  • Disseminate info on TB in India
  • Improve care of TB patients in India
  • Enable doctors and NGO's interested in TB control to interact
Treatment regimensFind treatment categoryPhamacokineticsTreatment of drug resistanceTreatment of TB-HIV

Dosages and pharmacokinetics of antituberculosis medications
Drug Usual adult dose Peak serum concentration(µg/ml) Usual range MIC
First line oral drugs
Isoniazid 300mg 3-5 0.01-1.25
Rifampicin 450-600mg 8-20 0.06-0.25
Pyrazinamide 1500mg(30mg/kg) 20-60 6.2-50
Ethambutol 15-25mg/kg 3-5 0.5-2.0
Injectable drugs
Streptomycin 15mg/kg 35-45 0.25-2.0
Amikacin 15mg/kg 35-45 0.5-2.0
Kanamycin 15mg/kg 35-45 0.5-1.0
Capreomycin 15mg/kg 35-45 1.5-3.0
Second line oral drug
Ofloxacin 400mg bid 8-10 0.25-2.0
Ciprofloxacin 750mg bid 3-5 0.25-2.0
Ethionamide 250mg or tid 1-5 0.3-1.2
Para amino salicylic acid 3G qidb 40-70 not Known
Cycloserine 250mg bid or tid 20-35 not known
a  bid=Twice a day. tid=Thrice a day qid=four times a day
b  4g bid for new formulations
c  MIC=Minimal inhibitory concentration