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Playground Love
Friday, 17 February 2006
This Is Me
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Ani Difranco
Topic: Fuck
No one knows who I really am. Hmm, and since no one really ever seems to read my blogs, I have decided to do this, just for me. And whoever reads this.. I say to you: "Well aren't you special?". Onwards: *~My name is Keely~* *~My favorite color is Orange or Green~* *~I love old vintage photographs~* *~I am a hippie without the pot~* *~I love to read, but have been lacking of late~* *~Time is my enemy~* *~Cellulite is my enemy~* *~No offense but I fear cripples~* *~If I could live in any time period I would live in them all~* *~The key to my heart is appreciation~* *~I have soft pale skin and my cheeks seem to always be blushing~* *~I hate coffee~* *~I pretend I can write poetry but I really can't~* *~My magick is Green~* *~I have a free and willfull imagination~* *~I don't care what people say: I want to change some of my past~* *~I watch far too many movies~* *~I spend too much time on the computer~* *~I am in the top eight of the most slacking people in the world~* *~I am crazy~* *~My psyche therapist says I have a "Deep Sadness"~* *~I often say: Fuck You~* *~I often mean it~* *~I once tried to kill myself but it turned into a big joke~* *~My life is quite comically morbid~* *~I fear sharks with a passion~* *~If I were a superhero I would want the ability to fly~* *~And I would have a latex costume~* *~And my name would be Captain Condom Goatcheese~* *~I hate sea food except for Fish Fillets at McDonalds~* *~I want to be a tattoo artist~* *~I want to be an archaeologist~* *~I want to be an explorer~* *~I want to be a writer~* *~I want to be a painter~* *~I want to be a faerie~* *~I want to study psychological deceases such as Necrophilia~* *~I want to be a photographer~* *~I want to be a ghostbuster~* *~I want to be a geneaologist~* *~I want to be an architect~* *~I want to fall in love~* *~I have never been kissed~* *~I have never been in a relationship~* *~My heart is fragile and I foregive easily~* *~My heart has been broken many many many times.. "Handle With Care~* *~I have many dark secrets~* *~I sometimes truly hate my mother, and sometimes I truly love her~* *~I love photographs of female silent films stars~* *~I love water~* *~My father hurts my feelings often, but I still adore him~* *~I absolutely adore my two nephews~* *~I am a hopeless romantic, waiting to be swept off my feet~* *~I fear this shall never happen~* *~But still I have hope~* *~I love everyone easily as long as you are kind and are genuine~* *~THE END~*

Posted by indie/beautiful_psycho18 at 11:47 PM PST
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