Vintage photographs on this webpage are of Thomas Hugh Campbell (left) born on April 22, 1872, in Iowa, to Ezra Martin Campbell and Mary Cassandra Roberts Campbell. Thomas is also in the photograph of the family homestead photo taken in Laurel, Wa. The other group photo is of his Danish born wife Carrie Pedersen (Caroline Frederika Pedersen) and her brother, younger sister and parents. The Pedersen family resided in Sleswig Holstein, Denmark.

The Ezra Martin Campbell moved to Washington state from Iowa, where the family purchased property and homesteaded in Laurel, Whatcom County, Washington.

The history of Polk County, Iowa states the following about E (Ezra) Campbell, the father of Thomas Hugh Campbell, and his farm while he and his wife Mary Cassandra Roberts Campbell resided there, prior to moving to the beautiful Pacific Northwest:

CAMPBELL, E. M.-Farmer, section 30, P. O. Ashawa. Was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, March 13, 1848, and in 1853 he came to this State, settling in Guthrie county. He resided there until 1872, when he removed upon his present farm, and has since resided here. Owns 248 acres of land, well improved, good buildings and well located. It is one of the best grain and stock farms in the township. He was married in Guthrie county, December 30, 1869, to Miss Mary C. Roberts, who was born in Montgomery county, Indiana, November 1,1855. They have four children: Eva T., Thomas H., William H. and Ella R.

The birthdates given for E (Ezra) Campbell and Mary C Roberts Campbell, match those on the gravestones in the Woodlawn Cemetery, where they are buried.

For a photo of the historic farm and extensive information of the Kimberly/Campbell lineage: Thomas Hugh married Caroline ("Carrie") Frederika Pedersen. "Carrie" Pedersen, was born September 18, 1874 in Sleswig Holstein, Denmark. She is the older daughter in the photograph on the right, standing behind her father, Christian Pedersen and younger sister, Christina Pedersen. Her brother is standing behind her mother Mary Pedersen. Carrie Pedersen immigrated to America as a young girl of 16, where she resided in Albert Lea, Minnesota. Her sister Christina Pedersen married a man by the name of Ray Dills. The children of Thomas and Carrie Pedersen are: Helen,(Bellingar) Alta,(Smith) and Philip Thomas Campbell. The family lived on a farm in Laurel, Washington. Caroline Frederika Pedersen Campbell died on October 5, 1972 and is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Ferndale, Washingon.

Thomas Hugh Campbell's obituary reads as follows:

CAMPBELL, Thomas H., age 72 years, a resident of 1111 Meridian Road, passed away at his home Friday morning, July 19, (1946) after a lingering illness. Mr. Campbell was born in Iowa and had lived in the Laurel district for the past 46 years. He is survived by the widow, Carrie; two daughters, Mrs H.elen Bellingar, Mrs. Alta Smith, both of Seattle; one son, Philip, of Bellingham; six grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Henry Smith of Bellingham, Mrs. Eva Wilson, in Montana; one brother, William H. Campbell, of Route 1, Ferndale. The body rests at the Monroe Funeral Home in Ferndale where funeral services will be conducted Monday, July 22, at 2 p.m. with Rev. Edward Shipman officiating. Internment in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Tom & Alana Campbell 5214 South 2nd Avenue Everett, Washington 98203-4113

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