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About Me





About Me

When I was starting to learn about programming the parallel port, it took me days to gather information and cost me so much money which I used for renting PCs for internet access along San Marcelino (Adamson has lots of neighbors in the form of internet cafes). Much of what I gathered are too technical and presented more confusion. I always asked myself, where can I find a site that is for me, a student?

Frustrated and weary, I started to write the articles and post this website after my graduation while waiting for a job offer. I decided to do this as a reminder for all the sleepless nights, wasted money and cup-noodle-phobia. Ultimately, to share what I know to others who are basically facing the same difficulties that I've been through regarding robotics and programming.

This is a compilation of my works and all of the information I've picked up along the way. I'll try to present it in the most comprehensible form that I'm capable of. My goal is to translate these technical subjects for the uninitiated. If you want to build a project, I assume that you can solder and a minimum knowledge in the following areas: digital circuits, programming and number system conversion.

The designs are my originals unless otherwise specified. Some of you might recognize some projects featured by someone else. I would tell you where I based or copied a particular project. I included them because they are really good. The real author deserves the credit.

Since I dont copyright my articles, someone might even claim my original design as their own. When I say 'my original' I meant that I conceived the idea or logic without external influences. To tell you the truth, I dont really care about the who-made-first-attitude. Im just following in the footsteps of the people whom I've learned from who gave this information for free unconditionally.

Contributions (intellectual only) about topics and/or projects are appreciated. Of course, the contributor gets the credit and a thank you from me. You can e-mail me at

I use EAGLE Layout by Cadsoft for drawing schematics and for making PCB designs. Visio for diagrams and flowcharts. Electronic Workbench for simulation. All the schematics and diagrams are captured and edited in Adobe Photoshop. I'm based in the Philippines so the components used in the articles are only those locally available to me.

With fresh eyes, after a year without looking at this site, I've finally had time to proof read and correct some of my typos. I've also, unintentionally, left out some words in some sentences because my mind works faster than my fingers. I've also made my site printer-friendly and toned-down on colors.



revised July 4, 2002

orig April 10, 2001
