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(just kidding)

This page is just a list of the questions from the Ultimate Relationship Program that I have filled out. Each sextion of the program ends with "action questions" that you are supposed to fill out after listening to that sextion. These are my answers. I try to be as honest as possible when writing them. The answers are true when I wrote them, but the answers may change later (I will not update the answers, as it will hopefully show a progression). Therefore, you may read an answer that I wrote two months ago that says, "our relationship is at a level 3," but TODAY I might rate it at a level 1. If you disagree with something I say, please leave me feedback about it. If you wonder if I still feel the same as when I wrote a particular question, ask me. If you want to answer any of the questions, leave that in the feedback section as well, and I will add it to the site (even if I don't like the truth). "You have to know where your relationship is before you can get to where you want it." Corny but true, and the motivation behind adding this page. My goal is honesty.

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