~*~Brian ~*~Deneke ~*~
Punk Angel, Punk Angel, Will You Be Mine?

I saw a very disturbing cover story on a news station one night. Here is what I saw(Keep in mind, this is *MY* summary of what I saw. Below are links for you to get the WHOLE story!!):
A teenager, named Brian Deneke, was a "punk". Some "jock" kid, named Dustin Camp, ran him over with his car. The reason: Brian was different. Brian dressed like a punk, and was put down for it a lot. There were fights between the jocks and the punks all the time.
One night, a group of punk friends all decided to hang out at the local IHOP. Some jock kids showed up and decided to pick a fight with them. They went across the parking lot and across the street as they were told, because the manager of the IHOP didn't want them there.
A fight instantly broke out between the 2 groups of kids. I dont really recall that part of the news story, but what happened next sickenned me greatly!
Dustin took his cadillac and ran over Brian. Brian was killed. All at the hand of Dustin, because Dustin was too blind to see the beauty in people being DIFFERENT!!! After killing Brian, Dustin returned home and stated to the people in the car with him "I'm a ninja in my caddy. I bet he liked that one!"
On top of that, what sickenned me EVEN MORE, was the fact that Dustin only got PROBATION! A little slap on the wrist! Dustin KILLED, MURDERED, TOOK A LIFE AWAY FROM SOMEONE ELSE, and all he got was probation! And on top of that, I think all he got was 10 years probation. That's it! 10 years! This is why I see society as being blind!
On the news story I watched, they asked Dustin's lawyer if Brian had killed Dustin would the charges be any different? The lawyer truthfully looked up and answered the question. He said YES! All because Brian was different...he would have gotten a different charge! He would have been put in jail!!! Society is blind yet again!
Brian Deneke was murdered on December 12, 1997 at the hand of Dustin Camp. For being himself, appearance and personality wise, a true punk in every aspect of the word, he was taken away from us all. Brian's courage and ability to be himself will NEVER be forgotten!
Though I never knew Brian Deneke personally, I will NEVER forget him!