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Ezerovo ring was found in 1912 at Ezerovo, Bulgaria, ex-Thracia

Ezerovo ring
is dated by bulgarian scholars from VBC with study of the alphabet in wich text is written

The text from Ezerovo ring
is unique incorruptible text from the getae dacian and thracians space

Rolist Eneas Ner Eneat

A compendium of the book written by Andrei Vartic

Basarabia, Chisinau, December 1999

Original scripto continua with grecian alphabet from the Ezerovo ring ROLISTENEASNERENEATILTEANESKOARAZEADOMEANTILEZVIITAMIHERAZELTA

We think that in this scripto continua is hiding a poem in 5 line (daco-thracian tanca) with an eneasiliab in the first line, a sixsilabes in second, third and forth line, and three or forth silabes in fifth line

The same poem in romanian


Se-nvirte Unu, curge Noua

El te-a nascut, o A

Ra, zeu al casei ant

El e venit, prieteni

Ra, zeul tau


A poem in daco-thracian language


Rolist Eneas Ner Eneat

Il Te A Nesk O A

Ra Ze A Dome Ant

Il Ez Viit Amice

Ra Ze L Ta



The same poem in english


One is round, Nine are flowing

He had borned You, O, A

The God of Ant's House, Ra

He had came, my friends

Your God, Ra


The translation made begining from a comparasion of antic Ezerovo text with modern romanian. The resemblance is amazing.

A. Vartic books

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