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The Blog
The End Coming Soon

Additional Writings

Short Stories

The Birth of

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Email: Jason R. Davis


6-17-03 Yeah, I haven't updated this like I said I would, now have I? Well, my father, has slowly been dying, and he finally past away last week. In a way it was a relief as he was getting pretty bad in the last few weeks. I have also been working on getting my own small business going. I moved home, and have been doing that as well as organizing festivals. I have a feeling that once I start to get more films for my company to distribute, it will grow fast. I even fear that it will grow faster than I can keep up. I just have that instinct about it, and they usually serve me well. Then again, I always seem to succeed with what I set out to do. When I put my mind to it, that is. I've also been reading Stephen King's book, "On Writing" and it has inspired me to go back to writing for awhile. Not too long as I have two short films I want to do this summer once I find the actors. However, I have the script, "Into Darkness" which I think would also make a good book. Since the story is already written out in script form, I just need to flesh it out. I am thinking about starting that later tonight, but since I have been so stressed lately over my father's death, I am also debating on just taking a nite to sit back and relax. Something I have never been good at doing. 2-8-03 Back again. I don't really have much to say. I got my income tax back today. This is the first time that I got stressed out over having too much money. I have always over spent before when I got a lot of cash suddenly. I am hoping not to do it again. Bought a car today, need to go to New York to get it. However, with my busy schedule, I don't know when I am going to get time to get it. Wanted to go later today, take a plane, do all that. Doesn't look like it is going to happen. Wish I didn't have to go alone. The drive home is going to be rough. I plan to take my voice recorder and plenty of tape. I figure this trip is something like a horror film, and want to see what inspiration comes to me along the way. Hopefully a horror movie doesn't happen to me along the way. Wish me luck. 2-6-03 Still working on this site. Working on getting it back to a new, new. If that makes any sense. It will be nice to have this old site with a new design. However, I hope to get back to writing soon, and then coming up with some more works of fiction for it. I haven't written a short story in awhile, but have had a few, knocking their boots inside my head. Maybe I will even add some scenes from some new scripts that I have written. 1-30-03 Welcome to my blog. Today, 1-30-03 is it's first day in it's invention. Here, I get to bitch and moan, whine and rant, all that I want. You can come back, here my complaints on different things, as well as some possible advice now and again. Here, you can get to know, Me, Jason R. Davis, as this has now again become my little home away from home. This is my personal website. Something I haven't done since around ninety-six. Since then I have been working hard to have a business and it's website up, and not having my own site to rant. That is all changing now.