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The Healers' Guild


................................ The physician does not learn everything he must know and master at high college alone; from time to time he must consult old women, gypsies, magicians, wayfarers, and all manner of peasant folk and random people, and learn from them; for these have more knowledge about such things than all the high colleges.... Therefore study each day without respite, investigate and observe diligently; despise nothing, and do not lightly put too much trust in yourself. Do not be arrogant when in fact you are helpless, and do not regard yourself a master at the outset; for no one can achieve mastery without labor. Also, learn from those who are more experiences than you, for who can pretend to know everything? Who can be everywhere and know where all things lie? Therefore travel and explore everything, and whatever comes your way, take it without scorn and do not be ashamed to do so.... For nature is so excellent in its gifts better benefit a man to know one herb in the meadow, but to know it thoroughly, than to see the whole meadow without knowing what grows on it.

The mission of the Healers Guild is to study, practice, and teach a variety of healing arts, including but not just limited to those of an Indo-European basis.

The Guild will work to offer the most current research on the healing arts of the ancients, blending it with the practices of modern psychic, holistic, and occult healing, in order to create and provide training in arts of healing, which is practical, effective, and well-grounded in the cultures of our ancestors. Where research on the practices of our predecessors is scarce or incomplete, we will seek to create and provide systems of healing that are harmonious with currently available knowledge. Our Guild also acknowledges in every way that where certain forms of healing that are discussed or practiced in the Guild, may be governed by the laws of the modern world, each Guild member must respect and adhere to any such laws which are applicable to healing activities.

Finally, the Guild will work hand-in-hand with the Sanctuary's Study Program, by providing training and mentorship in the various healing arts to the members of the Sanctuary. Our healers will work in service to the Sanctuary, both in ritual and in the daily lives of our members.

We offer workshops on various forms of alternative medicine. Workshops include aromatherapy, energy work, herbalism, music therapy, chakra balancing, rebirthing and Reiki along with other various areas that members may wish to study. We also give folks a chance to "shop-talk" with others who are interested in alternative medicine.

Please! See your health care practitioner before making any changes to your method of health care.


More information about the Guild is available by contacting

The Sanctuary
(864) 335-8565

or by
emailing the Guild

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