The FriNJE News Page (Archive)

Merry (2003) Christmas Everybody!

The FriNJE will restart for the new (2003) term on Friday 3rd October,
in the Students Union Raynor Lounge (off Bar One) 5 pm -7pm, when we look forward to seeing new members.
I have been putting together some "new" tunes for the new season,
with the emphasis on dixieland classics such as Tiger Rag and South Rampart Street Parade.
You can join the Music Players Society at Freshers Fair
or just turn up to the first session with your instrument (and music stand if you have one.)
Playing Notes
[Playing Notes]

click to enlarge

Hi there,

Just a shortie to say a big thank you to everyone in the FriNJE & Gospel
choir who took part & came down last sat nite to the S.A.  Everybody here
seemed to have enjoyed it & are still talking about it this week during our
normal activities.
Again thanks for all your hard work & God Bless you.

Dave & the Salvation Army (10th April 2003)

The New Pictures

Chemistry Ball The Chemistry Society Ball

Friday 14th March 2003

The New Pictures

(February 20th 2003) See New Page  ("I Know It's Not Rock and Roll....!") 

(February 15th 2003)
Health Warning !
I'm afraid I got caught out yesterday by the weather.
Yes, it has been quite mild for the time of year; yes I did wrap up warm,
 And although it seemed no colder than when I was going out busking, just prior to Christmas,
There is a very nasty frost in the air!
Playing first thing in the morning is a good way to start the day,
So being Valentines day, nice and sunny etc  I went into town.
Fingerless gloves are no protection!
After ten minutes, I wasn't cold, I was in agony.
The tips of my fingers are very sore today.
....Just thought I'd better mention it, because honestly it's not funny.

(January 2003) Take a look at the Musicians Union Site for News about the campaign
for reform of the Public Entertainment Licensing laws,
the nasty twist in the tail of the proposed new legislation,
and an on-line petition.
You can also write to your MP on-line to state your views,
and ask the questions about how it might affect your activities. My Letter to Parliament
This is urgent as some very meanie-control-freak nonesense is currently going through Parliament,
which could spoil all our fun!

[Rehearsal November 2002] [Alice] [Paul+Alice]

Have a good Christmas break.
We will be restarting our sessions in the Raynor Lounge
after the exam period on 14th February 2003 (5pm-7pm)

The FriNJE Pre-Xmas Showcase

Go to The FriNJE Homepage Go to The FriNJE Homepage

Come and hear us play in The Raynor Lounge (Students Union off Bar One)
on Friday 13th December 2002 5pm-7pm.
Free admission to Student Union members and guests
Did anyone get any photos of this event that I can put here?


Here's the bottom of the page! site author: R.Mark Lambert