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Copyright 2001
T.C. Campbell
Breakthrough Intl.

Course Exam Number 10

The Shakers were a religious movement, in the 1700's. Shaker founder Ann Lee (1736-1784) traveled from England to America in 1774, with eight members, or followers, and they settled in Niskeyuna, which is not Watervliet, New York. Ann Lee was formerly a Quaker, and the movement derived from a small branch of radical English Quakers, who adopted Black Camisard or French Camisard practices of shaking, dancing, whirling, shouting, and singing in tongues. So great were the apostolic foundations of the gospel, which were laid by Apostle Paul and others, in areas of Europe such as Macedonia and Greece, that the truth has endured as a testimony, even in their artwork. In this terra cotta tablet, Daniel worships in the lion's den, praying: "Jesus Christ, my God: Listen to my voice from the cave of lions." (See: terrcotta)

It was "the lion's den" for the Black camisards and French Camisards, who were persecuted so heavily in Europe, and even after immigrating to America, because of their "oneness Pentecostal" belief of seeing Jesus as God,and praying to Him as God; (Like Thomas the disciple called Him My Lord and My God,) And which was based on Colossians 2:9, and reflected the early apostolic belief which came from Judaism: "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord."...Of God in Christ reconciling the world to Himself (2 Cor. 5:19) rather than the trinitarian concept of three gods in one.

These black "troubadors" were portrayed as "white-faced minstrels or clowns," in the same way that many so-called anti-semitic church fathers portrayed Jews as "ignorant." The stradegy was to hide the Jewish concept or perspective of Messiah as "I AM, of the Old Testament." (Exodus 3:14) As the Almighty God of Revelation 1:8, Colossians 2:9, which says: "For in Him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead in bodily form."

And rather to clearly state that the Godhead dwells in Jesus Christ, they rather said: Jesus Christ dwells as second person of "the Godhead." On the surface, this may not sound important, but it took the apostolic focus off Messiah. From the biblical command which says: "Looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith..." (Hebrews 12:2)

The 12 Jewish apostles of the Lamb interpreted Jesus Christ's words clearly enough; regarding their fulfilling the Great Commission: "Go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and without exception, they baptized 3000 on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:38, Samaritans in Acts 8:16, Gentiles of Acts 10:46-48, Ephesians in Acts 19:5, all into the name of Jesus Christ," for the remission of all of their sins.

The majority of Protestant denominations departed from the apostolic doctrine laid down in the preceeding verses, and that practiced by Jesus Christ's own disciples, and went into error, because they leaned upon their own understanding, concerning the mode of apostolic baptism. (Proverbs 3:5) They "stumbled at the Stumbling Stone. (Isaiah 8:14,Romans 9:32, Romans 11:9)

The Shakers, better known perhaps for their invention of a turbine water-wheel, threshing machine, circular saw, and clothes pins, nonetheless, Shaker dances and songs are genuine folk art of the New York region. Because Shakers believed that God should be taken even into the workplace, and the excellence of their work, a part of their worship to Him, their furniture and crafts came to be known as "religion in wood." Their motto was "Hands to work and hearts to God."

The Shaker movement spread from New England, to Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. By 1826, there were 18 Shaker villages in 8 states. By the late 20th century, few remained.


The first Shaker song was written in 1786 by James Whitaker, and entitled "Yonder Valley." The most famous Shaker dance song was entitled Simple Gifts," and was written by elder Joseph Brackett. The song has just one verse, and refers to dance movements, "To turn turn, will be our delight." Here, as in Song of Solomon 6:12-13, although the "turn, turn, was an actual dance step; it alludes to the turning of the heart. Shaker worship included various dance patterns. One such dance, which was actually a more solomn type of dance; was called "The Square Order Shuffle."

The last remaining Shaker Community is located in the United States, in the state of Maine.

Shaker background coming from Quakerism in Europe and Great Britain, had historicaly been influenced by the French Black Camisards, many of whom were "oneness Pentecostals," who populated portions of France in areas such as Languedoc, during the reformation era. (See Marvin Arnold's article on Languedoc) This brought forth worship from a Pentecostal perspective. As an early religious group, they had somewhat of an understanding of the freedom of worship incorporated into the true Pentecostal experience; though their leader Ann Lee erred in teaching "celibacy." Apostle Paul makes it clear that "celibacy" is permissible, and that he himself chose not to marry on what grounds, according to 1 Corinthians 7:26?


However, to teach that people must remain celibate is false, or to forbid people to marry and to bear children which is the original plan and purpose of God according to God's word.

Read 1 Timothy 4:3, and write out the initial error listed in this verse with regard to the teaching of false teachers.


This is as great an error as the sin of Balaam, listed in Rev. 2:14, with regard to promoting erous relationships, under the guise of religion. Write a one to two page report on the sin of Balaam, and what it entailed.

From the word of God, Apostle Paul tells us that to the contrary, instead of "forbidding people to marry," it is better to what, according to 1 Cor. 7:9?





Who, what event according to Genesis 1:18 actually expresses the will and divine purposes of God?


In Genesis 1:28, what did God command?


Genesis 2:23-24 clearly brings to light the importance of the marriage relationship. Write this out.





You can't get any closer than the marriage relationship which God has sanctified and ordained, to be a symbol of Christ's spiritual union with His church.

As you read Ephesians 5:21, who should the marriage be in subjection to first of all, and above all?


Ephesians 5 states that God has designed for the wife to submit herself to one special person in this life, and in this marriage relationship on earth. Who is this special person in her life?


Verse 25-26 states that the husband has a very important calling in marriage. What is this?


In Ephesians 5:26, it is clear that God plans to use the husband to minister to His wife, revelation from His word. Explain this.





From Ephesians 5:27, what will be the result of the husbands obedience to this calling, and the wife's receptivity of it?


God is a jealous God. His jealousy is on the basis of His holy love. In Nahum 1:2, we read that God joins His jealousy to what


The Prophet Zechariah, in Zech. 8:2-3 also prophesies of God's jealousy, saying: I was jealous for Zion with great fury. God is jealous because this is His dwelling place, and He is a holy God. Calling Himself the Lord of Hosts, God states that as His people enter into the "sanctification of the Spirit," and receive His holy love, souls will flock to the church. Write out Zech. 8:23




What is a "Jew according to the New Testament and the revelation given to Apostle Paul, according to Romans 2:28-29?



The Apostle Paul, as he expounds from apostolic doctrine, echoes this. What does he say? 2 Cor. 11:2 ___________________________________________________

Read 2 Cor. 7:1 and write out what the believer is to cleanse himself or herself of:




From the New Testament, list 5 scripture references relating to "freedom in rejoicing before God."

1) ______________ 2) ______________ 3) ____________

4) ______________ 5_________________

Name the three principle feasts of the Lord under the Old Testament which have elements of rejoicing in them.

1) __________________ 2) ___________________ 3)______________________

Of these three biblical feasts, which relates or symbolizes the "Pentecostal experience?


The Day of Pentecost in the New Testament is recorded in Acts chapters 1-2. Read Acts 1:5 and tell what Jesus Christ promised the believers after His resurrection, but before He ascended?


In Acts 1:8 and tell what Jesus said would occur when the Holy Spirit comes upon you?


Reading from Acts 1:12 where do we see the disciples of Jesus assembled and how many were there?


What were they doing assembled there


Name the names of the male disciples mentioned. present.




Who else was there?



Acts 2:1 states "When the Day of Pentecost was fully come they were all (men and women alike)with one accord (unity of purpose) in one place. Israel has celebrated Pentecost for centuries. These feasts however, pointed a Pentecost harvest of far greater significance, and this is God's harvest of souls, in the end time. 1 Corinthians 10:11, states that the things in the Old Testament happened unto them for "ensamples." Look up this word "ensamples" in a concordance. What is the Greek term and what does this word signify in the original Greek? Furthermore, these things were written for what reason?


In Acts 2:1-4, there was a supernatural occurance, as the 120 disciples waited in the upper room, for the promise of the Heavenly Father mentioned in Luke 24:49, in which Jesus told them:

"But tarry (wait) in the city of Jerusalem, until you are endued with power from on high."

Sudddenly what happened?





What was the result of this phenomena?




What appeared unto them from Acts 2:3


The significance of Acts 2:4, cannot be overlooked or stressed enough, because this was the true meaning of "when the Day of Pentecost was "fully come." What were the 120 disciples filled with on this day?


As they were "filled" what was a "spiritual experience with a physical manifestation. What was the manifestation of this occurance which happened to them on the Day of Pentecost?



This was not given to bridge a language barrier, as the Jewish people at this time had Aramaic as a universal language. Peter proves this, in standing to address the crowd and speaking in Aramaic, which those gathered clearly understood. From the Prophet Joel's prophecy in Joel 2:38, Peter quotes an incredible fulfillment of prophecy. What was this?





God did not limit this promise to any particular race of people. What kind of "flesh" did God promise to pour His Spirit out on?


Whom did God say would prophesy?


From Acts 2:17, what other "manifestations" of God's Spirit being outpoured are mentioned?


As Peter preaches his sermon on the Day of Pentecost, 3000 were convicted of their sins, and said: What shall we do?

What did the Apostle Peter command ?

1) ___________________________ 2)___________________________ 3)_______________________________________________

Who did Peter say this promise is to?

1) ________

2)______________________ 3) _______________________


According to John 3:16, and 2 Peter 3:9, Romans 8:30; who are those called by God?


Read Romans 8:28-29, whom did God predestinate?


Tell what God did to those He called:


What else did God do from Romans 8:30?



So, you see that all who were converted in the New Testament, received salvation through repentance, being baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of their sins, and they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16, Acts 10:46-48, Acts 19:5)

In 1 Corinthians 14, there are some special instructions to "speaking in tongues in church gatherings, as clarified by Paul's "yet in the church," in 1 Cor. 14:19This has to do with things being done decently and in order. It is not a restriction on speaking in tongues, but an exhortation as to how to properly minister spiritual gifts when in a group setting. In 1 Cor. 14:8, Paul clarifies this, by stating that if confusion reigns, i.e. and the "trumpet gives an uncertain sound;" who shall prepare himself to battle. Ministry must be effective, if people are to be properly equipped for the work of the ministry. This is the job of the gift ministries mentioned in Ephesians 4:13.

In Acts 10:46-48, the disciples knew the Gentiles were filled with the Holy Spirit for what reason?


In Acts 19:4-6, Paul preached to the Ephesians, and in received the Holy Spirit, did they have the same experience as the Gentiles, and those on the Day of Pentecost? Explain any variations.




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