. Tamarind - (Tamarindus indica) Folk Names: Tamarindo (Spanish)
Magickal Uses: Tamarind is carried to attract love.

Tamarisk - (Tamarix spp.)
Tamarisk shrubs or trees with their green or grayish foliage, growing on the edge of the desert, are indigenous to Egypt. The fruits are capsules with several seeds having tufts of hair at the top. The ‘fruits’ mentioned in the texts of ancient Egyptian medicine may refer to the pellets of gall deposited on the branches by insects, a commodity still for sale for tanning purposes. Dioscorides says that the ‘fruit’ was used in an infusion for the eyes, and Prospero Alpini also referred to the ‘fruit’. The Assyrian Herbal prescribes tamarisk for a wide variety of ailments. In modern Egyptian folk medicine it is used to treat the eyes, hemorrhages and dysentery, and when ground it is used as a tooth powder.
Magickal Uses: Tamarisk branches have been used in rites of exorcism since 2000 B.C. or earlier. The branch is cut from the plant with a golden axe and a silver pruning knife. During the exorcism the branch is held and shaken to scatter the leaves about to drive out demons and unwanted spirits. The Chaldeans used this wood for their divining rods. Burning tamarisk will drive snakes away.

Tansy - (Tanacetum vulgare) Folk Names: Buttons
The herb given to Ganymede to confer immortality upon him.

Herbal Uses: The infusion of dried leaves and flowers is taken while one is fasting to expel worms; steep one teaspoon per cup of water for twenty minutes, and take one cup on an empty stomach night and morning. Taken three times a day, it helps induce menstruation. The leaf is said to be a tonic for the heart. (Infuse one fresh leaf a day in herb tea.) Tansy is a good remedy for worms in children. The flowers and seeds are helpful for gout. Tansy and elder leaf make a natural insecticide when boiled and sprayed on plants. Caution: Tansy should not be taken internally by pregnant women. It contains thujone and is an emmenagogue (provoking the onset of a period.) Pregnant women should avoid this plant as it has been shown to be abortive in large doses.

Homeopathic Uses: Homeopaths use Tanacetum vulgare for poison ivy, abnormal lassitude, and worms. Dysentery, suppressed menstruation, labored breath, and a sensation as if the ears were roaring, ringing, and “closed up suddenly” are symptoms addressed by this herb.

Magickal Uses: Once used in embalming preparations, tansy is known as an herb of immortality and longevity. A branch is an appropriate herb to use in asperging a body, a gravesite, or a ritual area. Tansy is carried to lengthen the life span and placed in shoes to cure persistent fevers. Use to repel ants.

Tea - (Camellia spp.) Folk Names: Black Tea, China Tea
Magickal Uses: Tea is used for prosperity, courage, and as a base liquid for inducing lust. The leaves are burnt as part of incense for future prosperity or added to spells and sachets for this. Talismans with tea incorporated are for strength and courage.

Teasel - (Dipsacus sylvestris, D. fullonium)
Herbal Uses: Teasel roots are used in salves for fistulas, cankers and warts. It is an herb for opening and cleansing the liver, and it helps in jaundice. Two teaspoons of the root are simmered in one cup of water, and one-fourth cup is taken four times a day. The traditional use of the dried flower heads is in fleecing wool.

Homeopathic Uses: The homeopathic tincture of Dipsacus is used for anal fistula and skin inflammations. It is made from the fresh plant’s flower.

Thistle - (Carduus spp.) Folk Names: Lady’s Thistle, Thrissles
In Ol’ England, wizards would selct the tallest thistle to make into a magick wand or a “walking stick.”
Herbal Uses: Many thistles are used herbally, but the three best known are Blessed Thistle (Holy Thistle), Teasel, and Milk Thistle.

Magickal Uses: An herb of protection and vitality. A bowlful placed in a room strengthens the spirits and renews vitality. One may be carried for added strength and energy. They offer protection when grown in the garden or carried in the pocket. Throwing them into a fire will deflect lightning away from your home. Wearing a garment made from thistle will break any spell. Poppets are also stuffed with thistle to break spells. Use in healing spells and for depression. It is said that when a man carries one he becomes a better lover. A method of calling spirits is to boil some thistle. After removing it from the heat, be seated next to the bowl and begin meditating. As the steam rises, so will your questions and their answers will be heard.

Thistle, Holy - (Centaurea benedicta) Folk Names: Blessed Thistle
Herbal Uses: This thistle was known to the ancients as a liver tonic. It strengthens the memory, helps with depression, and is useful in migraine headache. Combine it with peppermint, elder flowers, and ginger for colds, fevers, and backache. Blessed thistle is used to promote breast milk (use the leaf). It can be eaten aw in sandwiches and salads, or taken powdered in wine or tea. Use two teaspoons per cup and steep for twenty minutes; take a quarter cup four times a day.

Homeopathic Uses: Homeopaths use Centaurea benedicta for nausea, left-sided stomach pain, gallstones, surging of blood, homesickness, intermittent fever, and enlarged liver, especially when eye symptoms are present and there is a sensation of contraction in many parts.

Magickal Uses: Blessed thistle is an herb of protection used in the ritual bath. It is also used to counteract hexing. Thistle brings spiritual, physical, and financial blessings. Carry one to bring joy, energy, vitality, and protection. A shirt with thistle fibers woven into it will protect the wearer from any spell. Thistles make men better lovers. The herb has been used to make magickal wands and to conjure or communicate with spirits.

Thistle, Milk - (Carduus marianus) Folk Names: Marian Thistle
Magickal Uses: The early Anglo-Saxons believed that when this herb was worn around the neck it would cause all the snakes in the vicinity too begin fighting.

Thyme - (Thymus vulgaris, T. serpyllum ) Folk Names: Common Thyme, Garden Thyme
Thyme is an important flavoring in Mediterranean cooking, and thyme honey from the slopes of Hymettos hills in Greece is justly famous. The leaves contain the antiseptic thymol, which is widely used in modern pharmacology as an antispasmodic, antiseptic, expectorant and carminative. Below are a few of the many varieties and what their flavor is like.

Caraway - (T. herba-barona) A very low growing, spreading thyme with the scent and flavor of caraway.

English Wedgwood - (T. species) A great thyme flavor with a hint of vanilla. Not quite as ‘earthy’ as English thyme.

Golden Lemon - (T. x citriodorus) A delightful thyme with excellent lemon flavor.

Lemon - (T. x citriodorus) A delightful lemon scent and flavor.

Pennsylavania Dutch Tea (T. pulegioides) This interesting thyme came from a group of Pennsylvania Dutch, who make a tea from it. Some people think it tastes a lot like black tea, others think it tastes like vanilla.

Herbal Uses: Thyme is an excellent lung cleanser. Use it to dry up and clear out moist phlegm and to treat whooping cough. It makes a good tea for the mother after childbirth, as it helps expel the placenta. Steep one-half teaspoon fresh herb or one teaspoon dried herb in one-half cup of hot water for five minutes. Take up to one and a half cups a day in quarter-cup doses. A natural antiseptic, thyme is often used in salves for wounds, swellings, sciatica, and failing eyes. The tea relives gas and colic (as does the oil, taken in one- to five-drop doses). The tincture can be used in ten- to twenty-drop doses, taken three times a day. Use thyme for headaches and handovers.

Homeopathic Uses: Homeopaths use Thymus serpyllum (wild thyme) in tincture for children’s respiratory infections, nervous asthma, and whooping cough, especially when accompanied by ringing in the ears and a burning sore throat.

Magickal Uses: The Greeks burned thyme in their temples to purify them as we do today to purify an area. Add it to the magickal-cleansing bath of springtime, along with marjoram, to remove all sorrows and ills of winter. It is worn or added to the ritual cup to aid in communicating with the deceased. (It also helps one see Otherworldly entities.) To ensure a restful night’s sleep free from nightmares, sleep with it beneath your pillow. When worn it will help psychic powers develop, and if worn be a woman in her hair, it will make her irresistible. The aroma will revitalize your strength and courage. A place where wild thyme grows will be a particularly powerful energy center on the Earth.

Ti - (Cordyline terminslis) Folk Names: Good Luck Plant, Ki (Hawaiian)
Magickal Uses: An herb of protection. Ti leaves have been used to protect ships from storms at sea and sailors from drowning. Green ti planted as a border around the home protects it (never plant the red ti for this, it brings bad luck to the home). Red ti is sacred to the Hawaiian god, Pele. The leaves are placed under the bed for protection while sleeping and rubbing the forehead with the leaf will relieve headaches.

Toadflax - (Linaria vulgaris) Folk Names: Chrunstaff, Doggies, Dragon Bushes, Flax Weed, Fluellin, Gallwort, Patterns and Clogs, Rabbits, Ramsted, Toad
Magickal Uses: Amulets that protect from evil may be made from toadflax. They also break hexes and curses.

Toadstool - It is said that if you accidentally break a toadstool it will soon rain.

Tobacco - (Nicotiana spp.) Poison Folk Names: Tabacca
Tobacco is a suitable substitute for sulphur, datura and nightshade (which are related to tobacco). A poultice made with tobacco is effective in reducing the pain and swelling from insect stings.
Magickal Uses: This plant has long been regarded as sacred by most Native American peoples and used in numerous religious ceremonies. In some shamanic traditions, candidates drink tobacco juice to induce visions. Smoke is one of the vehicles by which prayers are transported. It allows communication with the spirits of the other levels of existence. It is also used to purify an area of all negativity and spirits. In South America, tobacco is thrown into the river before beginning a journey as an offering to the river gods. It is also used to purify one of evil after a nightmare. This is done by washing in a running stream and then throwing in tobacco as an offering to the Great Water Spirit.

Tomato - (Lycopersion spp.) Folk Names: Love Apples
Magickal Uses: Tomatoes, also called Love Apples, are said to arouse love when eaten. A large red one on the homes mantle will bring prosperity (replace it with a fresh one every three days). When grown in the garden they offer protection. It is believed that their bright yellow flowers and red fruit scare away evil spirits.

Tonka - (Coumarouna odorata; Dipteryx odorata) Poison Folk Names: Coumaria Nut, Tonqua, Tonquin Bean
Magickal Uses: Tonka beans are worn or carried to attract love, money, good luck, courage and health. They are also used for wish magic. Hold a bean in your hand and concentrate on your wish, then throw it into running water.

Toothache Plant - (Spilanthes acmella)
A fascinating herb from South America. The tender leaves produce a profound tingling, numbing effect when chewed. Used by South Americans, and Australian aborigines, to ease the pain of toothaches. Reported to be antiviral and anti-fungal, and effective against candida.

Tormentil - (Potentilla tormentilla) Folk Names: Biscuits, Bloodroot, Earthbank, Ewe Daisy, Five Fingers, Flesh and Blood, Septfoil, Shepherd’s Knot, Thormantle
Magickal Uses: This herb is used for protection and love. An infusion may be made and drank for protection (psychics use this infusion to prevent permanent possession when engaging in necromancy), and given to your beloved to retain their love. It is also hung in the home for these purposes.

Trillium - (Trillium spp.) Folk Names: Beth, Beth Root, Indian Root, True Love
Magickal Uses: Trillium is an herb of love and luck, carry it to draw both of these. Rub the root on your body to attract love.

Tulip - (Tulipa spp.)
Magickal Uses: In many Middle Eastern countries ‘tulip’ means ‘turban’ and they are worn in turbans to bring luck and protection. They also safeguard against poverty and are placed on the altar during love spells.

Turmeric - (Cucurma longa) Folk Names: Olena (Hawaiian)
Magickal Uses: An ancient herb of purification in Hawaiian magick. Turmeric is mixed with salt water and then the mixture is sprinkled, usually with a ti leaf, to purify an area. It may be used by itself for this purpose in the magick circle.

Turnip - (Brassica rapa)
Before the tradition of carving pumpkins and lighting them with candles for Samhain, turnips were used. They were placed in the windows to prevent evil spirits from entering the home on that night.
Herbal Uses: Turnip root is used in salves and poultices for chilblains. The seeds help diarrhea, wet coughs, and sneezing, and abdominal fullness caused by incomplete digestion; use six to twelve grams in tea or capsules. Radish seeds (Raphanus sativus) have similar properties. The root, when eaten, is said to improve the body’s resistance to stress and disease. Caution: Turnip seed is contraindicated for those who are very weak.

Magickal Uses: An herb of protection. In the home they ward of every type of negativity. It is said that to discourage an admirer all you have to do is set a dish of turnips in front of them. It would discourage me.


General Instructions

Herbal Essential Oils

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