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Kaira's Updates

Aug 2006... New Pictures - finally! I finally had a real day off for the first time in so long I can't remember, and finally had a chance to get some new pictures and stuff up on the website. To update on the last few months, I took a new job at a new restaurant at the end of March. The place was so new it will still being built. It's about 30 min out from Baton Rouge and is located directly on the Amite River (we have a beautiful riverfront view!). It has been so much more work than I could have ever imagined starting a place from scratch. For now, there are only two managers. The head honcho is Scott, the executive chef and general manager. He oversees all the technical stuff and runs the kitchen. And I am in charge of the front half of the restaurant - the servers, hostesses, and bar. I have been averaging about 60 hrs a week there since I started. School is still going well... Spring semester I made all A's but one - the first B I've made in almost 4 years! And to make it even worse, my final grade in the class was an 89%!! - so close! But it was in Histology, and there are rarely any A's in that class anyway (and I worked 63 hrs during finals week!). For the summer I took it easy with just two labs, and am finally done with all of my organic chem and physics. The fall semester starts in a couple weeks and looks like it is going to be TOUGH. I have a lot of challenging classes all in a row. But the end is in sight, only two semesters left...

Kaira is doing wonderfully. She is way too smart for her own good - she can spell and write her name, which still impresses me ("K-A-I-R-A... Kaira, that's me!"). Her best friend at school is Lokei. They have been in the same class most of the time she's been going to Kindercare, and have always been buddies but lately they have been becoming more and more inseparable. Lokei's birthday party was last weekend and they both had a blast. I will try to get some pictures of that up soon. She is already counting down to when it will be her turn to have a birthday. She is constantly asserting the fact that she is a "big girl", often accompanied by saying "see, I have muscles" (and of course flexing to show them off), or tell me "see, I'm a great helper" while trying to assist me what whatever I might be doing at the time. Keep checking back because there are still some more I need to get up there, and will hopefully have done in the next week or two. Enjoy the pictures!

7/17/06 -

6/26/06 - Playing outside, filling up her pool with the hose.

6/20/06 - Just being silly, playing with dress-up stuff.

06/19/06 - Playing withher princess wand and tiara

6/13/06 - Playing with her Leap pad, wearing her new favorite Cars pj's.

(pics from Mar-Jun 06)

Kaira started a gymnastics class during the spring semester and is loving it. She is learning basics like tumbling, walking the balance beam, and even starting a little work on the double bars learning flips.

5/8/06 - Riding the carosel in the mall

3/3/06 - Flying a kite for the first time.

3/3/06 - Playing at the park.

3/2/06 - Goofing around outside the library.

2/23/06 - At the zoo.

2/18/06 - Making bump-on-a-log cookies.

2/13/06 - Playing puzzles with her best friend, Lokei, at school.

2/11/06 - Putting together a puzzle at home.

2/9/06 - Playing basketball at school (and with her friend Myah).

2/4/06 - Playing cars and Play-doh

2/2/06 - Playing in her room with her lion

1/29/06 - Playing outside in the backyard

1/29/06 - Coloring and posing for the camera.

1/13/06 - Bathtime!

11/30/05 - First trip to the dentist

I moved all of the old updates to a separate page because this one was starting to get a little long. The new ones will be posted here, and the old ones will be saved on the other page in case you want to go back to look at them. Click HERE to get to them.


Kaira's 2nd Birthday Halloween 2004 Karen's Page

Christmas 2004 Easter 2005

Current Stats

2007 Updates