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Welcome to the area of the site dedicated to proving information on the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom.


Conservative Related News

9th March 2002

Take Drugs Say Lib Dems
24th January 2002 Conservatives Winning War of Ideas
18th September 2001 Anger Over BBC Appointment
8th September 2001 Conservatives Most Popular Party







Common Myths

Here you can find about some truths the Labour Party doesn't want you to know about.

Full Story


Labour's Blunders

Labour doesn't really have a good track when you think about it and it's ministers, people like Stephen Byers, are still making mistakes all the time.  Here are just some reasons to show you that we must get rid of this rotten government.

Full Story


Join us!

The Conservatives realise just how much the public mistrusts them.  They're working hard to set that right by understanding the things that matter to you.  To be a part of that and really make a difference why not join the party.  Unlike Labour, the Conservatives are a truly democratic party and actually listen to the views of their members.

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The page was last modified on: Tuesday January 21, 2003