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may 2002
at 3 months

30. g turned 4 months old today! it's pictorial time but the adults seemed to have enjoyed the shoots more than the little one who probably wondered why we looked like clowns.

29. g looks excited whenever she's made to stand up with support. while on her stomach, g can lift her head but more exercise is needed to strengthen her neck muscles.

28. the left thumb always finds its way into the princess' mouth. here's hoping it doesn't get sore!

27. uh-oh, some rashes on g's chin, most likely from too much drool. i miss my baby today.

26. still at the hotel, g enjoyed breakfast time quietly with us (she gave me enough time to eat all the buffet food i liked), then off to dreamland for some minutes before she awoke from my much controlled laughter with ki and danz. sorry, g, we just trapped danz's aga and his puppy love. home by 1pm, g and i slept the whole afternoon, zzzz...

25. checked in at edsa shangri-la hotel. g was wide-eyed with all the colors and people (and swaying trees outdoors!) she saw. expectedly, her sked got bungled up but she still took all the changes in stride. my little lady slept soundly on the big lounge chair till late morning.

24. christmas songs make good lullabies for gj. she hums with me then dozes off...

23. g enjoys lifting up her two legs at the same time then letting these fall on the bed with a bang! yeah, her sort of exercise.

22. by this time, g can bring her two hands towards the center, one holding the other. she looks amazed at the activity center whenever she touches or swipes it. nope, she still doesn't know she caused all those sounds and movement!

21. i held g's two hands and lifted her up slowly from a lying position. for a few seconds her head hung backward, then she carried it forward and straight on her own! clap clap clap.

20. there's more control now as g puts her hands into her mouth. it's beginning to be her pastime. woooh! the drool's all around, way to go!

19. g enjoys some minutes standing on her feet with support, and stretches them with gusto. hmmm, nice thighs forming!

18. g goes pretty with pressed-down-and-oiled hairstyle. just a few months more and she'll don some baby hair pins but no hair bands puh-leaze!

17. ki and danz woke up gj at midnight (16th). that was a must because they missed her soooo much! g played a nice hostess to the least before she started rubbing her eyes. she finally went back to bed at 2:00 am.

16. g enjoys her toe play, "this little piggy went to the market..." her toes fan out at "...this little piggy cried 'wee! wee! wee!' all the way home!" ~chubby chunk of feet~

15. a visit from zacky boy, finally! g cooed and smiled at aunt rosette. she looked intently at zack once in a while but it was really the adults who enjoyed the presence of the two unmindful babes.

14. kiss and rub g's armpit and you'll hear some hearty laughter! but the tears came again when lola o khwan visited with her loud voice. poor shobe...

13. g gave a good try at turning from side to stomach today! she gets stuck by the shoulder and a little push helps. look at her lift her head!

12. i'm recording g's coos every so often. she's been speaking up her mind lately, especially when you do the nosey-nose with her (touch her nose with your nose), when you greet her or sing to her. "dad, mom's taking too long to read the digcam's manual!"

11. g does the twist! yes, g often twists from center to side, you'd think she'd want to be a gymnast someday. look at her body form a C...hmmm, so that's how she gets her head off the pillow in the mornings...

10. mommy's little chaperone: g went with me to national book store where she watched some kids play in a book party. then to gift gate for some gifts. then to jollibee for a piece of buko pina pie (that's for me!). sleepy g continued to observe quietly though. what an easy-to-please babe!

9. g woke up every wee hour in the morning and wanted to be carried. maybe the hepa B vaccine she got yesterday made her uncomfortable...

8. g visited doc demi again. "dad, the gap overall's too big and long for me!" by now she's 62 cms long and weighs 7.4 kgs already-- a good gain, said doc. g was quite upset with the clanging sound of the weighing scale as a little girl played with it.

7. today, g slurped and "chewed" her cereals (rice flavor) for the first time. she seemed to have enjoyed it! but water still doesn't taste right to her. after the cereals, she was made to drink water from a dropper.

6. the little princess met lola o khwan (neighbor). you know what happened? she nearly cried! i think g gets kinda rattled with loud voices. that lola's voice booms!

5. "mommy's in a panic mode, i felt it! i didn't find her the whole day. i wonder where she went... but i think she breastfed me early morning. i was too sleepy to notice..."

4. "dad, mommy's quite fretful today. she's all tied up with this manual writing thingie that's making her fuss. i thought only babies fuss and fret."

3. a special gift came in today for g: daddy's angel. indeed she is! she loves the music that comes out from the pillow while mom goes sentimental over the pictures...

2. i discovered that whenever i talk to g with my mouth placed closely to her head, she smiles widely and responds. there is also a spot on the ceiling behind the door that she contantly looks at, then she'd break into a smile and "talk". maybe her little angel friend plays with her there?

1. one of g's better liked exercises is the "hug me!"--hold her hands, open her arms as wide as she'd allow you, then bring these to a close on her chest. you'll surely hear her coo with delight!