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june 2002
at 4 months

30. by this time, g moves her bowels everyday at around 9:00 am. we carry her in a sitting position on the arinola and "pushes down" with her. success!

29. g observes the movement of your lips when you talk or sing to her. lola yiok wan is still one of g's favorite chat mates.

28. a visit from uncle terence! g looked at him intently; terence has turned brown from many boat-rowing sessions. then aunt janette visited, too! and g greeted her with smiles and coos. the princess likes janette's sweet voice and countenance! sure of that 'coz the last time they saw each other was about a month ago.

27. today is g's smell fest! see the serious look as g smells mediterranee cologne. see the serious look as g smells baby bench cologne. see the serious look as g smells bulgari's blue. see the serious look as g smells neutrogena sesame oil. "hmm, dad... what is mommy up to?"

26. an apple a day makes g a happy baby! and the same goes with the po-ta-to sprinkled with a bit of powder milk, wheeee!

25. "did i look cuddly in the pictures, daddy? i still have that tuft on my head, so mommy calls me her tintin, but, but, but i got some long strands already. oh, happy dad's day again! wish you were here."

24. shucks, i miss my baby today. it was so very nice to see her finally in the early evening. she greeted me with her hi-mommy! smile. she breastfed a bit, dozed off, then woke up again and played with ki. sometimes i wish she'd stay a little baby forever...

23. first trip to unimart supermarket. g went wide-eyed at all the new sights! a new treat for g today: half a bottle of pears (gerbers) and she loved it! by now, g can turn on her tummy from both sides of her body.

22. occasionally, g tenses up her face and body, extends her legs forward, and turns pink! and she does that at times when we say "paano mag-strong si gillian?" sure she doesn't understand us...impossible!

21. g fetched the two biggies today with me but we got stuck in the traffic! poor g, she felt totally uncomfortable--wet diaper, no milk and no sleep! i turned on the emergency signal and drove as fast as i could back to the house.

20. hmm, this princess is getting more assertive. ki 'rocked' g. she probably didn't like it so she frowned and "complained". i tickled her tummy. she probably didn't like it, too, so she frowned again and "complained". hmmm...

19. ki covered g's face with her blanket, slowly pulled it back, and surprised g with a "baaa!" g laughed heartily during that right-before-bedtime play with ki. she now appreciates the element of surprise in her play.

18. by this time, g enjoys movement activities like swinging her to and from the mirror. she'd open her mouth in delight! g also enjoys the bouncing movement as she stands on my lap with the song "hello, hello, hello, hello, how do you do..."

17. g has discovered her foot! she plays with her toes submerged in water in her bathtub. she reaches out to touch these with her right hand, as her left hand holds firmly on the tub's edge. well, that's her way of extending water play time from killjoy adults...

16. g gets excited when she hears me sing "twinkle, twinkle little star" or "the eensey, weensey spider." of course i know better than think she loves my voice, hmmph. it's the finger play that goes with the song that brightens her, hmmph.

15. g loves avocado! blended it, mixed with some honey, and g went slurping awaaayyyyy!

14. a visit to doc demi! g weighs 8.6 kg and is 65 cms long and doc said, "what a gain!" g quietly waited as doc checked her up. all went well except for the hepa b vacc shot! then she visited with doc pareja and socialized with tita leny and a chubby litte girl who kept holding her feet.

13. new cereals' flavor for g and she said yes! to wheat banana.

12. i drove g to the fruit stand again so she can start her fruits diet. but oh, she neither liked the taste of papaya nor latundan.

11. to gramp's house in del monte. gramps had wanted g to stay longer, said he didn't even had the time to give her a red envelope for this first visit. g only accompanied me to get gran's skirt for tonight's independence day celeb. g's cheeks turned rosy!

10. today, g finally turns from her side to her stomach! atta girl!!!!

9. somehow, her toes and feet have become objects of her interest lately. when carried or seated, g would stretch out her legs and look intently at that chubby chunk with ten stubs! pretty cute how she discovered them!

8. i am proud of g's quiet, observant nature, her adaptability and regular rhythmicity. tonight, she spent dinner time with me in a resto till late. and she stayed as pleasing a little baby as she can be.

7. from a lying position, pull up g by holding her hand and she can very ably carry her chest and head forward. look at those toned legs that stand firm and straight when g's in a standing position (with support)!

6. g's activity level: hmmm, i'd say hers is "middle". i bathed her and she splashed water out and around her tub. i wouldn't be surprised if white blotches appear on the wooden floor few more months from now, hmmm...

5. g laughs heartily when tickled on the stomach or armpit. sometimes, she laughs without any sound at all! laughter got stuck in her throat or something...?

4. i see the beginnings of g's eye-hand coordination. she grasped her fingers, looked at these (cross-eyed, wooohh!) before putting these into her mouth.

3. every morning, from her seater, g watches the people busily preparing to start the day. she gets a good view being atop the bed. the activity center isn't for grabbing yet though g gets excited looking at all the colors.

2. g enjoys watching the neighborhood children play in the afternoons. sometimes, she watches TV in the early evenings--bloomberg, discovery channel, cnn, basketball, gma news, and the like.

1. another trip to the national book store, this time with ki for her beijing pics album project. g awoke from her sleepy state!