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Copyright 2001
T.C. Campbell
Breakthrough Intl.

Study Course Exam Number 29
The Dance of Manahaim Study Course

Speaking with regard to the popular music of a culture, America, Great Britain and other countries were tremendously influenced by the music of the Beatles, a popular music group from Britain. Their songs promoted the culture,rebellion, illicit and the anti-christ communist philosophy. The Soviet paper called Pravda, reportedly patted John Lennon on the back for his statement: "We are more popular than Jesus Christ."

Ringo Starr, another Beatles band member, added to Lennon's remarks: "I do agree with him (John Lennon) that Christianity is on the wane." God spoke of the way in which the ungodly would use their gifts, and exalt their ungodly boastings, even against all that is "called God." Psalm 2, however; says that He that sits in the heavens shall do what, about this sort of thing?




In the bible in Isaiah 36-37, we read the story of King Hezekiah and the people of God who defeated their mocking adversary through their unflinching and unswerving faith in God.

Which king at this time was making war against them, who sent his general to taunt them, with the allegation that "their sin" was bringing judgment on them." _______________________

Which cities was he warring against?



Who was the general of Sennacherib's army?


What was his advice to the people of Judah concerning their King Hezekiah?



Nor to allow Hezekiah to encourage what sort of godly activity?


What was Hezekiah's response when he learned of this?


Write some of this response:





God answered this cry, and what did He do?






What did God say which confirmed that it was not "sin" thatwas the reason they were being warred against?


God let them know who the Adversary was actually raising His voice against. Who was this?


Remember this, as a child of God, and a worshipper. In the midst of the spiritual attack, lift your voice to God in praise.

Christian believers at times find that pagan music plays an important role in the of Satan in those they want to see saved. Under the sub-heading "Pagan Music's Relationship To Demonic Possession;" many of the dances of the nations have dances which "center" around what?


What does rock music have it's origins in?


Describe this "spiritual influence which is not godly.




What is the main purpose behind the induced trance in this type of dance?




Many of the songs today exploit and illicit . As proof that demons can enter a person who "gives place to them," who in the bible was possessed with 7 devils, and Jesus Christ set her free? (Mark 16:9)


Write the phrase from your syllabus on dance, which is a quotation from the Encyclopedia Britannica.







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Tom & Alana Campbell 5214 South 2nd Avenue, Everett, Wa. 98203-4113 (USA) /Telephone (425) 257-9511 Fax (425) 258-1031 email: