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News Archive

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Welcome to the news archive where you can access older news stories.


May 2002

17th May Despite Warnings FE Teachers Agree Strikes

15th May

Blair Must be Decisive on Euro - Thake




April 2002

22nd April Thake Calls Upon FE Teachers to Reject Strikes

1st April

Thake Offers Condolences to The Royal Family




March 2002

9th March

Take Drugs Say Lib Dems



February 2002

10th February

Will Wins Pop Idol
9th February Princess Margaret Has Died
3rd February Britain in Chaos says Thake





January 2002

25th January

AA\BA Reject DOT Offer
24th January Conservatives Winning War of Ideas
18th January GCC Heading for 'Exam Meltdown' - Thake





November 2001

21st November

T5 Decision Welcomed



October 2001

25th October

Where Is Our Flag' Asks Thake?
23rd October Website Revamped
14th October Alice visits Wasted Wonderland of New Building
14th October 'Teachers & Managers Act with Shame Over OFSTED' - Thake







September 2001

18th September Anger Over BBC Appointment
14th September Day of Mourning Amidst Continued Ignorance
14th September 'Concern' at Duncan Smith Appointment
11th September Response to Today's Events
10th September 'Teacher Pay Must be Independently Investigated' - Thake
10th September Time for Common Sense at Lunch
9th September  Clarke - The Lesser of Two Evils
9th September A New Building, the Same Problems
8th September Conservatives Most Popular Party
7th September Thake to Pine - 'Take Responsibility or Resign Now'
7th September Freedom of the Press Must be Ensured
6th September Reform the I.T. Suite to Benefit ALL















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The page was last modified on: Tuesday January 21, 2003