SMA OnLine News Magazine a free community-run nonprofit public service, written FOR and BY the expatriate residents, in our attempt to meet needs not being met elsewhere    

goals & mission

Home page to a parent page ze cellar - behind the scenes acknowledgments

Home page to a parent page ze cellar - behind the scenes acknowledgments

HEADLINES  table of contents  breaking news  news about us  write to & for us    FAQs    goals and mission    navigator

Welcome to your free online newspaper, unsupported by local advertising, beholden to no one but you, and directed at you, the members of the San Miguel resident expatriate community.  This is a non-profit community service and there will be no costs involved, other than volunteers' expended time.

Although anyone may read and anyone may write, this newspaper is intended to be useful to, and used predominantly by, resident expatriates of San Miguel de Allende.  

Our goals or mission and our promise to the readers

To enable anyone who has anything to say, a forum to say it (restricted only by local law, and civility, but seldom by space limitations)
To serve the resident expatriate community of San Miguel de Allende
To bring to our readership original information which they would have difficulty finding elsewhere in this town.
To be fair to all sides in all controversies by providing equal space to all parties.
To be independent of all pressure groups, especially local advertisers
To create, whenever necessary, a dedicated op-ed page for issues effecting this community
To evolve in scope as new events warrant.

"no advertising" refers to our independence and does not apply to ads placed by our web-site hosts over which we have no control.  However, as we owe no allegiance to such a host, we may publish with total independence.

By clicking on the Link in this sentence, you may send an e-mail to  with your input or your comments about this web site.

objectives ( and other notes) for all web-site pages are shown at the bottom of each page

Objectives of this page: to set forth ALL of our goals and our mission so that we, too, promote transparency of our operations and our work as well as our sources.