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Technology is a powerful tool that is increasing our standard of life and the of which we live it all of the time.  However at it's worst technology can also be pretty useless and dumb, which no help what so ever.


This is why I have spent time looking into this field to bring the best of efficient technology to the classroom to aid us in our work.  Below are just some of these ideas, which with your cooperation really will be beneficial.


Email Homework -The Smart Solution


Lets consider the process of homework marking.  You set the work, the student goes of and writes it and returns it within a week to be marked and returned within another week.  Yeah right.


Teachers facing overload can easily understand the pressure of marking work.  The first task is to motivate your pupils to actually do it and remember to bring it in, then with a mountain of papers off you go to spend your free time at home marking a mixture of handwriting styles, often hard to adapt to and read, and give enough consideration of the work to return it with an accurate mark.


But there is an easy solution to these tedious problems, why not have your students email it to you?  Whilst this may seem lazy and pointless at first, I ask that you consider the five key merits of such a system.



First - all work will be unified in appearance, so no more staring at difficult writing as all students would use the same font, making marking more streamlined.  In addition the teacher could mark the work just as easily in a red font making crucial teacher comments clear and understandable for students too.



Second - students could email the work directly from Microsoft Word, so no more waiting until the next lesson to receive the work and no more dog excuses!  In addition the work can be returned just as quickly giving students the feedback they need whilst the work is still fresh in their minds.  This flexibility between teachers and students will enhance the feeling of mutual respect.



Third - Email is paperless so no more mountains of essays and no more lost work.



Fourth - Teachers and students alike can store the work giving an accessible reference over a period of time to identify what has improved and what still needs work.



Fifth - The world is advancing all the time.  This system will encourage students to work with technology to better prepare them to tomorrows e-generation.


Whilst it will not always be always be appropriate, I believe that this system will be beneficial to education and I will fully co-operate with any teacher wishing to take part. 


(To see how the email and the internet are already help our education why not pay a visit to the online English and Sociology Forums?)



Project Telia - The Revolution is here!


Project Telia is the name I have termed for my latest project - audio homework.  Whilst it may sound silly, Telia offers teachers more power in accurate grading.

Telia understands the pressure placed upon teachers to mark speedily, which is why we believe that a preview of work before it is marked will give a special introduction to identify the works major themes and its flaws.  With an audible foundation, teachers will be able to then mark the text with a greater understanding, allowing them to be even more accurate in their grading.

Even more, what’s great about Telia is the speed and accuracy of which text is converted into voice.  Recorded onto a small MP3 file, you will hear a soft English accented voice narrate work with an astounding natural tone.  Teachers may also choose a different voice including Mary, Peter and Sam, all with their own personalities.   More so, teachers can obtain the file easily.  All they need is an audible computer and MP3 software, and to get the file they can have it either on a floppy disk, sent by an Infra Red on an Ir DA compatible device or have it sent directly to them by e mail.

Above all Telia is here to make things more efficient and easier.  I hope that you have found this article interesting and will consider this free service which is available now.

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The page was last modified on: Tuesday January 21, 2003