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Mothers world is not black and white


“The Laws of Nature are the Laws of God.  If any one tells you any different, they are wrong.”

The laws of the Mother are the laws of the Father and this is how we walk upon this Earth by walking One with our Mother.  If you see an action in someone else and can find it's corresponding signature in Nature, let it be.  It has a right to exists as such.. This does not mean you have to live there, or follow what they are saying as if it is the letter of the law, just let it be for it is okay.  But if the words that the people are saying cannot be found in Nature, do not believe them for they are wrong.  This is how she taught me to walk upon this Earth.


reference Saugh-he, a person ought to desire that which is genuine instead of that which is artificial, walk with peace.

Creator as Chief,
