to the United Religions.


JANUARY 1, 2000 - Inauguration of Golden Age

'The Year 2000, Aiwass [also known as 'Horus, the Egyptian Sun god'] told Alister [sic] Crowley ... would mark the inauguration of a Golden Age when men, ascending to godhood, would banish forever the diseased carcase of antiquated morality." [Texe Marrs, A.D. 2000-Year of Destiny, Power of Prophecy, March 1999]

"...the meeting [of L'Ordre International Chevalvesque Traditional Solare] held in 1952 in the Castle of Arginy...marked the preparation for the final stages of the world the year 2000." [Texe Marrs, Dark Majesty, p. 40]

Druid Feast Day - [Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula, p. 81]

World Peace Party - Robert Muller website

"...Robert Muller... said, 'The time has come to obtain peace on this planet...the United Nations Charter has to be supplemented by a charter of spiritual laws..."' [Dave Hunt, The Seduction of Christianity, Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1986]

Jay Gary: "The watchword for the Year 2000 is a church for every people." [Jay Gary, The Star of 2000, p. 86]

JANUARY 1-3, 2000 - Millennium Symposium on Great Challenges of Our Time

Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt: The Millennium Symposium is a three-day event sponsored by UNESCO and produced by the Millenium Project of the American Council for the United Nations University. During these three days a host of speakers and workshops will focus on the upcoming global changes facing humanity, including issues of world governance, the creation of a global sustainable society, and the shaping of new planetary security strategies.

JANUARY 6, 2000 - The Epiphany

The Epiphany is the gnostic date of the nativity, originally adopted by the Eastern Church...the Dionysian Epiphany became the triple witching day of the Christian calendar - the day on which Christ's deity was revealed to the gentiles, the apostles and the Jews:

We keep this day holy in honour of three miracles: this day a star led the wise men to the manger, this day water was turned to wine at the marriage feast, this day Christ chose to be baptised by John in the Jordan, for our salvation, allelu-Yah (Magnificat antiphon)
The Epiphany thus at first celebrated the total revelation of God in Christ. Later it focused upon his baptism and the water into wine at Cana and when the observance of January 6 spread to the West, it also became associated with the the Magi. January 6 came to mark the final day of the 12 days of Christmas, a midwinter season of festivity, when "our true love gave to us the consummantion of all the gifts".

A similar festival of Dionysus, the wine god, was kept on this day throughout the Aegean Islands and Anatolia, also involving turning water into wine. Dionysus is also the true vine. Oddly it happens to be [Christ's] birthday, so I thought it a good idea to hold a little peace party for the garment of immortal diversity to restore our respect and love for Eve the Mother of All Living and to resurrect the Tree of Life.

Twelfth Night: The Shekihinah and the Marriage

In Twelfth Night, which represents Shakespeare's vision of the Epiphany, he has chosen the comic mode of surprise to perform precisely the gender resolution implied by the opposites of male and female in conflict and their resolution through the dyadic manifestation of the comic hero-heroine in the form of the Shekhinaic Metatron the androgynous female-male in union.

JANUARY 9, 2000 - Janus Festival [Agonium Festival] Passing of Old Order, inauguration of New Order
                                   [Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed., 1997, "Janus"]

"In Roman mythology, Janus was the wind god who brought new beginnings. It is no accident that the first month of our year is named January. In most cases, Janus was pictured with two faces, one old which looked to the past with wisdom and one young which looked to the future with idealism. There's no doubt the turn of the millennium will pass in review under both perspectives." [Jay Gary, The Star of 2000, p. 67]

JANUARY 16-22 , 2000 - National Week For Christian Unity

JANUARY 17, 2000 - St. Sulpice Feast Day.

Catholic Modernist Movement is based at St. Sulpice in Paris. This "saint" is associated with the Knights Templar cult of the Black Madonna. [Biagent, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, p. 37] "The Black Madonna cult is central to the Priory [of Sion]...To them at least, there is no doubt about the significance of the Black Madonna. Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair writes explicitly, 'The Black Virgin is Isis and her name is Notre Dame de Lumiere [Our Lady of the Lights]." Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair is former Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion) [Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, The Templar Revelation, p.79]

"St Sulpice (d. c.647). This contemporary of St Dagobert also has his feast day on 17 January. He was the second Bishop of Bourges, which is on the zero meridian of Paris, like Rennes-les-Bains, and was successful in converting all the Jews of his diocess. He was the protege of the goldsmith of St Eloi, Grand Vizier of Dagobert I. The famous seminary and church dedicated to him in Paris contains the obelisk with the copper line down the centre marking the exact point of the meridian. St Sulpice, in the grounds of St Germain-des-Pres (qv), had connections with the Prieure from its foundation in 1642." [Ean Begg, The Cult of the Black Virgin, Arkana, 1985, p.110.]  The Zero Meridian is the 33rd degree longitude.  To understand the significance of this meridian see under the section on Locations "C. Territories of Dan in the Land of Israel" in The Lost Tribe of Dan report.

"Nicholas Flamel is listed as one of (the Prieuré de Sion's) Grand Masters and January 17 -- given by him as the date on which he achieved the Great Work -- is a day held sacred by them, a day specially set apart to honor alchemical perfection." [Picknett & Prince, Turin Shroud: In Whose Image? The Truth Behind the Centuries-Long Conspiracy of Silence, HarperCollins, 1994, p. 99]

JANUARY 19, 2000 - Total Lunar Eclipse.

JANUARY 22, 2000 - World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation

An inter-faith holy day to be launched on 22 January next year, the World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation has two goals: to create the first holy day to be shared by all religions of the world, and to teach religious leaders how to publicly oppose hate campaigns and religious creates a holy day which...will eventually be embraced by all ethnic and religious groups on the planet...The World Sabbath project has been endorsed by the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan, a synagogue (Temple Israel of Ann Arbor), the Detroit Muslim Center, by the United Religions Initiative, the Parliament of the World's Religions and the National Council for Community and Justice (formerly known as the National Conference of Christians and Jews). [Ecumenical News, 10/5/99]

JANUARY 25-26, 2000 - North American Regional Hearings for the Millennium

Chicago, IL: Convened by the Gorbachev Foundation's State of the World Forum at the behest of Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations. This Chicago-based event will focus on "Strengthening the U.N. for the Challenges of the 215' Century. " The goal of the event is to provide direction and prepare for the upcoming UN Millennium Assembly.


FEBRUARY 2, 2000 - Celtic Imbolc Feast Day.

Also called Luperalia [Feast of Pan]; Candlemas Day, Groundhog Day [Cathy Burns, Masonic & Occultic Symbols, p.258-9]

FEBRUARY 24-26, 2000 - Pope John Paul II to Visit Egyptian Pyramids

"For the first time, a Roman Catholic pope is going to the land of the pharaohs. John Paul II will visit Egypt Feb. 24-26 as part of a series of trips to biblical sites in 2000, Reuters said. He will meet with government and religious leaders, including President Hosni Mubarak, Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda, and the country's top Islamic leader. The pope will celebrate Mass in the Catholic Coptic Cathedral in Cairo, then visit the monastery of St. Catherine in the Sinai desert, thought to be near the site where Moses received the Ten Commandments." (Religion Today, January 21, 2000)

For information on Pope John Paul II and Freemasonry, see: Karol (Woytla), Adam (Mickiewicz), Jacob (Frank)

MARCH 2000

MARCH, 2000 - Pope John Paul II Trip to the Middle East [Israel & Other Nations to be Announced]

This historic event will publicly place Pope John Paul in an unprecedented position of influence within the Middle East peace process. Vatican officials have already met with Palestinian and Israeli authorities to work out the details of the Pontiff s visit. The Pope's mission: to bring peace and religious unity to the region and the world.

MARCH 1-8. 2000 - Abolition 2000: Call for the New Millennium

The Hague May 1999

It was agreed to establish Global Abolition Days, March 1-8, 2000, as an international week of actions, education and lobbying for nuclear disarmament. It was also decided that Abolition 2000 would have a strong presence at the 2000 Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference at UN headquarters in New York. The network will attempt to exert pressure on governments to fulfill their obligations under Article 6 of the NPT.

MARCH 8, 2000 - Day of Request for Forgiveness.

A day of "Request for Forgiveness" is to be marked by the Catholic Church next year as part of the millennium celebrations. Pope John Paul II promised that the Roman Catholic Church would turn "a new page of history" in 2000 by seeking forgiveness for errors, injustices and human rights offences committed in the past. ...The Roman Catholic Church needs to do more than simply ask for forgiveness for errors and injustices committed in the past, according to Nobel Peace laureate Rigoberta Menchu,... [who] said that "asking for forgiveness should not be the final goal, but [rather] compensation for the damage that was caused". One way for the Catholic Church to provide compensation, she said, would be for it to use its "spiritual and material" resources to create schools and universities that were led not by the church but by the communities. [Ecumenical News, 9/13/99]

The biggest crowds [in Jerusalem] are expected in March, when Pope John Paul is due to arrive in Bethlehem as part of a visit to the Holy Land. He is also expected to visit Jerusalem and Nazareth, the two other places most closely associated with the life of Jesus. [Ecumenical News International, 12/6/99]

"During the three and a half years immediately preceding the fulfillment of the third dispensation, Antichrist would have his reign. He would be a secular king who would chastise the corrupt and worldly Church until in its present form it was utterly destroyed...As for the great wealth of the Church [of Rome], that will be confiscated and distributed to the poor..." [Norman Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millennium, Oxford University Press, 1961, pp. 110-12]

MARCH 8 - APRIL 23, 2000 - 40 Days of Global Fasting

Join hundreds of thousands and part of the historic 40 DAY GLOBAL FASTS:

        March 8th - April 23rd 2000 (Ash Wednesday to Resurrection Sunday)
        January 1st - February 8th 2001 (The First Forty Days of the Decade, the Century, the Millenium)

"God has never spoken to me audibly, and I am not given to prophecy. But that morning His message to me was clear. "America and much of the world will, before the end of the year 2000, experience a great spiritual awakening! And this revival will spark the greatest spiritual harvest in the history of the Church." I sensed the Holy Spirit was telling me that millions of believers must seek God with all their hearts in fasting and prayer before He will intervene to save America. I was impressed by the Spirit top pray that two million believers will humble themselves by seeking God in forty-day fasts." ~ Dr. Bill Bright, The Coming Revival, Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ International

April 24, 2000 = Adar 1/New Moon
February 8, 2001 = Hamishah Asar/Tu-BiShebat = New Year of Trees/15 of Shebat/Full Moon

MARCH 13-15, 2000 - The Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism

The Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism (LCJE) of North America will be held in Atlanta, Georgia. The LCJE originated in the The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (LCWE), an international movement formed to unite Christian churches to evangelize the world before the year A.D. 2000. In 1974, 2,400 Protestant and Catholic leaders from 150 nations attended the Lausanne Congress which was convened by a committee headed by Billy Graham. A requirement for membership in the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism is agreement with the Lausanne Covenant.

The Chairman of the LCJE International, Tuvya Zaretsky, is the Chief of Station of Jews for Jesus in Los Angeles and also holds a position on the International Lausanne Committee. The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism website identifies an ecumenical array of past speakers for the LCJE which include Lausanne Committee Chairman, Dr. Paul Cedar, Messianic faculty and associates from Fuller Seminary, the directors of Jews for Jesus and Arnold Fructenbaum of Ariel Ministries. "Speakers at our conferences have included Louis Goldberg, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Moishe Rosen, Art Glasser, Dan Juster, Stuart Dauermann, Mitch Glaser, Susan Perlman, Michael Schiffman, Paul Cedar, and others."

MARCH 17, 2000 - St. Patrick's Day.

"Ptah-rekh the name of the Egyptian god Ptah was passed down to us by the Druids adopting the name Patrick, which sounded similar. St. Patrick's day then is a Christianized form of a druidic holiday which originally had its origins in Egypt." [Fritz Springmeier, The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, p. 229]

MARCH 20, 2000 - World Citizenship Day

On the first day of spring, the Association of World Citizens will host the first-annual world citizenship event, which is intended to foster planetary allegiance and promote global government. As San Francisco, California was the founding city of the United Nations, so too it will be the home city of this expected-to-be annual world event.

MARCH 24-26, 2000 - United Religions Initiative European Conference

Budapest, Hungary: The URI European Conference will be held with the aim of furthering the URI global interfaith program. It will pave the way for bold new religious initiatives to be presented later in the year.

MARCH 21, 2000 - Druidic Festival for Cronus

"A mountain at Olympia was called after him (Chronus) and on its top annual sacrifices were offered to him at the spring equinox." [Encycylopedia Britannica, 1911 ed., "Saturn", p. 231]

MARCH 25, 2000 - Lady Day also known as Hilaria

"That festival, called Lady-day, is celebrated at Rome on the 25th of March, in alleged commemoration of the miraculous conception of our Lord in the womb of the Virgin, on the day when the angel was sent to announce to her the distinguished honour that was to be bestowed upon her as the mother of the Messiah. But who could tell when this annunciation was made? The Scripture gives no clue at all in regard to the time. But it mattered not. Before our Lord was either conceived or born, that very day now set down in the Popish calendar for the 'Annunciation of the Virgin' was observed in Pagan Rome in honour of Cybele, the Mother of the Babylonian Messiah." [Hislop, Two Babylons, p. 102]

MARCH 29, 2000 - Festival of Satur

"As the Papacy has canonised the Babylonian god by the name of St. Dionysius, and St. Bacchus, the "martyr," so by this very name of "Satur" is he also enrolled in the calendar; for March 29th is the festival of "St. Satur," the martyr. (CHAMBER'S Book of Days) To those who were initiated the god was revealed; to all else he was hidden. Now, the name Saturn in Chaldee is pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only of four letters, thus--Stur. This name contains exactly the Apocalyptic number 666:-- S = 060, T = 400, U = 006, R = 200, ---666." [Hislop, Two Babylons, p. 269]

MARCH 31-APRIL 2, 2000 - World Core Curriculum Convention

APRIL 2000

APRIL 1, 2000 - U.S. Census

APRIL 1, 2000 - Feast of Venus- Veneralia [Biederman, Dictionary of Symbolism, p. 365]

APRIL 3, 2000 - Global Citizenship 2000 passport expires (must renew or else).

"To insure that participants would take this call to global citizenship seriously, special global passports were issued at the [Global Citizenship Youth] Congress [April 4-6, 1997]...These passports symbolized participants' allegiance to Planet Earth. Appearing in the passports and the conference programs was a special poem written by Robert Muller entitled 'Decide to be a Global Citizen.'...This poem captured the theme of the congress." [Gary Kah, The New World Religion, p. 189]

APRIL 3-7, 2000 - First Global People's Assembly

Apia, Samoa: Hosted by the Samoa United Nations Association, this event is intended to regionally pave the way for the UN Millennium Assembly.

APRIL 14, 2000 - (Nisan 9)

Found on the cover of February 1968 issue of The New Age Magazine published by Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the world's largest Masonic organization:

FOUNDED MAY 31, 1801

1733 [see address above] is the date of the establishment of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the United States. John J. Robinson wrote in Born in Blood [London, 1990, p. 374]: "The abbreviation 'A.H.' means Anno Hebraico, 'In the Hebrew Year,' the calendar used in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite." Since the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite uses the Hebrew Calendar, it is reasonable to project that the zip code (20009) of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite in Washington, D.C. would represent the 9th day of Nisan in the Hebrew calendar, or April 14, in the year 2000, as the target date for the beginning of the New Age.

APRIL 15, 2000 - Babylonian New Year (Nisan 10) [Christian Myth & Ritual, E.O. James, Gloucester, MS: Peter Smith, 1973, p. 119]

APRIL 16, 2000 - Education and Sharing Day

Per Public Law 102--14 (H.J. Res. 104): March 20, 1991. In 1991, Chabad-Lubavitch in cooperation with President George W. Bush established the observance of Education Day, USA "to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws." Corresponds to Nisan 11 [three days before Passover]

APRIL 19, 2000 - Aries full moon (Occult Easter).

"This is the Festival of the risen living Christ, the teacher of all men and the head of the spritual Hierarchy...On this day the spiritual Hierarchy, which he guides and directs, is recognized and the nature of God's love is emphasized. This Festival is determined always by the date of the full moon of spring and is the Great Western and Christian Festival." [Lucis Trust, The Three Major Spiritual Festivals, p. 2]

"It was not until 664, at the Synod of Whitby in north Yorkshire, that Rome achieved the first doctrinal victory over the Celtic Church. The main debate concerned the date of Easter, for the Chief Pontiff of the day had decided that Easter should no longer be formally associated with the Jewish Passover. Against all prevailing custom, and against all Celtic tradition, the Catholic bishops succeeded in getting their own way - so displacing for all time the historic Jewish and Celtic ties." [Laurence Gardiner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, p. 215]

APRIL 19-MAY 12, 2000 - The Great Work (Transformation of Humanity)

"Aleister Crowley, 33º Mason and Grand Master of the satanic O.T.O., taught that the Great Work, the 'Transformation of humanity,' will be accomplished in the last decade of the 20th Century. In de Rola's Alchemy: The Secret Art we find an Illuminist-coded message of what will be the fate of Christians and other rebels during the latter stages of the Great Work. First, we are told that the Great Work may only be begun in the spring under the signs of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini.' This is the reason, of course, why the Branch Davidians were assaulted and burned with fire on April 19, 1993 and why the federal building in Oklahoma City was firebombed on April 19, 1995. What's more, exactly 50 years prior to the Waco holocaust (the word holocaust means a 'burned sacrifice'), on April 19, 1943, Hitler's storm troopers used flame throwers to incinerate the brave Jewish resisters fighting from the sewers in the Warsaw, Poland ghetto."

APRIL 20, 2000 - Nisan 15 - Passover

APRIL 21, 2000 - Pales Festival marks anniversary of founding of Rome [Webster's Dictionary]

"An ancient Roman deity, protector of flocks and shepherds, whose festival was celebrated on April 21, the legendary anniversary day of the founding of Rome."

"The fire that was so jealously guarded in that temple, and on which so much was believed to depend, was regarded in the very same light as by the old Babylonian fire-worshippers. It was looked upon as the purifier, and in April every year, at the Palilia, or feast of Pales, both men and cattle, for this purpose, were made to pass through the fire. The Epidaurian snake, that the Romans worshipped along with the fire, was looked on as the divine representation of Aesculapius, the child of the Sun." [The Two Babylons, p. 236]

APRIL 22, 2000 - Bimillennial Celebration of Life; Earth Day.

More than 300 million people in 150 nations are expected to participate in the largest Earth Day ever...It will also be the 30th anniversary of Earth Day. Thousands of local and regional events are being planned to honor "Earth" at this time.

APRIL 23, 2000 - Feast of First Fruits or Easter

APRIL 24, 2000 - Adar 1/New Moon

APRIL 30 - MAY 1, 2000 - Beltane [Celtic feast]

"The feast had something to do with fire (its translation is "Fire of Bel", Belenos being one of the Gaulish gods associated with Apollo...)" Celtic Religion website.

"According to the Satanic Calendar of High Holy Days, April 19 inaugurates a period of blood sacrifice to the Beast, culminating in the Grand Climax on May 1st each year. May 1st (May Day), of course, is celebrated in Red Square (note the color, red) in Moscow each year by a huge parade and spectacle. It was also on May 1, 1776 in Bavaria that Adam Weishaupt founded the Order of the Illuminati, and it was May 1st when the ancient Druids honored their great Sun God and Goddess with an uninhibited festival complete with initiations, sex orgies, drunken revelry, and human sacrifice. The May pole and the circle ritual conducted around it symbolized the male phallus, the regenerative organ of the Sun God." [Texe Marrs, Circle of Intrigue, p. 230]

Druidic Initiation

"The grand periods of initiation were quarterly, and determined by the course of the sun, and his arrival at the equinoctial and solstitial  points. But the time of annual celebration was May-eve, when fires were kindled on all the cairns and cromlechs throughout the island, which burned all night to introduce the sports of May-day, whence all the national sports formerly or still practised, date their origin. Round these fires choral dances were performed in honour of the sun, who, at this season, was figuratively said to rise from his tomb. The festival was licentious, and continued until the luminary had attained his meridian height, when priest and attendants retired to the woods, where the most disgraceful orgies were perpetrated. But the solemn initiations were performed at midnight, and contained three degrees, the first or lowest being the Eubates, the second the Bards, and the third the Druids. The candidate was first placed in the pastos bed, or coffin, where his symbolical death represented the death of Hu, or the sun; and his restoration in the third degree symbolized the resurrection of the sun. He had to undergo trials and tests of courage similar to those practised in the mysteries of other countries, and which therefore need not be detailed here." [Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocrasy, pp. 101-2]

"Bill Clinton in his inaugural speech said, 'This ceremony is held in the depth of winter. But, by the words we speak and the faces we show the world, we force the spring.' Clinton repeated the words 'we force the spring' later in the speech. That expression is a very unusual expression. To 'force the spring' is witchcraft language. In witchcraft and satanism Lucifer (Baal) rises from the underworld on May 1st (also known by the following list of names: Beltane, a major European holiday, and Walpurgis). The May 1st rising brings for the season of fertility, which the witches each year take credit for, by claiming that their magic rituals 'force the spring.' The ritual magic that 'forces the spring' is done on 3 Sabbats -- the first is Imbolg (also known by names: Candlemas by the Catholics and Ground Hog Day by common dupes); the second is the vernal equinox (Mar. 20) in which blood and sex rituals are carried out; and the third is Beltane (May 1) in which fire festivals are done. This is one of the fire festivals which people around the United States tell me they have witnessed from a distance. Witches believe that on May 1st, the female force completes her takeover from the male force." [Fritz Springmeier, Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, p. 221]

Phallic Festival - Maypole Dance.

"What occurred were 'Festivals'...called phallic festivals. ...Our May-Pole Dance Festival is the Remnant of the same..." [Albert Churchward, Signs & Symbols of Primordial Man, p. 74-5]   In the spring of 2000, the Washington Monument will be reopened.

Full Moon of Taurus [Wesak]

"Consecrate your every effort to the task of cooperating in the organized effort to change the current of world affairs by an increase in the spirit of love and good will in the world during the month of May. In your effort to help the world at this time there are three things of a practical nature that can be done. 1. The act of instruction and mobilizing of known aspirants and disciples of the world, no matter in what group they work... 2. The call to participate all who can be reached advising them of the day of opportunity, mobilizing them for a vast world effort to arouse a fresh spirit of good will, and calling for a united use of great invocation on the day of the Wesak full moon... 3. Arrange public meetings on as large a scale as possible on the day of the full moon in May..." [Alice Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, p. 691-2]

Lucis Trust - [Wesak] is the festival of the Buddha, the spiritual intermediary between the highest spiritual centre, Shamballa, and the Hierarchy... This festival is fixed annually in relation to the full moon of May; it is the great Eastern festival."

MAY 2000

MAY 3, 2000 - Nisan 27 [Holocaust Remembrance Day]

MAY 5, 2000 - Closing of present Age of Pisces. Expected to be the day of reckoning, decision and judgment.

New Agers believe that May 5, when all of the planets are in alignment, will be a "cosmic moment" similar in appearance and significance to the Star of Bethlehem which announced to the Magi the coming of the Messiah.  At the turn of every age (two millennia), there are "revolutionary transformations accompanying the change of Ages...It is the twilight of the gods -- the Day of Judgment for the outgoing and incoming Ages." [CalenderSign 2000]

The channeled Group emphasized that the Sword and Scepter will be necessary instruments for the transformation of mankind.  In this discussion is found a curious reference to Kosovo as harbinger of a future "ethnic cleansing" of "victims" if devotees of Mother Earth would avoid the cataclysms of an endtime judgment.

The Bethlehem 2000 Events Calendar stated that May 5 is the Feast of St George, who also happens to be England's Patron Saint of Knights. The Knights Templar were the Pope's emissaries to capture the Holy Land in the first crusade of 11th century. Two hundred years later, the Vatican would dissolve the Order of the Temple which, in revenge, would begin its own crusade to dissolve the Roman Church. The fable of St George and the Dragon portrays in allegory the eventual demise of the Roman Catholic Church (which in Merovingian tradition is the Dragon of Rev.12) at the hands of St George (symbolic head of the orders of knighthood). For a fuller treatment of the knighthood theme which is permeating Christendom, see The Rosicrucian Connection.

Thus, closing out the Age of Pisces, May 5, 2000 is expected to be the day of reckoning, decision and judgment. Since the planets represent gods in the gnostic traditions, New Agers believe that the gods will return to earth. Note the Group's gnostic references to transcending matter, i.e., "taking and holding our true power while still in biology" as prerequisite for "the physical changes that were to be expected, and the awakening of humanity". Mankind is being prepared for a massive visitation of extraterrestrials (aka, demons) who have promised to assist them in transcending matter to a higher plane of existence -- that of pure spirit.

The sign of this transition will be the astroarcheological Star of Bethlehem, which contains three "mystic rectangles", a "Star of David", a "Seal of Solomon", a "Grand Sextile", superimposed upon one another to form three sets of 6 (666) with a "Grand Cross" and two five pointed star configurations. This delusional phenomenon is depicted on The Astroarchaeological Star of Bethlehem website.

The importance of the six-pointed Star of David in occult symbolism and ritual cannot be overstated. Dr. Cathy Burns' chapter on the Six-Pointed Star from Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, explains the occult significance of this symbol. The Six-Pointed Star: The Mark of the Beast presents a reasonable case for its use by the Antichrist to brand his disciples in a Luciferic initiation.

The six-pointed star has been identifed by the New Age as the Star of Bethlehem which announces the Advent of Christ. "The Star is the symbol of the perfect life, the perfect balance, of the Christ-man. The six-pointed star is the Star of Bethlehem, which again means the Star of the Son of man." [GaiaMind ]

The Scripture that will be used to deceive even the elect, if possible, will be Matthew 24:29-30: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days...shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven."  We have noted that verse 29 preceding it declares that the very stars and planets they worship will be withdrawn: "...shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken."

The following excerpt from The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion by Sir James George Frazer describes the worship of Adonis that was indigenous to Bethlehem and later Antioch, a major center of heresy in the early Church. [Antioch is acclaimed by Hebrew Roots false teachers as the point of origin of the Scriptures. See: The Semitic New Testament]

This ancient festival appears to have included many of the elements that will characterize the nine month period from August 11, 1999 through May 5, 2000. Note that the signal for the celebration of the rites was the flashing of a meteor, which corresponds to the meteor shower expected during August 11-13, 1999, the first days of the Dawn of the New Light. Then a mysterious Star, namely Venus - the Morning Star, appeared as a sign announcing the arrival of deity. This celestial event is expected to occur on August 21, with the appearance of Venus as the Morning Star, signifying the New Age type of Christ.

Please note the various identities of Adonis as found in the Theosophical Glossary:

"Adonai (Heb.). The same as Adonis. Commonly translated 'Lord'. Astronomically -- the Sun. When a Hebrew in reading came to the name of IHVH, which is called Jehovah, he paused and substituted the word 'Adonai', (Adni); but when written with the points of Alhim, he called it 'Elohim'." [Blavatsky quoting W. W. Westcott, founder, Order of the Golden Dawn]
The following excerpt from The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion by Sir James George Frazer indicates an agenda to confuse Jesus Christ with Adonis so that the latter false god becomes the object of Christian worship.
"In this connection a well-known statement of Jerome may not be without significance. He tells us that Bethlehem, the traditionary birthplace of the Lord, was shaded by a grove of that still older Assyrian Lord, Adonis, and that where the infant Jesus had wept, the lover of Venus was bewailed. Though he does not expressly say so, Jerome seems to have thought that the grove of Adonis had been planted by the heathen after the birth of Christ for the purpose of defiling the sacred spot. If Adonis was indeed, as I've argued, the spirit of the corn, a more suitable name for his dwelling-place could hardly be found than Bethlehem, 'the House of Bread,' and he may well have been worshipped there at his House of Bread long ages before the birth of Him who said, 'I am the bread of life.' Even on the hypothesis that Adonis followed rather than preceded Christ at Bethlehem, the choice of his sad figure to divert the allegiance of Christians from their Lord cannot but strike us as eminently appropriate when we remember the similarity of the rites which would commemorated the death and resurrection of the two.
The worship of Adonis even entailed the appearance of a Star in the East (Venus or Astarte) announcing the resurrection of the god:
One of the earliest seats of the worship of the new god was Antioch, and at Antioch, as we have seen, the death of the old god was annually celebrated with great solemnity. A circumstance which attended the entrance of Julian into the city at the time of the Adonis festival may perhaps throw some light on the date of its celebration. When the emperor drew near to the city he was received with public prayers as if he been a god, and he marveled at the voices of a great multitude who cried that the Star of Salvation had dawned upon them in the East. This may doubtless have been no more than a fulsome compliment paid by an obsequious Oriental crowd to the Roman emperor. But it is also possible that the rising of a bright star regularly gave the signal for the festival, and that as chance would have it the star emerged above the rim of the eastern horizon at the very moment of the emperor's approach. The coincidence, if it happened, could hardly fail to strike the imagination of a superstitious and excited multitude, who might thereupon hail the great man as the deity whose coming was announced by the sign in the heavens. Or the emperor may have mistaken for a greeting to himself the shouts which were addressed to the star. Now Astarte, the divine mistress of Adonis, was identified with the planet Venus, and her changes from a morning to an evening star were carefully noted by the Babylonian astronomers, who drew omens from her alternate appearance and disappearance. Hence we may conjecture that the festival of Adonis was regularly timed to coincide with the appearance of Venus as the Morning or Evening Star. But the star which the people of Antioch saluted at the festival was seen in the East; therefore, if it was indeed Venus, it can only have been the Morning Star. At Aphaca in Syria, where there was a famous temple of Astarte, the signal for the celebration of the rites was apparently given by the flashing of a meteor, which on a certain day fell like a star from the top of Mount Lebanon into the river Adonis. The meteor was thought to be Astarte herself, and its flight through the air might naturally be interpreted as the descent of the amorous goddess to the arms of her lover. At Antioch and elsewhere the appearance of the Morning Star on the day of the festival may in like manner have been hailed as the coming of the goddess of love to wake her dead leman from his earthy bed. If that were so, we may surmise that it was the Morning Star which guided the wise men of the East to Bethlehem, the hallowed spot which heard, in the language of Jerome, the weeping of the infant Christ and the lament for Adonis." [The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion; Sir James George Frazer; I Vol. Abridged Edition; The Macmillan Company, 1951; pp. 402-403; ch. xxxiii.]
Note the compromise of Christian worship through the sharing of similar themes and rites with pagan religions. The popular trend of tattooing people with the Star of David and Hebrew letters, will eventually lead to reception of The Mark of the Beast as religious rites in the worldly apostate church, which will in turn lead many professing Christians to the altar of the Sun-god -- the god of Freemasonry. The occult calendar of events drawing mankind deeper into the strong delusion of his own divinity will culminate in the revelation of that man of sin, who will be distinguished by his total mastery of occult power:

Daniel 8:24,25

And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
MAY 22-24, 2000 - Millennium International Children's Conference

Eastbourne, United Kingdom: Organized by the United Nations, this global event is expected to bring together one thousand children to participate in discussions on "Sharing the Planet," "Water is Life," and other earth-centered themes. Participants will approve an environmental plan of action to be presented to governments and people worldwide.

MAY 22-26, 2000 - Millennium Forum Summit for NGO's

New York, NY: "The Millennium Forum will bring together civil society representatives from all over the world to consult about our future... at the United Nations headquarters as part of the preparations for the Millennium Assembly at the UN in Fall 2000, the Millennium Forum will assemble the innovative ideas and proposals of non-governmental organizations and civil society from all levels, seeking to create not only a new vision for the future but also an organizational structure whereby the peoples of the world can participate effectively in global decision-making."

NGOs accredited by the U.N. have been preparing to create a "People's Assembly." To prepare for the home stretch, a World NGO Conference is scheduled for December 8-12, 1999 in Montreal, Canada. The NGO process began at the U.N. University in Tokyo in 1996, shortly after the publication of Our Global Neighborhood. The process is moving toward the "Millennium Forum," scheduled for May 22-26, 2000, in New York, which will be the first meeting of the People's Assembly.

MAY 27, 2000 - Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn begins.

The next Jupiter/Saturn conjunction is scheduled for May 27, 2000, but will not be visible to the naked eye until June 2, 2000.
This conjunction will not occur again for another 20 years.

"By month's end [May], Jupiter passes close to Saturn in the rarest of the naked eye conjunctions (occurring once every twenty years), but this event is obscured by morning twilight." [Farmers' Almanac, May Calendar, p. 72]
JUNE 2000

JUNE 1-OCTOBER 31, 2000 - Expo 2000

Hannover, Germany: This international conference will analyze the progress of the United Nations Agenda 21 program for world change. It will examine the Agenda's affect on global society and determine what new steps need to be taken.

JUNE 2-4, 2000 - Environmental Sabbath (Earth Rest Day). Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn visible from earth. Possible nuclear reaction on planet Jupiter.

"As the month (June) progresses, the rare conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn can be glimpsed low in the East just before sunrise." [Farmers' Almanac, June Calendar, p. 74]
Jay Gary's book, The Star of 2000, claims that a forthcoming conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will be viewed as the next Star of Bethlehem. According to this pseudo-Christian book's "Parable of the Fourth Wise Man," a vigil of the world's stargazers (astrologers) would commence on New Year's Eve 1999 but will be rewarded on a future date:
"On the eve of the bimillennial, Zalshar, the fourth wise man, found himself gazing more each night into the heavens. Then one evening it suddenly appeared. Morning was just about to break when Jupiter and Saturn strolled together like two saffron flames merging into one. As Zalshar watched, a royal blue spark burst out of the darkness beneath. Jupiter emerged wearing a magnificent mantle of light. ‘This is the heavenly sign,’ Zalshar cried. ‘The morning Star is soon to arise in every heart. Another journey of the Magi must surely begin.’ Before embarking Zalshar lifted up his eyes to heaven and prayed, ‘Oh sovereign Lord, Father of Lights...’" [The Star of 2000, p. 150]
According to an official NASA FAQ, the future of the spacecraft Galileo is uncertain: "...Galileo will continue to orbit Jupiter for a very long time after the mission ends. Eventually, sometime between several hundred to a thousand years in the future (these things are very hard to predict), Galileo will suffer one of the following fates: 1. The spacecraft will impact one of Jupiter's satellites (most likely) 2. The spacecraft will impact Jupiter (less likely) 3. The spacecraft will escape Jupiter and go into solar orbit (much less likely)" Based on this information, it seems reasonable to speculate that, should the Galileo spacecraft impact Jupiter during the June conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, it would be heralded as the Star of Bethlehem that has been awaited by New Agers to validate a new Christ.
    "The original Aramaic text [of Matthew 2:2] quotes the magi as saying that they had seen 'his star in heliacal rising.' Heliacal rising means that it is the last star that is seen in the sky before the sun rises... Johannes Kepler...was the first person of our era to realize that the Star of Bethlehem was a lineup of Jupiter and Saturn... The greatest planetary rhythm that was observable to the ancient astronomer-priest was the rhythm of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction... The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction ...actually jumps from astrological sign to sign with great regularity... It is the combination of astrologically rare events that created the Star of Bethlehem.
    "There is much evidence to suggest that what we call the Star of David was an alignment of the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn. In ancient Jewish tradition, Jupiter was the planet called the ‘King’s Star.’ Even later in Greek mythology, Jupiter, or Jove, was the King of the Gods. Every 20 years, when the King’s Star lined up with Saturn, the star of final authority, the ancient Jews called this the Star of David." [Rick Levine, The Gift Of The Magi: Christmas For A New Millennium, Spellbound Books, 1997, pp. 3,4.]
See also: Cosmic Christmas 2000

JUNE 5, 2000 - World Environment Day

JUNE 10, 2000 - Global March for Jesus (Awakening 2000) "Jesus Day"

Signups for The Call, D.C. [Sept. 2, 2000] will be encouraged at the March for Jesus, also called "Jesus Day". Opportunity will be given to commit to sign the Call to Renewal's "Covenant to Overcome Poverty" as a part of follow up to Jesus Day.

"Mission America is developing the 'care' aspect of the Prayer-Care-Share lighthouse lifestyle through Jesus Day.  The goal is 10,0000 Lighthouse Churches who will commit to launching Lighthouses of Prayer...Over 100 nations around the world are expected to participate in Jesus Day on June 10, 2000, encompassing every time zone.  A prayer script will unite participants around the world in praying the same prayers.  During each rally participants will kneel as part of a united worldwide symbolic act of humility and worship...Jesus Day comes at just the time when registration [for The Call, D.C.] will be critical.  Signups for youth and parents will be facilitated on Jesus Day." [March for Jesus, Jesus Day Leadership Update, 3/7/2000]

"The whole Christian Church is being asked to consider being present at the Olympic Stadium in Sydney on June 10, 2000 for the huge March for Jesus celebration and commissioning event for the Olympic and Reclaiming Christmas mission programs, which promises to be one of the most significant national gatherings for Christian celebration in our country’s history."

JUNE 11, 2000 - Pentecost; Venus first appears as the Morningstar.

JUNE 17, 2000 -World Invocation Day

JUNE 21, 2000 - Feast of Chronos [See Cosmic Christmas: Times and Laws]

Saturn or Chronos, the god of Time and Cycles will be in charge of the administration of the New Age under a new calendar. The motto of 33rd degree Freemasonry is "ordo ab chao," which transliterated means that a new social order will come about through the destruction of the old order. The planetary god Saturn is characterized in astrology as one that brings suffering. Vera Alder stated in The Initiation of the World: "Pain and pressure are born upon this planet ...from the planet Saturn." [NY: Samuel Weiser, 1972, p. 109.]

JUNE 24, 2000 - Feast of John the Baptist

JUNE 26, 2000 - United Religions Initiative Global Assembly & Signing of United Religions Charter

San Francisco, CA: This "Global Assembly" will witness the signing of the official URI Charter. It is anticipated that 60 million signatures will be obtained from people around the world in support of the URI and its Charter, leading to the birth of the United Religions Organization.

JULY 2000

JULY 22, 2000 - Feast of Mary Magdalene

JULY 23-25, 2000 - FutureFocus 2000: Changes, Challenges & Choices

Houston, TX: This annual meeting of the World Future Society will examine the latest developments and trends shaping the new world civilization. Recommendations will be given.


AUGUST 12-15, 2000 - Humanity 3000 Symposium

Seattle, WA: This will be an international symposium of approximately 100 of the world's most prominent scholars, scientists, philosophers, humanists, historians, technologists and futurists, who will be brought together in the first of a series of international symposia. The purpose of this symposium is to review and identify the most important factors that affect global society and develop ideas and methods to address these issues.

AUGUST 24, 2000 - Meta-Nation 2000

Denver, CO: Meta-Nation 2000 is a "citizen initiative" aimed at establishing a "meta-nation" in which all of society can live and work in the new millennium. Towards this end, a "Constitutional Convention" is planned to be held in Denver to form a "space governance entity" and to raise massive private funds to accomplish this feat

AUGUST 28-29, 2000 - Millennium Summit of Religious Leaders

New York, NY: World religious leaders will discuss and celebrate global interfaithism in light of the new millennium.

AUGUST 28-31, 2000 - The Millennium World Peace Summit

A "spiritual summit" bringing together 1000 of the world's religious and spiritual leaders is being organised by the United Nations next August - the first such gathering in the UN's 54-year history. The Millennium World Peace Summit, as the gathering is known, will take place from 28 to 31 August, just days before the world's political leaders gather for the UN Millennium Heads of State Summit. "Our dream is to get the pre-eminent religious leaders to the UN so they can support the peace process, in concert with the political bodies there," Bawa Jain, the executive co-ordinator of the world peace summit, said today 3 December in Cape Town. [Ecumenical News Service, 12/3/99]


SEPTEMBER, 2000 - Middle East Peace Signing

This is the month that a comprehensive peace agreement is to be signed, moving the entire region, specifically Israel, to embrace proposed dispute settlements. President Bill Clinton has already "vowed to do everything he can to broker a comprehensive regional settlement by the time he leaves office. " Keep watch as the continuing bid for Israel and the city of Jerusalem unfolds.


The Call, D.C. came out of the U.S. Center for World Missions and their Harvest Rock Church. The Call, D.C. is for a huge gathering of fasting youth [ages 14-24] to converge on the Washington Mall on September 2, 2000.  Signups for The Call, D.C. will be encouraged at the March for Jesus [June 10, 2000], also called "Jesus Day". THE CALL, D.C. website is "a repository for propaganda to support a national youth revolution against the status quo."

"Could another Jesus Movement happen today? God's summons is out. Multitudes have heard The Call to assemble in Washington, DC to fast and pray. I'm taking back my land. Now that's revolutionary...This area of the web site will be a repository for propaganda to support a national youth revolution against the status quo. There will be testimonies, video, audio, posters, book and article reprints that will be an inspiration to GO TO DC and start another Jesus Movement.

"Throughout the scriptures, in times of great crisis, God called for huge gatherings of fasting, repentance and covenant renewal. We either believe it or we don't. Joel's trumpet is sounding THE CALL once more, 'Declare a holy fast. CALL a sacred assembly. Bring together the elders. Gather the children… and let them cry 'spare thy people oh God' … And AFTERWARDS, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh...and all who call on the Lord will be saved.' The universal fast precedes the universal outpouring! God is summoning the holy youth of America to appear before Him. GO TO DC to fast, pray, reconcile and then be sent out to change the world through a massive youth revolution. The Call DC is a massive gathering of Extreme Youth who are willing to fast and pray to create a violent spiritual shift in the destiny of America. Truly Revolutionary. [Revolution: when people make personal sacrifices for a cause -- everything else is just a campaign.]

"Lou Engel, Vice President of Rock the Nations and Call, D.C. Executive Director for Mobilization of Youth states that this event - in conjunction with the Promise Keepers Sacred Assembly of October 4,1997 -- will be the fulfillment of Malachi 4:5-6: 'I believe that a massive spiritual earthquake occurred , at the Promise Keepers event in Washington D.C., as the fathers turned their hearts to the children, I believe, the curse began breaking over America. That event was a hinge upon which the doors of history opened...the Lord [is] now summoning [youth] to respond, to be the counterpart to the PK rally: a million young people on the D.C. Mall!  There would be the turning of the hearts of the children to the fathers. . .A national blessing or curse is decided by this change of heart or the lack of it. This is the Elijah Revolution!'"

SEPTEMBER 5, 2000 - U.N Millennium Assembly

The turn of the century is a unique and symbolically compelling moment for the 188 Member States of the United Nations to articulate and affirm an animating vision for the Organization in the new era. In resolution 53/202 adoptedon 17 December 1998, the General Assembly decided to designate its fifty-fifth session "The Millennium Assembly of the United Nations", which shall open at the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York in the afternoon of 5 September 2000.

SEPTEMBER 5-9, 2000 - State of the World Forum

New York, NY: Gorbachev's State of the World Forum, in conjunction with a host of UN agencies, will convene its annual gathering of world leaders to correspond with the UN Millennium Assembly. Discussions will focus on the future of the United Nations and increasing its authority through world law.

SEPTEMBER 6, 2000 - Millennium Summit

"The Summit will open at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 6 September 2000. Most likely to become the largest-ever gathering of Heads of State and Heads of Government, the Summit will be a historic occasion for the 188 Member States of the Organization to address the challenges facing the United Nations in the 21st century."

One of the most important events of the year. Thousands of leaders from around the world will gather in New York City to take part in the UN Millennium Assembly and Summit. It is at this point that solid new directions on the implementation of global government are expected, including possible UN Charter revisions. It is hoped that a parallel People's Assembly (a People's World Parliament) will become a permanent feature at the United Nations, where Non-Governmental Organizations from around the world would have a voice in the creation of a new world civilization.

SEPTEMBER 15, 2000 - Opening of the Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia

SEPTEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 24, 2000 - Reenactment of the Journey of the Magi from Babylon, Iraq to Bethlehem ("Secrets of the Magi" on Pax TV, Robin Wainwright, 12/24/99). See also Cosmic Christmas 2000

SEPTEMBER 29, 2000 - Michaelmas Day

SEPTEMBER 30, 2000 - Roshashana


OCTOBER 9, 2000 - Yom Kippur [Feast of Atonement]

OCTOBER 14-21, 2000 - Feast of Tabernacles

OCTOBER 21, 2000 - Order of Malta celebrates 900th anniversary at Manager Square and other venues of Bethlehem. [Bethlehem 2000]


NOVEMBER 15, 2000 - JANUARY 19, 2001 - The Bethlehem Christmas Festival - 2000

Closing of the year-2000-celebrations and pointing the way into the next Millennium.
Inaugural Event  - The Bethlehem Christmas festival will commence with street parades and Palestinian music and dance.


DECEMBER 1-6, 2000 - Social Transformation In The Asia Pacific Region

University of Wollongong and the University of Newcastle, Australia

This conference, organized by the Centre for Asia Pacific Social Transformation Studies and UNESCO's Management of Social Transformations Programme, will be aimed at globalizing and transforming the world's geo-political regions. The producer of this event, the American Council for the United Nations University, is working in cooperation with Egypt's United Nations Resident Coordinator, the World Future Society, the Millennium Society, the Smithsonian Institute, Futures Group International, Cairo University, and the UNESCO Regional Office. Funding for the event is coming from General Motors, The Foundation for the Future, the Alan F. Kay and Hazel Henderson Foundation for Social Innovation, Deloite & Touche, the United Nations University, and the U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute. Event speakers include Ismail Serageldin, VP of the World Bank and Chairman of the World Water Commission; Hans van Ginkel, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Rector of the UN University; and Kennedy Graham, Director of the United Nations University International Leadership Academy.

DECEMBER 24, 2000 - Bethlehem 2000 Events

Catholic and Evangelical Churches of the Holy Land celebrate Christmas Choirs of the World on Manger Square

Concluson of Reenactment of the Journey of the Magi from Babylon, Iraq to Bethlehem ("Secrets of the Magi" on Pax TV, Robin Wainwright, 12/24/99)

DECEMBER 24, 2000 - JANUARY 7, 2001

13 Holy Nights Bethlehem - Ten evenings of oriental and western music to celebrate the Christmas season and Ramadan nights.


JANUARY 1 - FEBRUARY 8, 2001 - 40 Days of Global Fasting

Join hundreds of thousands and part of the historic 40 DAY GLOBAL FASTS:

        March 8th - April 23rd 2000 (Ash Wednesday to Resurrection Sunday)
        January 1st - February 8th 2001 (The First Forty Days of the Decade, the Century, the Millenium)

God has never spoken to me audibly, and I am not given to prophecy. But that morning His message to me was clear. "America and much of the world will, before the end of the year 2000, experience a great spiritual awakening! And this revival will spark the greatest spiritual harvest in the history of the Church." I sensed the Holy Spirit was telling me that millions of believers must seek God with all their hearts in fasting and prayer before He will intervene to save America. I was impressed by the Spirit top pray that two million believers will humble themselves by seeking God in forty-day fasts. ~Dr. Bill Bright, The Coming Revival, Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ International

April 24, 2000 = Adar 1/New Moon
February 8, 2001 = Hamishah Asar/Tu-BiShebat = New Year of Trees/15 of Shebat/Full Moon


FEBRUARY 8, 2001 - End of 40 Days of Global Fasting

February 8, 2001 = Hamishah Asar/Tu-BiShebat = New Year of Trees/15 of Shebat/Full Moon
MARCH 2001

APRIL 2001

APRIL, 2001 - Deadline for fertilized zygote of Jesus if Baby Jesus is to come to term on the December 25, 2001.

Second Coming Project - An organization in California has launched a campaign to bring Jesus back to Earth by cloning blood and tissue believed to have been preserved at the Savior's death nearly 2,000 years ago.

"The Second Coming Project" ( -- no kidding), sponsored by Feral House, Inc., of Venice and Berkeley, was begun because its founders think He's been too long in reappearing to the faithful. "No longer can we rely on hope and prayer, waiting around futilely for Jesus to return. We
have the technology to bring him back right now: there is no reason, moral, legal or Biblical, not to take advantage of it," says the group, led by Adam

"Many people believe that the second coming of Jesus Christ is a myth however a number of scientists are going to attempt to bring back Christ through
cloning. The Second Coming Project is a not-for-profit organization devoted to bringing about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, as prophesied in the
Bible, in time for the 2,000th anniversary of his birth," says the group.

They plan to clone Jesus, using techniques pioneered at the Roslin Institute in Scotland, "by taking an incorrupt cell from one of the many Holy Relics
of Jesus' blood and body that are preserved in churches throughout the world, extracting its DNA, and inserting into an unfertilized human egg), through
the now-proven biological process called nuclear transfer," says the website.

"The fertilized egg, now the zygote of Jesus Christ, will be implanted into the womb of a young virginal woman (who has volunteered of her own accord),
who will then bring the baby Jesus to term in a second Virgin Birth"--hopefully on Dec. 25, 2001.

That, says the group will require the changing of the calendar from "Anno Domini 2001 into Anno Domini Novi 1, and all calendar calculations will
start over."

The organization reasons that the project is feasible because large mammals have already been cloned, and the DNA to do so can be found in churches
"throughout the Christian world that contain Holy Relics of Jesus' body: his blood, his hair, his foreskin," said the group.

And, they say, the Bible tells them that this may be done, in Matthew 26, which describes the sacraments Christ led on the eve of his crucifixion:
"While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, 'Take and eat; this is my body.' Then he took
the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, 'Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the
forgiveness of sins'."

"Many have long wondered at the strange behavior of Jesus here at the Last Supper. Was he imitating some pagan ritual? Was he encouraging cannibalism?
We think: No! He was giving a clue to later generations. Honor, protect and preserve my body and blood, he was saying, for someday, far in the future,
with it you will be able to save the world. How? Through unspecified magical or supernatural means? Obviously not. Through knowledge given to us by God: the knowledge of CLONING, which we can use to BRING JESUS BACK, because the faithful have preserved parts of his body and blood for all these
centuries!" says the group.

"The Second Coming Project is soliciting contributions and donations to help us is our quest. Time is short! We must have a fertilized Jesus zygote no
later than April of 2001 if Baby Jesus is to come to term on the predicted date." [Jesus' Second Coming…make that Cloning, August 11, 2000]

See also: First Human Embryo Cloned

MAY 2001

JUNE 2001

JULY 2001






DECEMBER 25, 2001 - Second Coming Project to produce cloned "Jesus"; Gregorian Calendar changed.

The Second Coming Project", sponsored by Feral House, Inc., of Venice and Berkeley plans to produce a cloned "Jesus", having used techniques pioneered at the Roslin Institute in Scotland, "by taking an incorrupt cell from one of the many Holy Relics of Jesus' blood and body that are preserved in churches throughout the world, extracting its DNA, and inserting into an unfertilized human egg), through the now-proven biological process called nuclear transfer," says the website.

"The fertilized egg, now the zygote of Jesus Christ, will be implanted into the womb of a young virginal woman (who has volunteered of her own accord),
who will then bring the baby Jesus to term in a second Virgin Birth"--hopefully on Dec. 25, 2001.

That, says the group will require the changing of the calendar from "Anno Domini 2001 into Anno Domini Novi 1, and all calendar calculations will
start over."

Tribulation Timeline

Heeding Bible Prophecy