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BeeeJ's Daily Rant
Sunday, 12 June 2005
Music moving and poker
Mood:  chatty
ok so here it is another busy week flying in my face. But a big week in life. First as I had previously mentioned, We move in to our pad on Wednesday. Man This is wild, Im going to go live with my baby finally!!! MY only concerns is that I spend alot of time on this massively advanced electronic machine and Im afraid she might not like that. But I guess that'll be one of the many hurdles well go over in days/years to come. Secondly my band now has 5,,, yup thats right,,, 5 gigs lined up. One of them being this Friday at the Cup in Linden. Ive been there drinking b4 and Im pretty siked about jumpin on there stage. Its gonna rule being on stage again. The only problem with Friday is that I started a new...umm....job...I guess u can say, and Im supposed to work from 12-2am. Im gonna have to see if i can finagle my father into playing some of it, maybe all of it for me. Im propping. Its when a poker site pays you to play poker. Basically keeping small tables going and starting new ones. Im very siked for this cause I have found a real joy in playing texas holdem.My only concern is monetarily Im tight as shit and really need to catch some good hands.If i do win, it would make a great side income for me and Toni. I hope it goes well and I make some money doing it. Well thats all for now, Ill catch up with u kids soon
Lata Lata

Posted by journal2/beeej55 at 3:58 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 7 June 2005
Catchin up and my band
Mood:  chillin'
Ok so my Ac trip lasted about ten hours and I ended up losing a lil bit. I couldve walked out with a hundred, but got a gambling bug and stupidly threw it back into a machine...oh well.
The last couple of days (b4 today) had been pretty uneventful except for work and Tone. Today on the other hand I found out my band,All is Fair( has three upcoming gigs with maybe more to follow. One at Crown Caddillac(ROFLMAO dont ask, its a favor for a generous thought) which is a 3-4 hour gig playing for customers to represent caddy's new under 5 second cars(meaning 0-60). I gotta see if Im making that one, I gotta be able to get out of work, but i dont think thats gonna happen. The second show is at lil orphan annies in Stirling. This is a sunday show in which we play for free to basically show the place if we're any good and if can bring them some business. This one seems cool, but am not thrilled about the 10pm start, though its only a half hour show. Then there's the Hamilton Street Cafe in my old stomping grounds of Bound Brook. This is a wednesday show starting at 6pm, we also play for a half hour and have a table in which we can sell our demo.Pretty cool looking gig, i just hope we can get some heads to show. Out of the three I rate them as Annes then the cafe then caddy. I hope they all go well. MY band and I have written some great music together and we have enjoyed ourselves up to this point, I just hope the fun keeps going and we get some more and better gigs in the future. Ive always loved music and I would give my left nut to do it as career. I hope it all goes well.
Finally i got to start getting shit packed cause moving day is fast approaching. Me and tone got the approval to move in on the 15th and we're both dying to get there and away from our rents. Its like that first huge step towards our marriage on July 23rd. Im very siked for all of it. I just hope everything goes well and is up to Tone's status. Because man if its not, there will be hell to kids talk to you soon
Lata Lata

Posted by journal2/beeej55 at 5:45 AM EDT
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Friday, 3 June 2005
Ac bound
Mood:  energetic
So its 3:45am and Im wide awake and Im gonna go take a trip to AC. I really dont have the flow for the trip and Tone would kill me if she knew, but This is my last opportunity to go down by myself, enjoy a drive and gamble a bit. Ive always been somone who lives life to its fullest. I get a gut feeling I go with it. I figured a higher being or fate has my book written already, so I figure why notdo what you feel? Its a bit immature and such but I just figure y not do one last stupid thing before the lock down or the "institution" of marriage begins.
We move into our apartment in about 2 weeks and Im siked for that and absolutely geeked for the wedding. I just know I cant live the way Ive lived when i move in with Tone. I'm just gonna have to grow up....i
On a different note I ran into an old chat buddy tonight that i havent seen in like 2 years(meaning on the comp) She is in mid divorce but living with another guy while her X is living with his girlfriend.Thats weird. I mean if you really werent happy in the first place why'd you get married? I know Im done. Toni wil be my baby forever. I just...i dont know...people are people.
Ok Im gonna hit the road. Catch yall later

Lata Lata

Posted by journal2/beeej55 at 3:48 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 1 June 2005
mid day thoughts
Mood:  chatty
So last night I did my first non training night at work. It went pretty well and I feel I started a good relationship with the men on the dock and in the company. Everything went smoothly and I can see myself doing this for a while. Meaning this is probably the first job Ive had in ages where I feel I fit in and can make a difference. I imagine thats
In other news I heard from boy Skloner today. It always is cool to hear from my best friend. I wish I could see him more often, but being in Va the trip somehow never comes through. The worst thing is I havent been down there since his wedding (four years ago) and probably another 2 years before that.I understand our friendship is well and sometimes wish Id put more of a priority in calling and going to see him, but something like my wedding, family plans and my honeys planning I never see time to make the effort. I know he'll always be there, I ...things will work out one of these days.
Lastly and speaking of my overly organized and highly planned fiance, Im going shopping in about an hour to get curtains,lamps an airconditioner and a microwave stand for the apartment we're moving into June 15th. Now Ive been very supportive through this whole design, furrniture, shopping extravaganza. I just laugh at how things must be done now or the world will end. My light understanding of women shows that 95% of them are like this. Like if the stuff is not done 3-4 weeks b4 hand it'll never get done. Not saying to be procrastinating to the last minute. But how in the hell do you save money that way..lmao. I mean I got my second check since starting this job and also my tax return check, and Ive seen barely enough dough to live on.I've been warned and have seen this stuff first hand, but when your learning this process and realizing the independence of your ownself is gone, its a tough step to accept. I mean, I guess...ok mean I WILL learn this process very well, its just wild to think about how life changes so quickly......
something to ponder
Anyway i gots to go shop and stuff,so I'll be ranting later
Lata Lata

Posted by journal2/beeej55 at 4:31 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 31 May 2005
ok here we go
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: my first entry
Wow so this is a Ok well First and foremost Ill intro this blog saying that I will be ranting a ton. I always have something to say in great length and never know how to put it short but..umm ok. here we go.
Tonight for the first time in my life I found out my fathers life story. Funny hows it taken until Im 29 to hear about it. I never knew why I never had this talk, but ok I did. It lasted about 2 hours and Unbelieveably I didnt do much of the talking.I came to find out about the young Edward and his 7 years of army experience that included korea vietnam germany and three different locations in the states. You would never know my father was an army man. HE just doesnt seem the stereotypical armed forces man. In my lifetime Ive heard him talk army once (now twice). But to hear what stuff he went through and some of the crazy shit he did was baffling. To know my own alcoholism is generic and that my temper and arrogance do come from him made me take step back from my 29 year career in life and look at my father in more of a friend kinda way. Like meeting someone for the first time and hearing there life stories and then coming to realize that you came(literally) from him.
What an amazing conversation it was. It actually drove me to my comp and basically made me sit down and start this blog. The overhwhelming feel of guilt has overcome me and I know ponder the thought of my future plans of being a father. I love telling people stories in my life. I'm almost certain Im gonna be that old annoying man that doesnt shut the fuck up about anything and talks to much. but those things I dream come true, yet I realize know I never gave my father ,up til this point,the opportunity to speak his life to me and pass on his legacy. Where the fuck have I been?
I dunno life has its way of bringing you away from moments such as this. You know work, sleep,social events or just plan lack of care, but why now? Why not earlier? I mean Im emphatic about those two hours of my life because now i know. but wow...
What I do know now is the boy and the man my dad has become. His life story has explained much to me about my own and explains a ton about him and his ways.What an amazing thing to find out.

Anyway, Im gonna try to get on here and vent daily and kinda just keep a journal/diary and if you are reading this and feel me on this or any subject please feel free to respond or email me ( blog)
Lata Lata

Posted by journal2/beeej55 at 3:01 AM EDT
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