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“The Laws of Nature are the Laws of God.  If any one tells you any different, they are wrong.”

The laws of the Mother are the laws of the Father and this is how we walk upon this Earth by walking One with our Mother.  If you see an action in someone else and can find it's corresponding signature in Nature, let it be.  It has a right to exists as such.. This does not mean you have to live there, or follow what they are saying as if it is the letter of the law, just let it be for it is okay.  But if the words that the people are saying cannot be found in Nature, do not believe them for they are wrong.  This is how she taught me to walk upon this Earth.

At this point of writing I have moved to the Place of Peace..  There is a forum, but it is not the reflection of the Place of Peace I know...  Well for one thing I would not share unless what I was dong came from the heart, so in order for me to do this a special space was created for me there.

Still it is a tough journey, me sharing who I am on my path with a bunch of people I don't know...  Its been a struggle....

In the early part of my life I walked the path of the river travels the path of least resistance... but then Mother said, "By sharing we grow" so I had to share..  There was this beautiful thing that happened, in which I got home one weekend and my star sister had been given a vision of me in a past life... It was so sacred.  It was not even anything I would have wanted to share except with those who were absolutely closest to my heart.... but Mother told me I had to share it at the the Place of Peace forum.

Sometimes I just get so tired of people freaking out when I talk there, and I really did not want to have to put these beautiful sacred moment in front of the eyes of certain ones who hang out there.. but Mother said I had to share it.  She even got me up in the middle of the night and told me I had to share it then...

I will admit I did not want to do what she said, but when I questioned her she told me that the pearl did not question where it grew.  She said that there were many pearls growing there, and I was to put my pearl there too.. and that a pearl does not question where it grows.
