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Britain needs the €uro

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Why Britain needs the Euro - 5 Key Points:



For Greater Competition


For European Unity


For Social Inclusiveness


For More Flexibility


For The Future



For Greater Competition

We all accept that prices differ in Europe, but did you know that prices can be as much as 40% lower in France or Germany?  Having Britain be a part on one currency would allow consumers to get better deals by shopping around, thus forcing the manufactures to bring their prices down.


For European Unity

The Nations of Europe are coming closer and closer together.  Certainly Britain can chose to go it alone, but if it does it will be a lonely stranger on the outside looking in.  Being part of Europe means Britain can reach is full potential and play a major part in shaping European decisions that have not just a National, but a global impact.


For Social Inclusiveness

Being more integrated into Europe means we'll have more in common with our European friends.  Furthermore being part of this community will force the average British citizen to accept and tolerate other's, thus helping to tear down decades of British notions of bigotry and superiority.


For More Flexibility

Visitors and holidaymakers going to Europe will know of the pains of exchanging currencies.  Yet having the same money will mean you can directly spend your money from Spain to Austria.


For The Future

The Euro is here for good and working well for its peoples.  Britain can enjoy a prosperous future with the Euro or it can slightly fade away with its memories of a bygone era....






































For More Information Contact:

Steven Thake

The Euro

Britain in Europe

European People's Party & European Democrats

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The page was last modified on: Tuesday January 21, 2003