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My side of the story
Saturday, 9 August 2003
I'm gonna miss the football game!
*Bangs head on computer desk* This *bang* freaking *bang* sucks *bang bang*!

Ok, my dad decided he didn't want to practice driving today early, like we should have! Instead, he wants to go after dinner. It just conviently slipped his mind that there's a football game on! I'm not missing the game, I don't give a crap if God himself wants to hang out I will not miss a football game. Besides, the game on Monday was cancelled cause of the lighting (like a little lighting ever hurt anyone!) so I never got to see half the rookies play. Well, really I only wanna see Tommy Collins play. But still.

I *stomps foot* am not *stomps* missing *stomps* the game *stomps hard*. Not for anything in the world. Not even all of Bill Gates's money will I miss a game.

Ok, enough about football. Right now this guy from Pakistan or some Arab country like that is bugging the hell outta me. He's saying stuff and I don't even know what the hell he's trying to say.

Me: Dude, go back to school and learn how to speak American.

Arab dude: I am speaking english not arabic

Me: Well you're not speaking american either

Abrab dude: English

Me: No, it's AMERICAN

*Rolls eyes* I tell ya. The world would be so much easier if we all spoke Hawaiian. Like get this, my choir did Lilo and Stich last year and we did the Hawaiian parts and they only have 12 letters! I mean, come on how easy is that! Isn't it true that like American is the 2nd hardest language to learn?

Oh, but you know what language I'll NEVER EVER EVER learn is?? French....I can't stand France and the French people in general.

Got a joke for ya:

What do you call a hundred French-men with their arms up?

The army!

HAHAHAHA. Ok, it's not that funny. But the point is: French = bad

Ok, I'm done rambling right now. Gee...I don't think I'm normal. What do you think? ;)

Posted by jazz/lovely_blue_eyes at 3:46 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 5 August 2003
Bored again
I go for my road test on Monday. I'm really nervous, I don't think I'm gonna pass. And the thing is, if I don't pass then I don't get the job I applied for :S That would seroiusly suck.

We're having majorly bad money problems right this is the worst we've ever had. It bites big time. That's the reason I need this job so bad, so that I can help out.

Roseann (that's my little sister) is being such a brat lately. She even admitts she think's she so much better then me. This is how it happened:

Me: Why do you think you're so much better then everybody?

Roseann: Because I am.

Me: So you think you're better then me?

Roseann: I know I am.

Where does this little squirt get off?! I mean, yea we argue sometimes. But I'm not that mean to her. I admit sometimes I'll do something just to piss her off, but more then most of the time I try to be really nice and help her out. Well I got news for her: when I get my license she's still gonna ride the bus to school!

Ok, maybe not but hey I'm mad. I mean, how would you feel if your younger sister tells you "you can die anytime soon, ya know?" I'm not kidding, that's what she told me today. That was right before she called me a "worthless whore". I can't stand being called a slut and a whore. When I tell my dad how much it bothers me he just says "suck it up" basically. I've got my reasons, and I'm not going to explain them cause they're extrememly personal but let's just say they involve my ever so lovely "mother". Ya, I wonder if she technically counts as a mom since I haven't seen or heard from her since I was 7. (For your information, I'm 16 now. You do the math.)

Right now I'd gladly trade Roseann for anybody's sister/brother. Of course, I'd probably have to pay somebody to take her.

I gotta say though, I've gotten a little better at ignoring the little munchkin.

But ok, I'm done rambling. Oh, before I go I just wanna say this: Everybody should check out Iron Maiden's song "Fear of the Dark" It's not my kinda music or anything, Kyle told me about it though, and it's cool as hell.

Anyway gotta go driving :S I swear, one of these days I'm gonna kill my car by hitting a dear...Hopefully not tonight though!

Posted by jazz/lovely_blue_eyes at 9:23 PM CDT
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Sunday, 3 August 2003
Josh's comment
I get what your saying about Kyle not wanting to wait around for me to make up my mind. And that's what I told him too. But he's like "I've already wated 5 months for you, one or two more months isn't going to kill me." Isn't he the sweetest :D

And technically, I did go out with Kyle. See, last Sunday I just found out that Mike had been cheating on me for the past 4 months. So I swore at him a lot and dumped his butt and that was that. And then Kyle asked me out like two days later, and I'll be honest I just wanted a way to hurt Mike. But I should have said no cause it was just way to soon and I still wanted to give Mike another chance. So I broke up with Kyle like a day later and gave Mike another chance.

And it's been exactly one week. And now this guy that I'm talking to, who told me the other night that he has a crush on me, is acting like a big baby cause I just told him the deal. I don't wanna sound concieted, but why the hell do all these damn guys like me? Or maybe it's not that, it's that they all tell me and then they think I'll go out with them. I don't wanna hurt their feelings either, that's why I normally get suckered into going out with them.

I swear, I've got the same amount of backbone as a jellyfish.

But now that I'm done rambling, I think I'm going back to bed. I didn't get off the phone with Kyle until 4 this morning and I was barely able to stay awake until that long.

Posted by jazz/lovely_blue_eyes at 11:48 AM CDT
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Messed up and yet perfect
Ok, my life is incredibly messed up and perfect at the same time.

Messed up: My life is messed up cause I love Mike and at the same time I love Kyle. But the thing is, now I honestly don't think I'm IN love with Mike.

Perfect: I'm so in love with Kyle, who is Mike's best friend. We talked for 3 and a 1/2 hours (during the football game mostly) but then I had to go. And we just got off the phone now, we talked for almost 3 hours again. And yet it doesn't feel like we talked more then ten minutes. Kyle told me he loved me :D And it was so cute, it was so different from when Mike tells me.

With Mike, telling me he loves me is like saying hi to somebody. It's almost like it's routine, and for me it is, I don't know about him though. And then with Kyle...he's just so adorable. He doesn't tell me he loves me constantly, and yet with him I feel MORE loved...

Maybe I've finally gone completely carott-top. I think that's probably it. Maybe I should commit myself, what do you think? Ya, I didn't think so either.

Ok, well I'm done rambling now so I'll go to sleep. Actually, like hell I can sleep. My mind is buzzing with Kyle-thoughts. Like for one, I thought for a second that I had more-then-friend feelings for Kyle. And then the next second I felt, no I don't like Kyle as more then a friend. And now it's like I always wanna talk to him and hear his voice and be with him...Can somebody seroiusly help me figure out what's going on with me? Cause I really could use some serious, professionl help.

Posted by jazz/lovely_blue_eyes at 2:57 AM CDT
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Saturday, 2 August 2003
2004 Packers Season Predictions
Omigod! The Bucs beat the Jets 30-14! That's disgusting! My god! What a bunch of damn girls! I saw a group of 8-year-old girls play better football the other day! I hope Jet's coach makes them walk home from Japan! If I was their coach I sure as hell would. Oh...don't look at me like that! Tough love here people! Tough love!

Anyway, here's my game predictions for the Packers regular season: (Note: games are in order starting with first game on Sun. Sept 7)

Minnesota Vikings: (Home game), if the Packers played like say...the Bengals they would lose this game. But otherwise there's no way in hell we should lose this game. If we do we got some serious practicing to do.

Detroit Lions: (Home game) Once again, we'd have to play worse then the, make that the Texans, in order to lose this game. We should definatly walk away victorious.

Arizona Cardinals: (away game) I lived in Arizona for many years, and I've concluded a couple things: it's hot, it's dry, and their football team sucks. Who knows now they they canned Jake the Snake maybe they'll be able to play, ok yea right. Definatly another big win.

Chicago Bears: (Away game) And da Bears still suck! I just love that song! Tune to 95.5 on Friday's and you'll hear that song. But ok, my prediction: definatly gonna be a win. Unless the Bears completely canned the old team and got some new players, they're still gonna suck.

Seattle Seahawks: (Home game) Everybody in Wisconsin, whether they're a Packers fan or not, should root for the Pack during this game. After all, this is the team our former butthead coach Mike Holmgron (did I spell that right?) went to. Note to Mike: YOU SUCK! I think he got canned though, not sure. I'll check and see. Anyway, I think a couple of old ladies could single-handedly beat the Seahawks; in conclusion, the Pack will definatly walk away with the big W.

Kansas City Cheifs: (Home game) This is getting ridiculous, why did the big-wigs who do the planning for the season give us such a pansy-season. Maybe for the Bengals this would be a tough season, but not for the men in green. Honestly, I'm growing tired of repeating this...actually, no I'm not. Chalk up another win for the Pack!

Saint Louis Rams: (Away game) Finally, a game I think will be challenging! Oh wait...I was thinking of a team that actually could play. Yep...once again the Packers will win...*yawn* what happend to football being challenging? Or wait, maybe the Packers are just TOO good? Nah, no such thing.

Open date

Minnesota Vikings: (Away game) As much as I don't like to admit it, the Vik-queens can really beat our butts when we come to the Dome. However, I think the Packers will win and here's why: We've got that lovely bi week, so we'll have plenty of time to get our butts into gear for this game. We should win, as long as we don't screw it up. We need to get ahead in the first 1/2 and then stay that way. None of this, super-hero crap where we lose in the first 1/2 and come back to win in the second 1/2.

Tampa Bay Bucs: (Away game) *Takes a deep breath* This is going to be our hardest game. Not only do we have to see Jon Gruden's annoying, arrogant, yet very cute little face...we also have to put up with Warren Sapp (winner of the Punk of the Century award) and his little sidekick Mike Alstott (who recently got arrested, mind you). I'm a packer-backer through and through, but I don't think even the Pack can pull off a win here.

San Francisco 49ers: (Home game) Ok, lets do the math: 49ers + Lambeau field + Late November weather = definate win for the Pack! Yea, lets bring a bunch of Californian's from San Francisco (and you know what I mean by that!) and then you expect them to win?! Get real!

Detroit Lions: (Away game) I really feel bad for the Lions, ya know being so crappy and then having to play such a great team (that'd be the Packers by the way). I mean, the Lions players really give they're all and I just feel so bad for them. It's sad...but I'm over that now and the way I look at it: one more victory steering us to the Playoffs!

Chicago Bears: (Home game) I hate to repeat myself...actually, I really don't care. Da Bears STILL suck! I figure at this point in the season the Bears will have won 2 games...oh hell, I'll give them 3 games. The sure as hell aren't going to beat Farve and the Pack at Lambeau field. They might as well call and cancel so they don't embaresse themselves.

San Diego Chargers: (Away game) San Diego who??? How many teams does California really need? Shouldn't they concentrate on making one GOOD team instead of a bunch of CRAPPY teams??? Can't really say much about this team, cause like I said: San Diego who? We'll just have to wait and see.

Oakland Raiders: (Away game) You know, we might as well stay in California after we play the Chargers because we just have to travel on down to Oakland the next week anyway. Oh, but if the Packers lose to the Chargers, I'd make them walk to Oakland. Didn't I tell you...tough love! Anyway, this is going to be a hard game, I mean who wouldn't be intimidated by those nasty looking Raiders fans who spit on oposing teams as they enter the stadium? Yea, not only do the Packers PLAYERS rock, but so do they fans. At least we don't scare little children!

Denvor Broncos: (Home game) Last game of the season, hopefully we don't blow it like we did last season against the Jets! Denver isn't an extremely good team, and I think if we do well up to this game we'll beat their butts into Frozen Tundra. If not...we'll act like a bunch of little girls and disgrace Lambeau field yet again!

So there are my predictions for the 2004 Packer's regular season. They weren't meant to offend...actually, yes they where. But please don't be mad, I'm just trying to have a little fun. Who knows, maybe with a little help...hell a miracle're team might win ;)

(Note: Tomorrow's post will revel my predictions for the New England Patriots 2004 regular season. Stay tuned to find out what I, Madame Knows It All, will say about the future...)

Posted by jazz/lovely_blue_eyes at 11:39 PM CDT
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My first entry!
So tonight was the American Bowl in Tokoyo, Japan...It wasn't all that great. It was Jets. vs Bucs and the last time I saw the score it was like 7-10 Bucs...the Jets didn't even try to make a comeback and beat the pansy Bucs to the ground! What a bunch of girls! Who cares if it's pre-season, losing still sucks! But...I won't get worked up yet cause I don't actually know who won yet. My money is on the Bucs though...stupid pansies...

Ok, so I talked to my boyfriend's best friend Kyle tonight for like 3 and a 1/2 hours on the phone. That was the most fun I've ever had talking to anybody. I know I know, I'm going out with Mike and yea yea I love him and yada yada...but I can't help flirting with Kyle. I mean I don't like him as anything more then a friend, but damn he's just so much fun to flirt with. And besides, how can I help it when he flirts with me???

Ok, so enough about my boring life. This blog thing for me is probably gonna become like the center for all my football-releated ranting. And as a matter of a fact, once I go to and check to see who won the game I'm gonna post my predictions for the 2004 Packer football season. And I'll follow that up with the Patriots season...well, maybe not tonight. That's a lot of damn thinking to do! And, between you and me, it hurts! Ok, so I'll end this!

Posted by jazz/lovely_blue_eyes at 10:59 PM CDT
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