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november 2002
at 9 months

30. g turns 10 months old today! i bought her some new stuff at glorietta. ki, danz and i are already doing our early bird shopping spree.

29. g's collecting hair clips! her hair has grown some length it's time to pin and keep these away from her eyes. g looks prettier with tiny hair buns.

28. sometimes (or i think most of the time), g 'talks' so much more than zacky boy. when they're together, she'd lean over, touch zack's arm, stroke his stroller, and pull his hair! zack doesn't mind her at all...well, maybe for now.

27. danz brought home a guinea pig! look at g look at it! she points to it whenever she's asked where the guinea pig is.

26. by now, g has many new friends in this neighborhood: kuya nico, kuya miguel, isabel and pauline. she watches them play or swim. sometimes, they huddle around her (and with zacky boy too) and ask questions about g.

25. g spent the whole day at granny's. my room's fixed up and g slept there. gramps wants g to spend more days at del monte so gran won't be going out too often, hehe.

24. g won 4th place today (among 28 in the junior group) in the healthy baby contest organized by the YMCA women's club! she enjoyed the company of the many adults and babies in the hall, tapos ang talkative pa! she was even bouncing on stage as their pics were taken! here's a note from dad: "squirt dearest, heard that you won 4th place, dad smiled upon hearing that from mom, know what? for us, number one so proud of you."

23. why does g love playing with my cellphone so much? maybe because when she presses the keypads, some stuffs appear on the screen! one time, dad spoke to her on the phone and she listened intently. i found an old telephone toy for her to play with :)

22. we had thanksgiving dinner at del monte tonight and it was so festive you'd think we're in the US! it's because the two babies were there and every one just loses sight of the others when g and zack are around. g imitated gramps' funny facial expression and that kept us laughing! i've got pics of g, the entertainer.

21. whenever g wakes up early, she wakes up ki and danz too. she climbs on them, pulls their hair, roll and snuggle beside. she met (another) eeyore, a reindeer and a small rabbit in her atsis' room.

20. g seems to find our bathroom an interesting place! there's a portion with translucent square panes that distort images--we play peek-a-boo there. she likes to peep in at who's inside (and maybe doing what, hehe), look at some displays, watch the water flow out of the faucet. she does her uu here with yaya lolit assisting her on the toilet bowl.

19. g continues to practice standing up. i don't know why she loves to pull down the hankies and diapers that we hang over the crib rails. this morning, g bumped her head twice on these...and yes, she cried...

18. funny how g enjoys doing her own peek-a-boo game. she covers her face and after i ask "where's gillian?", she pulls down the hanky and laughs!

17. g had a swell dinner time tonight with lolo and the rest of the clan! she was the star! she made lambing with the cousins by pressing her forehead at theirs, rubbing against and cooing. she ate dough, fried rice and shark's fins soup too!

16. i'd wanted to christmas-shop with g today at shang plaza but the traffic was terrible there and around SM mega! so we ended up at edsa shang where g watched the fountains, the kids swimming in the pool, and the beautiful exotic fishes in the aquariums. lolit and i enjoyed a triple-deck sandwich together!

15. mami officially adopts sushi today. we think it's best that way because mami is a great animal lover! sushi will be well taken care of there, and g will enjoy visiting her at del monte!

14. g visited gran today in her backless dress from gap *wink*. auntie rosette, lola and zack's yaya oohh'ed and aahh'ed at pretty gillian.

13. g's sked has been changing nowadays. she wakes up early, takes a long morning nap and a short afternoon nap. there's construction going on at the neighbor's and the noise wakes up g, hmmm...

12. g practices walking on her bare feet. she tends to walk on tiptoe and i think supporting her by the armpit is better than the walker because she gets to press her feet down on the floor more often. but oh, she'd rather jump! haha!

11. lola said lola o kwan pinched a tiny piece of daing for g, and the little princess crumpled her face because of the very salty taste, haha!

10. i finally (and nervously) saw g pulled herself up to stand!!! she first used the bumper pad as support, then grasped the crib rail, wow! she stood fixed on a spot for a few seconds before she started to pull the blinds again! in the evening, g enjoyed a bowl of creamy wild mushroom soup at tender bob's. hmmm, dad...d'you think g will turn obese?

9. g is soooo proud she can clap her hands! i've a hunch she has an idea of what the action means because when she knows she did a good job (ex. bite a cookie or identify objects), she'd clap and look our way to see if we're clapping too.

8. on some mornings like today's, i place g on the walker for leg exercises though i don't totally believe in that equipment! she kicks her legs out and this sends her sliding around the room, and backward at that!

7. ate gema donned g's balcony with her first christmas parol and small lights twisted around the iron grills. the blinking lights were awesome and beautiful for g! i labeled those as "christmas lights" and g looks thataway whenever i ask where her christmas lights are.

6. today, i watched the princess grasp the crib rail, she didn't stand up, she merely knelt on the crib, hehe, but that's the beginning...! she reached out and pulled some vertical blinds, oh no!

5. g definitely knows how to seek attention now. she whines and cries whenever lolit carries her away from me. so to stop her from feeling so bad, i'd run up the staircase after her in a slow-mo. this is a sure squealer!

4. a last-minute rush to doc demi for her monthly check up! g now weighs 11.4 kgs (dad!) and doesn't cry when she needs to be put on the weighing scale. measles shot, ouchyyyyy! g interacted with a 6yrold girl named kiana and her 2yrold bro.

3. this morning, gran and lolo fred treated g for breakfast at phil plaza. we wanted her to enjoy the sea breeze by the pool but it was windy and drizzling. g just played with the fountain's water, watched some japanese men (who greeted her), munched cookies and ate oatmeal, and smiled widely whenever lolo fred greets her. gran said he must've been g's yaya in her past life, haha!

2. first it was the dog, now it's the cat. g and i woke up from our afternoon nap listening to a nearby cat meowing. it was seated right outside our window. g watched it with big eyes and followed it wherever it went. another treat for squirty tonight was a 'dinner' at edsa shang. while i feasted on the salads, the princess ate some vinegared rice from the sushi and drank a bowl-full of cream of corn and ham!

1. brought home a nice bouquet of mumps for g and my room. she now knows these are called "flowers". aside from that, she turns to look outside the window when i ask her about the "dog" who keeps yelping in the mornings and waking up g. squirty can give a faint bark.