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Bob Reichardt's "Mr. Mulligan" at Mudd Lake, NV, October, 1977

Mr. Mulligan

Another version of a Senior Kadet,

Once again, the inability to follow the simplest of plans raises its ugly head! Using a Rubbermaid #9 bowl as the cowl, a "Mister" Mulligan emerges from the usual SIG Senior Kadet kit.. only a few modifications.. tail wheel, rounded front end, stringers on the aft fuselage, wing struts, flaps, Frise ailerons.. the usual..

Mulligan wing

Flaps use a modification of the Michealis Direct Aileron Drive... completely inside the wing.

concealed linkage flaps

Roughly assembled before adding the fuselage stuff that makes a Mulligan..

first assembly

Adding a LOT of stringers, and fairing the round firewall into the fuselage..almost a shame to cover it!

ready to cover

The ailerons.. hinged at the bottom for Frise action..


Pull-pull rudder and steering, aft mounted elevator servo

rudder and elevator

First outing... 3/4 top view, flaps up..

top view

Top view, flaps down..

top view flaps down


..Second flight...

2nd flight

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E-mail to: Paul J. Burke

