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The book of Philippians
Thursday, 20 October 2005
Philippians 4
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Pressures Faced
- that his brothers and sisters would stand firm in the Lord because they are his joy and crown and he longs for them as friends
- Euodia and Syntyche are not agreeing with each other
- how to handle having plenty and how to handle being in need and relying Christ to give him the strength to do anything
- churches not helping in the giving and receiving in the spreading of the gospel

Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 10:10 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 October 2005 10:17 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 19 October 2005
Philippians 3
Topic: Pressures Faced
- knowing that there are those who would seek to do damage and even destroy their faith
- that others would be confidence in the flesh
- that others would settle for something other than knowing Christ
- hoping that God would make it clear to those who thought differently
- hoping that others would live up to what they had already attained in their learning
- that others would continue to join in following Paul's example of considering everything rubbish and knowing Christ everything
- that people were living as enemies of the cross of Christ
- his concern that these enemies of the cross were destined for destruction and would ultimately be put to shame

Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 October 2005 11:00 AM EDT
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Philippians 2
Topic: Pressures Faced
- that they would be like-minded with him - having the same love and being one in spirit and purpose
- that others would continue to work out their salvation in fear and trembling
- that some were grumbling and complaining
- that others would act in such a way that they would be blameless and pure without any fault so that he could boast on the day of Christ that he did not run or labor for nothing
- realizing that maybe he is just being "wasted" or poured out like a drink offering
- wanting to be with them or at least send them someone soon but understanding that he needs someone with him there while he is in jail
- he has a geniune interest in their welfare
- having their messenger Epaphroditus almost die from being ill while helping meet Paul's needs
- knowing that Epaphroditus has such a longing and is distressed about his hometown
- that some have almost died for the work of Christ

Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 October 2005 10:59 AM EDT
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Friday, 14 October 2005
Philippians 1
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Pressures Faced
- praying with joy for all those at Philippi
- having confidence that God would continue the good work he had began in them
- being in chains for Christ (jail)
- being an example for the other brothers while in chains
- defending the gospel
- confirming the gospel
- longing for all the saints in Christ Jesus
- that their love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight so that they can discern what is best
- advancing the gospel while in chains
- those who are preaching Christ out of wrong motives (envy, rivalry and selfish ambition)
- others are trying to stir up trouble for him
- hoping to not be ashamed but having the courage to continue to exalt Christ in his body in life or death
- wanting to be with Christ while wanting to be an encouragement to the saints
- deciding to continue with all of them for their joy and progress in the faith
- that other saints would conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel
- that other saints are being opposed and not wanting them to be frightened but standing firm in one spirit and contending as one man for the faith of the gospel
- knowing that others are aware of his continued struggle because of the gospel and not wanting them to be dismayed because of it

Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 October 2005 11:01 AM EDT
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Thursday, 13 October 2005
Acts 16:6-40
Topic: Pressures Faced
- deciding where God is leading him to preach the Gospel
- being followed by the demon possessed girl
- being stripped and beaten, arrested and thrown in prison for allegedly trying to start an uproar
- being placed in "maximum security"
- being blamed for the earthquake and the escaping of the prisoner
- not being treated like Roman citizens during the process
-encouraging the believers in Philippi even though they themselves had been persecuted for their faith

Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 October 2005 11:02 AM EDT
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Sunday, 9 October 2005
Intro to What are the pressures that Paul faced?
Topic: Introduction
Often times we don't understand the pressures that were being faced by the biblical writers and therefore believe that we can't relate to them and what they have to say is not relevant to our situations that we face today. Life is hard! It doesn't take long after high school and college to realize that we have to face pressure everyday like waves undaunting. We're starting with this question so that we can better identify with Paul and the Philippians and therefore have a better respect for this letter and it's contents in applying it to our own practical theology. The more intimate we become aquainted with this first question the more rich and colorful the rest of this Bible study will become.

Here's what we are wanting to specifically look at tonight. What are Paul's hardships? What burdens, temptations, stresses, problems, failures, impotencies, threats, and pains - actual and potential - is Paul facing? How are his circumstances difficult? How are people sinning against Paul?

Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 12:01 AM EDT
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Before We Get Started... What am I getting into?
Topic: Introduction
General Intoduction to the Bible Study:
Open your Bible to Acts 16:6-40 and Philippians 1-4. In this study we are wanting to orient ourselves with perspectives regarding Paul and Philippians. In researching these questions and collecting these observations we can better relate with Paul as a writer and later on in our study develop a more biblical approach to handling various pressures in our own lives and in the lives of those around us. As we read through the above passages we will be researching the following questions. We will be looking at one question per session.

During our time together we will facilitate this investigation by breaking up into groups of 3-4 and each take a section of verses. You will then research these passages for 5-10 minutes and write down as many observations as you can find to share when you get back together as a large group.

Over the weeks we will be investigating the following perspectives about Paul and Philippians:
- What are the pressures Paul faced?
- How do I tend to react to such pressures?
- What were the "positive" parts of Paul's situation?
- How do we tend to react to good things?
- How might these instinctive problematic reactions affect the situation?
- How did Paul respond, and what did he command us to do?
- What good effects did Paul have on his situation?
- What motives tend to rul the human heart?
- What do we see and hear about what God is like?
- How was Paul's life determined by faith?
- How does "repentance and faith" work?
- What is practical theology? How does what you have learned impact your practical theology?
- What situations are you facing right now? How is God leading you to respond to these siutations?
- What situations are others around you facing right now?How is God leading you to respond to these siutations?

Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 October 2005 10:46 AM EDT
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