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Multiculturalism & Latin American Challenges On XXI Century
Tuesday, 22 July 2003
One little kid...dreaming skills on arts and humanities...problably gets surprises!!
A Caribbean Author:
Some Vocational and Contextual Retrospectives.

SANTOS GRACIANO, Yoe Francis: Writer & Corporative Consultant.
I’d Born in La Vega, Dominican Republic (1962). Dominican Republic started to run for democracy, just this year, with a new democratic order, and finally, with a new, and participative, Constitution (1963), but happiness in democracy was not possible for a ‘banana’s republic’ in this time …I started to write poetry, essays and articles, during high school experience (Evangelists Institute, Santiago de los Caballeros, 1976-1980).

One day, after arguing and disagreed with my father (normal things, in teens) he said: “ I think you must to find a channel for your particular viewpoints, you must to create a planet -your own- a world for yourself, maybe, in arts or literature”. After them, teachers as: Rafael Duarte, Juan Jose Estevez, and German Ovalles, who gave me the first contacts with Spanish grammar, literary works, economy and philosophy. They permanently, indoors, and outdoors, served us as inspiration, those first four years as beginners in all, as writers, photographers, proof correctors, and conceptual designers, in literature for youth. Especially, urban middle class people: families with kids our high school, existing, sharing into a multigrade school -with more than 1800 pupils or a repressive line, for keep separates girls and boys on back yard.

I still think, remembering an Andres Calamaro song, Velasquez’s sisters -Gloria, Xiomara and Beatriz- were most marvelous, mix of beauty, solidarity, and discrete buñuelian charming, in front rest of world, in this moment. We’d learn a lot, and pay price for our tributes.

Other important source for references -and some times, very acid criticism to our work, appreciable tool for find some quality level, in everything- was Mr. Roman Franco Fondeur, one apostle to the historical memories, in Santiago de los Caballeros, and director to Historical Files of the town.

The second reason for explore writing as socio-cultural action, came after, Johan F. Camilo with Manlio Dorrejo, started to edit, a monthly magazine, in our high school. Into this structure, I was admitted as collaborator, and next year, started to work as Chief Editor (1977-1980). This magazine produced and ruled, by students, named “Proyección Estudiantil”, was an ‘avant-garde’ institutional contribution, from teachers and high school administration, to develop a dialogic capacity, tolerate new ideas’ flows, and help to create ‘sprit de corps’, into our high school. We did the rest: in this moment, not exist in dominican a Culture Ministery, for help us, for this reason, we must to find sponsors selling ads; detect channels for send a per cent to Mexico and Puerto Rico, and start to run as youth channel. Disappears Dominican plastic’s artists, as Francisco Gil Lopez, help us -during his stance in Mexican nation- to come true, those goals.

We got not formal office, for meetings in redaction team, in this way we speak with my father, and finally, his table for radiologist, and his own consulter office, was permitted to us, during the nights, into “Bonilla’s Clinic”. After them, two or three times by week, using portables type machines, we arrived there, for our labors. “La Salle’s Brothers”, High School and “Sacred Heart of Jesus”, high school, got other one, during this time, too. The three most important private schools -in this moment- in Santiago, open a vote of trust for youth. A free channel, and faithful sponsors, are very important for let people think in peace, about vocational elections and organize their future: a civilized chance for experiment responsibilities, detecting and projecting, their emergent talents, inclusive during hard times, for creative or express polemic viewpoints (1976-1980).

The magazine as alternative media permitted us, discover authentic vocation for literature and develop skills for: programming, organize and evaluate socio-cultural activities. Into this process help, internally, know better, our forbidden roots , opening our soul for genuine expression of admiration, respect and friendship, for other young talents as: Felix D. Olivares, Roberto Gil Lopez, Hector Lachapelle – a son of one most prominent national heroes, in battles for restore democracy, in our country, after ‘coup d’ etat’ in 1963– Enilda Torres or Mauricio Estrella, and other non less, solidarity people and regional leaders, in current days.

Probably, one day, on future times, somebody must make justice with role played by Santiago’s Evangelists Institute, within contemporary expressions of arts and literature in Dominican Republic: remembering prestigious personalities -in cultural or creative world- open their first artistic expression, as while studying there, as: Maridalia Hernandez, Patricia Pereyra, Silvia Jerez – ex singer “Bohio” group, directed by P.S. Sang - Desire Reyes, Eduardo Sanchez, Ramon Antonio Cruz, Maria Ligia Grullon, Luciano Inoa, Modesto Duran P., and a long list from ‘cultural trouppe’s members, since open, nearly to one century ago.

Ignore something is not one insult to your dignity, is real reason why you prefer to read the newspapers or watch news on television daily, into a world changing second by second . Anger, hate, blind and fanatic faith, never helped to nobody to find the truth, democracy or justice.

Doubts -radical capacity for make new and intelligent questions implies a radical differences- and permits see each problem without intoxication –or alienation- coming from ideologies or propaganda, taking the places to the victims, and remembering, that current societies get laws, values, treads, and need of reform, founded in our won auto-criticism skills, for see our actions and consequences, to those actions.

Show up with evidences or rational arguments, exist into Occidental tradition of thought, since classic agora Greek, as radical, qualitative difference, between civilized people and barbarians, who were less sophisticated guys, slaves to their rage or instinctive answers, without listen adversaries, for understand, causes and consequences. There’re the most elementary principle for exists under a state of rights, where use of violence or coercions, only is possible if one court order it, not by administrative, policies discretionalities, within security forces.

Faith were different in each case: one enjoy Athens democracy and others, burn and destroy museums, cities, libraries, basis in civilized vision of institutional order. Attila, news Attilas or Khan emperors, or other most young gorillas on Third Word, and their sponsors, in XX century. This is the Rubicon between pluralist societies and praetorian o totalitarian states. It’s not going to exist, simple’s -following manicheists cosmovisions - models for answers as black or white solutions, for current planet, villes, nations, regions, integrations blocks, or personal vocational elections, in careers, free time habits, or public positions as citizens, today, in XXI century.

Our lifestyles need to find sustainability expressions, too.

The quid I think is listen to all discourses, compare voices, and check the background, the real representation or consistence, between words and actions, put in a balance the consequences, in short, medium or long term, and try to find the general interest into this fragments of truth, not only the national general interest: we’re playing into a common tennis court, our planet.

Nobody: person, organization, nation or group of nations get the control, totally control of truth. By way, personal, interinstitucional, regional, municipals, governments, familiars, business or any decisions process, if is responsible, can’t forget, for example that weather changes can destroy the life in entirely planet.

“Love your neighbors as you love yourself” isn’t a biblical demand, resume our need to forget arrogances, egotistical and violent behaves, and relearn to speak, peaceful, civilized, for obtain our won goals, or suppose that personally, you get the systems and power for survive with your entirely nation or citizens, to one eventual massive destruction war.

The capacity for finds and search for truth, and general interests by consensus, not needs consider extra jurisdictional, unilateral use of violence, for defend our privilege positioning, in one or two sectors of economy or reality, supposes recovery the global heritage for apply, respect, and demand: 19th article on Human Rights Act.

This is the essential reason that sensible, rational and critical segments to the planet, condemned both extremes manifestations of violence and intolerance: war, and terrorism - as individual, sectorial, grupal or government project for attack weakness and non combatant population, broking all legal and international order against sorrow, minorities, weakness or civilians citizens or their dissident opinions - and never confuse sovereign rights to self-determination, and violent opposition to dictatorships, and all expression to intolerant or arbitrarily powers abuse, as United Nations protocols had defined in more than one case.

That’s not one excuse, for richest nations to the planet, never stop their weapons factories, for export to Third World, or disestablished legitimate authorities elected in transparent elections process, neither. Equal opportunities for all, personalized treatment in each case; keeping, under human scale, their own possibilities for make significative contributions to sustainable development, within each country and on different alliances or models for economic blocks.

Each tree can give us flowers or fruits, only, within this specie –excepting inherits cases or techniques- for this reason is very important vocational election, earliest using skills, experiences, wisdom or knowledge, or helping others to do it, by themselves.

Try to find one satisfactory solution to this problem. It wasn’t important into hierarchy of priorities in our educational system, at South or non industrialized countries and territories, during all XX century; excepting probably, last ten or twelve years, where and when, civil society organizations (CSO), and inclusive business leadership, trade associations and education, foreign issues, culture, and economy ministries work for national consensus, trying to reform and rethink new profiles, roles, strategies and goals for education and culture fields, within a new global scenery, post cold war. This is a global recognition for elevate quality in education and culture, as channels for appropriation to the ‘codes of modernity’ was perverted by financial limitations for guarantee, decent salary levels, in capacity to stop emigration to other sectors of labor, or make most deepest international brain drain or ‘fuga de cerebros’ to industrialized societies.

If into new, global order human capacities are planned, thinked and conceptualized as one capital actives, results impossible imagine that teachers, artists, writers, and researchers, stay falling in a progressive proletarization process, started finishing 70’s crisis time. Scholars, professors, or researchers, for example, if our region wants to retake the status, capacity for leadership and insertion in youth generation: requires life levels that identify kids and youth, with an authentic, legitimate, and desirable vocational option, as careers.

Rescue the dignity for intellective workers, scholars or not, isn’t only a moral detail, into all challenges and complexities for assume a new century, is our only capacity for survive as independent nations in globalization. That’s not one slogan for assume elitists vision of culture or education, in contradiction with the rest of workers, manual or intellectuals, the thing is that education is the gate for access to rest of wealthy possibilities, within parameters of ‘knowledge society’, ‘dematerialization of economic exchanges’ or other characterizations for explain present and future tendencies of humankind.

Within a capitalist society: ‘loosers’ can’t become models, for aspirations in youth’s generations. (Remember the expression: ‘not time for loosers’, within “We’re Champions” song). Before 90’s, artists, writers, people of sciences or technology, were marginalized segments in our societies, as medieval farandole’s members, during XX century. Worst than Cinderella’s these socio-cultural sector stigmatized, as eccentrics, or subversives, too far away, in budgets, strategies or development plans, and into their bio-social relations, with a ‘class of dreamers’, ‘theorists’ ‘well for nothing’, in our rural, illiterate, and very authoritarian and excluding ruling class, except if this person was useful, for win one election, or keep the power, in all perspectives possible for do it. Latin America got available approximately 120,000 professional researchers (“Nueva Sociedad”, magazine, Caracas, 1994), but not uniformly distributed in all nations to the region.

Try to imagine lovely reader, for example cases as, Haiti, Bolivia, El Salvador, Dominican Republic or comparing this socio-cultural realities with Brazilian, Mexican, Argentinean, Chilean, Venezuelan, Uruguayan, Cuban or Colombian, infrastructures, following indicators as:

• concentration or desconcentration patterns, international awards, patents, licenses, or copyrights volumen, by year;
• potentialities in exportations impacts; statistics desegregated by sub sector of activity;
• regional and municipal roles for supports equity policies into those issues;
• research programs, areas, editing industry, audio-visual products, legal regime for exercise, existence or not of royalties, research centers, publics policies for stimulate those kind of actions or process, etc- opportunities, ranking, or budgeting per cent or proportion available for creative expressions in sciences, arts, literature or technology;
• organizational levels for access to financial support in each field, for that’s kind of issues ; role of public sector, and civil society organizations, in keep running for make answer to new challenges.

Today under a news paradigms, non-ergologic or intangible elements in local, regional an national cultures, acquires multidimensional implications and requires a new national discussion, linked with integration, cooperation, and foreign affairs policies, not only justified for needs by generate new employs or money, where this strategy are inserts, accountability, governance and crime prevention, too.

Haitian and Argentinean crisis are very illustrative in this viewpoint. We are morally obligates to find persuasive answers, as soon is possible. Nobody can resolve those problems alone as Superman: “A man, ruled by reason, is the most free in the city, where’s living following common decrets, than in loneliness, where not obey more than himself” (Proposition LXXIII, p. 337, Benedictus, Éthic, 1677)

This really ancient opinion is justify inclusive because our nation, Dominican Republic, gets more than 3 millions of folks, living in other countries, with capacity for see with other eyes and buy potentialities, our heritages. They’re expending time and money, during their weekends and vacations, so anyway, into familiar budget components as: in music, books, magazines, rent movies, attending show, or parties.

So, why is not possible to offer them a diversity of options, nationals, regionals, and continentals, really be accord with our richest traditions, contemporaneous creativity, at same time, permit them, a best sense of belong to, self-respect, national pride, re-construction of our capacity for problematize, exchange, democratic participation, as expression of local and global, citizenship?

That is not an ethnocentric viewpoint.

This opinion represents, an additional admission to an old mcluhanian’s concept, the roles and powers from technologies, as extension of five senses, and our physically, financial and inexistence of human sources, for try to keep alive the national or ethnicity soul across the Ocean, into a cultural campaign face to face or answering by satellital infrastructure, in Dominican case, as a typical Caribbean, example.

That’s the kind of urgent points for one national, multinational agenda in cultural development, for our countries, and are absents in latest summits in our region. This situation is not happening in Dominicans –into private or public institutions, and leadership- in this new century. It’s one global tendency, and this extended existence to this problem, permit us to see out side, compare, adapt or broke all admitted rules, procedures and make a new suggestion, polemic, equilibrated, thanked in our national need of survive: receiving -and giving- solidarity, into one interconnected planet.

Support a rational multidisciplinary debate, about all those matters, means that current generation: Tobin’s generation, gets not need to suffer, the same limits and absences of policies, that we’re victims, more than twenty years, ago, and rescue new strategic value of creativity, within each social and economic transition process: from a society of things, muscles, manual labor, to other, totally different, where concepts, consistent answers to low structured sceneries, permanent uncertain definition of future, and heavy presence of technologic factors, are changing our capacity for participate, act, think, enjoy or build humankind hope.

Caribbean and Latin Americans citizens, needs explore, urgently, new ways, for defend their cultural identities, and help society to generate dollars, after see the crash advantages of neoliberal model in Argentinean society, and all rage and violence that people exteriorize, after knows, without doubts, that structural adjust, as general ‘recipes’ or medicine, recommended by global agencies, for every kind of illness, maybe meaning for them, change their residence place, for a cemetery, for hungry, or hiperconcentration of vias for access to opportunities, and find answers to elementary needs.

Our nations are loosing international spaces into a continental ranking for cultural activism in childhood and youth. Sports are permanently privilegiate in front creative expressions: muscles, not brains. Manual labors vs. intellective production. Traditional patterns for countries like this. Probably, because is most easy to sponsor and sell sports, as massive spectacles, but the real thing is that arts, sciences or technologies, not receives -for beginners and amateurs promotion- 10% of national expenditure, or investments, in sports, mixing private and public sources on budgets.

Childhood and youth talents, in arts, sciences or technologies, get few persons or institutions, for say thanks, after be success in our nation, except most close friends, parents, or other artists, scientists or people or technologies, who exist, and stay alert to relevant news, in each field. Into new singles issues, “Voice’s Festivals” organized by masters as Rafael Solano, permitted to this nation discover authentic diversity and potentialities, at 70’s, but: what to do if you win a festival, and after them not exists one industry, that support you, with education, contacts, demos, international launching, etc?

Artists and writers, in sciences or literature, need one infrastructure inexistent in Dominican Republic: post –production services, agents, public relations, exchanges for workshops, conferences, concerts, with regional, municipal, national and international channels, translations, without this support is impossible, make a career, and insert cultural industries into Internal Product statistics, or national accounts, yearly.

Cultural Industries represent, currently, in other places of Latin America, between: 1 and 3.5% in cash flow of exportations. We still loosing this opportunity, twenty years later, as nation. That’s not mean that only ‘need a bread, for exist alive’. Money or technologies are not the objective of culture, but is ashamed, loss good talents, by brain drain, change of professional status or migratory changes and flows.
The poor development of cultural industries, and oligopolies relations in few that exists, as artist-businessmen or very limited perspectives into audio-visual local industry, are real structural obstructions , for local, regional, national or global, products, authors, and our own cultural identity, today (2001). It’s a risk for keep alive collective memory, opening a possibility for re-edited unlimited, our most sour chapters, in our republican life.

Become a professional writer was the original idea, just in moment for select one career in high education, just before in teens, opportunity for study drama (Beauty Arts School, Santiago de los Caballeros, 1976-80) gave him other perspective for understand youth and multicultural influences in writing.

Arts and literature exercised a magical or magnetic fascination for kids and youngs, because are rebel and funnies disciplines. Arts and literature were not popular as vocational elections, in status and social respect, for families immersed in urban middle class, cosmovision, in Dominican Republic, during earliest 70’s. Probably within their values, exist one connection with origins of ‘farandula’ as concept, during Middle Age, meaning “ non serious people”: Travelers, clowns, gypsies, circus workers, moving around nowhere, across ancient feudal Europe. But, exactly this freedom for movements, non permanent roots -or fidelity or slavery of land- were the most powerful reason for select arts and literature, as kingdom for my mind, relations, and free time activities.

Finishing 70’s, “Amantes de la Luz”, a cultural centenary Society with an excellent library, open a new building, so close, one corner after home, España, street, in Santiago. Great deal! nice and comfortable.

Free access to books and magazines, great opportunity for a teenager guy: the silence contribution to public policies in culture and education. My viewpoints about society and arts changed after finish “Desolation Angels” by Jack Kerouac. This novel made me turn to other side. “Desolation Angels” it’s a capital book in my ideas about: reject violence, censorship, war and fascisms, under any excuse; and oppose to those anti-natural and antidemocratic values, other list of constructions, that I think, permit better, freedom and pluralism, as ground for democratic societies: universal love, peace, internationalism and non ethnocentric vision for socio-cultural process and exchanges.

I learned all about that at the same time that my eyes saw army’s members shooting on the streets, during elective campaign, with their red and green flags, howling, terrorizing citizens for keep ruling, behind the political power. Finally, democracy return, conservatives stolen majority in National Parliament, but we get a little chance for peace, and study, without political crimes, intolerance expressions, exiles, disappears, censorship for foreign and local books or magazines, writes by ‘enemies of democracy’. I started to visit libraries, and books stores as disappear “Biblio - Tema ” or Blasco, and others, thanked for adults, specialists, and ‘sacred cows’ in official culture.

After read classic of literature encyclopaedia -my father gave me this chance for reading- and compare the ways of writing, in classic style and Beat Generation. I understood, that a reflexive vision of classics in literatures from England, Russia, Spain or France, were necessary, at the same time, that humanity wake up of nightmare of II World War, for this reason Latin America ‘boom’ writers and beat generation, get something more in common, with all expressive works in my own generation.

In those times, I didn’t know nothing, about student’s demands in French’s May (1968), or Tlatelolco’s genocide in Mexico, yet (1978). All alternative information, it’s systematically, blockaded for youth, in my country, by more than two generations, helped with this insular condition and intolerant spirit of “Cold War”. All dissident thought finish with his or her author, on the jail or in cemetery, in the same way, as Trujillo had dreamed. Orlando Martinez H., Gregorio Garcia Castro and too many others leaders from youth and student movement, had paid with their lifes, their efforts and intentions for make one alternative focus for news, social order or cultural intervention.

After this moment in our recent history authors started to break, “the fear to freedom” as P. Freire, said. The Autonomic University of Santo Domingo (AUSD or UASD, in Spanish) was a key social and cultural space for reflexion, and claim for social and democratic reforms, after finish Trujillo’s regime. Movement for Reform Public University (1965) had organized the university as echoes from all dissident movement, political, social, economic and cultural, expelling all Trujillo’s collaborators, consultants and ex-ministers, who permitted an elitist development in this institution, as intellectuals or members of academic bureaucracy, during these thirty one years, of cultural and political repression. to freedom in science or cultural work.

Police brutality against poor, youngest people or students was exercised with help of paramilitary, during more than 70 years in my country, in XX century. Names for all that craziness, had changed (“paleros”, “La Banda”, “Maci”),but not the dark forces of intolerance, interested in create a significant obstruction, to democratic process or plural debate, about sciences, culture and social participation, building alternatives to human development.

All those monsters, as any non industrialized nation, at South, their exist on shadows, waiting best moments for bite with anger and hate, with their criminal interpretation of justice, against all plural visions of social order, for express alternative ways, or try to resolve all complex problems about sustainable development:

Spoil system;
Weak institutional level for exercise public roles;
Faith of micro and little business;
Concentration of power or wealthy;
Regional integration;
Police reform;
Third age citizens;
Disabilities people and polices;
Transparent or non-fraudulent, elections for public authorities;
Constitutional reforms or similar issues.

I arrived to Autonomy University, ‘after storm’: after tanks on his streets; After Sagrario’s political crime; After battles for ‘half million’ as budget for public University. I wasn’t trained, within those epic moments in youth movement. I arrived just like a kid to see the freedom conquest for all those martyrs, and people of ideals.

We’ re 60,000 students within this fascinating public structure, in the entire nation. We’re, each one, totally anonymous. As flowers: growing wild into this artificial nature. In this moment probably is necessary: “ask become forgive/ to all deaths/ of our happiness”, as said a song: “Vivo en un país libre”. On Humanities Faculty, I still dreaming as possible to study, or attend to one school, for become a professional writer.

One day, speaking with Reynaldo Disla – later, a successful play writer and theatre leader- about why he’d disappears to the faculty, last semesters, he said: “I drop out all this. I was tired to take dictation to the teachers. I was there to learn to about artistically witting, not to stay absorb in too many theoretical issues”. I was totally agreed with him in this moment, thinking in magisterial conferences as procedure to transmit knowledge in humanities. Linguistics, or phonology with other disciplines connected, seemed me, totally boring, in this moment, excessive abstracts for creative process, in theatre, movies playwritings or literary matters.

However, vocational pensum – or personalized curriculum- didn’t exist in this country, during those years. You take all or leave all. It’s impossible today -more than 20 years later- that one person select the real matters that you prefer to study in literature, yet: I mean quit freely all that you consider boring or unnecessary for your own interests, and study hard and deep, your favorites issues.

Years later, I understand that this problem is a false problem: the method was the cause, for make attractive or boring, a task, within university, or in any level of educational system. How make possible a funny experience in learning process? How let in peace and freedom, all potentiality for change or creative insert in a kid or teenager on the classroom?

What to do with vocational people and his/her, natural non-standard, visions of life? Why, less adaptative -or ‘problem- guys’- get too many resistance to authoritarian models, into school system at the same time, stay as model within academic productivity, when they get chance for participate on design of ‘rules’ into the system? My childhood was one case.

Why I can’t be rebel or inadaptated? I grow in extreme risk and permanent confusions. My sister, her husband, and their two kids, Heriberta and Fernando, had run from Santo Domingo, after April 1965, and established with us, in La Vega city. With other two kids, I got a few time of happiness. First 10 years of my life, I desired one brother or sister for play.

Living together, eating together, fighting, or running on the streets: I never get it. I got brother and sister, but they are too old. I got other brothers, but they were so small (Dimas, Luis Geovanny, Teomadis). Both of them, not live with me.

My mother was a nervous nurse, employee into a lab, within anti-tuberculoses institution. She tried to quit all risks on my way, that is mean not play ‘dangerous games’, not violence, results: sedentary or boring games, good books, and private teachers. I learned to read in 1967, started to do it and never stop, this evasive world. I remember my mother and me, moving around too many neighbors in La Vega, after Civil War (1965) the enormous graffitists by 14 June Clandestine Movement on the external wall from public school “Garcia Godoy” in “La Cigua”.

My mother left catholic religion, just when I born. She keeps in tight contact with Jehovah’s Witness, who was pursuit by Trujillo’s regime, few years ago. As son of separate parents, I miss a lot to my father, but I get not chance, because he was finishing his specialization in Spain. “Fahrenheit 451”, probably should be done, thinking in Dominican Republic.

I can’t see my brother, Marino, except when my mother decides visit him in Constitutionalist command in “San Anton”. One or two times by month, very risk travel of love, using services of Octavio, a driver from Calamidad’s road’s transport line, La Vega-Santo Domingo, during the civil war.

I think, he’s Popo Caceres father, a famous baseball player in this time. My memory opened, during those days. Yes, only three years old. My mother was crying in a corner at home: listening the news, day by day. Finally, some eruption exploited in her skin. The doctor said It was nervous factor. She got an allergic by a nervous disorder. Santo Domingo -the city- smelled horrible. Marines checked with violence the wallet of my mother, but that’s normal behave, if you want to visit someone in Constitutionalist front.

I never get chance for eat or lunch with my brother. He simply disappears, or shows up as surprise, jumping the back yard limits of our house. Finally, after 1978, he started to live a normal life. Nobody, thank in him or other youngest fighters, used by leaders during civil war. For this reason he can’t attend to the university. His existence was destroying, for answer without doubts, the patriot call: “sweet and honored is death for our motherland”, as Peñalba Conde’s gate, say. Nobody was responsible after for his destiny. More than ten years running for his life, as usual for all democrats and revolutionaries in our countries.

He’s not hero. He’s not leader, only one young citizen with responsibility and sensibility for keep alive a young democracy. Earlies times on my life, with my father absent, I saw the other hand: the opportunity of share with Jehovah ‘s Witness, church, ideologies, rhetoric and cosmovision, gave me access to feel what does mean be a minority member in a very catholic society, as dominican across earliest 60’s to 70’s.

My father was -and still been- a classic social democrat, which believes in God, social justice, and freedom, under “ Altagracian’s Caballeros” Society and rules. My childhood ran jumping between those two powerful principles: attending to “Salon del Reino” with my mother, and to catholic liturgy with my father, by something more than 16 years. Under Witness, influences, I learned to read and speak in public, for audiences, and I like the tasted to discuss, about cultures, religion, philosophy, and history, with leaders as Salvino Ferrari (EPD), Peter Pascal or Manolin Guerrero, people who got solid humanistic culture and extended personal libraries, and let me read in peace. To read The Bible, couple times, entirely as training, was good, before ten years all.

Attending to catholic liturgy, I start to feel each Sunday, as one special moment, for think in all reasons for order like this, the church. It was impress the dress, the expensive objects, solemnity, and the difference with symphonic rhythms in Jehovah’s Witness, him and ceremonies, and the spectacular vision of chorus, real people -not audio reproduction, as Jehovah’s Witness- singing with faith.

In radio culture and life styles, Radio “Santa Maria”, before shows up FM in Dominican Republic, represented a personal contact with modernity and alternative thought in my experience. There, I started to listen rock and soul, thanks to a program created by Frank Moya (a) Super Frank, named “Impacto Juvenil”. With them I listened first time “The Beatles”, James Brown, Janis Joplin, Joan Baez, Carlos Santana, Jimmy Hendrix and other popular artists (1968/1970). Curiously, in this same station, in other program: “Juventud pa’ lante” I took contact with latin American folklore and songwriters from iberoamerican region.

“Juventud Pa’ lante” was important, too because they gave me the first opportunity of read a poem on the air (1978-1979). Nobody knows my poetry. Nobody knows me, and they let me try, so anyway. Finally, they sent the text to Europe for a radio chain of catholic broadcasters.

Opportunities and courage: two magical impulses for new voices, into a Caribbean culture.

Nothing more are essentials, in a public police for detect, and project young talents: democratic channels, opportunities, and courage! “Pascua Juvenil” for example, is other case, as movement seen me very nice and powerful opportunity for free reflection about Dominican situation, youth who think, and feel love for their own reality.

1973 was a chance for “Last Utopy Armed”.1974 was a very important year for Dominican culture and solidarity exchange against censorship, repression and intolerance:

1). starting with “Convite” Group, and their devotion for folk research and sound experimentation, following with all creative effervescence, permitting us appreciate non official vision about our nationality, and our multiethnic roots, labor with genesis in all research about African heritages in Dominican culture, not only in music, including: cook, dress, spiritual life, religious expressions, linguistic patterns or similar;
2). 1974 was one few moments in recent history when artists, writers and social movement, find synchronicity within one event named “7 días con el pueblo” an international festival with participation from Spain, Cuba, South America and Puerto Rico;
3.) in other hand, alternative movement founded one place for experimental arts and literature: “Casa de Teatro” in Santo Domingo, currently the most important center of culture in Dominican Republic, within private or non government ground.

Personally, 1974 was a sad year. I loss my grandfather -my mom’s-, and this tragic event, suppose to abandon for ever La Vega, and move us to Santo Domingo.. After attendded to a public school in “Los Alcarrizos” -as punish for get not lucky results in maths- after our surprised move to Santo Domingo.

I knew Protestants religious concepts, theories about arts and free time, running 1976. This year I inner to high school: national nightmare was finishing. I knew, evangelists, concretely, at high school. They let me learn, about love for arts, choral music and theatre, specifically. Hector Fernandez Mata directed, first theatre group that accept me as amateur actor, and Mr. David, admitted me as bass singer, into the school chorus.

Acting Professors as Victor Checo and Jose Nunez, got one experimental Lycos theater group: “Circulo Teatral de Santiago” linked with official group in Beauty Arts School. There I got a exceptional opportunity for see living, acting, feeling the free speech concept, and additional chance for think universal values and theater.

To know, face to face, attend to their courses or workshops, and get opportunity for an interview for our student’s magazine, people as: Dean Zayas, Sergio Arraw, Alberto Rowinski, Jorge Huerta, Luis Felipe Rodriguez, and other professional artists in theatre field, invited by Rafael Villalona . Santiago de los Caballeros was by few years, national capital for experimental and new theatre movement, in Dominican Republic. Theses cultural contacts moved the interest and participation of GRATEY, GAYUMBA and COCOTEPO’s members, specially Basilio Nova and Jesus Sosa, two hardest workers for elevate quality levels of happening theatre, as Frank and R. Disla.

During all this process we met other youngest talented people from Santiago, as Robinson Aybar, Nelson Checo, Dulce Maria Santos, Lorenzo Martinez, and others. During those contacts and help me to see most clearly, what’s the importance of culture in development of nations in defense of their heritages and friendly exchange with rest of humanity. Freely of sectarisms.

Freely of myopias of ideologies, and absurd divisions of political parties for masses fronts. Together as one emergent class sector, around our strategies need for learn, and become better people for our country and humanity. We were all that we had chosen: young students in a transition to democracy. Nothing more.

Nothing less. Dominican society was very different, and we’re different too. People got major capacities for solidarity and ideals, less capacity for pragmatic analysis cost/benefits. Other edge. We’re kids: without familiar responsibilities, yet. Not family charges, not kids, not rent for pay: bills arriving, yet, to our parents. Under all positives stimulii, generated by impulse of “Centro de la Cultura de Santiago”, I wrote at 17 years old, my, only one, theatre play: “Resbalando por Caminos Lodosos y Estúpidos” (1979).

You can do it, if you feel it, if you need it, inside your soul or if you understand that neutrals or indifferents are no part of local or global solutions to our problems. I was in 3th or 4th degree in high school. One kid like you, now.

In my case, I experimented an exciting routine: attend high school; show up to Beauty arts school; to workshops in Centro de la Cultura; rehearsing plays, at the high school or in Beauty Arts School; solidarity shows up on marginalized sectors and socio-cultural clubs; social meetings in Centro Español or Country Club; speak and share with my family, make homework’s, go to dance with my aunts -later with my girlfriend- attend to meetings in student’s magazine, or see a movie, travelling across the country… and read.

A funny & alternative life.

1976-1984 were particulars and essentials years, for our current vocational elections, creative process and concepts about life. Years, under too much responsibilities and disciplines, keeping on humanities heritages - process, and social misunderstandings -finally, responsibilities into a vocational and hard link with solidarity, issues. Only one freedom, one life :one opportunity for happiness, in few words.

We’re not working for money, during all those more than ten years, because ‘daddies, pay for all’, but probably for this reason I made my part on this deal: finish as excellent student in entirely high school: 92-94 points over total of 100, final average in all. Few years ago, I saw Amin Abel Hasbun’s, final qualifications, all A or A+, in high school-by Colegio “brothers of La Salle”- in Colonial Zone, and let free my tears. One beast shooted him, and robbery a hope to this country. He’s destiny was one for each one of us, if we borned, 5 or ten years before, 1961. The university was a very different center and extra curricular experiences builded myself in the same way that currently our 80’s generation knows.

“Resbalando por Caminos Lodosos y Estúpidos” This play is about psychodelics ways of lives, and youth’s elections. Represented during this same year . In my personal opinion, never less cultural and theatre movement, find freely chances as 1979-1986, for local and unknown artists in Santiago de los Caballeros. Since, 1980, I was admitted as professional actor in Dominican Artists Union (AMUCABA), in Santo Domingo.

Sciences were not interesting for me, within cultural work, before 1980. Some metaphysics division between humanistic fields and math, physics, -or something in my mind- had created one wall a prejudice against sciences (and technologies included). In 1980, I knew to Clara Ornes, as my professor, in a propedeutic course of Philosophy, during preparatory courses College on University of Santo Domingo. She fixed my totally wrong perception about sciences and creative process. After this first semester, I discovered the most particular secret, for try to rehearse ‘kaysen’ on my future life: social sciences and their powerful linked with humanistic studies. I remember her words, and deeply senses infuse:

“[…] freedom is not a word, only. Freedom is not a law that gives you a right. Freedom is a grade in relation or proportion, with your capacity for fight, against your own ignorance; Jumping the limits of your own mediocrity, second by second, day by day, across all the existence: learning and forgetting; Teaching and learning, without stop. University can’t give you freedom or wisdom. University only can give you methods, for try to find, explore or understand, the truth, and connect your life, and works with a cultural, scientific, humanistic or conceptual tradition. University can teach you the rules, which you must to broke, for keep moving sciences, beyond the borders. Your responsibility as young artist is try to do it, originally, within a dialectical process, together with your friends, into your own community. It’s going to be impossible try to become universal: if you don’t know enrichment of your own roots, history, traditions, authors, cultural products, structural obstacles, for develop free thought or criticism. If you don’t know nothing about yourself, inside, your unconscious, deliriums, instinctive universes are important too…intuition exists in philosophy and into all scientific process […]”

This ‘discover’ not happen before, because I was less intelligent, or not, than other. The thing was that coming from a private school, nobody explains me before, which all social categories, linked with real people in ordinary lives, day by day.

After this course I loss my ideological ‘innocence’. I understood perfectly: that is impossible to find a way, ‘politically correct’ for produce values, as aesthetic, ethic or ‘universal’ tips, if you can’t understand rational basis of society and culture, the ground where you’re moving your creativity, as author of sciences or arts; and pretend neutrality into a very violent social structures, is hypocrisy.

Aesthetics, conceptual and logical frames are radically different in arts and mediatic communication -with “yellow” press, or ‘trash radio’, or ‘trash-TV’, in technical words –not as judge values or prejudiced view points- and those view points, permits identify with others experimentalisms, non conformances, and plural views, about professional management on mass communication industries and their role on local, regional and national development. Now, within knowledge society and new paradigms, I think those values gets a new opportunity for build democratic and not censored flows of information, not in Caribbean region, into all non industrialized nations, but results essential, for arise quality and independence of local and regional decisions.

Trujillo’s dictatorship imposed one particular concept –and censorship network on Dominican institutions, dedicated to ‘defend’ ‘mores’, ‘not offenses to friends countries’, ‘protect’ childhood’s innocence, etc- about what is legal, convenient, moral and necessary within cultural industries –editing, press, audio, television and video clips- linked with tolerance to dissident thought, more than 70 years on XX Century. That kind of reforms got not opportunity to be realized, 10, 20, 30, years after Trujillo’s regime, but if social organizations, really think in freedom of speech, probably we can enjoy it, during our generation.

Culture’s Master Plan (2002-2012) suggested suppress political, religious, or administrative censorship within our sector in Dominican, but the institution, still alive, so anyway, without any representation from specialized criticism, behave sciences, or social sciences on this Board, named National Commission from Public Shows and Radio’s Broadcasting.

I broke the wall, and start to love, with curiosity and passion, social scientists’ roles and texts on countries as Caribbean societies, at the same time, that start to read about ‘theology of liberation’. Unconsciously, I had fall in other reductionism: sociologism or anthropologism.

I found new tools for reorient my creative perspective, after know about ‘poetique historique’ by H. Meschonnic, and study specificity of poetry or literary writings, years later. With only 18 years all the planet seem as easy for conquest, but in this moment I started to think how much damage, did the dictatorship, not opening schools and health services, for all, and reducing millions of citizens to elementary contacts with: math, reading and ‘civic education’ skills. This pervert practice for non support cultural, educational or scientific values, in national budget, now more than fifty years later, had not change too much in Dominican Republic, in one generation, our generation.

International factors, within a unipolar concept or control of world, as: ‘knowledge’s society’, ‘globalization’ and neo liberal model for organize all societies. Into current days, are demanding: high levels, new competences, and knowledge in labor force, for make most creative, most competitive and more social investments in our contribution, as nations, to regional integration with our brothers and sisters, from Grand Caribbean, Latin America and Third World.

It’s not too late: Dominicans, Caribbean, and Third World’s peoples. Together with excludes to the planet, as giant, multicultural nation, is not impossible: empowerment for justice and human solidarity.

‘Invisibilities’ on citizenships.

The ingrates, and largest, multicultural motherland on the planet. Forgotten people, a magnificent global nation, across geographic and politic borders. Unlimited flag -and territory- on each mind and memory, with one universal ID: hurts as victims of intolerance, discrimination and absence of democratic treatment in priorizing their skills as survivors on the earth! A new poor nation: all free and hurt souls to the planet.

Citizens for peace, solidarity, suppression of borders and prejudices, in humankind exchanges. They’re new results in this transition to a new century, achievement heritages into global melting pot, or alternative history of anger and inequities: a new generation for hope rehumanize, or non-alienated, life on the earth.

Tobin’s generation it’s something more than one marketing’s profile. Tobin’s generation it’s one hypothetic or symbolic construction. It’s ‘members’ are close, united on horror and tears on global and local asymmetric for access to information, but they’re more than sentimentalists or victims on current darkness and circumstances.

They gets not one edge range, or specific occupational, racial, ethnic, or marital profile, fortune, benefits for clientele or patrimonial systems, in public management policies or services, drive governments into State-nations, civic or military corruption fruits within municipal or regional or external debt on Third World.

Casino’s capitalism or stocks transactions; neither for sell, manufacturing or weapons trafficking, on the world; neither for slavery or sexual exploitation, destruction of democratic governments, for select gorillas, as ruling class in peripheral nations.

They believe in democracy, with participation, ‘checks & balances’, legal and judicial control of public powers, human rights, respect for self-determination principles, non extraterritorial and unilateral laws, creative use of free time, are sensitive, irreverent front arbitraries authorities, recognize that planet is property of all.

Understands and work -so hard as possible- for express sensibility, linked with those particular ‘globalization of humankind values’, permits understand why multilateralism, and particularly UNESCO’s concepts -for organize our planet, within pluralism and multicultural celebrating differences- are very popular on local and global citizens, in early times on XXI century. Today must be useful, for our kids, and their families, for this reason support all efforts against unilateral uses of violence, racism or intolerance in relations with social life or paths for explore and exploit natural resources in sustainable ways.

Their motherland is nowhere, because exist in permanent plans for travel, for save their life: into a nation, in balsas or pneumatics, ‘yolas’, or generally walking, running to ethnic cleansing, peacemakers, generals, earthquakes, coup d’ etat, hurricanes, storms, as mad nomads, unrooted people, in XXI century.

Finally, after civil uses of internet, they star to articulate Tobin’s nation on cyberspace, coordinating their reflexive works within socio-cultural networks. Some of them are militants to objection of conscience in matters as pay taxes, dedicated to sponsor wars, interruption of democratic process in non-industrialized countries, or isolationism, xenophobe, or military budget. They’re same guys on the scales, that prophet’s said in their poems.

As historical Jesus, they getn’t a pillow for take rest, after unlimited Labor Day. A Labor Day extended by more than 400 hundreds years in America. They’re little Gods, existing and finding friends and folks in everywhere: Washing crystals, selling flowers, on the corners; sleeping in a bed with latest newspapers, a rainy day; dancing around the steel tanks, after snow storms; traveling insulting distances by auto-stop, for attend to the school or university; their folks speaks all languages, and dance with all music’s in this planet; other are making a row for show up, into a rural hospital.

The Tobin’s generation gets the ubiquity, but misses the hope for change. Stand up! for your legitimate rights to exist, in everywhere. Just, right now! Tomorrow maybe, is going to be too late, for rescue our voices, dignity, languages and heritages: As persons. As citizens. As workers. As lovers of life right as channel for exciting existences, full of colors, challenges, ludens and happiness. We don’t need, more heroes or martyrs.

Humankind not needs more civilians as victims of Ministers of War, and their prayers thirsty vocation as partners’ trafficking of death, management all tears, on the planet. This same youth who had discover all selfish in each administration, need to build a different planet for exist, safe of nightmares, with their families. Not more jungle’s ‘laws’!! Not more sharks and sardines stories!!.

Let’s go to redefine a new global alliance for peace, democracy and multicultural rights!. The rights from each one: to exist with his/ her particular heritages and lifestyles. The right to acquires tools for eco-development by themselves. Basis of civil societies get this responsibility for their own kids; not old gerontocracies into bureaucracies ruling political parties, unions, universities, or corrupted armies sponsoring dictatorships, on the planet.

We knew was possible training these human sources one or two generations before, but ruling class, select a ‘best strategic’: kill the students, for their own thoughts. Now. We’re asking them to be critical persons. Now, we want, we need, youth autonomy for a reflexive practice, within scholar system or at the university. To develop alternatives radically different to ‘light’ and isolationism Era, for scream freedom and respect for life as essential human right, in everywhere, requires abandon comfortable ‘trust’ in all processors of information or agencies, and retake free humanistic research.

Today, drink directly to the sources is a real guarantee. You’ll probably think that is more peaceful to listen people who really knows about cardinals questions to the world, your teacher, your priest, your doctor, your father, finally you get not chance for exercise you imagination or capacity for make intelligent questions, and probably feel, after all those diluvia’s discourses, that this suggestion maybe, was pertinent.

If you prefer, you can stay - as a perfect kidnapped of your own environment - watching news in your own neighbor or country, or reading fashion’s magazines, or addressing, signing, white checks, to any human Messiah, in current moments of humanity.

Truth is not served alone in any time, probably exits inside the ‘sandwich’ on appearances. It’s under all make up, provide for agencies specialized in create enormous confusions, chantage, or repression, for paralyze all global, agenda, concentrated in sustainable development, for all, including themselves. Official thoughts on the earth are sick. Official corporative cultures and discourses get the illness of our new century: selfish. Flags vampires, and ethnocentrisms, as shadows, manufactured for hallucinated delirants. Daily breakfast, for innocents, kids, and blind believers.

Neo-mythologies, for hate crimes. New excuses for keep sane statistics and employ rates, within giant plants for make more experimental weapons, designed thinking in hunting phantoms, as hachissim, in ancient India.

Today everybodies’ re fixing laws and making new invisible borders. Skin heads with uniforms, or witness to a ritornello to Roger Walter’s old songs. So xenophobic, as emigration rated in zero, as ‘blue eyes snake’, within nations where third and fourth edge, generate natality zero: narcotics shadows. Life as death’s metaphor, exist each day as a gambling player, waiting for win the lotto, a postmodern Western paradox. As background, one universal hungry of: hope, proponent vocations, democracy and justice. Delights dreams. or plates, in everywhere.

Distraction strategies for put away central points on debates or interests of humankind are like a mediatic drugs, irresponsible escapisms in front complexity of economies, societies and this current transition to a new century, post cold war, founded in universal goals, demands or needs, as: redefine roles for United Nations General Assemble, for help the planet to restart under parameters, basically, for :

• a rational use of natural resources;
• resolve problems as misery or hungriest, nauseated weapons trafficking from wealthy nations to Third World;
• build solidarity, with emigrants, refugees or political exiles;
• fight with legal tools, against poverty, authoritarism, and economic, cultural, sexual preferences or social exclusion, in our rural villes, cities, regions, nations, continents.

All those steps, finally’re going to permit to our generation, rescue this planet as a motherland for all, in democracy. This challenges, requires quality of information, for take free, and sourverain decisions, as individuals, as citizens, as nations, as institutions on civil society.

More than ever find the truth is a complex process. An permanent battle, against orthodoxy, and their manicheists superficiality: good-bad, evil-good, motherland-humanity, etc.

The real world is more complex than all theories or ideologies, use analytical tools, for find the interest, and rescue democratic values, are a problem of humanity, that never are going to be a goal to the mega-corporations of news, as said recently, the director to radio television in Spain:

“private television get their own interests, needs, and strategies; public television, represents and management other standards, as social rentability for make a significative contribution to culture, global understanding, and democratic development, into a community”.

Those same objectives and priorities gets civil societies and independent analysis of news and facts, into a society, when you are interested in help to all, not only defend your personal, national or multinational values, priorities or potential for obtain profit. First step, is develop a solid conscious of doubt, and try to find evidences, in capacity for permit you see most clearly the scenery.

Ignorance is a mortal risk in those days, because instrumentalizing people’s ignorance, Hitler ‘gain’ the power, and after them, through more than one germane generation to destroy Europe, for make mention to one tragedy of discrimination, violence and intolerance, who started in a fraudulent election process.

Is this a joke of faith? Probably some nightmares are understanding, by experimental techniques of absurd, the same funny good story, about aliens, visiting the land for understand ‘humans cultures and civilizations’, in a Galeano’s text. The same questions in each mind. Today exist only survivors, for work in a re-launching into caribbeans, Latin americans or Third World economies, cultures, and societies, across XXI century.

The brain drain had done the rest for spiritual crisis in our nations. Is it not enough, for learn about our tragedy, more than one century? Why is impossible to change procedures if global scenery, had changed and challenge our imagination, and capacity for create on inclusive democratic, participative a multicultural global order? Is necessary destroying other generation, and other, and so on, and so on, other ab infinitum? Only late for understand, and try to start to run, against discriminatives patterns, in educational opportunities. How many time is necessary for exile wars for ever on the earth, build a multyfocus and multicultural civilization founded, not in fear, or weapons business controls, only in principles of laws, self-determination, non intervention and solidarity, into nations, peoples and cultures? How many millions more, innocent victims, need to be cached for ministers of war and weapons sellers on the planet, for re-conquest universal peace? Is impossible to dream and create one order thinking in all nations, and minorities on the planet?

Is our violence and intolerance, best option for keep safe humankind, and our civilization? Which ‘civilization’ is this? Is returning today, the stone Era’s diplomatique? Is it wild jungle law? Where are the values: on cemeteries on battle, concentration or extermination, camps? Are them the same places? Are on vacation ‘judges’ from international community? Are we writing the end to the road, our own testament as democratic generation?

Phantoms of fascist’s re-birding in homes of classic formal freedoms? What about childhood on the poor countries are they ‘wasted people’, too? How many: Rembrandt, Beethoven, Einstein, Copernico, Columbus, Harvey, Washington, Adam Smith, Shakespeare, Ford, Mandela, Garvey, Kepler, Cervantes, Jackson, or other prominent classics, are we agreed to murder at South countries and territories, before they get chance for arrive to one elementary school around the planet? Are we killing them only for born in a hungriest country? Is this a sin? Who’s guilty for get not chance for elect where wants to born? Are returning with other masks: the progroms or ‘ethnic cleaners’, as with Native americans nations, but in silence and non- public witness ‘military or crusades campaigns’, happening to hundreds or thousands of miles, from home?

The human life is sacred for God, but we’re most powerful and get other values about justice than him? Why? Is winning humanity or bestiality, this planetary ‘war’ against civilian populations, unlimited racist, and fascist? Is now the army the public relations committee, for all dark or clear business? Is necessary a Sabbath time, for all multilateral justice system, after selected military option for all expansive needs, into a globalized order? Who is winning and where, with all those craziness? Is the new global order one where ALL non-caucasic citizens to the planet, are suspicious for something: drugs dealing or terrorism?

Where finish democratic controls to global risk for peace on the world , and where and how start a regime to be insert into parameters of fascist or exterminates as ‘radical solutions’ for poverty and exclusion problems? What are the ethics values, if a corporation in each country use bankruptcy of civil rights to all citizens, for make a business for few elites, in a foreign country, using the army of each nation, as a joke against taxpayers, in everywhere?

Who can feel happiness, on sensible, formal, and legal society, after this perfect shit? How to paint, sing, act, write with joy, when all planet is crying? Where is the power and independence from ‘fourth’ power? Are we building in foreign countries a ‘world peace system’ for garbage, stones, sands, and oils, only? Is going to be changed the war against poverty for a global crusade against poor citizens to the planet, at North or as South, or both?

Are we planning become o new democracy, or a new global monarchy, against all who try to ask for legal rights, soverany and defend their own natural resources? 2005 is so close -in our promises and protocols, heritage from Latin American Presidents Summit, Miami, 1994- for open our societies to global concurrency, the same that researchers as John Saxe Fernández, by UNAM (Mexico), named: “freedom of concurrence between sharks and sardines […] 100 mega companies concentrated 76% from all global trade on the earth […]”…

With this familiar and cultural baggage, and for find new answers to old problems into humanistics fields, I arrived to faculty, and simultaneity to Cultural Universitary Movement (CUM, MCU in Spanish), two years after democratic transition on my own country (1980)..

I entered to the universitary’s cultural movement, when Mariano Morillo, was directing “Teatro- Estudio”; Orlando Urbáez, was ruling, folk dance department; Mario Diaz took place left by songwriter Enrique Felix, few months ago, in music department; Chamound Acosta, coordinate Choral Poetry department; Later, Roque Cid Cid, substituted to Morillo, as General Director of “Teatro-Estudio”, and I was designed as Sub director, and acting teacher, for the group, at the same time that Director of Literary Department -after poet Dionisio de Jesus, left this department in CUM, becoming, an official Cesar Vallejo’s Literary Workshop member- and coordinator for Education United for all, more than 450 members of movement, in production, aesthetics, and concept for educational approach with different kind of communities, in all the nation, who demand our solidarities and cultural services.

Each six months, we get freely elections. And everything ran ‘normally’, as a collective for vocational and solidarity goals. The composition by faculties into membership was approximately: Humanities (30%); Management & Social Sciences (15%); Laws & Political Sciences (20%) Pure Sciences (5% or less); Architecture & Engineering (15%); Health Sciences ( 5% or less); Agronomical & Veterinaries (10%).

We’re, as ‘emeceuists’, in everywhere on Campus, including farmer in Engombe,as freely and democratic space for think, teach, learn and create, solutions for Universitary project in permanent contact with international dialogue and letters, magazines, booklets, exchanges.

This profile by faculty is a contrast with last contact with this institution, that I got, with our dearest colleagues, into socio-cultural animation, Chamound Acosta & Victor Gerónimo, during last year: currently militants are essentially from non humanistic sectors, accountants, managements, etc the structure and services are very small, since as 15 or 20% total of members that we left, in 1986, but the university get now 100% more students (“more than 110,000 students, December, 2001”, following “Cadena de Noticias”, News, Santo Domingo,12/18/2001) .

Total membership currently, were completed atomized, less than 100, in October 2000. Currently authorities, in one absolute irrational disposition, suppressed the possibility for scholarship, (named BET) for members, retiring the possibility that members: work, for this facility ½ time schedule (22 hours/week), as volunteer, as all organization like that in all the planet. In this sense current management are using double expoliation of labor forces, because volunteers not receive reimburses for their expenditures as transport and diet, and finally need to find a full time employ, into public or private sector, lossing the movement his/her skills, training, talent, during all labor week. It’s a horrible management’s pattern in my opinion.

If you require coordinate operative labors (promoting, caption new candidates, extension programs, workshops, teach, study, attend to other courses, coordinate with speakers, professors, friends, colleagues and communities, absorb too much time and logistic sources), renewal, faces, schedules, and faculties facilities, are necessary. Justice in exchange is essential for management volunteers workers, inclusive within vocational fields, or the institution get not chance for grow in all directions, inclusive inside the campus; because influence’s areas are concentrated only in one or two faculties.

Atomization becomes extreme: only exist dances and theatre, and nothing more. They had loss 3 kind of departments of sections, an really it’s a pain. But each one, it’s going to be historically responsible for procedures that select to use, with their colleagues in a volunteer institution as CUM, at XXI century. By five years on the faculty and in CUM board, I got other chance for watch, starting 80’s, read, visit, attend, dance, make love, to know authors, visit meetings on “Cesar Vallejo” literary workshop, as a machine making circles to high velocity with a Pink Floyd song, as background. I remember during labor days, since 1981, I tauch literature, social sciences and English in two or three different high schools, at Southwest of Santo Domingo. The courses at faculty started after three or four, and I remember a joke, by Dr. Abel Fernandez Mejia “we must to change the name to the faculty, for faculty of grapes/uvanidades”, explaining that it’s impossible for freely humanists, teach on early morning, after an hard activity, painting exposures, book circulations, receptions, etc, during the nights.

Literary workshops, rehearses, and meetings in CUM, were during weekend: all the weekend, without grapes and wine, for leaders. Excepting tragic accident with professor Dario Solano, nothing sad, happen on the faculty, during these years. Everything was all right in our very tolerant micro universe, the faculty. University was as one giant accuarium, extended by 1km2, after Renovation Movement (1965).

A little island, inside another once, where utopias got chance for takes a breath. A national symbol of hope, a practice, and theoretical community, who thinks first in faith of communities, cultures and sustainable development, ‘a land for dreamers’ with equity and irreverent styles, by management public policies.

A ‘cathedral’ for freedom of cathedra, and tolerance too believes. After think and write this, I can understand better, more than twenty years after, my militant resistance to my father idea that insert my history as student, in a private university, in Santiago de los Caballeros. We definitively not fitted, under vertical authorities in a private high education, institution. This is the public university. Watching inside, as an slow motion scene. Not the few seconds where she appears on the news or newspapers, bombing, people running, or lay down, for save their lifes from the bullets.

A melancholic vision, as only want possible, when you speak about people, corners, ruins, concerts, dialogues, that you had loved intensively, and live, caressing yourself, into your spirit as North, by more than twenty years. One enormous place, as big live heart of motherland free persons, today with more than 110,000 souls, drinking on sources unlimited lands and rivers of knowledge.

Probably, 65 or 75% from their students’ population, without, any other option for study, out of public offers of high education. Yesterday, tomorrow, and forever, the public universities get detractors and enemies, who wants privatize it, kill the autonomy, and exile cathedra freedom for ever: for opening other cold night on sciences, technologies, and arts, slavery under the dictak of ‘real politik’. Our roles, are not permitted it, into our young democracies.

Freedom, food and Education as the most elementary rights in XXI century, socio-economics demands, that all son and daughter to each nation can’t change for other priorities, or loss it all their dreams for build tolerance and multicultural dialogue, between present, past and future.

A chance become responsible and conscious citizen, proactive participant on labor world, and strategy decision about each one of our countries, and economic-cultural integration, without exclusions in America.

Our generation got privileges impossible for victims of intolerance, in immediately before, promotion of writers, communitarian leaders, thinkers, advertisers, and moviemakers. We’re citizen with conscious of our right for learn, live and dream into a pluralist, contradictory, societies, where modernity’s codes and a rural feudal structure, coexists, as cellular phone, international migrations flows, and donkey or horses, as transports system in our days; the imponent condo towers, luxury tourism establishments, borning with a satelital dish at roof, with ‘Indians poverty or favelas’, using as roof cans of oil, ‘yagua’ or ‘cana’ at poorest and deeply South, East or Haiti border line, regions ; or contrasts in our lovely Santo Domingo-La Capital, making a magical line under territory, cutting abundance, and global cosmovision, between our ‘cool district’ John F. Kennedy Ave. at North, Colonial Zone, W. Churchill Ave or A. Lincoln Ave., finishing at South into Caribbean Sea, compare with very economic and social slums as Katanga, Guachupita, Los Guandules, Canta La Rana, Gualey, Pantoja, or other non less famous marginalized sectors, for their poverty, across all country.

Constant contradictions with their demands: cosmopolitan areas vs. slums in urban or municipal chaos services, and under shadows ‘investments’ for privatization. Unlimited possibilities for think the nation and it’s destiny as democratic project. This nation. It’s impossible not take party for freedom, when the ocean bring us only waves of intolerances or cretinism.

Humankind got moments like this before, and risk of personal freedom, torments or death, never stopped, social process for changes and justice, for right to learn or make questions, as only one channel for change, under experimental protocols, labs, social sciences tools, shooting in same direction: change error, for truth. With something impossible of control with violence: the freely opinion, founded in comparative evidences, not in values juices.

This Christmas, 2001, humankind needs re-launch alternative visions for hate crimes against humanity as ecocide, ethnocide or genocides, repression cultural spaces as dissidence channels, and human rights violation, or admit that humanities are inning to their own suicide, on planetary scale.

Progressive process of destruction freely access to objective information, auto-censorship or ‘institutional suggestions’ for blockade exercise 19 article, into Universal Human Rights declaration, not permits a civilized coexistence into the New Global Unipolar Order (NGUO), at the same time, that new international laws into industrialized nations, generate a paranoid police-state, giving to presidents, or security agencies, the same ‘discretional’ right to intruder in privacy, freedom or right to exist, for persons, nations or cultures, remaking the oldest and discredited formula from “national security on risk or under attacks”.

Something horrible is happening. Now is not time for sleep. Illegitimate and unilateral solutions, is a bankruptcy of legal possibilities for resolve, self-determination aspirations, and re-install, now into industrialized nations, the same rules, barbarian and anti-ethics rules, of National Security principles, elevated to status of new science for assume development problems and complexities at South nations, and domestic social ‘surgery’.

Independent sciences. Independent thoughts. Independent institutions are more need than ever, today. Time and action. Time and reflexive return to democratic principles for political solutions into our conflictive, and powerful contrasting world, on the gate of one giant recessives landscape, for economic activities and a refractarian attitude to freedom speech, under ‘old tales and excuses’ as immanent danger.

We can see our own reality, seek in our recent history, for take the lesson on this mirror. Only dictatorships suppose that a peaceful opinion is a dangerous element for development: sciences, arts, activism, and pressure parliament and United Nations system, in direction to stop incapacities of global leaders for understand current moment in history of humanity, need to express, within prudential and rational ways, for save humanity of a new holocaust. Institutional holocaust. Not bacteriological or nuclear nightmares or phantoms, only.

One independent opinion can’t save humanity in certain moments, but is patent evidence that a lucid conscious disagree -and not complicity with consequences- in one political or cultural action. Silence or doubts are only other masks for generational irresponsibility, a non-consistence between words, theories and socio-cultural practices, and their ethics. More than ever, today.

When all is near or linked, explore those links are essential for future in our societies. To see on mirror, is a sad, but necessary task: forgive without forget, on spiritual challenge! After Trujillo’s Era, Universitary family was fractured by exiles, political crimes, arrests of intellectuals -an arm broke to poet Mateo Morrison, for example- forbidden ideologies, systems of believes, and hard cultural repression.

We were drinking on the river, just when to be thirsty of knowledge was not a sin, when stay together with difference, not mean a reason for violence or absurd hateful speeches. We’re learning to exist in democracy without appellations to terrorist methods, for resolve the question of dissidences. Vulnerability and invisibility, are the most powerful border for block a communitarian participation in reinvent make better as habitat, our slums, no only within our political or religious borders or boundaries.

Eros over Tanatos.

Humankind during this XXI century needs to avoid, institutional and international system where Gaia spirit for open a new decade, not more selective crimes or justification for sell few liberties existent today in an arbitrarial and very egotistic return, to basis of barbarian powers, when systematic vocation for murder, people, who you don’t know are feed in socialization agencies, as instinctive of racial, political, technologic or militar superiority, understood as capacity for broke all rules of peaceful coexistence within diversity within the nietschean voluntee of power, available for supermen.

All preconcepts for justify the return of Salem’s spirit for communicate unilateral decisions, are incompatible with human hope, and legitimate right: open XXI century, changing bayonets, for political treats; the horror’s screams after bombing, for new rational deals, where, war and ethnical or political cleansing, get not ethic, or human justification, as show United Nations with Convention against genocide.

Open minds for see freely, reasons, alternatives, within a democratic debate, using tools of sciences or hermeneutics. It’s too difficult understand that some times, for example a generation of ex-slave owners, went to the courts, for allegation ‘that civil rights act, were a conspiracy, against freedom business liberty, because admitting by federal disposition Negroes in their business, suppose a violation to their property rights, and ways for management their business, parks, restaurants, buses, or bars’.

Property rights, and individualism, the privileges for ruling classes only can be understanding, returning to make one inventory, history inventory to the intolerance, and make, into each corner to the earth, firm promise, for find tools for build a new order centered in due process, laws, and general interest, for inhabitants to the planet, wherever they’d born. This master’s mentality is a serious risk for globalization human rights and democracy, beyond the words, and propaganda.

Capacities for think, speak, and act with responsibility, and recognizing limits and differences, are radically the distance between illustrated despotism and democracy, useful boundary for understand where finish, a democratic dialogue and show its horrible nails and faces tyranny, something that we’d learned on public university campuses: Under one tree. On the scales. It’s happen during, lunchtime. Aesthetics, Arts Theories, or Criticism courses teach by Fernando Vargas; Pedro Mir or Diogenes Céspedes, independently of advertising campaigns as “Feflas vigila”, and too many misunderstood, that finish by normal channels in long meeting within Technical Sub-Committee in the Faculty.

Narciso Gonzalez, editing his useful “Callejón Con Salida”, magazine, writing humor sketches, for “Show del Mediodia”, TV program; Vanna Ianni, Jose Mármol, and other authors producting “Centauro” a literary-philosophic weekly Suplement; Roberto Duverge and Fidelio Despradel, editing selected readings of Classics; Diogenes Céspedes and his “Cuadernos de Poética” or their contribution to current discourse in humanistic fields, translating H. Meschonnic, task shared, independently, by Manuel Núñez, and Manuel Matos Moquete.

Probably one day, this country decides make justice, to editors and translators to all those years, as people who sacrificed their few free time, for rest after two or threes, employs, for think with a concrete play, in must young generation of writers, thinkers, students, curious, cronopes, hanky pankies, or delight readers, within barthesians concepts for this practice.

Humberto Frías keeps teaching movies semiology; Frank Almánzar, teaching graphical arts; Máximo Avilés Blonda and his introduction to literary studies, just in a corner of faculty, and his eternal cigarette.

The National Cinemateque, with great circles Jappan, French, Scandinavian, and other exotics reasons for organize cine-forums. The Dean, Dr. Antonio Lockward Artiles, it’s a co-founder of CUM, after Trujillo’s regime, and Vice-Dean, Dr. Hector Martinez, in the same way.. They help us, a lot for make possible our rol, within faculty and in too many other coordination for logistic support, in travels, audio-visual authorizations, during week ends, etc.

In other hand, without this daily support in give us for each director of career, answer and explaining some doubts, making suggestions or criticism, during this time, as Ivan Grullón (Modern Languages); Carmen Duran (Anthropo-Historician); Angel Moreta (Philosophy); Onofre de la Rosa (Journalism & Mass Communications); Nora Nivar (Literature & Linguistics); Amable Sterling (Arts & Advertising) or Virgilio Bello Rosa’s moral support in this time, yet linked with our faculty.

Two generations: one mature and other emergent, building a bridge and transdisciplinar dialogue, remembering social-cultures services, for thousands excluded people. Without all these: stencils, ink, coffee, smiles of complicity, and comprehensive dimension about socio-cultural impact of systematic contacts, in help people to open by themselves, horizons, and learn with the real basis of Dominican society, within a democratic dialogue, respecting and sponsoring the differences for creative and debates proposes, without them, we got not chance of obtain 40%, in results across our something less than hundred kilometers, across this country, running, month by months, in rural areas, theatres, festivals, folk events, etc.

Today rescuing all those experiences on memories, on time pages: public sector, still been essential, for make difference in social, moral or technologic support in different degrees intervention into a local village, in non industrialized nations, independently of global ‘recipes’, claiming by structural adjust..

We still assume that the local diagnostics, or probably between 30 and 60% of them must be make it by own citizens, and their territorial organization, they’re sovereigns in their expressions of pleasures, needs or desires, finally they’re who are paying salaries in public administration. Board of Humanities Faculty, including co-government of students, gave us, something absolutely out their budget: time for listen, for feel identify with our little victories, in quotidian order. They’d believe in sustainable development of provinces, and regions, before this subject started to sound ‘fashion’ or snob, in cultural or academic circles. For this reason I still believe this coincidence in time-space was, the most powerful synergy for national and international image to the movement, in Latin American, Caribbean and Europe, in this moment.

The scholars, teachers, Dean, and Chairmen on careers, had manifested a faith in our efforts, and devotion for put cultural initiatives on the streets, with marginalized sectors, as prophylaxis, against corruption and alienation of youth; interuniversitary and interclub exchanges, across all country, beyond natural differences of styles, schools or philosophic ideas, in each case.

Probably in this moment is a great chance for say thanks to all Chairman of department, and Union of Dominican Students (UDE/ FED, in Spanish), and too different rectors magnificent, during these years (1981-1986), without their solidarity, and without one official budget, as CUM operated, within Public University, our projects, campaigns, workshops, and internal training, never happen successfully.

Exactly, on humanities’ faculty during all those extracurricular activities, I had found the real way for become a professional writer! : feel freely, and try to be independent honest in criticism to myths, authoritarian, exclusives, patrimonialist and clientele roots in our daily habits, for management public actives, institutions as micro or macro powers, and his relation with sustainable development, building, recreating collective memorize, with our heroes, battles for keep alive our spiritual cultures, and simultaneity express solidarian hope, with excluded sectors in our societies; linking this imaginary and expressive need with all global movement for peace, democracy, multiculturalism and tolerance.

In other side on coin, all those experiences -multigenerational, transdisciplinars events- against all modality of arbitrarial powers, academic, cultural, economic, sexist, or political, exploring -within sciences and technologies- routes for keep existing as insulars, and world citizens, in this break down to a new millennium, where history get not chance for finish, and wealthy is concentrated on few points to the planet, against, inclusive capacities for impulse in democratic way national projects, and possibilities keep running nation-state, heritage from XIX century and postcolonial status in our young nations .

Had been select this option it’s not the most safe way of life existent on the earth, but probably permits a reencounter with literary works, philosophy, cultural extension and urgent local, regional, national and continental alternative agenda. This new agenda, created starting 90’s, for a new participative, creative and reflexive ethics, on the planet under chantage, masks and dark intention or wealthy nations for unknown, basis for a respectful dialogue, broken unilaterality legality and legitimacy, into multilateral system, between cultures, ways of organization of services and natural resources, for self-development in everywhere, at XXI century.

The new social contract, post Rousseau contexts, post Cold War, are indispensable, to be designed for stop the alternatives offered for rescue all conquest’s rapacity, and defend freedom in absolute terms, following Benito Juarez terms and limits: “respect for rights to the others, is the only one possibility for peace”.

This simple sentence, suppose a non violent -by legal mediation with the otherness- capacity for dialogue, investments, and recognizing, existence of humankind, out our homes, out our neighbors, overseas, and think each plan, action or pretensions, taking the place to the other, as member for the same brotherhood, and reject and condemns, all intent to reestablish apartheid not only for racial motivations, for economic goals, into humankind. This view point assumes that each one: calculate and see himself on the mirror to the spirit of tragedy, into our theorical, methodological, commercial ‘innovations’, for keep moving trade and overseas’ business. This is way nobody, people or nation, can protect himself for seat above the law.

Global courts, global principles, global interests are precise, as rational guarantee for all, front arbitrarieties, all intention for obstruct, with legal disposition, a privilegiate status acquired by use of strength is inadmissible, under post slavery, and post despotic vocation into human beings, for exist on the planet, recognizing the humanity to the other.

Institutional global consensus, represented in United Nations Assemble, express the new face, within humanity history. Try to empowerment these institutions and other complementariness, on the future, suppose for humanity, the rescue of diplomacy, out chantage, and revalorization to the Letter Foundation to the U.N. as something more than words, and good intentions, as a guarantee, a permanent reference, for keep running development and asymmetric development process on the world, ‘from needs kingdom to freedom’s kingdom’, opening channels for these benefits, gradually, but without stop the process, be available for all.

One step more, ahead into humanizing multireferential exchanges, across the earth. And that’s the ethic reason why criminalization to the right to protest, to express peaceful and honestly, levels of non-satisfaction, with the order by the victims, are a powerful channel for understand, where, we’d cross the line, in capacity to show us the last line, between life and death, for cultures, nations, territories, neighbors or villes: the right to stay alive, and be accepted within each particular symbolic world, for the other.

Socio-cultural, environment and economic impact within global policies are supposing impacts, if are positive or negatives, only can be determinate by the statistics, expressions, and internal feelings within communities affected. Is not true, that ‘client every time is right, about the way that perceive satisfaction, for their elections’? When administrative sciences discovery this principle, the Western world to the business changed, but only within particular or corporative interests, the thing is that within public sphere, it’s not different. Berry, Zeitham or Parasuraman and globalifobics protests showed the same non-satisfaction, that when you return a radio, a gift or a book to the store, because is not working good, a sourverain right, for all consumer, as is a right for all humankind, express when, how and where, broke the equity, quality life and expectations.

If the administration to the store use a gun for force clients to admit, buy, or use their products, the basis to the exchange are definitively destroy it. Where is in this hypothetical instant the freedom for choosing? Where is in this case the breakpoint free concurrence, with projects, offers, and ideas? All Psychological, verbal, physical or cultural damages, pressures, violent invocation to the might myth: unite-truth-totality, get nothing in common with civilized lifestyles, as radical distinction with arbitrarial power uses, into the family, on the neighbors, at municipal power, as regional solution, as global policy for development.

Avoid use of violence, and its tragic, institutional or non institutional, public or private results: patriarchal, domestic violence, collusion, corruption, slavery, colonialism, racism and wars, demand that each citizen, employ or unemployed, as all members to the family at home, try to participate, identifying the best, not only the first solution for the problems.

More than 800 years of capitalism, and all violence implicit within this process in everywhere, the traumatic experiences of II World Wars, and Einstein’s prophetic visions for III and IV global wars, not permit us to doubt, about what is the estimated correct, for people, communities who appreciate the life, the joyful pleasure of existence, and our capacities for work for sustainable peace and equity, principles for new multipolar order in democracy.

After A-bomb we get not right to try to keep playing pre-nuclear games, or we’re gambling with the money, the dreams, the hope from all inhabitants to the planet, for defend our own interest, as unconscious minority, radiated by hungry, nudity, thirsty, starving community as post dinner obscenity spectacle, and this gap is not definitively the best solution for the future of democracy, as something more than one useful word, out our own, vocation for destroy it wherever, when ‘I get not the control’ at home, and overseas.

Intolerant mentality, and corporative interests, for justify ideological, ‘philosophical’ or violently, exclusion and manicheists view points, as strategies for suppress legitimate demands for respect human rights and access to democratic order, in global scales, get not chance to be imposed at XXI century, if first the pretentious, not destroy the multilateral system, send to permanent vacation judges, lawyers, and diplomatic channels for prevent or avoid superpowers abuse. Hitlerian’s experiences show the same patterns into this particular issues, in earliest 30’s..

The components named on latest paragraph, permits other free conexion in relation to global health on institutional life from humans cultures, now, on Christmas, 2001: equal than front domestic violence, election of neutral organization, for drive the transition to a new century, is the most safe operation, against revival to the militarism, and security agencies interfering, illegally normal operations, within a civil, open or plural society.

All the open hurts from ‘dirty or cold war’ are fresh within each country where expressed intolerance and manicheism, since 1945-1991, and these victims, still alive, too many of them, are the eyewitness, about what does mean, rescue, front a new conflictive transition to the planet: National Security, as method, for deal with dissidence, within domestic citizens and around the world.

The truth, about levels of insatisfaction are not applicable to business or corporative issues: satisfaction and capacity for express dissatisfaction, need to keep guarantee, or we’re killing all capacity for change, innovation, creativity and humanity into communitary relations, taking by community the planet. Within this logic, derivate from roots in human communication process, mass and alternative medias, are going to play a protagonist role, in keep alive the transparence and general interests.

I had, arriving to forty years old, one answer -or multiple suggestions for answer- the first question of my existence: What to do with literary skills and poetry in a world crowd, falsities, who loss after first Industrial Revolution, time, desire, and need for see themselves, as historical subject into creative process, and was pushed by political powers, at be involved in two -or almost three World War- taking party for violent and intolerant, ethnic clean, as offer for solution, a to diversity of viewpoints and global poverty, at South or at North?

I had enjoyed a lot, this self-learning process: but I get not the tools for make me by myself, a researcher. Honest criticism. Take risks. Not anger, not fear, not prejudices, not instrumentalize information. Never forget goals and need in majority and minorities, for keep running our cultures and subcultures, linking with all Third World realities.

Let your soul free for explore with curiosity, and listen other voices, authors, procedures for compare, using intelligence and elegant expression for thought. Never suppose that you’re a God, with total control of truth. Listen with respect to others, and you’re going to learn too much, about they particular circumstances for analysis. As J. Kerouac said: “for make something new, you need to be involved in constructive process, insensible to criticism, giving your own fingerprint, in all”.

Or rescuing a classical expression by Khun, during earlys 60’s: “one new paradigm, some times exists, parallel to another one (…) new paradigms, aren’t popular, at the same time that is building and growing, some of them are share only by one little group, in other times, by only one man of science”.

In my personal case, I think I was a really lucky guy, inning to university after return exiles’ scholars, and ofter our national borders start to ask to our own citizens, about their believes, political opinions, or religious view points, and admitted them as specialists with competitive competences in determinated sciences or humanistics fields. Acting with respect for their devotion for understand, take action, and explore new methological vias finding explanations or solutions to Dominican and Caribbean problems into self-government and democratic debates, about, past, present and future.

This process started in earliest 80’s, thanks to new focus, of reflexive interests brought from Europe by Odalis Perez Nina, and friendly shared with P. Hernandez and me, within a short circle of lovers of books, who made, for less few than two years the habit of read and comment, about semiology, epistemology and arts at home.

Repeating unlimited , all past or ancient visions, it’s impossible to discover the unedited visions of reality. It’s necessary re-think and finally finds consensus tools for broke borders. Totally conscious, about my absolute ignorance, after five years studying at the College, remember a Roland Barthes’s phrase: “exist one edge, when people teach, things that they don’t know: that’s named research”.

In those times, I get a new employ, as Chairman in Citizen Education, on XV Central American and Caribbean Games (Santiago 86’). This contract, started in 1984. I got 22 years old. The same 118 pounds –same weight that I got three years later, on my first married- and dreadlocks. Good humor, maniatic perfectionist, non-conformist, perennial. at the same time that I started as Public Relations Officer in a Dominican University, and as Theatre Chairman in a catholic university, Technologic Cibao’s University (TCU, UTECI in Spanish) in La Vega, after a long discussion with Julian Fernandez and David Rodriguez, about importance of take this opportunity.

After 1984, finally I get chance for do the things on my own way, that’s mean travel to unusual hours, living on the road, traveling to Jarabacoa and Constanza, working and enjoying, open to adults roles in a very restrictive society as dominican, and particular aristocratic as La Vega, culture and economic circles.

My dreadlocks were not popular in adults, and respectable members of elites. (I think my overall, neither, hehehe). Moca, in Espaillat Province, during some less than ten years was my home.

I found really cool people there, who love research, speak about philosophy and methods as Rafael Guzman, Americo Badillo, during their short permanence as methodology’s docents in this city; Authors like Ruben Lulo, Julio Jaime Julia, delightful writers as: Juan Alberto Pena Lebron, Bruno Rosario Candelier, Pedro Pompeyo Rosario, Juana Elodia Peralta, Artagnan Perez Mendez, Basilio Belliard, Pedro Ovalles, and too many others, independently to generational, conceptual and philosophic, aesthetics schools, movements, within normal multigenerational battles, -one person who love the justice, need to conclude than by more than two generation, majority of them, stay serving to development artistic practices, working so hard as scholars, for research, translate, within indifferent seen of society, and circles of power, and gave an international image to Moca -one to the most liberal villes in Dominican Republic, four times, national Capital to the country, currently more than 70,000 souls dedicate, a few of them to ‘free zone’ activities, and representing more than 70 per cent, in agriculture, pigs, eggs and chicken reserves for alimentary strategically security on the nation-working honest in their own concept for their respective professional interaction with cultures.

Affinities, solidarity, and friendship, opening the gates, nothing else, a natural devotion for learn, and never feel me conformist with the first appreciation of quality, difficult training, predominantly, as Borges said ‘a lonely man, on the loneliness, to his room’.

Moca it’s very special place on my life, in institutional and private terms, there I finish to grow as man, abandoning my delay-adolescent lifestyle, I met my first wife, my first two kids, and start to study by myself about theory of knowledge, episteme, and practice with those kind of tools.

Since 1984 to current days, I was involved in something more than 463 multidisciplinary research’s, recognized projects in Dominican Republic and Caribbean organizations, some times leading, some times integrate to collegiate decision boards. Finally, learn more, acquire the image of a new delirants vice: freely readings, omnivore vocation for seek, and pleasure for find answers or new questions, for all my time, partially as complementary professional activity (1980-1991) and finally as freelancer (since 1991).

For my eyes it was hard during those contracts to read 4,6 millions of pages, under those responsibilities -one average representative than 8,000-12,000 pages for reading, in different supports, and some times different languages, by each research contract- but for my soul it was a nice channel for read free, about humanities, social sciences, technology or laws, in three or four different languages.

To find or read good texts is difficult and expensive (because you must to produce US $ dollars, for import bibliography and hemerography, permanently), but if you can invent your own career, probably is going to be as my case, as a marginal benefit, something like one scholarship, with charge to my clients.

To get chance for read sophisticated or imported books or magazines, is one authentic privilege, living in a place as Dominican Republic, one authentic dream, for people who love reading as pleasure, additional activity that provide information as basis for development original knowledge. Currently average price for a specialized imported book, its available for few readers, something like 35 to 65 US dollars, for each one, with a minimum wage RD $ 3,114.00 by month and a rate exchange from 17 dominican pesos by each US dollar, is an exceptional opportunity for travel across the borders, seating at the office.

The readings, it’s a few descriptive passion, as gourmet dinners. For all those circumstances, I feel me so happy, proud and lucky, after my decision: become free-lancer. It’s a nice balance, for ten years reading freely, out cathedra, without students, without qualification reports, running by the life as a wild horse. As consulting, since 1984, for government agencies, productive sectors, non government organizations in: advertising, documentaries or strategy solutions, I got a great opportunity for serve, with solidarity, to my country, and help business men, social leaders, to find creative solutions using scientific method, for planning or discuss new ways, within multidisciplinary research teams, and that’s cool for re-learn, and teach. Internet was not funny or interesting for me, in a first impress, the same that first sciences aren’t interesting for me.

I was prejudiced against uses, because I only had saw uses than other gave to the virtual tools. Finally, when I took the decision for proof by myself (1996) I start to development my own explorative process on line. With my own priorities, making abstraction or forgetting too many suggestion originated in informatics fields: I don’t want, I don’t need to learn about hardware, about operative system, about nothing difference, than solidarity, humanities, communities and social sciences, the machines adoration, the ‘technolatry’ is not for me. So anyway, thanks to all them for his/ her patience.

After gradually, I’d jump over my fears, I started love the internet, because permitted me something that I had dream all my life, since 1976, when I started to speak with foreign people and foreign organizations with affinities with arts and literary issues, by city band (CB) radios, and radio amateur system: jump across the ocean, and see the other side, the dark side, to make new friends, and speak about totem and forbidden books, cultures, life styles, without anger or prejudices: freely vocational elections and opportunities, for exchange, without racism, sexism or intolerant preconcepts about countries, cultures or intentions to the other.

Modesto & Juan Carlos Duran envolved me in Alojo! Multicultural Web Space ( After them, I met MISTICA project ( sponsored by FUNREDES, both institutions are ruled by people with solid knowledge in computers sciences, and in a first time, I don’t knew what kind of task or benefits, should give in this particular stage. Finally I understood, we must to learn a lot, and to learn about too many things, matters and subjects, where is not easy to find a teacher or a cheapest school, for do it.

The scientific method, for example probably seen as non-friendly issue, when we got 12 or 16 years old. All fascination a stereotypical image, in films, comics, and novels, about people who make sciences ‘as crazy doctors’ expel original interest for this matter, or promote the idea than only ‘superior minds’, nations or peoples, get legitimate space for invest money or time in intent find non-traditional answers to all problems to the humankind.

“The authorized” people, are not neutral, so anyway, I’m not neutral, neither: I recognize cultural, religious, philosophical conditionament for my values, about justice, democracy, discrimination, and development, but I get available the historical process on non industrialized nations, exactly in one of them I born, grow, dream and exist.

As recently said Rigoberta Menchu in a open condolences letter to peoples from USA, after attack to Twin Towers in WTC: we get the experience into our own skin, about the ache, physical, mental, ecological and social disruption to the peace, and conscious as victims, about what does mean, to be arbitrarily, irrationally, sacrifices –tortures and non-combatants included- reformers individuals, for their believes, suggestions about social changes, or values systems; minorities or exclude majorities for exercise human rights, after 500 years in close contact with white-men.

Moderns and post Renaissentists societies, at North and at South, gave us, one invaluable educational experience, about the horror and intolerance to dissent, how to prevent and win the battles against these animal instincts into human soul and might institutions.

Five hundred years and four hundred under uprising to the slavery, fanatisms, superiority complex, low development into institutional civil watch – independent press and ethics code about information, congress and justice state powers system- for military, police and paramilitary, procedures, goals, and aggressively against people, who’s ‘peaceful’ victimized by discrimination and prejudices before armies took the decision to apply ‘last solution’, as justification for genocide, holocaust or suppress constitutional guarantees, for their private miss concepts of ‘war’.

Probably, educating kids, and youth within concept for a culture of peace and multicultural, multiracial democracy, in one or two generation, humankind is going to obtain, a new, most evolutioned subjects, as citizens and like workers too, for the history, people who not accept to be sell, in their conscious, for new godfathers to the war, neo-colonial robbery of nature resources, or ally as repressive partner, for these plans against, exercise of citizenship, around the world, before this day, improve legal channels for reclamation, remedies, trials, and defend constitutional spaces, for human rights, at the same time, try to make suggestion for a most inclusive, legitimate and representative structure of powers, within multilateral organization, is going to be really affidavit for freedom, democracy, and never return to ‘slavery by debt’ as institution, for justify every kind of power’s abuse, against, poor nations, persons or institutions on the planet.

Latest 800 years of institutional -and non official history- get too many lessons for youth, and future generations, into their natural interests for control new invasive expressions from hobbessian Leviathan, into privacity, intimity, and international fields: their absolute right and mores for participate, help t o control authoritarian tendencies into national and international ellites, trying to intent design artificial obstacles, for move too far away the interests in ‘colateral damages’, forgetting humans, as objective for each development action.

Just others generations after, present conscious citizens watch and keep save, fluent, open societies, on the planet, are going to enjoy these new expressions of freedom, in the same way that today, we’re assuming the benefits, derivate for obtain slavery abolition, with the blood and the struggle from thousands people’s who believe in a best future for all, more than one century ago.

Democracy and freedom gets not a top.

Humanistic, legal and institutional efforts, for keep alive and free ethical sense in trade, political or military activities, are the different today, the long institutional distance, between our institutions post II World War, and Attilian militias. Expanded, and keep save these multilateral system, are our responsibility, in the same sense, that we get duty for make plans, for disposal dark waters, solid waste or attend to vote on elections, in our town. Why?

Because the destiny to the planet, are not a private thing for largest corporations or industrialized nations, the hole in ozone cover, the changes in weather, or atomic risks, are not going to affect, only to the combatants into these commercials or military wars, all these events, produce a collateral effects, that is disturbing the life, for the “rest to the people”.

We’re the rest to the people, the ‘sub-humans’, less-evolutional races, non-whites, ‘red-skin’ indians, the ‘colored’ nations. You and me, we’re the outsiders, a trans-historic club of pariahs, targets for extermination as ‘last solution’.

The ordinary people, the mortals, the glebe: exactly the same low-income victims in World Trade Center, or American flight 587, and all military interventions, in all wars on the planet.

Who get not chance for run before, soldiers or paramilitary militias, started firing. Who get not where to run, after a coup d’ etat . The same that we see front the camera on the news, in longest rows, on bike, donkeys, walking with dirty clothes, or totally naked and burning with, a few things that got chance to recover after falled the last bomb, into their marginalized neighborhood. The refugees. Nobody take care of him or her, before, during, or after finish a civil war, a global war, or surgery war.

They’re only this: poor, with a second name, nigger-poor, green-poor, yellow-poor, or white-poor. ‘Waste’, ‘trash’ people, ‘rescindable’ people, or a generic ‘collateral damage’. Poor into one richest word, under this giant motherland: poverty. Guys who doesn’t know nothing about yachting, fishing, wines, caviar, jet setters parties; drugs deals, gambling or prostitution networks, or travel clubs.

In the other side, exist others fanatic’s fundamentalists, they’re in one sense: Veblenians apostles, under religious slogan ‘take my soul for one dollar’ by conspicuous consumerism. They never had took a plane for make one banking deposit into, sunny or very cold tax-off paradises The same guys who gets ‘humanitarian’ chance for choose a pink exile in Miami, or French riviere, after finish a criminal dictatorship.

The rest to the people, that we’re: peoples without fortune –not matter the origin- aristocratic background and lifestyles, or political power, for say for example: ‘we’re not planning sign this treat or convention’, in other words: ‘in my opinion, if we need to be outlaw, we’re going to select this option, if our money and interests, still stay safe after them’.

J. M. Serrat got a pretty song for explain all these cynical and self-centered attitudes from might and exclusive elites, into our own neighborhood, in our countries and within industrialized or wealthy nations: “…Algo Personal” “[…] they don’t know, inclusive their own mothers/if loss the control/ and forget that in the world exist a childhood”, or more recently: “Los macarras de la moral”.

Their weapons, exchanged some times for slaves, other for diamonds, oil or land, stay growing death rates, in everywhere ‘Death Lords’ –authentic godfathers for dictatorships, wealthy landowners, or help to keep for ever a big disorder, if this factor not affect their own interests- voracity, get not problem for sell to both sides in one Third World conflict for ‘solidarity’, with the ‘cause’. Witch cause? To sell, closing the eyes the rest to th e people lossing the legs or the genitals by antipersonnel mines, for example.

It’s too difficult mixture, contradictory, a socio-cultural balance on melting pot.

They, as white men, are not the problem, because, in everywhere, exist instrumentalists, hate propagandists, or philosophers to the massive murder, false conscious, violence, and arbitrarial abuse of power, as permit our memory, rebuild in: Amin Dadda, Pinochet, Somoza, Tianament’s Place, Praga’s Sprint, Trujillo, Videla, Kemel Rouge, and other experiences, where, racism, fascism and intolerance, generate genocides, democides, ethnocides, and ecocides, as institutional answers to social and cultural, legitimate demands for citizenship participation in reforms and modernization, or simple rights exercise.

I think that globalization to the solidarity, it’s going to permit one auto critical, and responsible vision about, all things done, for our legitimate or illegitimate representants, on the congress, as presidents, business men, and only members to the ruling classes for other kind of services, country by country.

The truth and democratic values, finally, are going to permit, to each one, in his or her, conscious, adopt the best position, in his search for make a balance, between particular or corporative interest, national interest and general need to the planet, for keep moving around. Internet, for example gives you unlimited possibilities for self-education or opportunity for revert this Churchillian principle, that: “during a war, the first victim is the truth”.
If you get control of method, as systematic vision for explores the reality, you’re going to get, best solutions in your surf finding something new for learn, and probably inclusive for your fun time, too.

This short essay, try to express and show you that is unreal all mystification, and that is not objective appreciation sell you the image about sciences and research, as boring issues, reserved for sad or eccentrics people. Caribbean and third world realities need research, re-focus perspective for show, our shadows times, in history, culture or structural obstructions for sustainable development.

Today is a nice day for start to change our mind, about sciences, research, and their relations with Internet tools. Our central idea in this text is try to show to youth, that this process should be funny, relaxing, liberator, for everybody.

Peace and development, at South nations, get friends and non-friends, within industrialized nations, solidarity is a feeling, different to Jew Christian notion of charity: the friends to the peace, freedom and development, in everywhere, are the same kind of persons, who’s suffering the exclusion, for access, to one or many of them, in their ‘own’ country.

After finish II World War, too many persons, personalities and institutions, had seen clearly the link between: nationalisms-war-exclusion-and elites’ profit, as underground spurious or collateral, tool for keep running business offers or diplomatic field, “by other means”.

Our opposition to this hipersimplification to the dimensions to the social life, and individual, communitarian, regional, national and global challenges starting a new century, is that if “Death’s Lord” had been so courtesy, and honest, quitting their masks, and expressing vulgarity, their real interest, and short terms visions.

Their instrumentalizated vision to the friendship, alliances, and capacity for assume responsibilities, are not intenting to join the rest to the humanity, only identify themselves as superiors, and predestinates, for keep management, ruling and growing the death on the planet, and the death to the planet, with their each time most effective, and precise capacity for change rules for democratic dialogue, manufacture fears or new kind of enemies.

In other hand, civilians, citizens, and institutions, joining civil society, are obligated to take party, in defense to the life, human life and biodiversity; the local, regional and national cultures, in risks be extinguished, as patrimony to the humanity; and work hard for a re-humanization and authentic civilization of love and respect for lateral or divergent thought.

The defense to the right to exist, the right to the life, wherever they exist, in this case means wherever exist a human group, without religious, political, social, economical or legal distances, in their intents for preserve, obtain and enjoy a pluralist society, builded and represented under their own symbolic codes, has humankind patrimony: a hope for exchange, in respectful terms, with the difference, a most complementary support for keep running safe on the earth as planet.

That’s our obligation as self-defense instinct and as our own responsibility with future generations: to life without masks, and without fears, in a world of laws, institutions, as human beings, are the other side to the coin, starting this new century. Probably re-thinking this possibility, you can find other vocational space for your personality, and that’s important for our countries, their future, or our faith in best days for humankind, never are going to be product from one enlighten and isolate conscious. This is why, we’re sharing opinions about humanities, local development, social sciences, and cultural industries prospective, including issues directly linked with micro credits, small business, and exportations alliances or profiles.

Only together, shoulder by shoulder, is possible make more deep and diverse, spaces for democracy development. Only restarting to see in each man and each women, in the eyes to the other, an member to the humanity, a creature with dignity, totally distinctive to the wolf, one day is going to be possible, finish for ever the war, and jump front starving kingdom, to a happiness and safe land. Into this transition process, post cold war: violence, unilateralism, authoritarism, weapons, arsenals, and military industries, get not any rol, except serve as obstruction to diplomatic, cultural, scientific and human non-prejudiced exchange for peace, development and participative democratic process, on the planet.

The distance in how Occidental Europe, used their money, since 1945-1975, it’s the fehaciently evidence, about how military expenditures, disproportional to the real defense need, finally suppose a conspiration, a recessive component and trough to the drain, a high per cent to the national wealthy,against social, educational, cultural and alimentary priorities, for elevate quality of life, in a nation in peace times, the mirror to the Japan, Ex Soviet Union, and USA, are a complex and irrefutable vision about how interfered cold war, in social programs, social policies and priorities, inclusive at industrialized and post industrialized nations.

Japan (1951), export too less than Dominican Republic, (300 or 500% less), but after Marshall’s Plan, and drastically cut off, military expenditures, today it’s a commercial and financial emperor, in the same way West Europe.

One day humanity is going to awake up to all these delirants dreams and nightmares – manufactured by death’s merchants, and wealthiest elites, into each nation- about races, cultures or lifestyles superiority.

After wake up, the tax- payers, from the ‘rest to the people’ -the ordinary man and woman, as citizens with rights and dignity -are going to make their open normal trials against, all instrumentalized used for words as democracy, liberdad, freedom, attack, defense, security, national security, “extinguished of nations or nationalities”, progress, nationalisms, and all crimes in their named commitment against the ‘rest to the people’, in this sense means against the humanity and against the planet.

Probably, lawyers and attorneys after -as victims too, by exiles decreed by pseudodemocrats, totalitarians, and neofascists- are going to help to the rest to the people, to find the truth, and restore the justice, during these days. A live without masks, a culture of peace, and respect for diversity and consensus, into each corner to the land! In these times, judges and congressmen, probably get chance for return from their exiles…and authoritarian clowns -first time on the history are going to know what does mean, arrive for ever to a jail- for charges as: corruption, collusion with shadows corporations boards; power’s abuse, hiding information to the citizen, lie front the cameras. Hmmm, I think that this travel to a penitentiary, it’s going to support others ‘costumers’ guys who deliberately: lie, destroy evidences, edit the news, and present in all international conflict a partial, oversimplified, vision to the antecedents or offenses.

This day polls and surveys, and finally the history is not going to be an partial instrument, for protect the privileges to the elites, finally -after centuries waiting- are going to make the truth, and respect for law and justice, the most popular ‘personalities’ into the nations. In this time we’d been freedmen, within interinstitucional appeal to wild principles from jungle’s law, for every thing.

4 every time

Yoe F. Santos
(Essay about freedom of speech and vocational elections…Autobiography Notes)

Christmas Time
Santiago de los Caballeros

Latest Update: July, 21, 2003

Posted by journal2/multicultural at 7:59 AM ADT
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