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( The voice of creativity… )


Youth is backbone of any nation, SRUJANAVANI is formed to direct the randomly oriented youth into a task of developing the nation and safeguarding its Hegemony. The charter of SRUJANVANI is written in view of the need to explain the ideas and the motives behind its inception. It covers Agenda, CODE of conduct, Hierarchy. It also covers history and evolution, which gives a brief glimpse of transformation of an idea into reality.


If there is any land on this earth that can lay claim to be the blessed punya bhumi, to be the land to which all souls on this earth must to account for karma , the land to which every soul that is mending its way godword must come to attain its last home ,the land where humanity attained its highest towards gentleness, towards generosity, towards purity towards calmness, above all the land of introspection and of spirituality, its India.

-Swami Vivekananda

In contrast there modern India lost its tradition, rich heritage, flora & fauna, splendour & its effervescence whose sanity used to send the drizzling wave of our karma siddhantha to the west.

Its, nerves, the youth looks jaded in all respects of amorality with very much lacking in that sense of integrity, nationhood and the pride that makes the young India. Invincible in all fields we are at the cultural cross roads with solely failing to communicate our age-old values to the coming generations. On the social form to the very human feeling totally sublimed in the current habitation and one will be forced to look into the for the arrival of another “mother” to savour the poor & the lesser sons of god . on the political front nepotism, red-tapism, scams, impromptus ethical behavior were on the centre stage. Moral values were plummetary to the lowest level. On the spiritual front all its philosophy & flavour totally dried up. The bewildering nexus between the underground & murky politicians in throwing the country into ever deepening crisis.

Amidst this scenario, to sustain the cultural hegemony of this great land, a group of ethically charged young lads felt the need to have a common working platform, through which they can realize their vision towards this society.

As a first leap towards this great march the idea to have an association was first floated by Mr.Ravi kumar, which turned into a virtual reality in the fruitful companionship of “Mr. Lokesh” was the chief architect that transformed the dream into a reality.

As the strength if an organization depends on the depth of its organizational structure, it has enforced certain norms & a structured framework within which it should function and thus took its final shape on 26th, Sept ,1996 and was formally named “COPS INDIA”. In days of its inception, the group absorbed the academic interests of its members and latter expanded its horizons in other spheres of activities too. An other land mark was achieved by adopting its agenda & appointing a suitable hierarchy towards its cosmopolitan functioning. Since then, the chantic utterances of technological mantras and the jingling bells of knowledge continued to reverberate in the life filled evenings of this association. On the eve of golden jubilee independence day celebrations, this association was renamed as “SRUJANAVANI - The voice of creativity”. Mr.R.Ravi Kumar was bestowed with the honour of lifetime presidentship for this self propelled organisation.

Finally, inviting every determined Indian into this “UTOPIA”.


The following are main goods of this association

  1. It is association is combination of able and high spirit guys with noble ideas and noble thoughts.
  2. To safeguard the rich heritage,culture,art,tradition of India.
  3. To primote decling national spirit(Patriotism) in the youth.
  4. To give guidance to the emerging engineers.
  5. To maintain the right conduct and right thoughts.
  6. To gather all the technical information literature and scientific data to form a technical library.
  7. To give moral support to the innovative ideas (may be political, career guidance, technical, financial).
  8. To give financial support to members, if possible.
  9. To do social work of our capacity & capability.
  10. To assist the members during their projects.


The following are the intellectual characteristics which SRUJANAVANI expects from its members to possess.

  1. They should be selfless and whole hearted.
  2. They should adopt “Never-say-die” attitude and be “down to earth” at the utmost demanding situations.
  3. Be receptive and innovative to ones and others ideas.
  4. Continuously endeavour to sustain to the group harmony & hegemony.
  5. Deemed to possess high respect & undomitable resolve to help preserve the rich heritage & culture, age old rituals, sense of natural integrity in their intellectual corridor.
  6. Strict and serious involvement & participation for true upliftment of groupsmotives.
  7. The president expresses confidence & demands ever lasting obligation towards their prerogatives and he expects same respect towards persons he appoint in the top cadre.
  8. One should keep aside his personal ego’s atleast ion the group activities


To achieve better control and efficiency over the state of affaors we have gone for blend of centralised and decentralised power delegation system. the entire top brace works under centralised system to improve communication. The bottom line functions in decentralised style as it enables to catch up the openions of an individual member and would bring about transperancy. The top brace encompasses president,Vice president , Incharge and dean.

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