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Labour's Blunders

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Labour's been failing is all for years by making mistake after mistake and then denying afterwards and blaming everyone else.  Yet one thing they can't deny is the truth:


            1 Foot and Mouth Mismanagement

            2 Curriculum 2000 Disaster

            3 Failure of the Asylum System

            4 The Rail Network Degradation

            5 Fuel Tax Crisis

            6 The Crumbling NHS

            7 Rising Crime

            8 The Peter Mandelson Affair

            9 Falling Public Service Morale

            10 University Tuition Fees

#1 Foot and Mouth Mismanagement

We have all been deeply upset at those ghastly images on our television sets and in our newspapers depicting the mass slaughter of thousands of defenceless animals. Labour's mismanagement of a situation that they just didn't know how to cope with has meant that this barbaric slaughter needn't have happened on such a scale if they had know what to do.


The Conservatives would have saved the lives of many livestock by acting quicker and accepting the advice of their doctors instead of Labour's PR team.

#2 Curriculum 2000 Disaster

The new AS Levels and Key Skills have brought misery and hardship to thousands of students.  Only the Labour Party isn't capable of realising that an average of 10-15 exams may be a burden.


The Conservatives have faith in our education system and would not have replaced a good qualification with a bad one.

#3 Failure of the Asylum System

Each night hundreds of would be Asylum Seekers attempt to breach port security and illegally enter Britain.  Labour's chaotic asylum system has allowed Britain to appear a soft touch. We now have thousands of illegal persons in this country who have no right to be here.


Conservatives believe in a safe haven and not a soft touch.  Those in fear of their lives would have been welcomed and treated well by a Conservative government instead of being placed in a backlog of some 180,000 with other applicants by this Labour government.

#4 The Rail Network Degradation

Don't let Labour's lies fool you.  They've been in government for over four years and they can't even sort out the rail network, leading to frequent severe delays, cancellations, and even derailments. All Stephen Byers has done is to admit that things are worse on the rail under Labour.


The Conservatives realise mistakes were initially made in rail privatisation and do accept that.  The Conservatives learn from their mistakes and would have saved our rail by giving it the investment it needs.

#5 Fuel Tax Crisis

Labour hates car drivers and punishes them by high petrol tax.  Things got so bad that in September 2000 fed-up truckers protested by blockading fuel depots, which brought the country to a stand still for a week. 


No Conservative government would penalise drivers by huge stealth taxes.  Unlike Labour, Conservatives do not hate car drivers and would have been fair in taxation but fair to the environment.

#6 The Crumbling NHS

Ask anyone about their local hospital and they'll tell you that the NHS is getting much worse under Labour.  Patients are left on trolleys in corridors for hours, whilst those in pain must wait months before they are given life saving operations.  What's worse is Labour's interference, which forces doctors to quickly treat minor cases first to make the waiting lists appear as if they are coming down.  They've even decided to send patients abroad to other countries to get treatment that they can't get in what is the world's fourth richest country. 


Conservatives take time to talk to Doctors and Nurses and understand that PR gimmicks and red tape just don't help.  The Conservatives would have ensured that funding would go where it is needed - to the doctors.

#7 Rising Crime

Violent crime is on the rise under Labour.  They are weak on crime and weak on the causes of crime.  Even the police can't stand Labour's policies and their quitting the force in thousands, meaning there are less police on the streets, and letting criminals get away with it.


The Conservatives want people to be safe where they live.  Yet this Labour government is weak on crime and made policing a job that is unbearable.

#8 The Peter Mandelson Affair

We all remember Tony Blair's best friend, the disgraced Peter Mandelson, you was sacked not once but TWICE from the government for his dodgy dealings. How corrupt can they get?


Labour hates the notion of accountable government.  That's why Peter Mandelson was brought back less than a year after being sacked for sleaze.  Whilst the Conservatives may not be squeaky clean, they never tolerate sleaze or scandal and permanently sack those who perpetrate such acts.

#9 Falling Public Service Morale

Its getting difficult for schools to hire teachers, hospitals to hire doctors, and the police to hire constables.  Why? Because nobody wants to work for a Labour government that just doesn't care about them. 


Only the Conservatives will let Doctors heal and teachers teach without morale crippling low pay, red tape and targets.

#10 University Tuition Fees

Before he came to power Tony Blair promised that there would be no tuition fees under Labour.  Despite this, three months later he went back on his word and forced thousands of students to pay for their education, with many now in serious debt and forced to leave due to a  lack of funds.


Students are worse off under Labour.  Only the Conservative Party can help them.

Do you have your own experience of a Labour blunder?  If so then I want to hear from you so email in your story now.

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The page was last modified on: Tuesday January 21, 2003