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Applying God’s Word

We are told to apply God’s word to our lives. Paul tells us we must also apply it to the world (1 Corinthians 6:2-3). In fact, a major part of applying God’s word to ourselves is by applying it to the world (Revelation 19:10). If we are to judge and rule nations in the future, if we are to battle principalities and powers, we had better develop the skills and get practice now. True religion tells us how to live.

Exactly how are we to apply God’s word? Consider the scenario below, one that has occurred many times in history. This scenario plays out in various ways, but without religion (the true teaching) it always ends up badly.

The Scenario

Country X is a subsistence agricultural nation. Most are small farmers. Few are rich. Cities are few and industry nonexistent. The gap between rich and poor is small, consisting mainly of a difference in land holdings. There are no banks, and the government itself is also small. This country has existed in this fashion for centuries.

One day a ship from a far country arrives at one of Country X’s villages. It brings goods never before seen: fine metal implements, bales of brightly woven cloth that no loom in Country X can match, and clever devices which no one has any idea of how they are made or how they work. The strangers wish to trade.

Three main reactions are possible.

  1. The villagers for some reason react with suspicion and,
    1. the traders leave only to trade with another village in Country X.
    2. the traders return with superior weapons and destroy the village to establish a trading base with the conquered.
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