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Be forewarned that, yes, my comic is thus far drawn with Paint.  *le gasp o' horror!*  Yes, behold my complete lack of technological skills.  Er, rather, my dirt-poor-cheap-as-a-ten-cent-whistle existence.  Besides, freej it, the scanner doesn't work the way God (or its manufacturer) intended for it to.  This means I must develop painful dilemmas with the delicate muscles in my hand whilst whatever poor soul wanders in here must suffer the viewage of my Mildly Traumatizing Art.  I am self-deprecating, in a pitiful sort of way.  Want to wander elsewhere?  Go to the Hall of Freedom.  Don't want to wander elsewhere?  Then get thee to a doctor - or one of the many handy links below.

Warning!  This site is, and will be, under heavy construction for a while - I'll be trying to do a weekly update of at least three images in the Galleria, if not more, but until I get back home from Egypt (where I'm visiting my USAF dad, natch), I wouldn't count on too much.  Once home, though, I'll have images of quality to post - that is, hand-drawn pics!  *le gasp o' shock!*  Precisely.  Additionally, I'm by no means fond of excess flaunting of HTML or, frankly, of using anything confusing or stylish, so what you see is what you get: online proof of my idiocy.  Yay!

Galleria: home of the art, both pathetic and somewhat good

Library (not yet up): home of the related stories, because I like writing

Characters: biographies for people that don't exist - that's th' ticket (organized by series; hot diggity!)

Hall of Freedom: get out!  go to places that have sustenance and squiggly fun

Step Lightly (not yet up): directions to 'me' stuff, from my blogs to my accounts (yes, plural)


Disclaimer: Discounting the brief usage of fanart in the Galleria, everything used herein is mine - I would be very displeased if someone was childish enough to steal this shtuff.  I'd be even more disappointed as it isn't very good shtuff.  As for the fanart, it is obviously, glaringly a violation of copyright laws; I have been given no more permission to abuse or utilize the characters and thusly throw myself at the feet of all People Who Own Them to be forgiveness.  Pwease?  For the childwen?  (And, damn it, that wasn't mine either.  God bless Jhonen Vasquez, though.)