Shamika's Camp Thoughts

Shamika Says...

last summer was the best summer i have ever spent in san marcos, also happened to be my first so it worked out pretty nice. by the way, i am black, that will come in handy to know a little later.

the first day i got there, i was late of course cause my ma had to bring all my sisters and brother. then, when we did get there, i brought everything i could think of possibly needing...which of course proved ill-thought when i got to those steps in front of the dorm. i had borrowed a suitcase from one of the deacons at my church that he picked up in korea, huge, nearly half my size, in height of course. it was also full to the brim so the thing's wheels meant nothing to me who had to drag it up the two flights of unrelenting stairs. once i finally got everything into my room, i had to find where everyone was, and thankfully a counselor guided me to some building i know i would have never been able to find had i simply asked for directions. walking in late worked out pretty cool because i got to make an entrance.

the camp director, an awesome guy by the by, asked everyone to talk to someone they didn't know for five minutes and then we would present each other to the room. i turned around to lance, a counselor who at first i thought was kind of good looking, but after he opened his mouth that ended up being the last thought in my mind. not that he was mean or anything, in all actuality we had a nice little convo before the time was called. i don't remember what i said about him, but i will never forget what he said about me. the first words out of his mouth to the congregation where, "This is Shamika, um, I don't know if she has a last name or something." Now, in or out of context, it can be concluded that either the man forgot my last name or i neglected to tell him, but it definitely hadn't been meant as anything more or less, either way, i took the opportunity, as i most usually do, to say something. The gest of my response went something to the effect of..."What? Wait, wait, wayment. You know, the emancipation proclamation was passed, they gave us all our own last names after that." it was one of my brightest shining moments at camp the whole summer. and that is how i began my stay at southwest texas state university mathworks honors mathcamp.

that first night, i was appalled that we had to stay in a room for four hours with the same ppl. it was horrendous, cruel and at least unfamiliar. and i didn't know how some of the kids in my group figured out some of the problems we had...i was glad someone else got the same answers i did. that was good enough for me. afterwards, i went to the lobby. around eleven, it was basically empty...that wouldn't last for long, and i am glad to say i was one of the few people that started staying up in the lobby before it was cool and EVERYBODY and they mama stayed up. but it was all cool. except, a few ppl, who shall remain nameless for their own sake and know who they are, made it illegal to bring any sort of sleeping paraphernalia besides actual night clothes to the lobby. so leave your pillows and blankets in your rooms.

nothing else too major happened the first week, except i met even more ppl and i got to go out with a group of , who would later be known as math cool ppl in place of the degrading and misnomered "nerds" or "geeks", my peeps to the movies. so many romances, so little time, and so few places...but that's on the fifth right there...

i think i may have lost a total of ten or fifteen pounds during the whole summer. the campus isn't huge, its just hilly. greatest diet plan i have ever been on. instead of binging and purging, i would be too lazy to get up early and eat breakfast or walk to the dining room and i had to go to class so i would not eat a lot but be forced to cross great distances in a matter of moments.

now i am just ranting and raving so i think i should quit while i am ahead. tune in next week, or as soon as i can bring myself to write some more, for more exciting commentary from the hippest cat this side of jordan. feel free to email me as much as you want, i love email and it will help to make me feel special.

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