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*Things Change*
Sunday, 20 July 2003
-*- Sedona -*-
This past Friday Em and I went on a lovely trip to awesome Sedona. I go up there Every summer and sometimes winter. But this time Em and I had to agreee was the best!...

First we went to the usual place Crystal Castle it's like a Magic Book Store. And it has the prettiest back yard. It's a peaceful little creek, so Em and I went down there and took some pictures. But as we were walkingmy momma spotted some clothes and stuff, it was so gross and totally wrecked the Peaceful beautiful veiw. So after we took some more pictures away from that....

We were off to this other place just called Crystal. They had many cool things in that store, Like Em an I went over to the lil kid section (yes we are the biggest lil kids!!) And we looked at the books, and I wanted this thing called "Bubble Thing" it was one of those things that make the bubbles HUGE! but I ended up not getting it. So ya, Em and I continued just looking at stuff, and we came across the Massaging stuff, and so I tried some of that on Em, lol, I wanted this massaging table I saw last time I was up there, But they didnt have it, I was pissed! I eneded up only gettng this mini Quji board its so cute! ...

Then we went to Pizza Hut to eat. It was good. But the Wings could have been more gressy lol....

After that as we were driving my mom and em and I decided to stop at the Strip mall and walk around, so we did! THAT WAS SOOO MUCH FUN! We went into a couple of stores, but then my mom got side traked like always and saw an 'Old Time Photo Booth' I hvae always wanted some of those! they looked so fun. So Em and My mom and I went there. Em and I got some awesome pictures take, and I was right it was the best time ever. Getting dressed up all sexy showin some leg! right Em? haha. then after we took those We continued walking around took some pictures in front of BEAUTIFUL senery. We went into a lot of stores too....

Overall the trip was awesome. the best weather it stayed in The low 80's and 70's and It was rainy and BEAUTIFUL! I couldnt ask for a better day.. And I hope nest time is just as fun!!!

Luv Always.
Urz Truly,

Posted by journal2/arianagrace at 2:24 PM PDT
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