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Role of internet in today’s human life .Where boundaries of countries are erased in the name globalisation but boundaries between man to man are widened!

Unriddle this paradox and send your opinions to us. Your responses will be analysed and necessary feed back will be given. Selected responses will also be displayed on our site. We hope this issue will be discussed in our chapters.


(in this feature we will ask question every week relating to chemical engg to stirr up your minds …so have fun we got lots of question in our store…so keep responding)

Hai… Did you ever observe a running tap? The thin stream of water coming out of it thins as it flows downwards from the mouth of the tap. Explain .


ABDUL SATTAR EDHI (Pakistan) began his ambulance service in 1948 by ferrying injured people to hospital, and has since developed a service which attracts $ 5 million per year, with no government assistance. His radio- linked network includes 500 ambulances throughout Pakistan, and he has also setup 300 relief centers, 3 air ambulances, 24 hospitals, 3 drug rehabilitation centers, women’s center, free dispensary adoption programmes and soup kitchens that feed 1,00,000 people a month. He has paid for and supervised the training of 17,000 nurses. The ambulance services even pick up corpses and the organisation arranges Muslim burials. Edhi has not taken a holiday for 45 years.

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