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october 2002
at 8 months

31. squirt partied at granny's today!!! she gazed at each person there because almost everyone was new to her! she'd lean back and burrow her face on my chest in shyness, oh my! she finally warmed up after an hour or so and started her bounce-jumps and greeting-calls from thereon. hope she doesn't catch another cold though, uh-oh...

30. it's getting harder to feed squirt these days! i have to come up with all sorts of distraction. she's getting more adept at munching m.y. san fita biscuits and eating rice (with soup or sauces) though. she turns 9 months old! tongue out--that's a new skill she learned from lola.

29. g's language includes various inflections, volume and tone (soft and sweety whenever she sees ki) and "mamamamamama" (ehem!). i hardly hear her experiment with sounds "n", "p" and "t" again like she did before.

28. g seems to understand already that people enter and exit through the door. that's why she continuously looks at it whenever i ask her where ki, danz, yaya, and other people are. she's able to identify them, too! hmmm...she also seems to know when am preparing to leave, aha!

27. g finally crawled!!!! those arms finally moved forward! g crawls slowly as she gets used to coordinating her arms and legs. even then, it's such a wonderful sight! a feat! she sits without support much, much longer. hey, my baby's growing up fast!

26. g scratches glass panes, plastic doors, wooden cabinets, wallpapered walls, crib sheet, combs, table mats, wicker chairs...yes, yes, dad, am not talking about a cat! and pray she doesn't scratch the balloons i brought home for her!

25. i hang back the winnie and friends mobile onto g's crib while she was lying. she reached out to grab pooh or piglet or eeyore or tigger but couldn't get them (she needed to stretch out for some millimeters more). tried, tried, tried but still couldn't. then she turned on her tummy, pulled herself up to the cleopatra pose and reached out from there! WUPPEEE! she got tigger first and started pulling the whole mobile. i unhooked the four stuffs and brought them down to her as a reward. you should've seen that smile on her face! and so she began scrutinizing eeyore's tail, pooh's tummy...they sure couldn't escape from her now!

24. monthly checkup with doc demi but he's absent! g quietly looked at the two lady docs who checked her. hmmm, they heard some hard-sticky-phlegm sound, so g will take ambroxol. no measles vaccine first, yeheyyy for gillian! she now weighs 10.3kg, a meager increase from 10kg last month, hmmm...

23. g can identify zacky boy, too! she continues to enjoy a round around the driveway on her stroller; waves bye-bye very well; and sits without support for a longer time. not to mention: g climbs pillows to get an object we put on top.

22. tonight, g 'bought' her first christmas parol. we plan to hang it on the balcony right outside her crib. g is mesmerized by all the blinking, twinkling lights.

21. "daddeeee! christmas lights and parols!!! i love them!" a portion of the granada st. is brightly lit with these in the evenings. geezzz, christmas is in the air na, hmmm...

20. hey, g can now sit with minimum support! she still falls on her side whenever she wants to pick up something but she manages to push up her body with an arm and stay in that 'cleopatra' position for some minutes.

19. g enjoyed the short car trip to fetch danz from school. she got bored seated and jumped with all her might when lolit finally picked her up! gran visited with zacky boy!

18. a visit to del monte again with ahia zacky. g sniffed a bit when she saw gran and gramps. she finally enjoyed the place and people there when it was almost time to come home, hehehe...

17. it feels good to be back home! i sure missed the little one: she was sleeping soundly when i reached the house at 4 a.m. the colds has worsened. tonight, g and i stayed up from 9 p.m. till midnight. back to her decongestant and nasal drops.

16. "atsi gets excited every time i move my butt to and fro. it's like am jet-set ready to crawl! only that i still don't move forward. i dunno what to do with my arms! help, dad!"

15. "couldn't sleep last night, mommy's up there in isabela, dad, but doncha worry! i can already lift up my butt while am on my fours, so i look like a cute pyramid. wait till mom sees me like this!"

14. seems like g's got slight fever, uh-oh...just when am about to go to isabela. or did she look tired because of the onset of colds again? grrr!

13. g studies every object we hand to her like a pro (so she gets cross-eyed sometimes). she turns and twists this, shakes it, pulls and tastes it. she's got her share of heavy things--my cellphone and a bottle of paper clips, and the usual light ones we grab from here and there to distract her. she can very ably transfer an object from one hand to another!

12. by now again, squirt eats the following table foods: tofu, rice with soup, noodles, eggnog, toasted bread and spags. she balked with the mamon though.

11. we've got kids' music playin' in the room now! g listened to the many action songs and fingerplays and short poems on the cassette recorder this morning. the variety perks up her day!

10. by now, squirt can already identify the red fish (painting), mommy (thas'me!), atsi (ki), amah, yaya, ate gema and light (granny, yuhu!). and yes! she's finally adjusted to enfapro, wuppeee! i therefore conclude that g got taste-shocked a week ago.

9. g's being talkative again. for a while it seemed like i haven't been hearing g play with sounds. if ever she did opt to be quiet (probably mulling over her future), she's definitely out of her shell now. there goes her 'mama' again, and 'nnnnnnnaa!', and 'ap' and her host of greeting sounds when she sees ki and danz.

8. today's squirty-meets-the-ants day. seated on the kitchen counter, g followed the ants with her eyes and attempted to 'grab' one of them with her palmar grasp. poor guys, if ever they get caught...

7. today's squirty-meets-sushi day. sushi barked excitedly when she 'heard' g and i behind the screen door. g looked intently at her, leaning forward to get a good look at our poodle.

6. i dragged g into the adults' routines--food prep at the kitchen, cooking, eating and post-dinner chitchat with the girls. "mom's full time with me t'day!" she hated her peaches!

5. g is still on with her enfalac, good! she's being her active self once again--bouncing, shaking her head. a visit to the CR to wash her nose after a big sneeze is a treat for squirt!

4. g eats her solids + g drinks her enfalac (back to it), so therefore...i still can't make any conclusion. thick mucus is sneezed out and her cough sounded 'thick' now. i wish g can imitate those oldies who spit right and left, hehehe...

3. hmmm...g didn't drink her (new) enfapro milk the second day around. is it because of the taste? or her colds? poor baby, she's forced to take in all those nasal drops in a day! awww... not to mention the chinese meds gran brought for her cough, from the antelope! now, that 'feels' cozy and warm, right? but you won't after you've tasted the oh-so-bitter taste! (yuck!) poor princess...

2. urgent visit to doc demi--the change in the weather's the culprit! good thing g doesn't have sore throat nor fever, just the nasal drips.

1. start of g's first encounter with the dreadful nosey-stuffed and itchy-throaty colds and cough! she was uncomfy the whole night; she kept waking up and crying...geez...