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San Francisco
Thursday, 10 January 2008
Going Home

Going home was very difficult for me to do and I must admit that it wasn't something that i was very proud to do but, I knew i had to. I called up my mother and told her that i needed her to fly down from L.A and drive me home because it was the hardest thing to do. Two days later I see my mother at my front door step and I couldn't do nothing but fall into her arms and cry. "don't worry honey. This is a stepping stone of life" I love the way my mother voice talks to me to let me know everything is going to be alright.  I already han my stuff packed in the car and wanting nothing more then to stay. I wanted my mother to push me to stay. Tell me that I can make it. Push me to succeed but no. She said it was time. Maybe she was right about that. maye it was time for me to come home to relaty and to put my life back in order the right way.the sad part it, i don't know what the right way is. Around eight am we were driving down the 80fwy and I coould not help but to stare at a glance over the mountians to see the sunrise. It was so beautiful and I felt nothing but emptness. emptyness that I have failed then all of a sudden a tear fell from my eye onto my cheek and I herd the voice of my mother tell me " I envy you". Envy me? I said with a uncomfortable giggle. How is that? My mother turned down the music and went on to tell me that When nshe was younger she had her kids young but, never regreted it and went on to say that she never got to travel throughout her life. She said all she wanted to do was visit everywhere that she can thing of and she never stepped outside california. Well navada of course to go to vegas but, that doesn't count. She asked me where do i want to travel and I mentioned that I wanted to see everything as well. "Do It" my mom pushed on my arm. Do it. I sat in the chair only to look back at her and  

Posted by indie/just_u_and_me at 10:30 PM PST
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Friday, 2 December 2005
San Francisco
Mood:  energetic
2 months later I moved to San Francisco. I had nothing but 60 dollars in my pocket, no where to stay when I got there, I had a job only because our company is nation wide. Everyone that ever lived in San Francisco knows that you could barley survive making 10.00 an hour but I was doing it. I had a plan how everything was going. To save money, I would rent a daily hotel every other day in order to take a shower and sleep in a bed and the other days I would sleep in my car near a daily city cemetery. After about a month I didn’t think I would be able to last much longer and I did it, I found a roommate. I lasted there a year working and going home. Not dating. I would read a lot at the bay and I made it about myself. I no longer had this anger of incomplete or pointing fingers that something wasn’t going well; all I could do is blame me. I talked to some co-workers and they said it was time. It’s time to start dating and see what happens. I met this girl that was older and she was great. I though hummm… could I see myself dating her for a long time. I agreed this would be the girl I date and keep under any circumstances. Of course I filled her mind with what she wanted to hear and everything was going well for the first month. What happens? Am I attracted to older woman? Yes! Do we like to be called their little toys. No. So note to self if you are an older lesbian. This girl was not only talking about a U-hall, marriage and a baby with in that month I decided to do what’s best. No, not break it off. I ran.

To be continued………

Posted by indie/just_u_and_me at 12:01 AM PST
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