~*~And ~*~He ~*~Only ~*~Got ~*~Probation! ~*~

Do you wish to contact the person who brought on this great tragedy? If not, maybe this will change your mind.
In the Dallas Observer, 10/21/99, this was written about Brian:
"His front teeth are broken. A deep gash runs down the left side of his face. His left shoulder is ripped out of joint. An autopsy would reveal that his skull, spine, pelvis, and several ribs had been crushed."
And in the Dallas Observer 11/25/99, this was written about Dustin:
In his written statement, Camp, who was 17 at the time of Deneke's death, said, "I was just going to knock him [Deneke] down with my car. I [sic] was icy on the ground [and] my car slid. And I guess he slipped and my car went over him.
"I didn't know what to do so I took off and took my friends that were in the car home," the statement continues. "I went straight home after that."
And in the Texas Monthly, November 1999, this was written:
"[Dustin Camp] had never applied his brakes or turned his steering wheel as his Cadillac had approached Brian, he had fled the scene of the crime, and he had lied to the police."
Now can you let your voice be unheard? Let Dustin or his parents know what you think!
Write to or call Dustin here:
Dustin Camp (806) 373-3280
2103 Hayden Street,
Amarillo, TX 79109
When Dustin's mother was interviewed on NPR's All Things Considered she stated:
"Dustin is fiercely loyal. Dustin is brave. We're so proud of him- the courage it took."- Debbie Camp
Contact Mike and Debbie Camp here:
-home (806) 373-2687
2103 Hayden Street,
Amarillo, TX 79109
-work Stanton Automotive (806) 372-7482
1101 N Pierce Street,
Amarillo, TX 79107