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simply drivel
Thursday, 19 June 2003

going with the comment that id make a interesting weblogger, i have attempted to do so. having once before done this -- it seems a bit odd to be doing it now, when i feel a bit older, a bit wiser, not so much filled with angst and depressed about the world -- but disappointed and depressed about the world. what its actually like, that there is no alternative than what is faced before us. what we have is what we have to make the best of, and sometimes thats the hardest thing to do.

i always thought that moaning and complaining about what was before me -- ridiculing stupidity, mocking fakeness -- was a way that i could be difference, and i suppose i do still think that, as i have fallen in some sort of identity hole where what i do and say -- being cynical, being sarcastic, has become so much me, what without it, people would just think it odd. so, i suppose i have locked myself into some kind of trap, not that i mind really.

its all about what you want to gain out of things, perhaps.

enough, im giving myself a bit of a mindfuck being all adult like.

wheres the booze?

Posted by indie/pseudotina at 10:50 PM EDT
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