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Thursday, 27 October 2005

Mood:  lazy
Alex and I got up about 9:00 a.m. this morning. I cooked breakfast and now we're just kinda chillin' waitin' for his nana. I start midnights tonight, yay, NOT! Wen to the Dr. yesterday for my first ultrasound. Instead of being 10w6d like we thought, Im 11w5d. It was amazing to see my baby. At one point it had it's fist doubled up looking like it was ready to Definately got that Kirk blood.

I'm so ready to go back to bed. That's not gonna happen anytime soon though. Alex is being goofy. Walking around here in his daddy's shoes. the week goes by sooo fast when we get him back. I hate it. He's growing up way tooo fast. Already going to be 3 in Feb. Where does the time go???

Posted by journal2/nikkiwalters at 6:54 AM HDT
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