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Quassia: Love
Quince: Happiness, Love, Protection


Radish: Lust, Protection
Ragweed: Courage
Ragwort: Protection
Raspberry: Love, Protection
Rattlesnake Root: Money, Protection
Rhubarb: Fidelity, Protection
Rice: Fertility, Money, Protection, Rain Magic
Roots: Power Divination, Protection
Rose: Healing, Love, Love Divination, Luck, Psychic Powers, Protection
Rosemary: Exorcism, Healing, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Protection, Purification, Sleep, Youth
Rowan: Healing, Power, Protection, Psychic Powers, Success
Rue: Exorcism, Healing, Health, Love, Mental Powers
Rye: Fidelity, Love


Saffron: Happiness, Healing, Love, Lust, Psychic Powers, Strength, Wind Spells
Sage: Immortality, Longevity, Protection, Wisdom, Wishes
Sagebrush: Exorcism, Purification
St. John's Wort: Happiness, Health, Love Divination, Protection, Strength
Sandalwood: Exorcism, Healing, Protection, Spirituality, Wishes
Sarsaparilla: Love, Money
Sassafras: Health, Money
Savory, Summer: Mental Powers
Scullcap: Fidelity, Love, Peace
Senna: Love
Sesame: Lust, Money
Shallot: Purification
Skunk, Cabbage: Legal Matters
Slippery Elm: Halts Gossip
Sloe: Exorcism, Protection
Snakeroot: Luck, Money
Snakeroot, Black: Love, Lust, Money
Snapdragon: Protection
Solomon's Seal: Exorcism, Protection
Sorrel, Wood: Healing, Health
Southernwood: Love, Lust, Protection
Spanish Moss: Protection
Spearmint: Healing, Love, Mental Powers
Spiderwort: Love
Spikenard: Fidelity, Health
Squill: Hex-Breaking, Money, Protection
Star Anise: Luck, Psychic Powers
Stillengia: Psychic Powers
Straw: Image Magic, Luck
Strawberry: Love, Luck
Sugar Cane: Love, Lust
Sumbul: Health, Love, Luck, Psychic Powers
Sunflower: Fertility, Health, Wisdom, Wishes
Sweetgrass: Calling Spirits
Sweetpea: Chastity, Courage, Friendship, Strength


Tamarind: Love
Tamarisk: Exorcism, Protection
Tansy: Health, Longevity
Tea: Courage, Riches, Strength
Thistle: Exorcism, Healing, Hex-Breaking, Protection, Strength
Thistle, Holy: Hex-Breaking, Purification
Thistle, Milk: Snake-Enraging
Thyme: Courage, Healing, Health, Love, Psychic Powers, Purification, Sleep
Ti: Healing, Protection
Toadflax: Hex-Breaking, Protection
Toadstool: Rain Magic
Tobacco: Healing, Purification
Tomato: Love, Prosperity, Protection
Tonka: Courage, Love, Money, Wishes
Tormentil: Love, Protection
Trillium: Love, Luck, Money
Tulip: Love, Prosperity, Protection
Turmeric: Purification
Turnip: Ending Relationships, Protection


Uva Ursa: Psychic Powers


Valerian: Love, Protection, Purification, Sleep
Vanilla: Love, Lust, Mental Powers.
Venus' Flytrap: Love, Protection
Vervain: Chastity, Healing, Love, Money, Peace, Protection, Purification, Sleep, Youth
Vetch, Giant: Fidelity
Vetivert: Anti-Theft, Hex-Breaking, Love, Luck, Money
Violet: Healing, Love, Luck, Lust, Peace, Protection, Wishes


Wahoo: Courage, Hex-Breaking, Success
Walnut: Health, Infertility, Mental Powers, Wishes
Wax Plant: Protection
Wheat: Fertility, Money
Willow: Healing, Love, Love Divination, Protection
Wintergreen: Healing, Hex-Breaking, Protection
Winter's Bark: Success
Witch Grass: Exorcism, Happiness, Love, Lust
Witch Hazel: Chastity, Protection
Wolf's Bane: Invisibility, Protection
Wood Rose: Luck
Woodruff: Money, Protection, Victory
Wormwood: Calling Spirits, Love, Protection, Psychic Powers




Yarrow: Courage, Exorcism, Love, Psychic Powers
Yellow Evening Primrose: Hunting
Yerba Mate: Fidelity, Love, Lust
Yerba Santa: Beauty, Healing, Protection, Psychic Powers
Yew: Raising the Dead
Yohimbe: Love, Lust
Yucca: Protection, Purification, Transmutation



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